27#import "MyOpenGLView.h"
102#include <espeak/speak_lib.h>
113#define DEMO2_FLY_IN_STAGE_TIME 0.4
119#define LANE_WIDTH 51200.0
130 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
131 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
132 -1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
133 -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f
164+ (instancetype) elementWithLocation:(
OOSystemID) location parent:(
OOSystemID)parent cost:(
double) cost distance:(
double) distance time:(
double) time jumps:(
int) jumps;
176+ (instancetype) elementWithLocation:(
OOSystemID) location parent:(
OOSystemID) parent cost:(
double) cost distance:(
double) distance time:(
double) time jumps:(
int) jumps
187 return [
r autorelease];
200@interface Universe (OOPrivate)
202- (void) initTargetFramebufferWithViewSize:(NSSize)viewSize;
204- (void) resizeTargetFramebufferWithViewSize:(NSSize)viewSize;
208- (BOOL) doRemoveEntity:(
Entity *)entity;
211- (HPVector) fractionalPositionFrom:(HPVector)point0 to:(HPVector)point1 withFraction:(
215- (NSString *)chooseStringForKey:(NSString *)key inDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary;
219- (void) dumpDebugGraphViz;
220- (void) dumpSystemDescriptionGraphViz;
222- (void) addNumericRefsInString:(NSString *)string toGraphViz:(NSMutableString *)graphViz fromNode:(NSString *)fromNode nodeCount:(NSUInteger)nodeCount;
232- (void) prunePreloadingPlanetMaterials;
238- (void) setFirstBeacon:(
Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *)beacon;
239- (void) setLastBeacon:(
Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *)beacon;
247- (Vector) randomPlaceWithinScannerFrom:(Vector)pos alongRoute:(Vector)route withOffset:(
266static GLfloat
sun_off[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
269#define DOCKED_AMBIENT_LEVEL 0.2f
270#define DOCKED_ILLUM_LEVEL 0.7f
279#define SKY_AMBIENT_ADJUSTMENT 0.0625
286- (void) setBloom: (BOOL)newBloom
296- (void) setCurrentPostFX: (
int) newCurrentPostFX
312- (void) terminatePostFX:(
320- (
int) nextColorblindMode:(
int) index
328- (
int) prevColorblindMode:(
int) index
341- (void) initTargetFramebufferWithViewSize:(NSSize)viewSize
349 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &defaultDrawFBO));
351 GLint previousProgramID;
352 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &previousProgramID));
353 GLint previousTextureID;
354 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &previousTextureID));
356 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, &previousVAO));
357 GLint previousArrayBuffer;
358 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &previousArrayBuffer));
359 GLint previousElementBuffer;
360 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING, &previousElementBuffer));
363 OOGL(glGenFramebuffers(1, &msaaFramebufferID));
364 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, msaaFramebufferID));
367 OOGL(glGenTextures(1, &msaaTextureID));
368 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, msaaTextureID));
369 OOGL(glTexImage2DMultisample(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, 4, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, GL_TRUE));
370 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, 0));
374 OOGL(glGenRenderbuffers(1, &msaaDepthBufferID));
375 OOGL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, msaaDepthBufferID));
376 OOGL(glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 4, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height));
377 OOGL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0));
378 OOGL(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, msaaDepthBufferID));
380 if (glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
382 OOLogERR(
@"***** Error: Multisample framebuffer not complete");
386 OOGL(glGenFramebuffers(1, &targetFramebufferID));
387 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, targetFramebufferID));
390 OOGL(glGenTextures(1, &targetTextureID));
391 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, targetTextureID));
392 OOGL(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL));
397 OOGL(glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, targetTextureID, 0));
400 OOGL(glGenRenderbuffers(1, &targetDepthBufferID));
401 OOGL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, targetDepthBufferID));
402 OOGL(glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height));
403 OOGL(glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, targetDepthBufferID));
405 GLenum attachment[1] = { GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 };
406 OOGL(glDrawBuffers(1, attachment));
408 if (glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
410 OOLogERR(
@"***** Error: Framebuffer not complete");
413 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultDrawFBO));
415 targetFramebufferSize = viewSize;
423 OOGL(glGenFramebuffers(1, &passthroughFramebufferID));
424 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, passthroughFramebufferID));
427 OOGL(glGenTextures(2, passthroughTextureID));
428 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
430 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, passthroughTextureID[i]));
431 OOGL(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL));
436 OOGL(glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0 + i, GL_TEXTURE_2D, passthroughTextureID[i], 0));
439 GLenum attachments[2] = { GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1 };
440 OOGL(glDrawBuffers(2, attachments));
442 if (glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
444 OOLogERR(
@"***** Error: Passthrough framebuffer not complete");
446 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultDrawFBO));
449 OOGL(glGenFramebuffers(2, pingpongFBO));
450 OOGL(glGenTextures(2, pingpongColorbuffers));
451 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
453 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, pingpongFBO[i]));
454 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pingpongColorbuffers[i]));
455 OOGL(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL));
460 OOGL(glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, pingpongColorbuffers[i], 0));
462 if (glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER) != GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE)
464 OOLogERR(
@"***** Error: Pingpong framebuffers not complete");
467 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultDrawFBO));
481 textureProgram = [[
OOShaderProgram shaderProgramWithVertexShaderName:@"oolite-texture.vertex"
482 fragmentShaderName:@"oolite-texture.fragment"
483 prefix:@"#version 330\n"
486 blurProgram = [[
OOShaderProgram shaderProgramWithVertexShaderName:@"oolite-blur.vertex"
487 fragmentShaderName:@"oolite-blur.fragment"
488 prefix:@"#version 330\n"
491 finalProgram = [[
OOShaderProgram shaderProgramWithVertexShaderName:@"oolite-final.vertex"
493 fragmentShaderName:[[UNIVERSE gameView] hdrOutput] ? @"oolite-final-hdr.fragment" : @"oolite-final.fragment"
495 fragmentShaderName:@"oolite-final.fragment"
497 prefix:@"#version 330\n"
501 OOGL(glGenVertexArrays(1, &quadTextureVAO));
502 OOGL(glGenBuffers(1, &quadTextureVBO));
503 OOGL(glGenBuffers(1, &quadTextureEBO));
505 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(quadTextureVAO));
507 OOGL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadTextureVBO));
510 OOGL(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, quadTextureEBO));
513 OOGL(glEnableVertexAttribArray(0));
515 OOGL(glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4 *
float), (
516 OOGL(glEnableVertexAttribArray(1));
518 OOGL(glVertexAttribPointer(1, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 4 *
float), (
void*)(2 *
522 OOGL(glUseProgram(previousProgramID));
523 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, previousTextureID));
524 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(previousVAO));
525 OOGL(glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, previousElementBuffer));
526 OOGL(glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, previousArrayBuffer));
533 OOGL(glDeleteTextures(1, &msaaTextureID));
534 OOGL(glDeleteTextures(1, &targetTextureID));
535 OOGL(glDeleteTextures(2, passthroughTextureID));
536 OOGL(glDeleteTextures(2, pingpongColorbuffers));
537 OOGL(glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &msaaDepthBufferID));
538 OOGL(glDeleteRenderbuffers(1, &targetDepthBufferID));
539 OOGL(glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &msaaFramebufferID));
540 OOGL(glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &targetFramebufferID));
541 OOGL(glDeleteFramebuffers(2, pingpongFBO));
542 OOGL(glDeleteFramebuffers(1, &passthroughFramebufferID));
543 OOGL(glDeleteVertexArrays(1, &quadTextureVAO));
544 OOGL(glDeleteBuffers(1, &quadTextureVBO));
545 OOGL(glDeleteBuffers(1, &quadTextureEBO));
552- (void) resizeTargetFramebufferWithViewSize:(NSSize)viewSize
556 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, msaaTextureID));
557 OOGL(glTexImage2DMultisample(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, 4, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, GL_TRUE));
558 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D_MULTISAMPLE, 0));
561 OOGL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, msaaDepthBufferID));
562 OOGL(glRenderbufferStorageMultisample(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 4, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height));
563 OOGL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0));
566 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, targetTextureID));
567 OOGL(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL));
568 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0));
570 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
572 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pingpongColorbuffers[i]));
573 OOGL(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL));
574 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0));
577 for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
579 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, passthroughTextureID[i]));
580 OOGL(glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA16F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL));
581 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0));
585 OOGL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, targetDepthBufferID));
586 OOGL(glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT32F, (GLsizei)viewSize.width, (GLsizei)viewSize.height));
587 OOGL(glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0));
589 targetFramebufferSize.width = viewSize.width;
590 targetFramebufferSize.height = viewSize.height;
598 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER_BINDING, &previousFBO));
599 GLint previousProgramID;
600 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_CURRENT_PROGRAM, &previousProgramID));
601 GLint previousTextureID;
602 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D, &previousTextureID));
604 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY_BINDING, &previousVAO));
605 GLint previousActiveTexture;
606 OOGL(glGetIntegerv(GL_ACTIVE_TEXTURE, &previousActiveTexture));
610 OOGL(glDisable(GL_BLEND));
615 NSSize viewSize = [
gameView viewSize];
616 float fboResolution[2] = {viewSize.width, viewSize.height};
618 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, passthroughFramebufferID));
621 OOGL(glUseProgram(program));
622 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, targetTextureID));
623 OOGL(glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(program,
"image"), 0));
626 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(quadTextureVAO));
627 OOGL(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0));
628 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(0));
630 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultDrawFBO));
633 BOOL horizontal = YES, firstIteration = YES;
634 unsigned int amount = [
self bloom] ? 10 : 0;
635 OOGL(glUseProgram(blur));
636 for (
unsigned int i = 0; i < amount; i++)
638 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, pingpongFBO[horizontal]));
639 OOGL(glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(blur,
"horizontal"), horizontal));
640 OOGL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0));
642 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, firstIteration ? passthroughTextureID[1] : pingpongColorbuffers[!horizontal]));
643 OOGL(glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation([blurProgram program],
"imageIn"), 0));
644 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(quadTextureVAO));
645 OOGL(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0));
646 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(0));
647 horizontal = !horizontal;
650 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, defaultDrawFBO));
653 OOGL(glUseProgram(
655 OOGL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE0));
656 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, passthroughTextureID[0]));
657 OOGL(glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(
"scene"), 0));
658 OOGL(glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(
"bloom"), [
self bloom]));
659 OOGL(glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(
"uTime"), [
self getTime]));
660 OOGL(glUniform2fv(glGetUniformLocation(
"uResolution"), 1, fboResolution));
661 OOGL(glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(
"uPostFX"), [
self currentPostFX]));
663 if([gameView hdrOutput])
665 OOGL(glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(
"uMaxBrightness"), [gameView hdrMaxBrightness]));
666 OOGL(glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(
"uPaperWhiteBrightness"), [gameView hdrPaperWhiteBrightness]));
670 OOGL(glActiveTexture(GL_TEXTURE1));
671 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, pingpongColorbuffers[!horizontal]));
672 OOGL(glUniform1i(glGetUniformLocation(
"bloomBlur"), 1));
673 OOGL(glUniform1f(glGetUniformLocation(
"uSaturation"), [gameView colorSaturation]));
675 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(quadTextureVAO));
676 OOGL(glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, 0));
680 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0));
683 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, previousFBO));
684 OOGL(glActiveTexture(previousActiveTexture));
685 OOGL(glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, previousTextureID));
686 OOGL(glUseProgram(previousProgramID));
687 OOGL(glBindVertexArray(previousVAO));
688 OOGL(glEnable(GL_BLEND));
696 [
NSException raise:NSInternalInconsistencyException format:@"%s: expected only one Universe to exist at a time.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__];
702 if (
self ==
return nil;
736 OOLog(
@"Spoken messages are %@.", ([prefs oo_boolForKey:
@"speech_on" defaultValue:NO] ?
@"on" :
749 autoSave = [
prefs oo_boolForKey:@"autosave" defaultValue:NO];
754 OOLog(
@"Multisample anti-aliasing %@requested.", [inGameView msaa] ?
@"" :
@"not ");
763 dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW, 0),
773 OOLog(
@"Starting to set up speech synthesizer.");
775 OOLog(
@"Finished setting up speech synthesizer.");
780 espeak_Initialize(AUDIO_OUTPUT_PLAYBACK, 100, NULL, 0);
781 espeak_SetParameter(espeakPUNCTUATION, espeakPUNCT_NONE, 0);
782 espeak_SetParameter(espeakVOLUME, volume, 0);
783 espeak_voices = espeak_ListVoices(NULL);
784 for (espeak_voice_count = 0;
786 ++espeak_voice_count)
848 [
self dumpDebugGraphViz];
863 [currentMessage release];
873 [_descriptions release];
874 [characters release];
875 [customSounds release];
876 [globalSettings release];
878 [missiontext release];
879 [equipmentData release];
880 [equipmentDataOutfitting release];
881 [demo_ships release];
883 [screenBackgrounds release];
885 [populatorSettings release];
886 [system_repopulator release];
887 [allPlanets release];
888 [allStations release];
889 [explosionSettings release];
891 [activeWormholes release];
892 [characterPool release];
903 [entitiesDeadThisUpdate release];
908 [speechArray release];
910 [speechSynthesizer release];
915 [conditionScripts release];
941- (void) setDoProcedurallyTexturedPlanets:(BOOL) value
944 [[
NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:doProcedurallyTexturedPlanets forKey:@"procedurally-textured-planets"];
954- (BOOL) setUseAddOns:(NSString *) newUse fromSaveGame:(BOOL) saveGame
960- (BOOL) setUseAddOns:(NSString *) newUse fromSaveGame:(BOOL) saveGame forceReinit:(BOOL)force
962 if (!force && [newUse isEqualToString:
976 return [entities count];
991 for (i = 0; i < show_count; i++)
993 OOLog(
@"Ent:%4u %@", i, [
sortedEntities[i] descriptionForObjDump]);
999 OOLog(
@"entities = %@", [
entities description]);
1006 return [
NSArray arrayWithArray:entities];
1017 NSString *pauseKey = [PLAYER keyBindingDescription2:@"key_pausebutton"];
1019 if ([player status] == STATUS_DOCKED)
1021 if ([
gui setForegroundTextureKey:
1033 if ([player guiScreen] != GUI_SCREEN_MAIN && [
gui setForegroundTextureKey:
1058 ShipScriptEvent(context, player,
"shipWillEnterWitchspace", STRING_TO_JSVAL(JS_InternString(context, [[player jumpCause] UTF8String])), INT_TO_JSVAL(dest));
1073 if (![wormhole withMisjump])
1096 [UNIVERSE setSkyColorRed:0.0f
1124 if (dockedStation && !interstel)
1132 Entity *ent = [entities objectAtIndex:index];
1133 if ((ent != player)&&(ent != dockedStation))
1150 if (!dockedStation || !interstel)
1156 if ([dockedStation maxFlightSpeed] > 0)
1159 HPVector pos = [UNIVERSE getWitchspaceExitPosition];
1163 if (abs((
int)d1) < 2750)
1165 d1 += ((d1 > 0.0)? 2750.0f: -2750.0f);
1186 [UNIVERSE setSkyColorRed:0.0f
1211 player = [PLAYER retain];
1247 player = [PLAYER retain];
1289 thing = [[
SkyEntity alloc] initWithColors:col1:col2 andSystemInfo: systeminfo];
1309 NSString *populator = [
systeminfo oo_stringForKey:@"populator" defaultValue:@"interstellarSpaceWillPopulate"];
1310 [system_repopulator release];
1313 [PLAYER doWorldScriptEvent:OOJSIDFromString(populator) inContext:context withArguments:NULL count:0 timeLimit:kOOJSLongTimeLimit];
1318 NSArray *script_actions = [
systeminfo oo_arrayForKey:@"script_actions"];
1319 if (script_actions !=
1321 OOStandardsDeprecated([NSString stringWithFormat:
@"The script_actions system info key is deprecated for %@.",override_key]);
1344 [
planetDict oo_setBool:YES forKey:@"mainForLocalSystem"];
1345 OOPlanetEntity *a_planet = [[
OOPlanetEntity alloc] initFromDictionary:planetDict withAtmosphere:[
planetDict oo_boolForKey:@"has_atmosphere" defaultValue:YES] andSeed:systemSeed forSystem:systemID];
1347 double planet_zpos = [
planetDict oo_floatForKey:@"planet_distance" defaultValue:500000];
1348 planet_zpos *= [
planetDict oo_floatForKey:@"planet_distance_multiplier" defaultValue:1.0];
1351 OOLog(
@"planet zpos = %f",planet_zpos);
1358 OOPlanetEntity *tmp=[allPlanets objectAtIndex:0];
1360 [allPlanets removeObject:a_planet];
1362 [allPlanets replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:a_planet];
1381 OOPlanetEntity *a_planet;
1383 HPVector stationPos;
1389 unsigned techlevel = [
systeminfo oo_unsignedIntForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL];
1390 NSString *stationDesc =
nil, *defaultStationDesc =
1399 sunGoneNova = [
systeminfo oo_boolForKey:@"sun_gone_nova" defaultValue:NO];
1412 OOLog(
@"seed = %d %d %d %d",system_seed.c,system_seed.d,system_seed.e,system_seed.f);
1413 OOLog(
@"coordinates = %d %d",system_seed.d,system_seed.b);
1415#define SPROP(PROP) OOLog(@"planetinfo.record",@#PROP " = \"%@\";",[systeminfo oo_stringForKey:@"" #PROP]);
1416#define IPROP(PROP) OOLog(@"planetinfo.record",@#PROP " = %d;",[systeminfo oo_intForKey:@#PROP]);
1417#define FPROP(PROP) OOLog(@"planetinfo.record",@#PROP " = %f;",[systeminfo oo_floatForKey:@"" #PROP]);
1422 IPROP(productivity);
1435 float h2 = h1 + 1.0 / (1.0 + (
Ranrot() % 5));
1441 thing = [[
SkyEntity alloc] initWithColors:col1:col2 andSystemInfo: systeminfo];
1456 dict_object=[
systeminfo objectForKey:@"sun_color"];
1457 if (dict_object!=
1478 float defaultSunFlare =
1479 float defaultSunHues = 0.5+
1486 double planet_radius = [
a_planet radius];
1495 double sun_distance;
1496 double sunDistanceModifier;
1497 double safeDistance;
1500 sunDistanceModifier = [
systeminfo oo_nonNegativeDoubleForKey:@"sun_distance_modifier" defaultValue:0.0];
1501 if (sunDistanceModifier < 6.0)
1503 sun_distance = [
systeminfo oo_nonNegativeDoubleForKey:@"sun_distance" defaultValue:(planet_radius*20)];
1505 sun_distance *= [
systeminfo oo_nonNegativeDoubleForKey:@"sun_distance_multiplier" defaultValue:1];
1509 sun_distance = planet_radius * sunDistanceModifier;
1512 sun_radius = [
systeminfo oo_nonNegativeDoubleForKey:@"sun_radius" defaultValue:2.5 * planet_radius];
1514 if ((sun_radius < 1000.0) || (sun_radius > sun_distance / 2 && !sunGoneNova))
1516 OOLogWARN(
@"Sun radius of %f is not valid for this system",sun_radius);
1517 sun_radius = sun_radius < 1000.0 ? 1000.0 : (sun_distance / 2);
1520 OOLog(
@"sun_radius = %f",sun_radius);
1522 safeDistance=36 * sun_radius * sun_radius;
1526 HPVector sun_dir = [
systeminfo oo_hpvectorForKey:@"sun_vector"];
1527 sun_distance /= 2.0;
1530 sun_distance *= 2.0;
1531 sunPos = HPvector_subtract([a_planet position],
1532 HPvector_multiply_scalar(sun_dir,sun_distance));
1536 while (HPmagnitude2(sunPos) < safeDistance);
1540 [
a_planet setOrientation:quaternion_rotation_betweenHP(sun_dir,make_HPvector(1.0,0.0,0.0))];
1543 OOLog(
@"sun_vector = %.3f %.3f %.3f",vf.x,vf.y,vf.z);
1544 OOLog(
@"sun_distance = %.0f",sun_distance);
1550 [
sun_dict setObject:[
NSNumber numberWithDouble:sun_radius] forKey:@"sun_radius"];
1551 dict_object=[
systeminfo objectForKey: @"corona_shimmer"];
1552 if (dict_object!=
nil) [
sun_dict setObject:dict_object forKey:@"corona_shimmer"];
1553 dict_object=[
systeminfo objectForKey: @"corona_hues"];
1554 if (dict_object!=
1556 [
sun_dict setObject:dict_object forKey:@"corona_hues"];
1560 [
sun_dict setObject:[
NSNumber numberWithFloat:defaultSunHues] forKey:@"corona_hues"];
1562 dict_object=[
systeminfo objectForKey: @"corona_flare"];
1563 if (dict_object!=
1565 [
sun_dict setObject:dict_object forKey:@"corona_flare"];
1569 [
sun_dict setObject:[
NSNumber numberWithFloat:defaultSunFlare] forKey:@"corona_flare"];
1571 dict_object=[
systeminfo objectForKey:KEY_SUNNAME];
1572 if (dict_object!=
1574 [
sun_dict setObject:dict_object forKey:KEY_SUNNAME];
1577 OOLog(
@"corona_flare = %f",[sun_dict oo_floatForKey:
1578 OOLog(
@"corona_hues = %f",[sun_dict oo_floatForKey:
1579 OOLog(
@"sun_color = %@",[bgcolor descriptionComponents]);
1581 a_sun = [[
OOSunEntity alloc] initSunWithColor:bgcolor andDictionary:sun_dict];
1603 vf = [
systeminfo oo_vectorForKey:@"station_vector"];
1605 OOLog(
@"station_vector = %.3f %.3f %.3f",vf.x,vf.y,vf.z);
1607 stationPos = HPvector_subtract(stationPos, vectorToHPVector(vector_multiply_scalar(vf, 2.0 * planet_radius)));
1611 stationDesc = [
systeminfo oo_stringForKey:@"station" defaultValue:@"coriolis"];
1613 OOLog(
@"station = %@",stationDesc);
1616 a_station = (
StationEntity *)[
self newShipWithRole:stationDesc];
1628 if (![a_station isStation] || ![a_station validForAddToUniverse])
1630 if (a_station ==
1633 OOLog(
@"Failed to set up a ship for role \"%@\
" as system station, trying again with \"%@\".", stationDesc, defaultStationDesc);
1637 OOLog(
@"***** ERROR: Attempt to use non-station ship of type \"%@\
" for role \"%@\" as system station, trying again with \"%@\".", [a_station name], stationDesc, defaultStationDesc);
1640 stationDesc = defaultStationDesc;
1641 a_station = (
StationEntity *)[
self newShipWithRole:stationDesc];
1643 if (![a_station isStation] || ![a_station validForAddToUniverse])
1645 if (a_station ==
1647 OOLog(
@"On retry, failed to set up a ship for role \"%@\
" as system station. Trying to fall back to built-in Coriolis station.", stationDesc);
1651 OOLog(
@"***** ERROR: On retry, rolled non-station ship of type \"%@\
" for role \"%@\". Non-station ships should not have this role! Trying to fall back to built-in Coriolis station.", [a_station name], stationDesc);
1655 a_station = (
StationEntity *)[
self newShipWithName:
1656 if (![a_station isStation] || ![a_station validForAddToUniverse])
1658 OOLog(
@"Could not create built-in Coriolis station! Generating a stationless system.");
1664 if (a_station !=
1699 BOOL sunGoneNova = [
systeminfo oo_boolForKey:@"sun_gone_nova"];
1705 HPVector v0 = make_HPvector(0,0,34567.89);
1706 double min_safe_dist2 = 6000000.0 * 6000000.0;
1708 while (HPmagnitude2(
cachedSun->position) < min_safe_dist2)
1712 sunPos = HPvector_add(sunPos, v0);
1727 if ([
1729 NSString *populator = [
systeminfo oo_stringForKey:@"populator" defaultValue:(sunGoneNova)?@"novaSystemWillPopulate":@"systemWillPopulate"];
1730 [system_repopulator release];
1731 system_repopulator = [[
systeminfo oo_stringForKey:@"repopulator" defaultValue:(sunGoneNova)?@"novaSystemWillRepopulate":@"systemWillRepopulate"] retain];
1734 [PLAYER doWorldScriptEvent:OOJSIDFromString(populator) inContext:context withArguments:NULL count:0 timeLimit:kOOJSLongTimeLimit];
1742 NSArray *script_actions = [
systeminfo oo_arrayForKey:@"script_actions"];
1743 if (script_actions !=
1745 OOStandardsDeprecated([NSString stringWithFormat:
@"The script_actions system info key is deprecated for %@.",[
self getSystemName:
1749 [PLAYER runUnsanitizedScriptActions:script_actions
1750 allowingAIMethods:NO
1751 withContextName:@"<system script_actions>"
1763 [populatorSettings release];
1774- (void) setPopulatorSetting:(NSString *)key to:(NSDictionary *)setting
1778 [populatorSettings removeObjectForKey:key];
1782 [populatorSettings setObject:setting forKey:key];
1793- (void) populateSystemFromDictionariesWithSun:(
OOSunEntity *)sun andPlanet:(OOPlanetEntity *)planet
1796 NSArray *blocks = [populatorSettings allValues];
1797 NSEnumerator *enumerator = [[
blocks sortedArrayUsingFunction:populatorPrioritySort context:nil] objectEnumerator];
1798 NSDictionary *populator =
1800 uint32_t i, locationSeed, groupCount, rndvalue;
1803 NSString *locationCode =
1805 while ((populator = [enumerator nextObject]))
1814 locationSeed = [
populator oo_unsignedIntForKey:@"locationSeed" defaultValue:0];
1815 groupCount = [
populator oo_unsignedIntForKey:@"groupCount" defaultValue:1];
1817 for (i = 0; i < groupCount; i++)
1819 locationCode = [
populator oo_stringForKey:@"location" defaultValue:@"COORDINATES"];
1820 if ([locationCode isEqualToString:
1822 location = [
populator oo_hpvectorForKey:@"coordinates" defaultValue:kZeroHPVector];
1826 if (locationSeed != 0)
1853 if(locationSeed != 0)
1860 pdef = [
populator objectForKey:@"callbackObj"];
1883- (HPVector) locationByCode:(NSString *)code withSun:(
OOSunEntity *)sun andPlanet:(OOPlanetEntity *)planet
1886 if ([code isEqualToString:
sun ==
nil ||
planet ==
nil || [
sun goneNova])
1893 if ([code isEqualToString:
1896 double l1 = HPmagnitude([
planet position]);
1897 double l2 = HPmagnitude(HPvector_subtract([
sun position],[
planet position]));
1898 double l3 = HPmagnitude([
sun position]);
1899 double total = l1+l2+l3;
1900 float choice =
1901 if (choice < l1/total)
1905 else if (choice < (l1+l2)/total)
1914 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1918 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1922 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1926 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1934 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1938 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1942 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1946 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1950 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1954 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1958 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1971 result = HPvector_add(HPvector_multiply_scalar([
planet position],r),HPvector_multiply_scalar([
sun position],s));
1976 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1983 }
while (HPdistance2(result,[
sun position]) < [
sun radius]*[
sun radius]*9.0);
1985 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1989 else if ([code isEqualToString:
1995 else if ([code isEqualToString:
2009- (void) setAmbientLightLevel:(
2011 NSAssert(
@"Attempt to set ambient light level with a non yet existent universe.");
2044 GLfloat sun_pos[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
2045 GLfloat sun_ambient[] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
2056 OOGL(glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, sun_ambient));
2069 OOGL(glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_AMBIENT, sun_ambient));
2074 OOGL(glLightfv(GL_LIGHT1, GL_POSITION, sun_pos));
2107- (void) setMainLightPosition: (Vector) sunPos
2116- (
ShipEntity *) addShipWithRole:(NSString *)desc launchPos:(HPVector)launchPos rfactor:(GLfloat)rfactor
2121 launchPos.x += 2 * rfactor * (
randf() - 0.5);
2122 launchPos.y += 2 * rfactor * (
randf() - 0.5);
2123 launchPos.z += 2 * rfactor * (
randf() - 0.5);
2136 if (![ship crew] && ![ship isUnpiloted])
2141 if ([ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET)
2153- (void) addShipWithRole:(NSString *) desc nearRouteOneAt:(
double) route_fraction
2169- (HPVector) coordinatesForPosition:(HPVector) pos withCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system returningScalar:(GLfloat*) my_scalar
2206 NSString* l_sys = [
system lowercaseString];
2207 if ([l_sys length] != 3)
2209 OOPlanetEntity* the_planet = [
self planet];
2211 if (the_planet ==
nil || the_sun ==
nil || [l_sys isEqualToString:
2213 if (my_scalar) *my_scalar = 1.0;
2217 HPVector p_pos = the_planet->
2218 HPVector s_pos = the_sun->
2220 const char* c_sys = [
l_sys UTF8String];
2221 HPVector p0, p1, p2;
2230 p1 = p_pos; p2 = s_pos;
2232 p1 = s_pos; p2 = p_pos;
2242 p1 = w_pos; p2 = s_pos;
2244 p1 = s_pos; p2 = w_pos;
2254 p1 = w_pos; p2 = p_pos;
2256 p1 = p_pos; p2 = w_pos;
2264 HPVector k = HPvector_normal_or_zbasis(HPvector_subtract(p1, p0));
2265 HPVector v = HPvector_normal_or_xbasis(HPvector_subtract(p2, p0));
2267 HPVector j = HPcross_product(k, v);
2268 HPVector i = HPcross_product(j, k);
2270 GLfloat scale = 1.0;
2282 scale = HPmagnitude(HPvector_subtract(p1, p0));
2296 HPVector result = p0;
2297 result.x += scale * (pos.x * i.x + pos.y * j.x + pos.z * k.x);
2298 result.y += scale * (pos.x * i.y + pos.y * j.y + pos.z * k.y);
2299 result.z += scale * (pos.x * i.z + pos.y * j.z + pos.z * k.z);
2305- (NSString *) expressPosition:(HPVector) pos inCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system
2308 return [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %.2f %.2f %.2f", system, result.x, result.y, result.z];
2312- (HPVector) legacyPositionFrom:(HPVector) pos asCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system
2314 NSString* l_sys = [
system lowercaseString];
2315 if ([l_sys length] != 3)
2317 OOPlanetEntity* the_planet = [
self planet];
2319 if (the_planet ==
nil || the_sun ==
nil || [l_sys isEqualToString:
2324 HPVector p_pos = the_planet->
2325 HPVector s_pos = the_sun->
2327 const char* c_sys = [
l_sys UTF8String];
2328 HPVector p0, p1, p2;
2337 p1 = p_pos; p2 = s_pos;
2339 p1 = s_pos; p2 = p_pos;
2349 p1 = w_pos; p2 = s_pos;
2351 p1 = s_pos; p2 = w_pos;
2361 p1 = w_pos; p2 = p_pos;
2363 p1 = p_pos; p2 = w_pos;
2371 HPVector k = HPvector_normal_or_zbasis(HPvector_subtract(p1, p0));
2372 HPVector v = HPvector_normal_or_xbasis(HPvector_subtract(p2, p0));
2374 HPVector j = HPcross_product(k, v);
2375 HPVector i = HPcross_product(j, k);
2377 GLfloat scale = 1.0;
2392 scale = 1.0f / HPdistance(p1, p0);
2404 HPVector r_pos = HPvector_subtract(pos, p0);
2405 HPVector result = make_HPvector(scale * (r_pos.x * i.x + r_pos.y * i.y + r_pos.z * i.z),
2406 scale * (r_pos.x * j.x + r_pos.y * j.y + r_pos.z * j.z),
2407 scale * (r_pos.x * k.x + r_pos.y * k.y + r_pos.z * k.z) );
2413- (HPVector) coordinatesFromCoordinateSystemString:(NSString *) system_x_y_z
2416 if ([tokens
count] != 4)
2419 return make_HPvector(0,0,0);
2426- (BOOL) addShipWithRole:(NSString *) desc nearPosition:(HPVector) pos withCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system
2429 GLfloat scalar = 1.0;
2432 GLfloat rfactor = scalar;
2438 return ([
self addShipWithRole:desc launchPos:launchPos rfactor:rfactor] !=
2442- (BOOL) addShips:(
int) howMany withRole:(NSString *) desc atPosition:(HPVector) pos withCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system
2445 GLfloat scalar = 1.0;
2447 GLfloat distance_from_center = 0.0;
2448 HPVector v_from_center, ship_pos;
2449 HPVector ship_positions[
2451 int scale_up_after = 0;
2452 int current_shell = 0;
2453 GLfloat walk_factor = 2.0;
2457 if (ship ==
return NO;
2463 int limit_count = 8;
2470 v_from_center.x += walk_factor * (
randf() - 0.5);
2471 v_from_center.y += walk_factor * (
randf() - 0.5);
2472 v_from_center.z += walk_factor * (
randf() - 0.5);
2473 }
while ((v_from_center.x == 0.0)&&(v_from_center.y == 0.0)&&(v_from_center.z == 0.0));
2474 v_from_center = HPvector_normal(v_from_center);
2476 ship_pos = make_HPvector( launchPos.x + distance_from_center * v_from_center.x,
2477 launchPos.y + distance_from_center * v_from_center.y,
2478 launchPos.z + distance_from_center * v_from_center.z);
2483 while (safe && (j >= current_shell))
2485 safe = (safe && (HPdistance2(ship_pos, ship_positions[j]) > safe_distance2));
2494 distance_from_center += sqrt(safe_distance2);
2501 [
ship setScanClass:scanClass == CLASS_NOT_SET ? CLASS_NEUTRAL : scanClass];
2509 ship_positions[
i] = ship_pos;
2511 if (i > scale_up_after)
2514 scale_up_after += 1 + 2 * i;
2515 distance_from_center += sqrt(safe_distance2);
2522- (BOOL) addShips:(
int) howMany withRole:(NSString *) desc nearPosition:(HPVector) pos withCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system
2525 GLfloat scalar = 1.0;
2527 GLfloat rfactor = scalar;
2532 BoundingBox launch_bbox;
2533 bounding_box_reset_to_vector(&launch_bbox, make_vector(launchPos.x - rfactor, launchPos.y - rfactor, launchPos.z - rfactor));
2534 bounding_box_add_xyz(&launch_bbox, launchPos.x + rfactor, launchPos.y + rfactor, launchPos.z + rfactor);
2540- (BOOL) addShips:(
int) howMany withRole:(NSString *) desc nearPosition:(HPVector) pos withCoordinateSystem:(NSString *) system withinRadius:(GLfloat) radius
2543 GLfloat scalar = 1.0;
2545 GLfloat rfactor = radius;
2548 BoundingBox launch_bbox;
2549 bounding_box_reset_to_vector(&launch_bbox, make_vector(launchPos.x - rfactor, launchPos.y - rfactor, launchPos.z - rfactor));
2550 bounding_box_add_xyz(&launch_bbox, launchPos.x + rfactor, launchPos.y + rfactor, launchPos.z + rfactor);
2556- (BOOL) addShips:(
int) howMany withRole:(NSString *) desc intoBoundingBox:(BoundingBox) bbox
2563 int h0 = howMany / 2;
2564 int h1 = howMany - h0;
2566 GLfloat lx = bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x;
2567 GLfloat ly = bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y;
2568 GLfloat lz = bbox.max.z - bbox.min.z;
2569 BoundingBox bbox0 = bbox;
2570 BoundingBox bbox1 = bbox;
2571 if ((lx > lz)&&(lx > ly))
2573 bbox0.min.x += 0.5 * lx;
2574 bbox1.max.x -= 0.5 * lx;
2580 bbox0.min.y += 0.5 * ly;
2581 bbox1.max.y -= 0.5 * ly;
2585 bbox0.min.z += 0.5 * lz;
2586 bbox1.max.z -= 0.5 * lz;
2590 return ([
self addShips: h0 withRole: desc intoBoundingBox: bbox0] && [
self addShips: h1 withRole: desc intoBoundingBox: bbox1]);
2594 HPVector pos = make_HPvector(bbox.min.x, bbox.min.y, bbox.min.z);
2595 pos.x += 0.5 * (
randf() +
randf()) * (bbox.max.x - bbox.min.x);
2596 pos.y += 0.5 * (
randf() +
randf()) * (bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y);
2597 pos.z += 0.5 * (
randf() +
randf()) * (bbox.max.z - bbox.min.z);
2599 return ([
self addShipWithRole:desc launchPos:pos rfactor:0.0] !=
2603- (BOOL) spawnShip:(NSString *) shipdesc
2607 OOStandardsDeprecated([NSString stringWithFormat:
@"'spawn' via legacy script is deprecated as a way of adding ships for %@",shipdesc]);
2610 NSDictionary *shipdict =
2613 if (shipdict ==
return NO;
2617 if (ship ==
return NO;
2620 NSDictionary *spawndict = [
shipdict oo_dictionaryForKey:@"spawn"];
2621 HPVector pos, rpos, spos;
2622 NSString *positionString =
2625 positionString = [
spawndict oo_stringForKey:@"position"];
2626 if (positionString !=
2628 if([positionString hasPrefix:
@"abs "] && ([
self planet] !=
nil || [
self sun] !=
2630 OOLogWARN(
@"setting %@ for %@ '%@' in 'abs' inside .plists can cause compatibility issues across Oolite versions. Use coordinates relative to main system objects instead.",
2639 OOLogERR(
@"***** ERROR: failed to find a spawn position for ship %@.", shipdesc);
2644 positionString = [
spawndict oo_stringForKey:@"facing_position"];
2645 if (positionString !=
2647 if([positionString hasPrefix:
@"abs "] && ([
self planet] !=
nil || [
self sun] !=
2649 OOLogWARN(
@"setting %@ for %@ '%@' in 'abs' inside .plists can cause compatibility issues across Oolite versions. Use coordinates relative to main system objects instead.",
2655 rpos = HPvector_subtract(rpos, spos);
2659 rpos = HPvector_normal(rpos);
2668 q1 = make_quaternion(0,1,0,0);
2683- (void) witchspaceShipWithPrimaryRole:(NSString *)role
2687 NSDictionary *systeminfo =
2691 government = [
systeminfo oo_unsignedCharForKey:KEY_GOVERNMENT];
2696 if (ship && [ship hasRole:
2703 if (([ship scanClass] == CLASS_NO_DRAW)||([ship scanClass] == CLASS_NOT_SET))
2705 if ([role isEqual:
2708 if ([ship hasRole:
@"sunskim-trader"] &&
randf() < 0.25)
2718 if (([ship pendingEscortCount] > 0)&&((
Ranrot() % 7) < government))
2721 [
ship setPendingEscortCount:(nx > 0) ? nx : 0];
2724 if ([role isEqual:
2727 [
ship setBounty: (Ranrot() & 7) + (Ranrot() & 7) + ((randf() < 0.05)? 63 : 23)
2729 if ([ship crew] ==
nil && ![ship isUnpiloted])
2743 if (entity ==
return nil;
2770 [
vis setPosition:pos];
2771 [
vis setOrientation:OORandomQuaternion()];
2783- (
ShipEntity *) addShipAt:(HPVector)pos withRole:(NSString *)role withinRadius:(GLfloat)radius
2788 if (radius == NSNotFound)
2790 GLfloat scalar = 1.0;
2793 GLfloat rfactor = scalar;
2815 if (scanClass == CLASS_NOT_SET)
2817 scanClass = CLASS_NEUTRAL;
2821 if ([ship crew] ==
nil && ![ship isUnpiloted])
2830 BOOL trader = [
role isEqualToString:@"trader"];
2840 if (pendingEscortCount > 0)
2843 if ((
Ranrot() % 7) < government)
2845 int nx = pendingEscortCount - 2 * (1 + (
Ranrot() & 3));
2846 [
ship setPendingEscortCount:(nx > 0) ? nx : 0];
2861 if ([ship hasRole:
@"sunskim-trader"] &&
randf() < 0.25)
2871 else if ([role isEqual:
2873 [
ship setBounty:(Ranrot() & 7) + (Ranrot() & 7) + ((randf() < 0.05)? 63 : 23)
2890- (NSArray *) addShipsAt:(HPVector)pos withRole:(NSString *)role quantity:(
unsigned)count withinRadius:(GLfloat)radius asGroup:(BOOL)isGroup
2894 NSMutableArray *ships = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count];
2910 [
ships addObject:ship];
2914 if ([ships
count] == 0)
return nil;
2916 return [[
ships copy] autorelease];
2922- (NSArray *) addShipsToRoute:(NSString *)route withRole:(NSString *)role quantity:(
unsigned)count routeFraction:(
double)routeFraction asGroup:(BOOL)isGroup
2924 NSMutableArray *ships = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count];
2930 if ([route isEqualToString:
@"pw"] || [route isEqualToString:
@"sw"] || [route isEqualToString:
2932 routeFraction = 1.0f - routeFraction;
2936 if ([route isEqualTo:
@"wp"] || [route isEqualTo:
2940 if (entity ==
return nil;
2942 radius = [
entity radius];
2944 else if ([route isEqualTo:
@"ws"] || [route isEqualTo:
2947 entity = [
self sun];
2948 if (entity ==
return nil;
2950 radius = [
entity radius];
2952 else if ([route isEqualTo:
@"sp"] || [route isEqualTo:
2954 entity = [
self sun];
2955 if (entity ==
return nil;
2957 double radius0 = [
entity radius];
2960 if (entity ==
return nil;
2962 radius = [
entity radius];
2965 direction = HPvector_normal(HPvector_subtract(point0, point1));
2966 point0 = HPvector_subtract(point0, HPvector_multiply_scalar(direction, radius0 +
2968 else if ([route isEqualTo:
2978 direction = HPvector_normal(HPvector_subtract(point1, point0));
2979 point1 = HPvector_subtract(point1, HPvector_multiply_scalar(direction, radius +
2991 if (ship !=
nil) [
ships addObject:ship];
2995 if ([ships
count] == 0)
return nil;
2998 return [[
ships copy] autorelease];
3002- (BOOL) roleIsPirateVictim:(NSString *)role
3008- (BOOL) role:(NSString *)role isInCategory:(NSString *)category
3010 NSSet *categoryInfo = [roleCategories objectForKey:category];
3011 if (categoryInfo ==
3029 if ([my_target isWormhole])
3033 else if ([[[my_ship getAI] state] isEqualToString:
3045 if ([
3058 if ([e2 isShip] && [(
ShipEntity*)e2 hasPrimaryRole:
3067- (void) setUpBreakPattern:(HPVector) pos orientation:(Quaternion) q forDocking:(BOOL) forDocking
3086 colorDesc = [[
self globalSettings] objectForKey:@"hyperspace_tunnel_color_1"];
3087 if (colorDesc !=
3090 if (color !=
nil) col1 = color;
3091 else OOLogWARN(
@"could not interpret \"%@\
" as a colour.", colorDesc);
3094 colorDesc = [[
self globalSettings] objectForKey:@"hyperspace_tunnel_color_2"];
3095 if (colorDesc !=
3098 if (color !=
nil) col2 = color;
3099 else OOLogWARN(
@"could not interpret \"%@\
" as a colour.", colorDesc);
3103 GLfloat startAngle = 0;
3104 GLfloat aspectRatio = 1;
3108 NSDictionary *info = [[PLAYER dockedStation] shipInfoDictionary];
3109 sides = [
info oo_unsignedIntForKey:@"tunnel_corners" defaultValue:4];
3110 startAngle = [
info oo_floatForKey:@"tunnel_start_angle" defaultValue:45.0f];
3111 aspectRatio = [
info oo_floatForKey:@"tunnel_aspect_ratio" defaultValue:2.67f];
3114 for (i = 1; i < 11; i++)
3130 if (forDocking && ![[
PLAYER dockedStation] hasBreakPattern])
3150- (void) setWitchspaceBreakPattern:(BOOL)newValue
3162- (void) setDockingClearanceProtocolActive:(BOOL)newValue
3165 NSEnumerator *statEnum = [allStations objectEnumerator];
3173 while ((
station = [statEnum nextObject]))
3176 if (![[[registry shipInfoForKey:stationKey] allKeys] containsObject:
3199- (void) setupIntroFirstGo:(BOOL)justCobra
3203 Quaternion q2 = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f };
3234 NSArray *subList =
3237 if ([[[subList oo_dictionaryAtIndex:0] oo_stringForKey:
kOODemoShipClass] isEqualToString:
3240 NSDictionary *shipEntry =
3241 foreach (shipEntry, subList)
3243 if ([[shipEntry oo_stringForKey:
kOODemoShipKey] isEqualToString:
3265 [
ship setPositionX:0.0f
z:DEMO2_VANISHING_DISTANCE * ship->collision_radius * 0.01];
3303 return [[
demo_ships oo_arrayAtIndex:demo_ship_index] oo_dictionaryAtIndex:demo_ship_subindex];
3313 [
gui setTabStops:tab_stops];
3322 NSString *field1 =
3323 NSString *field2 =
3324 NSString *field3 =
3325 NSString *
override =
3328 for (NSUInteger i=1;i<=26;i++)
3330 [
gui setText:@"" forRow:i];
3334 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipClass defaultValue:@"ship"];
3341 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipSummary defaultValue:nil];
3342 if (
override !=
3350 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:1];
3362 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipSpeed defaultValue:nil];
3363 if (
override !=
3365 if ([
override length] == 0)
3371 field1 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-speed-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3380 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipTurnRate defaultValue:nil];
3381 if (
override !=
3383 if ([
override length] == 0)
3389 field2 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-turn-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3398 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipCargo defaultValue:nil];
3399 if (
override !=
3401 if ([
override length] == 0)
3407 field3 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-cargo-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3416 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:3];
3419 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipGenerator defaultValue:nil];
3420 if (
override !=
3422 if ([
override length] == 0)
3428 field1 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-generator-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3437 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipShields defaultValue:nil];
3438 if (
override !=
3440 if ([
override length] == 0)
3446 field2 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-shields-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3455 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipWitchspace defaultValue:nil];
3456 if (
override !=
3458 if ([
override length] == 0)
3464 field3 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-witchspace-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3473 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:4];
3477 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipWeapons defaultValue:nil];
3478 if (
override !=
3480 if ([
override length] == 0)
3486 field1 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-weapons-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3494 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipTurrets defaultValue:nil];
3495 if (
override !=
3497 if ([
override length] == 0)
3503 field2 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-turrets-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3511 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipSize defaultValue:nil];
3512 if (
override !=
3514 if ([
override length] == 0)
3520 field3 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"oolite-ship-library-size-custom"),OOExpand(override)];
3528 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:5];
3531 override = [
librarySettings oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipDescription defaultValue:nil];
3532 if (
override !=
3534 [
gui addLongText:OOExpand(override) startingAtRow:descRow align:GUI_ALIGN_LEFT];
3539 field1 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"<-- %@",OOShipLibraryCategoryPlural([[[
demo_ships objectAtIndex:((demo_ship_index+[
demo_ships count]-1)%[
demo_ships count])] objectAtIndex:0] oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipClass])];
3541 field3 = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ -->",OOShipLibraryCategoryPlural([[[
demo_ships objectAtIndex:((demo_ship_index+1)%[
demo_ships count])] objectAtIndex:0] oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipClass])];
3543 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:19];
3547 NSArray *subList = [
demo_ships objectAtIndex:demo_ship_index];
3548 NSUInteger i,start = demo_ship_subindex - (demo_ship_subindex%5);
3549 NSUInteger end = start + 4;
3550 if (end >= [subList
3557 for (i = start ; i <= end ; i++)
3559 field2 = [[
subList objectAtIndex:i] oo_stringForKey:kOODemoShipName];
3560 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:row];
3561 if (i == demo_ship_subindex)
3575 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:20];
3578 if (end < [subList
3580 [
gui setArray:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:field1,field2,field3,nil] forRow:26];
3590 NSUInteger subcount = [[demo_ships objectAtIndex:demo_ship_index] count];
3644- (
StationEntity *) stationWithRole:(NSString *)role andPosition:(HPVector)position
3646 if ([role isEqualToString:
3651 float range = 1000000;
3657 if (HPdistance2(position,[
station position]) < range)
3659 if ([[
station primaryRole] isEqualToString:role])
3705 return [allStations allObjects];
3727 if (playerStatus == STATUS_START_GAME)
3737 Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *beaconShip = [
self firstBeacon], *next =
3757- (void) setFirstBeacon:(
Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *)beacon
3759 if (beacon != [
self firstBeacon])
3761 [
beacon setPrevBeacon:nil];
3765 _firstBeacon = [
beacon weakRetain];
3776- (void) setLastBeacon:(
Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *)beacon
3778 if (beacon != [
self lastBeacon])
3780 [
beacon setNextBeacon:nil];
3784 _lastBeacon = [
beacon weakRetain];
3789- (void) setNextBeacon:(
Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *) beaconShip
3791 if ([beaconShip isBeacon])
3798 OOLog(
@"***** ERROR: Universe setNextBeacon '%@'. The ship has no beacon code set.", beaconShip);
3803- (void) clearBeacon:(
Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *) beaconShip
3805 Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *tmp =
3807 if ([beaconShip isBeacon])
3837- (void) defineWaypoint:(NSDictionary *)definition forKey:(NSString *)key
3840 BOOL preserveCompass = NO;
3841 waypoint = [waypoints objectForKey:key];
3842 if (waypoint !=
3844 if ([
PLAYER compassTarget] == waypoint)
3846 preserveCompass = YES;
3849 [waypoints removeObjectForKey:key];
3851 if (definition !=
3854 if (waypoint !=
3857 [waypoints setObject:waypoint forKey:key];
3858 if (preserveCompass)
3860 [PLAYER setCompassTarget:waypoint];
3861 [PLAYER setNextBeacon:waypoint];
3874- (void) setSkyColorRed:(GLfloat)red green:(GLfloat)green blue:(GLfloat)blue alpha:(GLfloat)alpha
3900- (BOOL) canInstantiateShip:(NSString *)shipKey
3902 NSDictionary *shipInfo =
3903 NSArray *conditions =
3904 NSString *condition_script =
3907 condition_script = [
shipInfo oo_stringForKey:@"condition_script"];
3908 if (condition_script !=
3911 if (condScript !=
3915 JSBool allow_instantiation;
3924 if (OK) OK = JS_ValueToBoolean(context, result, &allow_instantiation);
3928 if (OK && !allow_instantiation)
3938 conditions = [
shipInfo oo_arrayForKey:@"conditions"];
3939 if (conditions ==
return YES;
3942 return [PLAYER scriptTestConditions:conditions];
3946- (NSString *) randomShipKeyForRoleRespectingConditions:(NSString *)role
3951 NSString *shipKey =
3955 static unsigned long profTotal = 0, profSlowPath = 0;
3961 if ([
self canInstantiateShip:shipKey])
return shipKey;
3972 if ((profSlowPath % 10) == 0)
3974 OOLog(
@"Hit slow path in ship selection for role \"%@\
", having selected ship \"%@\". Now %lu of %lu on slow path (%f%%).", role, shipKey, profSlowPath, profTotal, ((
double)profTotal) * 100.0f);
3980 while ([pset
count] > 0)
3984 if ([
self canInstantiateShip:shipKey])
return shipKey;
4002 NSString *shipKey =
4003 NSDictionary *shipInfo =
4004 NSString *autoAI =
4015 if ([shipInfo oo_fuzzyBooleanForKey:
@"auto_ai" defaultValue:YES])
4024 if ([role isEqualToString:
@"pirate"]) [
ship setBounty:20 + randf() * 50
4027 if ([role isEqualToString:
4033 if ([role isEqualToString:
@"thargoid"]) [
ship setScanClass: CLASS_THARGOID];
4048 NSDictionary *effectDict =
4052 if (effectDict ==
return nil;
4058 @catch (NSException *exception)
4062 OOLog(
@"***** Oolite Exception : '%@' in [Universe newVisualEffectWithName: %@ ] *****", [exception reason], effectKey);
4064 else @throw exception;
4073- (
ShipEntity *) newSubentityWithName:(NSString *)shipKey andScaleFactor:(
4079- (
ShipEntity *) newShipWithName:(NSString *)shipKey usePlayerProxy:(BOOL)usePlayerProxy
4084- (
ShipEntity *) newShipWithName:(NSString *)shipKey usePlayerProxy:(BOOL)usePlayerProxy isSubentity:(BOOL)isSubentity
4089- (
ShipEntity *) newShipWithName:(NSString *)shipKey usePlayerProxy:(BOOL)usePlayerProxy isSubentity:(BOOL)isSubentity andScaleFactor:(
4093 NSDictionary *shipDict =
4097 if (shipDict ==
return nil;
4099 volatile Class shipClass =
4107 if (usePlayerProxy && shipClass == [
ShipEntity class])
4117 NSMutableDictionary *mShipDict = [
shipDict mutableCopy];
4118 [
mShipDict setObject:[
NSNumber numberWithFloat:scale] forKey:@"model_scale_factor"];
4119 shipDict = [
NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:mShipDict];
4122 ship = [[
shipClass alloc] initWithKey:shipKey definition:shipDict];
4124 @catch (NSException *exception)
4128 OOLog(
@"***** Oolite Exception : '%@' in [Universe newShipWithName: %@ ] *****", [exception reason], shipKey);
4130 else @throw exception;
4143- (
DockEntity *) newDockWithName:(NSString *)shipDataKey andScaleFactor:(
4147 NSDictionary *shipDict =
4151 if (shipDict ==
return nil;
4157 NSMutableDictionary *mShipDict = [
shipDict mutableCopy];
4158 [
mShipDict setObject:[
NSNumber numberWithFloat:scale] forKey:@"model_scale_factor"];
4159 shipDict = [
NSDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:mShipDict];
4162 dock = [[
DockEntity alloc] initWithKey:shipDataKey definition:shipDict];
4164 @catch (NSException *exception)
4168 OOLog(
@"***** Oolite Exception : '%@' in [Universe newDockWithName: %@ ] *****", [exception reason], shipDataKey);
4170 else @throw exception;
4189- (Class) shipClassForShipDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict
4193 if (dict ==
return Nil;
4195 BOOL isStation = NO;
4196 NSString *shipRoles = [
dict oo_stringForKey:@"roles"];
4198 if (shipRoles !=
4200 isStation = [
shipRoles rangeOfString:@"station"].location != NSNotFound ||
4201 [
shipRoles rangeOfString:@"carrier"].location != NSNotFound;
4205 isStation = [
dict oo_boolForKey:@"isCarrier" defaultValue:isStation];
4206 isStation = [
dict oo_boolForKey:@"is_carrier" defaultValue:isStation];
4215- (NSString *)defaultAIForRole:(NSString *)role
4217 return [autoAIMap oo_stringForKey:role];
4234 NSString *itemType = [
itemData oo_stringAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
4236 if ([itemType isEqual:eq_key])
4238 return [
itemData oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX];
4254 if ([cargoObj isTemplateCargoPod])
4256 return [UNIVERSE cargoPodFromTemplate:cargoObj];
4270 OOCargoQuantity co_amount = [UNIVERSE getRandomAmountOfCommodity:co_type];
4273 container = [UNIVERSE newShipWithRole:co_type];
4275 if (container ==
4277 container = [UNIVERSE newShipWithRole:@"cargopod"];
4284- (NSArray *) getContainersOfGoods:(
OOCargoQuantity)how_many scarce:(BOOL)scarce legal:(BOOL)legal
4290 NSMutableArray *accumulator = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:how_many];
4296 NSString *goodsKey =
4298 foreach (goodsKey, goodsKeys)
4303 if (q < 64) q = 64 - q;
4314 quantities[
i++] = q;
4315 total_quantity += q;
4318 for (i = 0; i < how_many; i++)
4320 NSUInteger co_type = 0;
4325 qr = 1+(
Ranrot() % total_quantity);
4329 NSAssert((NSUInteger)co_type < commodityCount,
@"Commodity type index out of range.");
4337 if (container !=
4343 OOLog(
@"***** ERROR: failed to find a container to fill with %@ (%ld).", [goodsKeys oo_stringAtIndex:co_type], co_type);
4347 return [
NSArray arrayWithArray:accumulator];
4353 NSMutableArray *accumulator = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:how_much];
4359 ShipEntity *container = [cargoPods objectForKey:commodity_name];
4360 while (how_much > 0)
4368 OOLog(
@"***** ERROR: failed to find a container to fill with %@", commodity_name);
4373 return [
NSArray arrayWithArray:accumulator];
4379 if (cargopod ==
nil || ![cargopod hasRole:
@"cargopod"] || [cargopod cargoType] ==
4381 if ([cargopod commodityType] ==
nil || ![cargopod commodityAmount])
4400 if (co_type ==
nil) {
4414 OOLog(
@"Commodity %@ has an unrecognised mass unit, assuming tonnes",co_type);
4434 NSString *unitDesc =
nil, *typeDesc =
4437 if (commodity ==
return @"";
4445 unitDesc =
4448 unitDesc =
4452 unitDesc =
4461 unitDesc =
4464 unitDesc =
4468 unitDesc =
4475 return [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %@ %@",co_amount, unitDesc, typeDesc];
4507 [
result oo_setInteger:[PLAYER isSpeechOn] forKey:@"speechOn"];
4508 [
result oo_setBool:autoSave forKey:@"autosave"];
4509 [
result oo_setBool:wireframeGraphics forKey:@"wireframeGraphics"];
4510 [
result oo_setBool:doProcedurallyTexturedPlanets forKey:@"procedurallyTexturedPlanets"];
4520 [
result oo_setFloat:[
gameView hdrMaxBrightness] forKey:@"hdr-max-brightness"];
4521 [
result oo_setFloat:[
gameView hdrPaperWhiteBrightness] forKey:@"hdr-paperwhite-brightness"];
4525 [
result setObject:OOStringFromGraphicsDetail([
self detailLevel]) forKey:@"detailLevel"];
4527 NSString *desc =
4534 [
result setObject:desc forKey:@"musicMode"];
4536 NSDictionary *gameWindow = [
NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
4541 [
result setObject:gameWindow forKey:@"gameWindow"];
4543 [
result setObject:[PLAYER keyConfig] forKey:@"keyConfig"];
4545 return [[
result copy] autorelease];
4549- (void) useGUILightSource:(BOOL)GUILight
4557 OOGL(glEnable(GL_LIGHT0));
4558 OOGL(glDisable(GL_LIGHT1));
4562 OOGL(glEnable(GL_LIGHT1));
4563 OOGL(glDisable(GL_LIGHT0));
4572 else OOGL(glEnable(GL_LIGHT1));
4579- (void) lightForEntity:(BOOL)isLit
4600 if (isLit)
4601 else OOGL(glDisable(GL_LIGHT1));
4606 OOGL(glEnable(GL_LIGHT0));
4622 { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4623 { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4624 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
4625 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
4629 {-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4630 { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4631 { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f },
4632 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
4636 { 0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f },
4637 { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4638 { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4639 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
4643 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
4644 { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4645 {-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
4646 { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }
4650- (void) getActiveViewMatrix:(OOMatrix *)outMatrix forwardVector:(Vector *)outForward upVector:(Vector *)outUp
4652 assert(outMatrix != NULL && outForward != NULL && outUp != NULL);
4719 frustum[0][0] = clip.m[0][3] - clip.m[0][0];
4720 frustum[0][1] = clip.m[1][3] - clip.m[1][0];
4721 frustum[0][2] = clip.m[2][3] - clip.m[2][0];
4722 frustum[0][3] = clip.m[3][3] - clip.m[3][0];
4732 frustum[1][0] = clip.m[0][3] + clip.m[0][0];
4733 frustum[1][1] = clip.m[1][3] + clip.m[1][0];
4734 frustum[1][2] = clip.m[2][3] + clip.m[2][0];
4735 frustum[1][3] = clip.m[3][3] + clip.m[3][0];
4745 frustum[2][0] = clip.m[0][3] + clip.m[0][1];
4746 frustum[2][1] = clip.m[1][3] + clip.m[1][1];
4747 frustum[2][2] = clip.m[2][3] + clip.m[2][1];
4748 frustum[2][3] = clip.m[3][3] + clip.m[3][1];
4758 frustum[3][0] = clip.m[0][3] - clip.m[0][1];
4759 frustum[3][1] = clip.m[1][3] - clip.m[1][1];
4760 frustum[3][2] = clip.m[2][3] - clip.m[2][1];
4761 frustum[3][3] = clip.m[3][3] - clip.m[3][1];
4771 frustum[4][0] = clip.m[0][3] - clip.m[0][2];
4772 frustum[4][1] = clip.m[1][3] - clip.m[1][2];
4773 frustum[4][2] = clip.m[2][3] - clip.m[2][2];
4774 frustum[4][3] = clip.m[3][3] - clip.m[3][2];
4784 frustum[5][0] = clip.m[0][3] + clip.m[0][2];
4785 frustum[5][1] = clip.m[1][3] + clip.m[1][2];
4786 frustum[5][2] = clip.m[2][3] + clip.m[2][2];
4787 frustum[5][3] = clip.m[3][3] + clip.m[3][2];
4798- (BOOL) viewFrustumIntersectsSphereAt:(Vector)position withRadius:(GLfloat)radius
4802 for (p = 0; p < 6; p++)
4818 OOLog(
@"Begin draw");
4842 int i, v_status, vdist;
4843 Vector view_dir, view_up;
4844 OOMatrix view_matrix;
4852 float aspect = viewSize.height/viewSize.width;
4858 else [UNIVERSE setMainLightPosition:kZeroVector];
4862 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
4872 my_entities[
draw_count++] = [[
e retain] autorelease];
4890 OOGL(glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
4900 for (vdist=0;vdist<=1;vdist++)
4909 OOGLFrustum(-ratio, ratio, -aspect*ratio, aspect*ratio, nearPlane, farPlane);
4913 OOGLFrustum(-3*ratio/aspect/4, 3*ratio/aspect/4, -3*ratio/4, 3*ratio/4, nearPlane, farPlane);
4953 flipMatrix.m[2][2] = -1;
4961 if (
4990 OOGL([
self useGUILightSource:demoShipMode]);
4995 int furthest = draw_count - 1;
4999 double fog_scale, half_scale;
5000 GLfloat flat_ambdiff[4] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
5001 GLfloat mat_no[4] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
5010 OOLog(
@"Begin opaque pass");
5014 for (i = furthest; i >= nearest; i--)
5016 drawthing = my_entities[
5020 if (vdist == 1 && [drawthing cameraRangeFront] > farPlane*1.5)
5021 if (vdist == 0 && [drawthing cameraRangeBack] < nearPlane)
5024 if (!((d_status == STATUS_COCKPIT_DISPLAY) ^ demoShipMode))
5028 OOGL(glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE, flat_ambdiff));
5029 OOGL(glMaterialfv(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION, mat_no));
5032 if (
EXPECT(drawthing != player))
5055 half_scale = fog_scale * 0.50;
5056 OOGL(glEnable(GL_FOG));
5059 OOGL(glFogf(GL_FOG_START, half_scale));
5060 OOGL(glFogf(GL_FOG_END, fog_scale));
5061 fog_blend = OOClamp_0_1_f((magnitude([drawthing cameraRelativePosition]) - half_scale)/half_scale);
5076 OOGL(glDisable(GL_FOG));
5081 if (!((d_status == STATUS_COCKPIT_DISPLAY) ^ demoShipMode))
5084 if (
EXPECT(drawthing != player))
5107 half_scale = fog_scale * 0.50;
5108 OOGL(glEnable(GL_FOG));
5111 OOGL(glFogf(GL_FOG_START, half_scale));
5112 OOGL(glFogf(GL_FOG_END, fog_scale));
5113 fog_blend = OOClamp_0_1_f((magnitude([drawthing cameraRelativePosition]) - half_scale)/half_scale);
5124 OOGL(glDisable(GL_FOG));
5149 if (hudSeparateRenderPass)
5157 OOLog(
@"Begin second pass draw");
5159 OOCheckOpenGLErrors(
@"Universe after drawing from custom framebuffer to screen framebuffer");
5160 OOLog(
@"End second pass drawing");
5162 OOLog(
@"Begin HUD drawing");
5167 OOLog(
@"Begin HUD");
5170 if (lineWidth < 1.0) lineWidth = 1.0;
5171 if (lineWidth > 1.5) lineWidth = 1.5;
5178 if ([theHUD deferredHudName] !=
5187 static float sPrevHudAlpha = -1.0f;
5188 if ([theHUD isHidden])
5190 if (sPrevHudAlpha < 0.0f)
5196 else if (sPrevHudAlpha >= 0.0f)
5199 sPrevHudAlpha = -1.0f;
5209 switch ([player guiScreen])
5223#if (defined (SNAPSHOT_BUILD) && defined (OOLITE_SNAPSHOT_VERSION))
5227 OOLog(
@"End HUD drawing");
5241 @catch (NSException *exception)
5245 if ([[exception name] hasPrefix:
5251 OOLog(
@"***** Exception: %@ : %@ *****",[exception name], [exception reason]);
5257 OOLog(
@"End drawing");
5260 if(!hudSeparateRenderPass)
5267 OOLog(
@"Begin second pass draw");
5269 OOLog(
@"End second pass drawing");
5277 NSSize viewSize = [
gameView viewSize];
5278 if([
self useShaders])
5280 if ([gameView msaa])
5283 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_READ_FRAMEBUFFER, msaaFramebufferID));
5284 OOGL(glBindFramebuffer(GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, targetFramebufferID));
5285 OOGL(glBlitFramebuffer(0, 0, (GLint)viewSize.width, (GLint)viewSize.height, 0, 0, (GLint)viewSize.width, (GLint)viewSize.height, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT, GL_NEAREST));
5313 OOGL(glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D));
5315 float overallAlpha = [[PLAYER hud] overallAlpha];
5335- (void) drawWatermarkString:(NSString *) watermarkString
5337 NSSize watermarkStringSize =
OORectFromString(watermarkString, 0.0f, 0.0f, NSMakeSize(10, 10)).size;
5339 OOGL(glColor4f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0));
5353 OOLog(
@"Attempt to retrieve entity for out-of-range UID %u. (This is an internal programming error, please report it.)", u_id);
5366 if ([ent status] == STATUS_DEAD || [ent status] == STATUS_DOCKED)
5377 NSCParameterAssert(uni != NULL);
5390 while ((n--)&&(checkEnt))
5393 checkEnt = checkEnt->
5395 if ((checkEnt)||(n > 0))
5403 while ((n--)&&(checkEnt)) checkEnt = checkEnt->
5404 if ((checkEnt)||(n > 0))
5415 checkEnt = checkEnt->
5423 while ((n--)&&(checkEnt))
5426 checkEnt = checkEnt->
5428 if ((checkEnt)||(n > 0))
5436 while ((n--)&&(checkEnt)) checkEnt = checkEnt->
5437 if ((checkEnt)||(n > 0))
5448 checkEnt = checkEnt->
5456 while ((n--)&&(checkEnt))
5459 checkEnt = checkEnt->
5461 if ((checkEnt)||(n > 0))
5469 while ((n--)&&(checkEnt)) checkEnt = checkEnt->
5470 if ((checkEnt)||(n > 0))
5477 NSCAssert(checkEnt !=
@"Expected z-list to be non-empty.");
5482 checkEnt = checkEnt->
5492 NSArray *allEntities = uni->
5498 foreach (ent, allEntities)
5522 if (![entity validForAddToUniverse])
return NO;
5525 if ([
entities containsObject:entity])
5538 if (![entity isEffect])
5551 OOLog(
@"***** Universe cannot addEntity:%@ -- Could not find free slot for entity.", entity);
5555 [
entity setUniversalID:next_universal_id];
5557 if ([entity isShip])
5569 double stationRoll = 0.0;
5573 if (definedRoll !=
5579 stationRoll = [[
self currentSystemData] oo_doubleForKey:@"station_roll" defaultValue:STANDARD_STATION_ROLL];
5592 if ([se status] != STATUS_COCKPIT_DISPLAY)
5600 [
entity setUniversalID:NO_TARGET];
5601 if ([entity isVisualEffect])
5609 else if ([entity isWaypoint])
5620 entity->isSunlit = YES;
5624 [entities addObject:entity];
5625 [
entity wasAddedToUniverse];
5628 HPVector entity_pos = entity->position;
5629 HPVector delta = HPvector_between(entity_pos,
5630 double z_distance = HPmagnitude2(delta);
5631 entity->zero_distance = z_distance;
5634 entity->zero_index = index;
5635 while ((index > 0)&&(z_distance <
sortedEntities[index - 1]->zero_distance))
5641 entity->zero_index = index;
5648 [
entity addToLinkedLists];
5649 if ([entity canCollide])
5654 if ([entity isWormhole])
5656 [activeWormholes addObject:entity];
5658 else if ([entity isPlanet])
5660 [allPlanets addObject:entity];
5662 else if ([entity isShip])
5666 if ([entity isStation])
5668 [allStations addObject:entity];
5680 if (entity !=
nil && ![entity isPlayer])
5686 [entitiesDeadThisUpdate addObject:entity];
5687 if ([entity isStation])
5689 [allStations removeObject:entity];
5690 if ([
PLAYER getTargetDockStation] == entity)
5692 [PLAYER setDockingClearanceStatus:DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_NONE];
5701- (void) ensureEntityReallyRemoved:(
Entity *)entity
5705 OOLog(
@"Entity %@ dealloced without being removed from universe! (This is an internal programming error, please report it.)", entity);
5717 Entity* p0 = [entities objectAtIndex:0];
5726 NSMutableArray *savedWormholes = [activeWormholes mutableCopy];
5730 Entity* ent = [entities objectAtIndex:1];
5733 if (
EXPECT(![ent isVisualEffect]))
5744 [activeWormholes release];
5753 [closeSystems release];
5757 [waypoints removeAllObjects];
5770 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5773 if ([ent status] == STATUS_COCKPIT_DISPLAY && ![ent isPlayer])
5783- (
ShipEntity *) makeDemoShipWithRole:(NSString *)role spinning:(BOOL)spinning
5789 [PLAYER setShowDemoShips: YES];
5790 Quaternion q2 = { (GLfloat)
M_SQRT1_2, (GLfloat)
M_SQRT1_2, (GLfloat)0.0, (GLfloat)0.0 };
5802 [UNIVERSE addEntity:ship];
5819 return [
ship autorelease];
5823- (BOOL) isVectorClearFromEntity:(
Entity *) e1 toDistance:(
double)dist fromPoint:(HPVector) p2
5831 v1.x -= p1.x; v1.y -= p1.y; v1.z -= p1.z;
5833 double nearest = sqrt(v1.x*v1.x + v1.y*v1.y + v1.z*v1.z) - dist;
5841 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5844 if (v1.x || v1.y || v1.z)
5845 f1 = HPvector_normal(v1);
5847 f1 = make_HPvector(0, 0, 1);
5849 for (i = 0; i < ent_count ; i++)
5852 if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide]))
5855 epos.x -= p1.x; epos.y -= p1.y; epos.z -= p1.z;
5857 double d_forward = HPdot_product(epos,f1);
5859 if ((d_forward > 0)&&(d_forward < nearest))
5863 p0.x += d_forward * f1.x; p0.y += d_forward * f1.y; p0.z += d_forward * f1.z;
5866 p0.x -= epos.x; p0.y -= epos.y; p0.z -= epos.z;
5868 double dist2 = p0.x * p0.x + p0.y * p0.y + p0.z * p0.z;
5871 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5872 [my_entities[i] release];
5878 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5879 [my_entities[i] release];
5884- (
Entity*) hazardOnRouteFromEntity:(
Entity *) e1 toDistance:(
double)dist fromPoint:(HPVector) p2
5892 v1.x -= p1.x; v1.y -= p1.y; v1.z -= p1.z;
5894 double nearest = HPmagnitude(v1) - dist;
5903 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5906 if (v1.x || v1.y || v1.z)
5907 f1 = HPvector_normal(v1);
5909 f1 = make_HPvector(0, 0, 1);
5911 for (i = 0; (i < ent_count) && (!result) ; i++)
5914 if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide]))
5917 epos.x -= p1.x; epos.y -= p1.y; epos.z -= p1.z;
5919 double d_forward = HPdot_product(epos,f1);
5921 if ((d_forward > 0)&&(d_forward < nearest))
5925 p0.x += d_forward * f1.x; p0.y += d_forward * f1.y; p0.z += d_forward * f1.z;
5928 p0.x -= epos.x; p0.y -= epos.y; p0.z -= epos.z;
5930 double dist2 = HPmagnitude2(p0);
5936 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5937 [my_entities[i] release];
5942- (HPVector) getSafeVectorFromEntity:(
Entity *) e1 toDistance:(
double)dist fromPoint:(HPVector) p2
5953 HPVector result = p2;
5957 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5961 v1.x -= p1.x; v1.y -= p1.y; v1.z -= p1.z;
5963 double nearest = sqrt(v1.x*v1.x + v1.y*v1.y + v1.z*v1.z) - dist;
5965 if (v1.x || v1.y || v1.z)
5966 f1 = HPvector_normal(v1);
5968 f1 = make_HPvector(0, 0, 1);
5970 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
5973 if ((e2 != e1)&&([e2 canCollide]))
5976 epos.x -= p1.x; epos.y -= p1.y; epos.z -= p1.z;
5977 double d_forward = HPdot_product(epos,f1);
5978 if ((d_forward > 0)&&(d_forward < nearest))
5983 p0.x += d_forward * f1.x; p0.y += d_forward * f1.y; p0.z += d_forward * f1.z;
5987 p0.x -= epos.x; p0.y -= epos.y; p0.z -= epos.z;
5990 double dist2 = p0.x * p0.x + p0.y * p0.y + p0.z * p0.z;
5995 nearest = d_forward;
6001 result.x += ((
Ranrot() % 1024) - 512)/512.0;
6002 result.y += ((
Ranrot() % 1024) - 512)/512.0;
6003 result.z += ((
Ranrot() % 1024) - 512)/512.0;
6006 HPVector nearest_point = p1;
6007 nearest_point.x += d_forward * f1.x; nearest_point.y += d_forward * f1.y; nearest_point.z += d_forward * f1.z;
6010 HPVector outward = nearest_point;
6011 outward.x -= result.x; outward.y -= result.y; outward.z -= result.z;
6012 if (outward.x||outward.y||outward.z)
6013 outward = HPvector_normal(outward);
6018 HPVector backward = p1;
6019 backward.x -= result.x; backward.y -= result.y; backward.z -= result.z;
6020 if (backward.x||backward.y||backward.z)
6021 backward = HPvector_normal(backward);
6026 HPVector dd = result;
6027 dd.x -= p1.x; dd.y -= p1.y; dd.z -= p1.z;
6028 double current_distance = HPmagnitude(dd);
6031 if (current_distance < cr * 1.25)
6032 current_distance = cr * 1.25;
6033 if (current_distance > cr * 5.0)
6034 current_distance = cr * 5.0;
6038 result.x += 0.25 * (outward.x * current_distance) + 0.75 * (backward.x * current_distance);
6039 result.y += 0.25 * (outward.y * current_distance) + 0.75 * (backward.y * current_distance);
6040 result.z += 0.25 * (outward.z * current_distance) + 0.75 * (backward.z * current_distance);
6046 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
6047 [my_entities[i] release];
6052- (
ShipEntity*) addWreckageFrom:(
ShipEntity *)ship withRole:(NSString *)wreckRole at:(HPVector)rpos scale:(GLfloat)scale lifetime:(GLfloat)lifetime
6054 ShipEntity* wreck = [UNIVERSE newShipWithRole:wreckRole];
6058 GLfloat expected_mass = 0.1f * [
ship mass] * (0.75 + 0.5 *
6060 GLfloat scale_factor = powf(expected_mass / wreck_mass, 0.33333333f) * scale;
6076 [UNIVERSE addEntity:wreck];
6086- (void) addLaserHitEffectsAt:(HPVector)pos against:(
ShipEntity *)target damage:(
float)damage color:(
OOColor *)color
6089 if ([target showDamage] && [target energy] < [target maxEnergy]/2)
6091 NSString *key = (
randf() < 0.5) ?
@"oolite-hull-spark" :
6092 NSDictionary *settings = [UNIVERSE explosionSetting:key];
6096 if ([target energy] *
randf() < damage)
6101 Vector direction = HPVectorToVector(HPvector_normal(HPvector_subtract(pos,[target position])));
6115 if (srcEntity ==
return nil;
6127 HPVector midfrontplane = make_HPvector(0.5 * (bbox.max.x + bbox.min.x), 0.5 * (bbox.max.y + bbox.min.y), bbox.max.z);
6130 if ([parent isPlayer]) q1.w = -q1.w;
6139 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
6142 if (ent != srcEntity && ent != parent && [ent isShip] && [ent canCollide])
6173 HPVector p1 = HPvector_add(p0, vectorToHPVector(vector_multiply_scalar(f1, nearest)));
6175 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
6181 Vector rpos = HPVectorToVector(HPvector_subtract(e2->
position, p0));
6182 Vector v_off = make_vector(dot_product(rpos, r1), dot_product(rpos, u1), dot_product(rpos, f1));
6183 if (v_off.z > 0.0 && v_off.z < nearest + cr &&
6184 v_off.x < cr && v_off.x > -cr && v_off.y < cr && v_off.y > -cr &&
6185 v_off.x * v_off.x + v_off.y * v_off.y < cr * cr)
6188 GLfloat hit = [(
ShipEntity *)
e2 doesHitLine:p0 :p1 :&entHit];
6190 if (hit > 0.0 && hit < nearest)
6192 if ([entHit isSubEntity])
6194 hit_subentity = entHit;
6198 p1 = HPvector_add(p0, vectorToHPVector(vector_multiply_scalar(f1, nearest)));
6208 if (range_ptr != NULL)
6210 *range_ptr = nearest;
6214 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++) [my_entities[i] release];
6225 nearest2 *= nearest2;
6231 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
6255 case VIEW_STARBOARD :
6263 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
6266 if ([e2 canCollide] && [e2 scanClass] != CLASS_NO_DRAW)
6268 Vector rp = HPVectorToVector(HPvector_subtract([e2 position], p1));
6270 if (dist2 < nearest2)
6273 if (df > 0.0 && df * df < nearest2)
6278 if (du * du + dr * dr < cr * cr)
6288 if (hit_entity !=
nil && [hit_entity isShip])
6291 if ([ship isJammingScanning] && ![player hasMilitaryScannerFilter])
6297 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
6344- (NSArray *) entitiesWithinRange:(
double)range ofEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6346 if (entity ==
return nil;
6355- (unsigned) countShipsWithRole:(NSString *)role inRange:(
double)range ofEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6364- (unsigned) countShipsWithRole:(NSString *)role
6370- (unsigned) countShipsWithPrimaryRole:(NSString *)role inRange:(
double)range ofEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6379- (unsigned) countShipsWithScanClass:(
OOScanClass)scanClass inRange:(
double)range ofEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6388- (unsigned) countShipsWithPrimaryRole:(NSString *)role
6395 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6396 inRange:(
6399 unsigned i, found = 0;
6401 double distance, cr;
6411 if (e2 != e1 && predicate(e2, parameter))
6413 if (range < 0) distance = -1;
6417 distance = HPdistance2(e2->
position, p1) - cr * cr;
6431 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6432 inRange:(
6433 ofEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6435 if (predicate != NULL)
6440 predicate, parameter
6460 if (range < 0)
return YES;
6462 return HPdistance2(e2->
position,p1) < cr * cr;
6469 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6470 inRange:(
6477 NSMutableArray *result =
6494 predicate(e2, parameter))
6509 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6521 if (predicate(candidate, parameter))
return candidate;
6531 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6532 inRange:(
6533 ofEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6535 if (predicate != NULL)
6540 predicate, parameter
6559 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6560 inRange:(
6561 ofEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6563 if (predicate != NULL)
6568 predicate, parameter
6587 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6588 relativeToEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6592 float rangeSq = INFINITY;
6603 float distanceToReferenceEntitySquared = (float)HPdistance2(p1, [e2 position]);
6606 distanceToReferenceEntitySquared < rangeSq &&
6607 predicate(e2, parameter))
6610 rangeSq = distanceToReferenceEntitySquared;
6614 return [[
result retain] autorelease];
6619 parameter:(
void *)parameter
6620 relativeToEntity:(
Entity *)entity
6622 if (predicate != NULL)
6627 predicate, parameter
6698 BOOL guiSelected = NO;
6706 ms =
6710 ms =
6714 ms =
6718 ms =
6722 ms = [PLAYER customViewDescription];
6751 BOOL gamePaused = NO;
6756 if (ms && !gamePaused)
6760 else if (gamePaused)
6768- (void) enterGUIViewModeWithMouseInteraction:(BOOL)mouseInteraction
6775- (NSString *) soundNameForCustomSoundKey:(NSString *)key
6777 NSString *result =
6778 NSMutableSet *seen =
6779 id object = [customSounds objectForKey:key];
6781 if ([
object isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]] && [
object count] > 0)
6783 key = [
object oo_stringAtIndex:Ranrot() % [
object count]];
6796 if (
object ==
nil || ([result hasPrefix:
@"["] && [result hasSuffix:
6800 [
seen addObject:result];
6801 object = [customSounds objectForKey:result];
6802 if( [
object isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]] && [
object count] > 0)
6804 result = [
object oo_stringAtIndex:Ranrot() % [
object count]];
6805 if ([key hasPrefix:
@"["] && [key hasSuffix:
@"]"]) key=result;
6809 if ([
object isKindOfClass:[NSString
6814 if (result ==
nil || ![result hasPrefix:
@"["] || ![result hasSuffix:
6815 if ([seen containsObject:result])
6817 OOLogERR(
@"recursion in customsounds.plist for '%@' (at '%@'), no sound will be played.", key, result);
6824 if (result ==
nil) result =
6828 if ([result isEqualToString:
6830 OOLog(
@"Could not resolve sound name in customsounds.plist for '%@', no sound will be played.", key);
6837- (NSDictionary *) screenTextureDescriptorForKey:(NSString *)key
6839 id value = [screenBackgrounds objectForKey:key];
6840 while ([value isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]]) value = [
value objectAtIndex:Ranrot() % [
value count]];
6842 if ([value isKindOfClass:[NSString
class]]) value = [
NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:value forKey:@"name"];
6843 else if (![value isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary
class]]) value =
6846 if (![[
self gui] preloadGUITexture:value]) value =
6852- (void) setScreenTextureDescriptorForKey:(NSString *)key descriptor:(NSDictionary *)desc
6854 NSMutableDictionary *sbCopy = [screenBackgrounds mutableCopy];
6857 [
sbCopy removeObjectForKey:key];
6861 [
sbCopy setObject:desc forKey:key];
6863 [screenBackgrounds release];
6876- (void) setMessageGuiBackgroundColor:(
OOColor *)some_color
6894- (void) displayCountdownMessage:(NSString *) text forCount:(
6906- (void) addDelayedMessage:(NSString *)text forCount:(
OOTimeDelta)count afterDelay:(
6909 [
msgDict setObject:text forKey:@"message"];
6910 [
msgDict setObject:[
NSNumber numberWithDouble:count] forKey:@"duration"];
6911 [
self performSelector:@selector(addDelayedMessage:) withObject:msgDict afterDelay:delay];
6915- (void) addDelayedMessage:(NSDictionary *) textdict
6917 NSString *msg =
6920 msg = [
textdict oo_stringForKey:@"message"];
6921 if (msg ==
6922 msg_duration = [
textdict oo_nonNegativeDoubleForKey:@"duration" defaultValue:3.0];
6934- (void) speakWithSubstitutions:(NSString *)text
6942 NSString *systemSaid =
6943 NSString *h_systemSaid =
6947 systemSaid = systemName;
6950 h_systemSaid = h_systemName;
6952 NSString *spokenText = text;
6955 NSEnumerator *speechEnumerator =
6956 NSArray *thePair =
6960 NSString *original_phrase = [
thePair oo_stringAtIndex:0];
6962 NSUInteger replacementIndex;
6964 replacementIndex = 1;
6966 replacementIndex = [
thePair count] > 2 ? 2 : 1;
6969 NSString *replacement_phrase = [
thePair oo_stringAtIndex:replacementIndex];
6970 if (![replacement_phrase isEqualToString:
6972 spokenText = [
spokenText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:original_phrase withString:replacement_phrase];
6975 spokenText = [
spokenText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:systemName withString:systemSaid];
6976 spokenText = [
spokenText stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:h_systemName withString:h_systemSaid];
6985- (void) addMessage:(NSString *) text forCount:(
OOTimeDelta) count forceDisplay:(BOOL) forceDisplay
6996 [PLAYER doScriptEvent:OOJSID("consoleMessageReceived") withArgument:text];
6998 [currentMessage release];
7011- (void) addCommsMessage:(NSString *)text forCount:(
OOTimeDelta)count andShowComms:(BOOL)showComms logOnly:(BOOL)logOnly
7013 if ([
PLAYER showDemoShips])
7015 NSString *expandedMessage =
7026 NSString *format =
7032 [currentMessage release];
7051- (void) showGUIMessage:(NSString *)text withScroll:(BOOL)scroll andColor:(
OOColor *)selectedColor overDuration:(
7072 [PLAYER doWorldScriptEvent:OOJSIDFromString(system_repopulator) inContext:context withArguments:NULL count:0 timeLimit:kOOJSLongTimeLimit];
7082 OOLog(
@"Begin update");
7097 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
7102 NSString *
volatile update_stage =
7104 id volatile update_stage_param =
7119 if (
EXPECT_NOT([player showDemoShips] && [player guiScreen] == GUI_SCREEN_SHIPLIBRARY))
7121 update_stage =
@"demo management";
7201 update_stage =
7202 NSMutableSet *zombies =
7203 OOLog(
@"%@", update_stage);
7204 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
7206 Entity *thing = my_entities[
7208 update_stage_param = thing;
7209 update_stage =
@"update:entity [%@]";
7227 update_stage =
@"update:list maintenance [%@]";
7234 while (index > 0 && z_distance <
sortedEntities[index - 1]->zero_distance)
7247 update_stage =
@"update:think [%@]";
7262 update_stage_param =
7267 update_stage =
@"shootin' zombies";
7268 NSEnumerator *zombieEnum =
7270 for (zombieEnum = [zombies objectEnumerator]; (zombie = [
zombieEnum nextObject]); )
7272 OOLogERR(
@"Found dead entity %@ in active entity list, removing. This is an internal error, please report it.", zombie);
7278 update_stage =
@"updating linked lists";
7279 OOLog(
@"%@", update_stage);
7280 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
7287 update_stage =
@"collision and shadow detection";
7288 OOLog(
@"%@", update_stage);
7300 @catch (NSException *exception)
7302 if ([[exception name] hasPrefix:
7309 if (update_stage_param !=
nil) update_stage = [
NSString stringWithFormat:update_stage, update_stage_param];
7311 OOLog(
@"***** Exception during [%@] in [Universe update:] : %@ : %@ *****", update_stage, [exception name], [exception reason]);
7317 update_stage =
@"clean up";
7318 OOLog(
@"%@", update_stage);
7319 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
7331 update_stage =
@"JS Garbage Collection";
7332 OOLog(
@"%@", update_stage);
7335 uint32 gcbytes1 = JS_GetGCParameter(JS_GetRuntime(context),JSGC_BYTES);
7341 uint32 gcbytes2 = JS_GetGCParameter(JS_GetRuntime(context),JSGC_BYTES);
7343 if (gcbytes2 < gcbytes1)
7345 OOLog(
@"Unplanned JS Garbage Collection from %d to %d",gcbytes1,gcbytes2);
7354 if ([
PLAYER status] == STATUS_DEAD) [PLAYER update:delta_t];
7357 [entitiesDeadThisUpdate autorelease];
7362 [
self prunePreloadingPlanetMaterials];
7365 OOLog(
@"Update complete");
7376- (void) setTimeAccelerationFactor:(
7385- (double) timeAccelerationFactor
7391- (void) setTimeAccelerationFactor:(
7403- (void) setECMVisualFXEnabled:(BOOL)isEnabled
7419 Entity *e0, *next, *prev;
7420 OOHPScalar start, finish, next_start, next_finish, prev_start, prev_finish;
7451 if (next_start < finish)
7454 while ((next)&&(next_start < finish))
7458 if (next_finish > finish)
7459 finish = next_finish;
7495 if (prev_start > finish)
7498 while ((prev)&&(prev_start > finish))
7502 if (prev_finish < finish)
7503 finish = prev_finish;
7542 if (next_start < finish)
7545 while ((next)&&(next_start < finish))
7549 if (next_finish > finish)
7550 finish = next_finish;
7586 if (prev_start > finish)
7589 while ((prev)&&(prev_start > finish))
7593 if (prev_finish < finish)
7594 finish = prev_finish;
7632 if (next_start < finish)
7635 while ((next)&&(next_start < finish))
7639 if (next_finish > finish)
7640 finish = next_finish;
7676 if (prev_start > finish)
7679 while ((prev)&&(prev_start > finish))
7683 if (prev_finish < finish)
7684 finish = prev_finish;
7722 if (next_start < finish)
7725 while ((next)&&(next_start < finish))
7729 if (next_finish > finish)
7730 finish = next_finish;
7765 if (prev_start > finish)
7768 while ((prev)&&(prev_start > finish))
7772 if (prev_finish < finish)
7773 finish = prev_finish;
7811 if (next_start < finish)
7814 while ((next)&&(next_start < finish))
7820 if (next_finish > finish)
7821 finish = next_finish;
7857 if (prev_start > finish)
7860 while ((prev)&&(prev_start > finish))
7885 OOLog(
@"Unexpected state in collision chain builder prev=%@, prev->c=%@, e0=%@, e0->c=%@",prev,prev->
7891 if (prev_finish < finish)
7892 finish = prev_finish;
7931 NSAutoreleasePool *pool =
7939 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
7943 [system_names[
i] release];
7955 NSDictionary *systemData;
7958 NSString *scriptName;
7966 economy = [
systemData oo_unsignedCharForKey:KEY_ECONOMY];
7967 scriptName = [
systemData oo_stringForKey:@"market_script" defaultValue:nil];
7987 stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Config"]
7988 stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"descriptions.plist"]];
7996static void VerifyDesc(NSString *key,
id desc);
8001 if ([desc rangeOfString:
@"%n"].location != NSNotFound)
8003 OOLog(
@"***** FATAL: descriptions.plist entry \"%@\
" contains the dangerous control sequence %%n.", key);
8012 foreach (subDesc, desc)
8021 if ([desc isKindOfClass:[NSString
8025 else if ([desc isKindOfClass:[NSArray
8029 else if ([desc isKindOfClass:[NSNumber
8035 OOLogERR(
@"***** FATAL: descriptions.plist entry for \"%@\
" is neither a string nor an array.", key);
8053 NSString *key =
8054 if (_descriptions ==
8056 OOLog(
@"***** FATAL: Tried to verify descriptions, but descriptions was nil - unable to load any descriptions.plist file.");
8061 VerifyDesc(key, [_descriptions objectForKey:key]);
8074- (NSDictionary *) explosionSetting:(NSString *)explosion
8076 return [explosionSettings oo_dictionaryForKey:explosion defaultValue:nil];
8105- (NSString *)descriptionForKey:(NSString *)key
8111- (NSString *)descriptionForArrayKey:(NSString *)key index:(
8113 NSArray *array = [[
self descriptions] oo_arrayForKey:key];
8114 if ([array
count] <= index)
return nil;
8115 return [
array objectAtIndex:index];
8119- (BOOL) descriptionBooleanForKey:(NSString *)key
8133 return [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d %d", g, s];
8139 return [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"interstellar: %d %d %d", g, s1, s2];
8150- (NSDictionary *) generateSystemData:(
OOSystemID) s useCache:(BOOL) useCache
8157 NSString *systemKey = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u %u",[PLAYER galaxyNumber],s];
8175 static NSDictionary *interstellarDict =
8176 if (interstellarDict ==
8178 NSString *interstellarName =
8179 NSString *notApplicable =
8180 NSNumber *minusOne = [
NSNumber numberWithInt:-1];
8181 NSNumber *zero = [
NSNumber numberWithInt:0];
8182 interstellarDict = [[
NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
8183 interstellarName, KEY_NAME,
8184 minusOne, KEY_GOVERNMENT,
8185 minusOne, KEY_ECONOMY,
8186 minusOne, KEY_TECHLEVEL,
8187 zero, KEY_POPULATION,
8190 notApplicable, KEY_INHABITANTS,
8191 notApplicable, KEY_DESCRIPTION,
8195 return interstellarDict;
8204 return [
self sun] ==
8212- (void) setSystemDataKey:(NSString *)key value:(NSObject *)object fromManifest:(NSString *)manifest
8220 static BOOL sysdataLocked = NO;
8223 OOLogERR(
@"System properties cannot be set during 'systemInformationChanged' events to avoid infinite loops.");
8227 BOOL sameGalaxy = (gnum == [PLAYER currentGalaxyID]);
8231 if ([key isEqualToString:
KEY_RADIUS] && sameGalaxy && sameSystem)
8233 OOLogERR(
@"System property '%@' cannot be set while in the system.",key);
8237 if ([key isEqualToString:
8239 OOLogERR(
@"System property '%@' cannot be set.",key);
8244 NSString *overrideKey = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%u %u", gnum, pnum];
8245 NSDictionary *sysInfo =
8250 if (
object !=
nil) {
8252 if ([key isEqualToString:
8254 object=(id)[[(NSString *)
object lowercaseString] capitalizedString];
8261 else if ([key isEqualToString:
8263 if ([
object doubleValue] < 1000.0 || [
object doubleValue] > 10000000.0 )
8265 object = ([
object doubleValue] < 1000.0 ? (id)
@"1000.0" : (id)
8268 else if ([key hasPrefix:
8270 object = (id)[NSString stringWithFormat:
object floatValue])];
8295 else if ([key isEqualToString:
@"sun_color"] || [key isEqualToString:
@"star_count_multiplier"] ||
8296 [key isEqualToString:
@"nebula_count_multiplier"] || [key hasPrefix:
8309 if ([key isEqualToString:
8324 else if (the_sun !=
nil && ([key hasPrefix:
@"sun_"] || [key hasPrefix:
8328 else if ([key isEqualToString:
8330 [[
self planet] setUpPlanetFromTexture:(NSString *)object];
8332 else if ([key isEqualToString:
8334 [[
self planet] setUpPlanetFromTexture: [[
self planet] textureFileName]];
8336 else if ([key isEqualToString:
8340 else if ([key isEqualToString:
8344 else if ([key isEqualToString:
8346 [[
self planet] setAirColorMixRatio:[
sysInfo oo_floatForKey:key]];
8350 sysdataLocked = YES;
8351 [PLAYER doScriptEvent:OOJSID("systemInformationChanged") withArguments:[
NSArray arrayWithObjects:[
NSNumber numberWithInt:gnum],[
NSNumber numberWithInt:pnum],key,object,nil]];
8401- (NSString *) getSystemInhabitants:(
OOSystemID) sys plural:(BOOL)plural
8403 NSString *ret =
8427 if (sysName ==
return -1;
8429 NSString *system_name =
8430 NSString *match = [
sysName lowercaseString];
8432 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8434 system_name = [system_names[
i] lowercaseString];
8435 if ([system_name isEqualToString:match])
8446 OOLog(
8451- (NSMutableArray *) nearbyDestinationsWithinRange:(
8456 NSPoint here = [PLAYER galaxy_coordinates];
8458 for (
unsigned short i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8465 [
NSNumber numberWithDouble:dist], @"distance",
8466 [
NSNumber numberWithInt:i], @"sysID",
8467 [[
self generateSystemData:i] oo_stringForKey:@"sun_gone_nova" defaultValue:@"0"], @"nova",
8481 double min_dist = 10000.0;
8484 BOOL connected[256];
8485 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8488 for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
8490 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8493 for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
8499 connected[
j] |= connected[
8500 connected[
i] |= connected[
8506 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8510 if ((connected[i])&&(distance < min_dist)&&(distance != 0.0))
8512 min_dist = distance;
8528 double min_dist = 10000.0;
8531 BOOL connected[256];
8532 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8535 for (n = 0; n < 3; n++)
8537 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8540 for (j = 0; j < 256; j++)
8546 connected[
j] |= connected[
8547 connected[
i] |= connected[
8553 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8557 if ((connected[i])&&(distance < min_dist))
8559 min_dist = distance;
8577 unsigned distance, dx, dy;
8579 unsigned min_dist = 10000;
8581 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8585 NSInteger concealment = [
systemInfo oo_intForKey:@"concealment" defaultValue:OO_SYSTEMCONCEALMENT_NONE];
8592 dx =
ABS(coords.x - ipos.x);
8593 dy =
ABS(coords.y - ipos.y);
8595 if (dx > dy) distance = (dx + dx + dy) / 2;
8596 else distance = (dx + dy + dy) / 2;
8598 if (distance < min_dist)
8600 min_dist = distance;
8604 if ((distance == min_dist)&&(coords.y > ipos.y))
8618- (NSPoint) findSystemCoordinatesWithPrefix:(NSString *) p_fix
8624- (NSPoint) findSystemCoordinatesWithPrefix:(NSString *) p_fix exactMatch:(BOOL) exactMatch
8626 NSString *system_name =
8627 NSPoint system_coords = NSMakePoint(-1.0,-1.0);
8630 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8633 system_name = [system_names[
i] lowercaseString];
8634 if ((exactMatch && [system_name isEqualToString:p_fix]) || (!exactMatch && [system_name hasPrefix:p_fix]))
8638 NSInteger concealment = [
systemInfo oo_intForKey:@"concealment" defaultValue:OO_SYSTEMCONCEALMENT_NONE];
8652 return system_coords;
8681 if (start == -1 || goal == -1)
return nil;
8685 static NSDictionary *c_route =
8689 if (c_route !=
nil && c_start == start && c_goal == goal && c_optimizeBy == optimizeBy)
8698 if (start > 255 || goal > 255)
return nil;
8700 NSArray *neighbours[256];
8701 BOOL concealed[256];
8702 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
8705 NSInteger concealment = [
systemInfo oo_intForKey:@"concealment" defaultValue:OO_SYSTEMCONCEALMENT_NONE];
8720 double maxCost = optimizeBy ==
OPTIMIZED_BY_TIME ? 256 * (7 * 7) : 256 * (7 * 256 + 7);
8726 while ([curr
count] != 0)
8728 for (i = 0; i < [
curr count]; i++) {
8731 for (j = 0; j < [
ns count]; j++)
8745 double lastTime = lastDistance * lastDistance;
8747 double distance = [
ce distance] + lastDistance;
8748 double time = [
ce time] + lastTime;
8752 if (cost < maxCost && (cheapest[n] ==
nil || [cheapest[n] cost] > cost)) {
8757 if (n == goal && cost < maxCost)
8762 [
curr setArray:next];
8763 [
next removeAllObjects];
8767 if (!cheapest[goal])
return nil;
8774 if ([e parent] == -1)
8781 c_optimizeBy = optimizeBy;
8807 [closeSystems release];
8847 [
self prunePreloadingPlanetMaterials];
8849 if ([_preloadingPlanetMaterials
count] < 3)
8851 if (_preloadingPlanetMaterials ==
nil) _preloadingPlanetMaterials = [[
NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4];
8859 if (![surface isFinishedLoading])
8865 OOMaterial *atmo = [planet atmosphereMaterial];
8900- (NSString *) timeDescription:(
double) interval
8902 double r_time = interval;
8903 NSString* result =
8907 int days = floor(r_time / 86400);
8908 r_time -= 86400 * days;
8909 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d day%@", result, days, (days > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
8913 int hours = floor(r_time / 3600);
8914 r_time -= 3600 * hours;
8915 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d hour%@", result, hours, (hours > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
8919 int mins = floor(r_time / 60);
8920 r_time -= 60 * mins;
8921 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d minute%@", result, mins, (mins > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
8925 int secs = floor(r_time);
8926 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d second%@", result, secs, (secs > 1) ? @"s" : @""];
8932- (NSString *) shortTimeDescription:(
double) interval
8934 double r_time = interval;
8935 NSString* result =
8938 if (interval <= 0.0)
8939 return DESC(
8943 int days = floor(r_time / 86400);
8944 r_time -= 86400 * days;
8945 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d %@", result, days, DESC_PLURAL(@"contracts-day-word", days)];
8950 int hours = floor(r_time / 3600);
8951 r_time -= 3600 * hours;
8952 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d %@", result, hours, DESC_PLURAL(@"contracts-hour-word", hours)];
8955 if (parts < 2 && r_time > 60)
8957 int mins = floor(r_time / 60);
8958 r_time -= 60 * mins;
8959 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d %@", result, mins, DESC_PLURAL(@"contracts-minute-word", mins)];
8962 if (parts < 2 && r_time > 0)
8964 int secs = floor(r_time);
8965 result = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ %d %@", result, secs, DESC_PLURAL(@"contracts-second-word", secs)];
8999- (void) loadStationMarkets:(NSArray *)marketData
9001 if (marketData ==
9008 NSDictionary *savedMarket =
9010 foreach (savedMarket, marketData)
9012 HPVector pos = [
savedMarket oo_hpvectorForKey:@"position"];
9019 if (HPdistance2(pos,[
station position]) < 1000000)
9037 NSMutableDictionary *savedMarket =
9047 if (stationMarket !=
9052 [
markets addObject:savedMarket];
9068 float tech_price_boost = (ship_seed.
a + ship_seed.
b) / 256.0;
9074 for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
9076 long long reference_time = 0x1000000 * floor(current_time / 0x1000000);
9078 long long c_time = ship_seed.
a * 0x10000 + ship_seed.
b * 0x100 + ship_seed.
9079 double ship_sold_time = reference_time + c_time;
9081 if (ship_sold_time < 0)
9082 ship_sold_time += 0x1000000;
9084 double days_until_sale = (ship_sold_time - current_time) / 86400.0;
9093 NSArray *conditions = [
dict oo_arrayForKey:@"conditions"];
9095 if (![player scriptTestConditions:conditions])
9099 NSString *condition_script = [
dict oo_stringForKey:@"condition_script"];
9100 if (condition_script !=
9103 if (condScript !=
9107 JSBool allow_purchase;
9116 if (OK) OK = JS_ValueToBoolean(context, result, &allow_purchase);
9120 if (OK && !allow_purchase)
9134 if (specialTL != NSNotFound)
9137 techlevel = specialTL;
9142 techlevel = [
systemInfo oo_unsignedIntForKey:KEY_TECHLEVEL];
9144 unsigned ship_index = (ship_seed.
d * 0x100 + ship_seed.
e) % [keysForShips
9145 NSString *ship_key = [
keysForShips oo_stringAtIndex:ship_index];
9152 int superRand1 = ship_seed.
a * 0x10000 + ship_seed.
c * 0x100 + ship_seed.
9153 uint32_t superRand2 = ship_seed.
b * 0x10000 + ship_seed.
d * 0x100 + ship_seed.
9158 if ((days_until_sale > 0.0) && (days_until_sale < 30.0) && (ship_techlevel <= techlevel) && (
randf() < chance) && (shipBaseDict !=
9160 NSMutableDictionary* shipDict = [
NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithDictionary:shipBaseDict];
9161 NSMutableString* shortShipDescription = [
NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:256];
9162 NSString *shipName = [
shipDict oo_stringForKey:@"display_name" defaultValue:[
shipDict oo_stringForKey:KEY_NAME]];
9165 NSMutableArray* extras = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[[
ship_info oo_dictionaryForKey:KEY_STANDARD_EQUIPMENT] oo_arrayForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_EXTRAS]];
9166 NSString* fwdWeaponString = [[
ship_info oo_dictionaryForKey:KEY_STANDARD_EQUIPMENT] oo_stringForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_FORWARD_WEAPON];
9167 NSString* aftWeaponString = [[
ship_info oo_dictionaryForKey:KEY_STANDARD_EQUIPMENT] oo_stringForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_AFT_WEAPON];
9184 if (fwdWeapon && fwdWeaponString) [
shipDict setObject:fwdWeaponString forKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_FORWARD_WEAPON];
9185 if (aftWeapon && aftWeaponString) [
shipDict setObject:aftWeaponString forKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_AFT_WEAPON];
9187 int passengerBerthCount = 0;
9188 BOOL customised = NO;
9189 BOOL weaponCustomized = NO;
9191 NSString *fwdWeaponDesc =
9193 NSString *shortExtrasKey =
9198 while ((
randf() < chance) && ([options
9202 NSString *equipmentKey = [
options oo_stringAtIndex:optionIndex];
9209 NSString *eqShortDesc = [
item name];
9211 if ([item techLevel] > techlevel)
9214 eqTechLevel =
MIN(eqTechLevel, 15U);
9217 if (
randf() * (eqTechLevel - techlevel) < 1.0)
9220 eqPrice *= (tech_price_boost + eqTechLevel - techlevel) * 90 / 100;
9226 if ([item incompatibleEquipment] !=
nil && extras !=
9228 NSEnumerator *keyEnum =
9230 BOOL incompatible = NO;
9232 for (keyEnum = [[item incompatibleEquipment] objectEnumerator]; (key = [
keyEnum nextObject]); )
9234 if ([extras containsObject:key])
9236 [
options removeObject:equipmentKey];
9241 if (incompatible)
9244 for (keyEnum = [[item incompatibleEquipment] objectEnumerator]; (key = [
keyEnum nextObject]); )
9246 if ([options containsObject:key])
9255 if (condition_script !=
9258 if (condScript !=
9262 JSBool allow_addition;
9271 if (OK) OK = JS_ValueToBoolean(JScontext, result, &allow_addition);
9275 if (OK && !allow_addition)
9286 if ([item requiresEquipment] !=
nil && extras !=
9288 NSEnumerator *keyEnum =
9292 for (keyEnum = [[item requiresEquipment] objectEnumerator]; (key = [
keyEnum nextObject]); )
9294 if (![extras containsObject:key])
9302 if ([item requiresAnyEquipment] !=
nil && extras !=
9304 NSEnumerator *keyEnum =
9308 for (keyEnum = [[item requiresAnyEquipment] objectEnumerator]; (key = [
keyEnum nextObject]); )
9310 if ([extras containsObject:key])
9320 if ([equipmentKey isEqualTo:
9322 if ([extras containsObject:
9324 [
options removeObject:equipmentKey];
9329 if ([equipmentKey hasPrefix:
9333 if (availableFacings &
WEAPON_FACING_FORWARD && [new_weapon weaponThreatAssessment] > [fwdWeapon weaponThreatAssessment])
9338 fwdWeaponString = equipmentKey;
9339 fwdWeapon = new_weapon;
9340 [
shipDict setObject:fwdWeaponString forKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_FORWARD_WEAPON];
9341 weaponCustomized = YES;
9342 fwdWeaponDesc = eqShortDesc;
9347 if (availableFacings &
isWeaponNone(aftWeapon) || [new_weapon weaponThreatAssessment] > [aftWeapon weaponThreatAssessment]))
9351 aftWeaponString = equipmentKey;
9352 aftWeapon = new_weapon;
9353 [
shipDict setObject:aftWeaponString forKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_AFT_WEAPON];
9357 [
options removeObject:equipmentKey];
9364 if ([equipmentKey isEqualToString:
9370 [
extras addObject:equipmentKey];
9371 passengerBerthCount++;
9377 [
options removeObject:equipmentKey];
9383 [
extras addObject:equipmentKey];
9384 if ([item isVisible])
9386 NSString *item = eqShortDesc;
9388 shortExtrasKey =
9391 [
options removeObject:equipmentKey];
9397 [
options removeObject:equipmentKey];
9402 BOOL lowercaseIgnore = [[
self descriptions] oo_boolForKey:@"lowercase_ignore"];
9404 if (passengerBerthCount)
9406 NSString* npb = (passengerBerthCount > 1)? [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"%d ", passengerBerthCount] : (id)
9407 NSString* ppb =
@"passenger-berth", passengerBerthCount);
9408 NSString* extraPassengerBerthsDescription = [
NSString stringWithFormat:DESC(@"extra-@-@-(passenger-berths)"), npb, ppb];
9409 NSString *item = extraPassengerBerthsDescription;
9411 shortExtrasKey =
9419 if (weaponCustomized)
9421 NSString *weapon = (lowercaseIgnore ? fwdWeaponDesc : [
fwdWeaponDesc lowercaseString]);
9424 if (price > base_price)
9426 price = base_price +
cunningFee(price - base_price, 0.05);
9431 NSString *shipID = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"%06x-%06x", superRand1, superRand2];
9435 NSDictionary *ship_info_dictionary = [
NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
9438 shipDict, SHIPYARD_KEY_SHIP,
9439 shortShipDescription, KEY_SHORT_DESCRIPTION,
9440 [
NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:price], SHIPYARD_KEY_PRICE,
9442 [
NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:personality], SHIPYARD_KEY_PERSONALITY,
9455 NSMutableArray *resultArray = [[[
resultDictionary allValues] mutableCopy] autorelease];
9456 [
resultArray sortUsingFunction:compareName context:NULL];
9461 while (i < [resultArray
9463 if (
compareName([resultArray objectAtIndex:i - 1], [resultArray objectAtIndex:i],
nil) == NSOrderedSame )
9475 return [
NSArray arrayWithArray:resultArray];
9481 NSDictionary *ship1 = [(
NSDictionary *)
dict1 oo_dictionaryForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_SHIP];
9482 NSDictionary *ship2 = [(
NSDictionary *)
dict2 oo_dictionaryForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_SHIP];
9483 NSString *name1 = [
ship1 oo_stringForKey:KEY_NAME];
9484 NSString *name2 = [
ship2 oo_stringForKey:KEY_NAME];
9486 NSComparisonResult result = [[
name1 lowercaseString] compare:[
name2 lowercaseString]];
9487 if (result != NSOrderedSame)
9499 return [
price1 compare:price2];
9507 NSString *ship_desc = [
dict oo_stringForKey:@"ship_desc"];
9511 if (shipyard_info ==
9513 OOLogERR(
9514 @"Shipyard dictionary entry for ship %@ required for trade in value calculation, but does not exist. Setting ship value to 0.", ship_desc);
9518 base_price = [
shipyard_info oo_unsignedLongLongForKey:SHIPYARD_KEY_PRICE defaultValue:0ULL];
9521 if(base_price == 0ULL)
return base_price;
9529 unsigned ship_missiles = [
dict oo_unsignedIntForKey:@"missiles"];
9530 unsigned ship_max_passengers = [
dict oo_unsignedIntForKey:@"max_passengers"];
9531 NSMutableArray *ship_extra_equipment = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[[
dict oo_dictionaryForKey:@"extra_equipment"] allKeys]];
9533 NSDictionary *basic_info = [
shipyard_info oo_dictionaryForKey:KEY_STANDARD_EQUIPMENT];
9534 unsigned base_missiles = [
basic_info oo_unsignedIntForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_MISSILES];
9535 OOCreditsQuantity base_missiles_value = base_missiles * [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:@"EQ_MISSILE"] / 10;
9536 NSString *base_weapon_key = [
basic_info oo_stringForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_FORWARD_WEAPON];
9537 OOCreditsQuantity base_weapons_value = [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:base_weapon_key] / 10;
9538 NSMutableArray *base_extra_equipment = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:[
basic_info oo_arrayForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_EXTRAS]];
9539 NSString *weapon_key =
9542 base_weapon_key = [
basic_info oo_stringForKey:KEY_EQUIPMENT_AFT_WEAPON defaultValue:nil];
9543 if (base_weapon_key !=
9544 base_weapons_value += [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:base_weapon_key] / 10;
9551 NSArray *missileRoles = [
dict oo_arrayForKey:@"missile_roles"];
9552 if (missileRoles !=
9555 for (i = 0; i < ship_missiles; i++)
9557 NSString *missile_desc = [
missileRoles oo_stringAtIndex:i];
9558 if (missile_desc !=
nil && ![missile_desc isEqualToString:
9560 ship_missiles_value += [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:missile_desc] / 10;
9565 ship_missiles_value = ship_missiles * [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:@"EQ_MISSILE"] / 10;
9568 long long extra_equipment_value = ship_max_passengers * [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:@"EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"]/10;
9571 extra_equipment_value += ship_missiles_value - base_missiles_value;
9574 if (ship_fwd_weapon)
9577 ship_main_weapons_value = [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:weapon_key] / 10;
9579 if (ship_aft_weapon)
9582 if (base_weapon_key !=
9584 ship_main_weapons_value += [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:weapon_key] / 10;
9588 ship_other_weapons_value += [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:weapon_key] / 10;
9591 if (ship_port_weapon)
9594 ship_other_weapons_value += [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:weapon_key] / 10;
9596 if (ship_starboard_weapon)
9599 ship_other_weapons_value += [UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:weapon_key] / 10;
9603 extra_equipment_value += ship_other_weapons_value;
9604 extra_equipment_value += ship_main_weapons_value - base_weapons_value;
9607 NSString *eq_key =
9611 for (i = [base_extra_equipment
count]-1; i > 0;i--)
9614 if ([base_extra_equipment indexOfObject:eq_key inRange:NSMakeRange(0, i-1)] != NSNotFound)
9619 for (i = [base_extra_equipment
count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
9622 if ([ship_extra_equipment containsObject:eq_key])
9625 extra_equipment_value -= ([UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:eq_key] / 10);
9631 for (i = [ship_extra_equipment
count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
9639 for (i = [ship_extra_equipment
count]-1; i >= 0; i--)
9640 extra_equipment_value += ([
UNIVERSE getEquipmentPriceForKey:[ship_extra_equipment oo_stringAtIndex:i]] / 10);
9643 extra_equipment_value *= extra_equipment_value < 0 ? 1.4 : 0.9;
9647 if ((
long long)scrap_value > (
long long)base_price + extra_equipment_value)
return scrap_value;
9649 return base_price + extra_equipment_value;
9653- (NSString *) brochureDescriptionWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dict standardEquipment:(NSArray *)extras optionalEquipment:(NSArray *)options
9655 NSMutableArray *mut_extras = [
NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:extras];
9656 NSString *allOptions = [
options componentsJoinedByString:@" "];
9658 NSMutableString *desc = [
NSMutableString stringWithFormat:@"The %@.", [
dict oo_stringForKey: KEY_NAME]];
9665 [
desc appendFormat:@" Cargo capacity %dt", max_cargo];
9666 BOOL canExpand = ([
allOptions rangeOfString:@"EQ_CARGO_BAY"].location != NSNotFound);
9668 [
desc appendFormat:@" (expandable to %dt at most starports)", max_cargo + extra_cargo];
9669 [
desc appendString:@"."];
9673 float top_speed = [
dict oo_intForKey:@"max_flight_speed"];
9674 [
desc appendFormat:@" Top speed %.3fLS.", 0.001 * top_speed];
9677 if ([mut_extras
9679 unsigned n_berths = 0;
9683 NSString* item_key = [
mut_extras oo_stringAtIndex:i];
9684 if ([item_key isEqual:
9693 [
desc appendString:@" Includes luxury accomodation for a single passenger."];
9695 [
desc appendFormat:@" Includes luxury accomodation for %d passengers.", n_berths];
9700 if ([mut_extras
9702 [
desc appendString:@"\nComes with"];
9706 NSString* item_key = [
mut_extras oo_stringAtIndex:i];
9707 NSString* item_desc =
9708 for (j = 0; ((j < [equipmentData count])&&(!item_desc)) ; j++)
9710 NSString *eq_type = [[equipmentData oo_arrayAtIndex:j] oo_stringAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
9711 if ([eq_type isEqual:item_key])
9712 item_desc = [[equipmentData oo_arrayAtIndex:j] oo_stringAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_SHORT_DESC_INDEX];
9716 switch ([mut_extras
count] - i)
9719 [
desc appendFormat:@" %@ fitted as standard.", item_desc];
9722 [
desc appendFormat:@" %@ and", item_desc];
9725 [
desc appendFormat:@" %@,", item_desc];
9733 if ([options
9735 [
desc appendString:@"\nCan additionally be outfitted with"];
9737 for (i = 0; i < [
options count]; i++)
9739 NSString* item_key = [
options oo_stringAtIndex:i];
9740 NSString* item_desc =
9741 for (j = 0; ((j < [equipmentData count])&&(!item_desc)) ; j++)
9743 NSString *eq_type = [[equipmentData oo_arrayAtIndex:j] oo_stringAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_KEY_INDEX];
9744 if ([eq_type isEqual:item_key])
9745 item_desc = [[equipmentData oo_arrayAtIndex:j] oo_stringAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_SHORT_DESC_INDEX];
9749 switch ([options
count] - i)
9752 [
desc appendFormat:@" %@ at suitably equipped starports.", item_desc];
9755 [
desc appendFormat:@" %@ and/or", item_desc];
9758 [
desc appendFormat:@" %@,", item_desc];
9778 Quaternion q_result;
9788 quaternion_normalize(&q_result);
9810 v1.x -= v0.x; v1.y -= v0.y; v1.z -= v0.z;
9811 if (v1.x||v1.y||v1.z)
9812 v1 = HPvector_normal(v1);
9816 v1.x *= radius; v1.y *= radius; v1.z *= radius;
9817 v1.x += v0.x; v1.y += v0.y; v1.z += v0.z;
9839 v1.x -= v0.x; v1.y -= v0.y; v1.z -= v0.z;
9840 if (v1.x||v1.y||v1.z)
9841 v1 = HPvector_normal(v1);
9845 if (v2.x||v2.y||v2.z)
9846 v2 = HPvector_normal(v2);
9849 HPVector v3 = HPcross_product(v1, v2);
9850 if (v3.x||v3.y||v3.z)
9851 v3 = HPvector_normal(v3);
9855 v1.x *= radius; v1.y *= radius; v1.z *= radius;
9856 v1.x += v0.x; v1.y += v0.y; v1.z += v0.z;
9857 v1.x += 15000 * v3.x; v1.y += 15000 * v3.y; v1.z += 15000 * v3.z;
9858 v1.x -= v0.x; v1.y -= v0.y; v1.z -= v0.z;
9859 if (v1.x||v1.y||v1.z)
9860 v1 = HPvector_normal(v1);
9863 v1.x *= radius; v1.y *= radius; v1.z *= radius;
9864 v1.x += v0.x; v1.y += v0.y; v1.z += v0.z;
9870- (NSArray *) listBeaconsWithCode:(NSString *)code
9873 Entity <OOBeaconEntity> *beacon = [
self firstBeacon];
9875 while (beacon !=
9877 NSString *beaconCode = [
beacon beaconCode];
9878 if ([beaconCode rangeOfString:code options: NSCaseInsensitiveSearch].location != NSNotFound)
9880 [
result addObject:beacon];
9882 beacon = [
beacon nextBeacon];
9885 return [
result sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compareBeaconCodeWith:)];
9889- (void) allShipsDoScriptEvent:(jsid)event andReactToAIMessage:(NSString *)message
9895 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
9903 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
9948- (void) setDisplayText:(BOOL) value
9960- (void) setDisplayFPS:(BOOL) value
9972- (void) setAutoSave:(BOOL) value
9975 [[
NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:autoSave forKey:@"autosave"];
9985- (void) setAutoSaveNow:(BOOL) value
9997- (void) setWireframeGraphics:(BOOL) value
10000 [[
NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setBool:wireframeGraphics forKey:@"wireframe-graphics"];
10031 detailLevel = value;
10039 [[
NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setInteger:detailLevel forKey:@"detailLevel"];
10062- (void) handleOoliteException:(NSException *)exception
10064 if (exception !=
10071 OOLog(
@"***** Handling Fatal : %@ : %@ *****",[exception name], [exception reason]);
10072 NSString* exception_msg = [
NSString stringWithFormat:@"Exception : %@ : %@ Please take a screenshot and/or press esc or Q to quit.", [
exception name], [
exception reason]];
10078 OOLog(
@"***** Handling Non-fatal : %@ : %@ *****",[exception name], [exception reason]);
10090- (void) setAirResistanceFactor:(GLfloat)newFactor
10099- (void) startSpeakingString:(NSString *) text
10101 [speechSynthesizer startSpeakingString:[
NSString stringWithFormat:@"[[volm %.3f]]%@", 0.3333333f * [
OOSound masterVolume], text]];
10109 [speechSynthesizer stopSpeakingAtBoundary:NSSpeechWordBoundary];
10113 [speechSynthesizer stopSpeaking];
10120 return [speechSynthesizer isSpeaking];
10125- (void) startSpeakingString:(NSString *) text
10127 NSData *utf8 = [text dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
10131 const char *stringToSay = [text UTF8String];
10132 espeak_Synth(stringToSay, strlen(stringToSay) + 1 , 0, POS_CHARACTER, 0, espeakCHARS_UTF8 | espeakPHONEMES | espeakENDPAUSE, NULL, NULL);
10137- (void) stopSpeaking
10145 return espeak_IsPlaying();
10149- (NSString *) voiceName:(
unsigned int) index
10151 if (index >= espeak_voice_count)
10153 return [NSString stringWithCString: espeak_voices[index]->name];
10157- (
unsigned int) voiceNumber:(NSString *) name
10162 const char *
const label = [name UTF8String];
10166 unsigned int index = -1;
10167 while (espeak_voices[++index] && strcmp (espeak_voices[index]->name, label))
10169 return (index < espeak_voice_count) ? index : UINT_MAX;
10173- (
unsigned int) nextVoice:(
unsigned int) index
10175 if (++index >= espeak_voice_count)
10181- (
unsigned int) prevVoice:(
unsigned int) index
10183 if (--index >= espeak_voice_count)
10184 index = espeak_voice_count - 1;
10189- (
unsigned int) setVoice:(
unsigned int) index withGenderM:(BOOL) isMale
10191 if (index == UINT_MAX)
10192 index = [
self voiceNumber:DESC(@"espeak-default-voice")];
10194 if (index < espeak_voice_count)
10196 espeak_VOICE voice = { espeak_voices[index]->name, NULL, NULL, isMale ? 1 : 2 };
10197 espeak_SetVoiceByProperties (&voice);
10205- (void) startSpeakingString:(NSString *) text {}
10207- (void) stopSpeaking {}
10222- (void) setPauseMessageVisible:(BOOL)value
10234- (void) setPermanentMessageLog:(BOOL)value
10246- (void) setAutoMessageLogBg:(BOOL)value
10258- (void) setPermanentCommLog:(BOOL)value
10264- (void) setAutoCommLog:(BOOL)value
10276- (void) setBlockJSPlayerShipProps:(BOOL)value
10305 initWithPixelSize:NSMakeSize(480, 160)
10314 initWithPixelSize:NSMakeSize(360, 120)
10332 [speechArray autorelease];
10342 [characters autorelease];
10345 [customSounds autorelease];
10348 [globalSettings autorelease];
10355 [screenBackgrounds autorelease];
10359 [roleCategories autorelease];
10362 [autoAIMap autorelease];
10365 [equipmentData autorelease];
10366 [equipmentDataOutfitting autorelease];
10373 [explosionSettings autorelease];
10383 foreach (type, [commodities goods])
10388 [
tmp setObject:container forKey:type];
10392 cargoPods = [[
NSDictionary alloc] initWithDictionary:tmp];
10399 NSMutableArray *badEntities =
10403 for (i = 0; i < n_entities; i++)
10405 entity = sortedEntities[
10406 if ([entity sessionID] != _sessionID)
10408 OOLogERR(
@"Invalid entity %@ (came from session %lu, current session is %lu).", [entity shortDescription], [entity sessionID], _sessionID);
10414 foreach (entity, badEntities)
10423- (BOOL) reinitAndShowDemo:(BOOL) showDemo
10427 assert(player !=
10453 [PLAYER setSpeed:0.0];
10458 [missiontext autorelease];
10464 [demo_ships release];
10483 if (![player setUpAndConfirmOK:YES])
10546 activeWormholes = [[
NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:16] retain];
10548 characterPool = [[
NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:256] retain];
10565 [[
self currentSystemData] oo_boolForKey:@"stations_require_docking_clearance" defaultValue:YES]];
10579- (Vector) randomPlaceWithinScannerFrom:(Vector)pos alongRoute:(Vector)route withOffset:(
10589- (HPVector) fractionalPositionFrom:(HPVector)point0 to:(HPVector)point1 withFraction:(
10591 if (routeFraction == NSNotFound) routeFraction =
10593 point1 = OOHPVectorInterpolate(point0, point1, routeFraction);
10606 if ([entity canCollide])
10608 doLinkedListMaintenanceThisUpdate = YES;
10626 if (sortedEntities[index] != entity)
10628 OOLog(
10631 for (i = 0; (i < n_entities)&&(index == -1); i++)
10632 if (sortedEntities[i] == entity)
10635 OOLog(
10639 while ((
unsigned)index < n_entities)
10641 while (((
unsigned)index + n < n_entities)&&(sortedEntities[index + n] == entity))
10660 sortedEntities[
index] = sortedEntities[
index + n];
10661 if (sortedEntities[index])
10663 sortedEntities[
index]->zero_index = index;
10668 OOLog(
@"DEBUG: Universe removeEntity: REMOVED %d EXTRA COPIES OF %@ FROM THE ZERO_DISTANCE SORTED LIST", n - 1, entity);
10679 if ([entities containsObject:entity])
10682 if ([entity isBreakPattern] && ![entity isVisualEffect])
10684 breakPatternCounter--;
10687 if ([entity isShip])
10692 if ([entity isWaypoint])
10697 if ([entity isVisualEffect])
10703 if ([entity isWormhole])
10707 else if ([entity isPlanet])
10722 if (![soundName hasPrefix:
@"["] && ![soundName hasSuffix:
10732 NSString *key =
10735 id object = [customSounds objectForKey:key];
10736 if([
object isKindOfClass:[NSString
10740 else if([
object isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]] && [
object count] > 0)
10742 NSString *soundName =
10743 foreach (soundName,
10745 if ([soundName isKindOfClass:[NSString
10760 NSAutoreleasePool *pool =
10762 while ([activeWormholes
10770 if (![whole isScanned] &&
10771 NSEqualPoints([
PLAYER galaxy_coordinates], [whole destinationCoordinates]) )
10778 @catch (NSException *exception)
10780 OOLog(
@"Squashing exception during wormhole unpickling (%@: %@).", [exception name], [exception reason]);
10787- (NSString *)chooseStringForKey:(NSString *)key inDictionary:(NSDictionary *)dictionary
10790 if ([
object isKindOfClass:[NSString
return object;
10791 else if ([
object isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]] && [
object count] > 0)
return [
object oo_stringAtIndex:Ranrot() % [
object count]];
10799- (void) dumpDebugGraphViz
10801 if ([[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:
10803 [
self dumpSystemDescriptionGraphViz];
10808- (void) dumpSystemDescriptionGraphViz
10810 NSMutableString *graphViz =
10811 NSArray *systemDescriptions =
10812 NSArray *thisDesc =
10813 NSUInteger i,
count, j, subCount;
10814 NSString *descLine =
10815 NSArray *curses =
10816 NSString *label =
10817 NSDictionary *keyMap =
10823 graphViz = [NSMutableString stringWithString:
10824 @"// System description grammar:\n\n"
10825 "digraph system_descriptions\n"
10827 "\tgraph [charset=\"UTF-8\", label=\"System description grammar\", labelloc=t, labeljust=l rankdir=LR compound=true nodesep=0.02 ranksep=1.5 concentrate=true fontname=Helvetica]\n"
10828 "\tedge [arrowhead=dot]\n"
10829 "\tnode [shape=none height=0.2 width=3 fontname=Helvetica]\n\t\n"];
10831 systemDescriptions = [[
self descriptions] oo_arrayForKey:@"system_description"];
10832 count = [systemDescriptions count];
10835 descLine =
10837 [graphViz appendFormat:@"\tsystem_description_string [label=\"%@\" shape=ellipse]\n", EscapedGraphVizString(label)];
10838 [
self addNumericRefsInString:descLine
10839 toGraphViz:graphViz
10840 fromNode:@"system_description_string"
10842 [graphViz appendString:@"\t\n"];
10845 [graphViz appendString:
10846 @"\tpercent_I [label=\"%I\\nInhabitants\" shape=diamond]\n"
10847 "\tpercent_H [label=\"%H\\nSystem name\" shape=diamond]\n"
10848 "\tpercent_RN [label=\"%R/%N\\nRandom name\" shape=diamond]\n"
10849 "\tpercent_J [label=\"%J\\nNumbered system name\" shape=diamond]\n"
10850 "\tpercent_G [label=\"%G\\nNumbered system name in chart number\" shape=diamond]\n\t\n"];
10853 [graphViz appendString:@"\tsubgraph cluster_thargoid_curses\n\t{\n\t\tlabel = \"Thargoid curses\"\n"];
10854 curses = [[
self descriptions] oo_arrayForKey:@"thargoid_curses"];
10855 subCount = [curses count];
10856 for (j = 0; j < subCount; ++j)
10859 [graphViz appendFormat:@"\t\tthargoid_curse_%lu [label=\"%@\"]\n", j, EscapedGraphVizString(label)];
10861 [graphViz appendString:@"\t}\n"];
10862 for (j = 0; j < subCount; ++j)
10864 [
self addNumericRefsInString:[curses oo_stringAtIndex:j]
10865 toGraphViz:graphViz
10866 fromNode:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"thargoid_curse_%lu", j]
10869 [graphViz appendString:@"\t\n"];
10873 for (i = 0; i <
count; ++i)
10876 label = [keyMap objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%lu", i]];
10877 if (label ==
nil) label = [NSString stringWithFormat:
@"[%lu]", i];
10878 else label = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"[%lu] (%@)", i, label];
10880 [graphViz appendFormat:@"\tsubgraph cluster_%lu\n\t{\n\t\tlabel=\"%@\"\n", i, EscapedGraphVizString(label)];
10882 thisDesc = [systemDescriptions oo_arrayAtIndex:i];
10883 subCount = [thisDesc count];
10884 for (j = 0; j < subCount; ++j)
10887 [graphViz appendFormat:@"\t\tn%lu_%lu [label=\"\\\"%@\\\"\"]\n", i, j, EscapedGraphVizString(label)];
10890 [graphViz appendString:@"\t}\n"];
10892 [graphViz appendString:@"\t\n"];
10895 for (i = 0; i !=
count; ++i)
10897 thisDesc = [systemDescriptions oo_arrayAtIndex:i];
10898 subCount = [thisDesc count];
10899 for (j = 0; j != subCount; ++j)
10901 descLine = [thisDesc oo_stringAtIndex:j];
10902 [
self addNumericRefsInString:descLine
10903 toGraphViz:graphViz
10904 fromNode:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"n%lu_%lu", i, j]
10910 [graphViz appendString:@"\t}\n"];
10916- (void) addNumericRefsInString:(NSString *)string toGraphViz:(NSMutableString *)graphViz fromNode:(NSString *)fromNode nodeCount:(NSUInteger)nodeCount
10918 NSString *index =
10919 NSInteger start, end;
10920 NSRange remaining, subRange;
10923 remaining = NSMakeRange(0, [
string length]);
10927 subRange = [
string rangeOfString:@"[" options:NSLiteralSearch range:remaining];
10928 if (subRange.location == NSNotFound)
10929 start = subRange.location + subRange.length;
10930 remaining.length -= start - remaining.location;
10931 remaining.location = start;
10933 subRange = [
string rangeOfString:@"]" options:NSLiteralSearch range:remaining];
10934 if (subRange.location == NSNotFound)
10935 end = subRange.location;
10936 remaining.length -= end - remaining.location;
10937 remaining.location = end;
10939 index = [
string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(start, end - start)];
10940 i = [
index intValue];
10943 [
graphViz appendFormat:@"\t%@ -> n%u_0 [color=\"%f,0.75,0.8\" lhead=cluster_%u]\n", fromNode, i, ((float)(i * 511 % nodeCount)) / ((float)nodeCount), i];
10946 if ([
string rangeOfString:
@"%I"].location != NSNotFound)
10948 [
graphViz appendFormat:@"\t%@ -> percent_I [color=\"0,0,0.25\"]\n", fromNode];
10950 if ([
string rangeOfString:
@"%H"].location != NSNotFound)
10952 [
graphViz appendFormat:@"\t%@ -> percent_H [color=\"0,0,0.45\"]\n", fromNode];
10954 if ([
string rangeOfString:
@"%R"].location != NSNotFound || [
string rangeOfString:
@"%N"].location != NSNotFound)
10956 [
graphViz appendFormat:@"\t%@ -> percent_RN [color=\"0,0,0.65\"]\n", fromNode];
10960 if ([
string rangeOfString:
@"%J"].location != NSNotFound)
10962 [
graphViz appendFormat:@"\t%@ -> percent_J [color=\"0,0,0.75\"]\n", fromNode];
10965 if ([
string rangeOfString:
@"%G"].location != NSNotFound)
10967 [
graphViz appendFormat:@"\t%@ -> percent_G [color=\"0,0,0.85\"]\n", fromNode];
10975 NSArray *arguments =
10976 NSEnumerator *argEnum =
10977 NSString *arg =
10978 BOOL compileSysDesc = NO, exportSysDesc = NO, xml = NO;
10982 for (argEnum = [arguments objectEnumerator]; (arg = [
argEnum nextObject]); )
10984 if ([arg isEqual:
@"--compile-sysdesc"]) compileSysDesc = YES;
10985 else if ([arg isEqual:
@"--export-sysdesc"]) exportSysDesc = YES;
10986 else if ([arg isEqual:
@"--xml"]) xml = YES;
10987 else if ([arg isEqual:
@"--openstep"]) xml = NO;
10998- (void) prunePreloadingPlanetMaterials
11002 NSUInteger i = [_preloadingPlanetMaterials count];
11005 if ([[_preloadingPlanetMaterials objectAtIndex:i] isFinishedLoading])
11007 [_preloadingPlanetMaterials removeObjectAtIndex:i];
11017 [conditionScripts autorelease];
11028- (void) addConditionScripts:(NSEnumerator *)scripts
11030 NSString *scriptname =
11031 while ((scriptname = [scripts nextObject]))
11038 [conditionScripts setObject:script forKey:scriptname];
11047 return [conditionScripts objectForKey:scriptname];
11053@implementation OOSound (OOCustomSounds)
11055+ (id) soundWithCustomSoundKey:(NSString *)key
11057 NSString *fileName = [UNIVERSE soundNameForCustomSoundKey:key];
11058 if (fileName ==
return nil;
11063- (id) initWithCustomSoundKey:(NSString *)key
11072@implementation OOSoundSource (OOCustomSounds)
11074+ (id) sourceWithCustomSoundKey:(NSString *)key
11076 return [[[
self alloc] initWithCustomSoundKey:key] autorelease];
11080- (id) initWithCustomSoundKey:(NSString *)key
11083 if (theSound !=
11096- (void) playCustomSoundWithKey:(NSString *)key
11106 NSDictionary *one = (NSDictionary *)a;
11107 NSDictionary *two = (NSDictionary *)b;
11108 int pri_one = [one oo_intForKey:@"priority" defaultValue:100];
11109 int pri_two = [two oo_intForKey:@"priority" defaultValue:100];
11110 if (pri_one < pri_two)
return NSOrderedAscending;
11111 if (pri_one > pri_two)
return NSOrderedDescending;
11112 return NSOrderedSame;
11118 NSArray *one = (NSArray *)a;
11119 NSArray *two = (NSArray *)b;
11123 OOCreditsQuantity comp1 = [[one oo_dictionaryAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_EXTRA_INFO_INDEX] oo_unsignedLongLongForKey:@"sort_order" defaultValue:1000];
11124 OOCreditsQuantity comp2 = [[two oo_dictionaryAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_EXTRA_INFO_INDEX] oo_unsignedLongLongForKey:@"sort_order" defaultValue:1000];
11125 if (comp1 < comp2)
return NSOrderedAscending;
11126 if (comp1 > comp2)
return NSOrderedDescending;
11128 comp1 = [one oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_TECH_LEVEL_INDEX];
11129 comp2 = [two oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_TECH_LEVEL_INDEX];
11130 if (comp1 < comp2)
return NSOrderedAscending;
11131 if (comp1 > comp2)
return NSOrderedDescending;
11133 comp1 = [one oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX];
11134 comp2 = [two oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX];
11135 if (comp1 < comp2)
return NSOrderedAscending;
11136 if (comp1 > comp2)
return NSOrderedDescending;
11138 return NSOrderedSame;
11144 NSArray *one = (NSArray *)a;
11145 NSArray *two = (NSArray *)b;
11149 OOCreditsQuantity comp1 = [[one oo_dictionaryAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_EXTRA_INFO_INDEX] oo_unsignedLongLongForKey:@"purchase_sort_order" defaultValue:[[one oo_dictionaryAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_EXTRA_INFO_INDEX] oo_unsignedLongLongForKey:@"sort_order" defaultValue:1000]];
11150 OOCreditsQuantity comp2 = [[two oo_dictionaryAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_EXTRA_INFO_INDEX] oo_unsignedLongLongForKey:@"purchase_sort_order" defaultValue:[[two oo_dictionaryAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_EXTRA_INFO_INDEX] oo_unsignedLongLongForKey:@"sort_order" defaultValue:1000]];
11151 if (comp1 < comp2)
return NSOrderedAscending;
11152 if (comp1 > comp2)
return NSOrderedDescending;
11154 comp1 = [one oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_TECH_LEVEL_INDEX];
11155 comp2 = [two oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_TECH_LEVEL_INDEX];
11156 if (comp1 < comp2)
return NSOrderedAscending;
11157 if (comp1 > comp2)
return NSOrderedDescending;
11159 comp1 = [one oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX];
11160 comp2 = [two oo_unsignedLongLongAtIndex:EQUIPMENT_PRICE_INDEX];
11161 if (comp1 < comp2)
return NSOrderedAscending;
11162 if (comp1 > comp2)
return NSOrderedDescending;
11164 return NSOrderedSame;
11170 NSString *result = [UNIVERSE descriptionForKey:key];
11171 if (result ==
nil) result = key;
11179 NSArray *conditions = [[UNIVERSE descriptions] oo_arrayForKey:@"plural-rules"];
11182 NSString *tmp = [UNIVERSE descriptionForKey:key];
11185 static NSMutableSet *warned =
11187 if (![warned containsObject:tmp])
11189 OOLogWARN(
@"'%@' found in descriptions.plist, should be '%@%%0'. Localization data needs updating.",key,key);
11190 if (warned ==
nil) warned = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init];
11191 [warned addObject:tmp];
11195 if (conditions ==
11205 for (index = i = 0; i < [conditions count]; ++index, ++i)
11207 const char *cond = [[conditions oo_stringAtIndex:i] UTF8String];
11211 long int input =
11214 while (isspace (*cond))
11219 while (isspace (*cond))
11222 char command = *cond++;
11234 long int param = strtol(cond, (
char **)&cond, 10);
11249 if (flag ^ (input == param))
11253 if (flag ^ (input != param))
11258 if (flag ^ (input < param))
11262 if (flag ^ (input > param))
static NSString *const kOOLogEntityVerificationError
#define OO_DEBUG_PROGRESS(...)
NSRect OORectFromString(NSString *text, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, NSSize siz)
void OODrawString(NSString *text, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, NSSize siz)
@ kOOBreakPatternMaxSides
NSInteger OOComparisonResult
#define foreachkey(VAR, DICT)
NSString * OOStringFromGraphicsDetail(OOGraphicsDetail detail)
void CompileSystemDescriptions(BOOL asXML)
void ExportSystemDescriptions(BOOL asXML)
NSString * OOStringifySystemDescriptionLine(NSString *line, NSDictionary *indicesToKeys, BOOL useFallback)
void OOStandardsDeprecated(NSString *message)
BOOL OOEnforceStandards(void)
void OOInitDebugSupport(void)
BOOL IsShipPredicate(Entity *entity, void *parameter)
BOOL IsVisualEffectPredicate(Entity *entity, void *parameter)
BOOL YESPredicate(Entity *entity, void *parameter)
HPVector OOHPVectorRandomRadial(OOHPScalar maxLength)
HPVector OOProjectHPVectorToPlane(HPVector point, HPVector plane, HPVector normal)
HPVector OORandomPositionInShell(HPVector centre, OOHPScalar inner, OOHPScalar outer)
const HPVector kZeroHPVector
HPVector OOHPVectorRandomSpatial(OOHPScalar maxLength)
const HPVector kBasisZHPVector
HPVector OORandomPositionInCylinder(HPVector centre1, OOHPScalar exclusion1, HPVector centre2, OOHPScalar exclusion2, OOHPScalar radius)
void OOJSPauseTimeLimiter(void)
OOINLINE jsval OOJSValueFromNativeObject(JSContext *context, id object)
OOINLINE JSContext * OOJSAcquireContext(void)
OOINLINE void OOJSRelinquishContext(JSContext *context)
void OOJSResumeTimeLimiter(void)
#define OOLogWARN(class, format,...)
#define OOLogERR(class, format,...)
NSString *const kOOLogException
NSString *const kOOLogInconsistentState
BOOL OOLogWillDisplayMessagesInClass(NSString *inMessageClass)
#define OOLogOutdentIf(class)
#define OOLog(class, format,...)
NSString *const kOOLogParameterError
#define OOLogIndentIf(class)
OOMatrix OOMatrixMultiply(OOMatrix a, OOMatrix b)
const OOMatrix kIdentityMatrix
Vector OOVectorMultiplyMatrix(Vector v, OOMatrix m)
void OOGLLoadModelView(OOMatrix matrix)
void OOGLLookAt(Vector eye, Vector center, Vector up)
OOMatrix OOGLGetModelView(void)
void OOGLPushModelView(void)
void OOGLResetModelView(void)
void OOGLTranslateModelView(Vector vector)
void OOGLFrustum(double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double near, double far)
void OOGLMultModelView(OOMatrix matrix)
OOMatrix OOGLGetModelViewProjection(void)
OOMatrix OOGLPopModelView(void)
void OOGLResetProjection(void)
#define OOVerifyOpenGLState()
BOOL OOCheckOpenGLErrors(NSString *format,...)
void GLScaledLineWidth(GLfloat width)
#define OOSetOpenGLState(STATE)
Vector vector_forward_from_quaternion(Quaternion quat)
void basis_vectors_from_quaternion(Quaternion quat, Vector *outRight, Vector *outUp, Vector *outForward)
void quaternion_set_random(Quaternion *quat)
const Quaternion kIdentityQuaternion
Quaternion quaternion_rotation_between(Vector v0, Vector v1)
void quaternion_rotate_about_y(Quaternion *quat, OOScalar angle)
void quaternion_rotate_about_axis(Quaternion *quat, Vector axis, OOScalar angle)
NSString * OOShipLibraryCategorySingular(NSString *category)
NSString * OOShipLibraryWitchspace(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
NSString * OOShipLibraryTurrets(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
NSString * OOShipLibraryShields(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
NSString * OOShipLibraryCargo(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
NSString * OOShipLibraryCategoryPlural(NSString *category)
static NSString *const kOODemoShipClass
NSString * OOShipLibraryGenerator(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
static NSString *const kOODemoShipShipData
NSString * OOShipLibrarySize(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
NSString * OOShipLibrarySpeed(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
static NSString *const kOODemoShipKey
NSString * OOShipLibraryWeapons(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
NSString * OOShipLibraryTurnRate(ShipEntity *demo_ship)
#define OOExpandKey(key,...)
#define OOExpand(string,...)
NSMutableArray * ScanTokensFromString(NSString *values)
uint8_t OOWeaponFacingSet
NSString * OOCommodityType
uint64_t OOCreditsQuantity
const Vector kBasisYVector
const Vector kBasisZVector
const Vector kBasisXVector
OOEquipmentType * OOWeaponType
BOOL isWeaponNone(OOWeaponType weapon)
NSString * OOEquipmentIdentifierFromWeaponType(OOWeaponType weapon) CONST_FUNC
OOWeaponType OOWeaponTypeFromEquipmentIdentifierSloppy(NSString *string) PURE_FUNC
#define ShipScriptEvent(context, ship, event,...)
#define DESC_PLURAL(key, count)
NSString * OOLookUpDescriptionPRIV(NSString *key)
NSString * OOLookUpPluralDescriptionPRIV(NSString *key, NSInteger count)
NSComparisonResult populatorPrioritySort(id a, id b, void *context)
NSComparisonResult equipmentSortOutfitting(id a, id b, void *context)
NSComparisonResult equipmentSort(id a, id b, void *context)
BOOL(* EntityFilterPredicate)(Entity *entity, void *parameter)
const GLfloat framebufferQuadVertices[]
static const OOMatrix fwd_matrix
static GLfloat docked_light_specular[4]
static NSString *const kOOLogUniversePopulateWitchspace
static const OOMatrix port_matrix
Universe * gSharedUniverse
static const OOMatrix starboard_matrix
static BOOL MaintainLinkedLists(Universe *uni)
static OOComparisonResult compareName(id dict1, id dict2, void *context)
static BOOL demo_light_on
static const OOMatrix aft_matrix
static NSString *const kOOLogEntityVerificationRebuild
static BOOL object_light_on
Entity * gOOJSPlayerIfStale
static GLfloat docked_light_ambient[4]
static GLfloat sun_off[4]
static NSString *const kOOLogUniversePopulateError
const GLuint framebufferQuadIndices[]
static GLfloat docked_light_diffuse[4]
static GLfloat demo_light_position[4]
OOINLINE BOOL EntityInRange(HPVector p1, Entity *e2, float range)
static OOComparisonResult comparePrice(id dict1, id dict2, void *context)
NSDictionary * demoShipData()
void deleteOpenGLObjects()
void drawTargetTextureIntoDefaultFramebuffer()
void verifyEntitySessionIDs()
void setLibraryTextForDemoShip()
void prepareToRenderIntoDefaultFramebuffer()
void verifyDescriptions()
void setUpInitialUniverse()
float randomDistanceWithinScanner()
void populateSpaceFromActiveWormholes()
void setGuiToIntroFirstGo:(BOOL justCobra)
void runLocalizationTools()
void setNextThinkTime:(OOTimeAbsolute ntt)
void setOwner:(ShipEntity *ship)
OOTimeDelta thinkTimeInterval
void setState:(NSString *stateName)
OOTimeAbsolute nextThinkTime
void reactToMessage:context:(NSString *message,[context] NSString *debugContext)
NSString * collisionDescription()
void findShadowedEntities()
BOOL checkEntity:(Entity *ent)
void setDustColor:(OOColor *color)
unsigned isImmuneToBreakPatternHide
void setAtmosphereFogging:(OOColor *fogging)
void removeFromLinkedLists()
void drawImmediate:translucent:(bool immediate,[translucent] bool translucent)
void setUniversalID:(OOUniversalID uid)
OOUniversalID universalID
void setThrowSparks:(BOOL value)
void setVelocity:(Vector vel)
void updateCameraRelativePosition()
void setOrientation:(Quaternion quat)
void update:(OOTimeDelta delta_t)
unsigned collisionTestFilter
GLfloat collisionRadius()
void wasRemovedFromUniverse()
void setScanClass:(OOScanClass sClass)
Vector cameraRelativePosition
void setPositionX:y:z:(OOHPScalar x,[y] OOHPScalar y,[z] OOHPScalar z)
HPVector absolutePositionForSubentityOffset:(HPVector offset)
void setEnergy:(GLfloat amount)
Quaternion normalOrientation()
ShipEntity * parentEntity()
unsigned isExplicitlyNotMainStation
void setStatus:(OOEntityStatus stat)
void setPosition:(HPVector posn)
void setMouseInteractionModeForUIWithMouseInteraction:(BOOL interaction)
GameController * sharedController()
void setGamePaused:(BOOL value)
void logProgress:(NSString *message)
void setMouseInteractionModeForFlight()
void loadPlayerIfRequired()
void setPlayerFileToLoad:(NSString *filename)
void setTextColor:(OOColor *color)
void printLineNoScroll:align:color:fadeTime:key:addToArray:(NSString *str,[align] OOGUIAlignment alignment,[color] OOColor *text_color,[fadeTime] float text_fade,[key] NSString *text_key,[addToArray] NSMutableArray *text_array)
NSDictionary * userSettings()
void setBackgroundColor:(OOColor *color)
void printLongText:align:color:fadeTime:key:addToArray:(NSString *str,[align] OOGUIAlignment alignment,[color] OOColor *text_color,[fadeTime] float text_fade,[key] NSString *text_key,[addToArray] NSMutableArray *text_array)
int drawGUI:drawCursor:(GLfloat alpha,[drawCursor] BOOL drawCursor)
void setAlpha:(GLfloat an_alpha)
void fadeOutFromTime:overDuration:(OOTimeAbsolute now_time,[overDuration] OOTimeDelta duration)
void setLineWidth:(GLfloat value)
NSString * deferredHudName
void setOverallAlpha:(GLfloat newAlphaValue)
void setFov:fromFraction:(float value,[fromFraction] BOOL fromFraction)
void setGammaValue:(float value)
float fov:(BOOL inFraction)
void setMsaa:(BOOL newMsaa)
GameController * gameController
void completePendingTasks()
OOAsyncWorkManager * sharedAsyncWorkManager()
void setInnerColor:outerColor:(OOColor *color1,[outerColor] OOColor *color2)
void setLifetime:(double lifetime)
instancetype breakPatternWithPolygonSides:startAngle:aspectRatio:(NSUInteger sides,[startAngle] float startAngleDegrees,[aspectRatio] float aspectRatio)
void setObject:forKey:inCache:(id inElement,[forKey] NSString *inKey,[inCache] NSString *inCacheKey)
id objectForKey:inCache:(NSString *inKey,[inCache] NSString *inCacheKey)
OOCacheManager * sharedCache()
OOCharacter * randomCharacterWithRole:andOriginalSystem:(NSString *c_role,[andOriginalSystem] OOSystemID s)
OOColor * colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:(float red,[green] float green,[blue] float blue,[alpha] float alpha)
OOColor * brightColorWithDescription:(id description)
OOColor * colorWithDescription:(id description)
void getRed:green:blue:alpha:(float *red,[green] float *green,[blue] float *blue,[alpha] float *alpha)
OOColor * colorWithHue:saturation:brightness:alpha:(float hue,[saturation] float saturation,[brightness] float brightness,[alpha] float alpha)
OOColor * blendedColorWithFraction:ofColor:(float fraction,[ofColor] OOColor *color)
NSString * getRandomCommodity()
OOCommodityMarket * generateMarketForSystemWithEconomy:andScript:(OOEconomyID economy,[andScript] NSString *scriptName)
OOMassUnit massUnitForGood:(NSString *good)
OOMassUnit massUnitForGood:(OOCommodityType good)
NSArray * saveStationAmounts()
OOCargoQuantity quantityForGood:(OOCommodityType good)
NSDictionary * definitionForGood:(OOCommodityType good)
NSString * nameForGood:(OOCommodityType good)
NSString * conditionScript()
OOTechLevelID techLevel()
OOEquipmentType * equipmentTypeWithIdentifier:(NSString *identifier)
OOCreditsQuantity price()
instancetype explosionCloudFromEntity:withSettings:(Entity *entity,[withSettings] NSDictionary *settings)
instancetype laserFlashWithPosition:velocity:color:(HPVector position,[velocity] Vector vel,[color] OOColor *color)
void resetGraphicsState()
OOGraphicsResetManager * sharedManager()
void runCallback:(HPVector location)
BOOL callMethod:inContext:withArguments:count:result:(jsid methodID,[inContext] JSContext *context,[withArguments] jsval *argv,[count] intN argc,[result] jsval *outResult)
OOJavaScriptEngine * sharedEngine()
void garbageCollectionOpportunity:(BOOL force)
void removeObject:(id object)
OOOpenGLExtensionManager * sharedManager()
OOGraphicsDetail defaultDetailLevel()
instancetype shrinkingRingFromEntity:(Entity *sourceEntity)
instancetype ringFromEntity:(Entity *sourceEntity)
id jsScriptFromFileNamed:properties:(NSString *fileName,[properties] NSDictionary *properties)
instancetype groupWithName:(NSString *name)
NSDictionary * shipyardInfoForKey:(NSString *key)
NSArray * playerShipKeys()
OOProbabilitySet * probabilitySetForRole:(NSString *role)
NSString * randomShipKeyForRole:(NSString *role)
OOShipRegistry * sharedRegistry()
NSDictionary * shipInfoForKey:(NSString *key)
NSDictionary * effectInfoForKey:(NSString *key)
id initWithSound:(OOSound *inSound)
void playSound:(OOSound *inSound)
id soundWithCustomSoundKey:(NSString *key)
void setRadius:andCorona:(GLfloat rad,[andCorona] GLfloat corona)
void drawDirectVisionSunGlare()
BOOL changeSunProperty:withDictionary:(NSString *key,[withDictionary] NSDictionary *dict)
void setPosition:(HPVector posn)
void getSpecularComponents:(GLfloat[4] components)
void getDiffuseComponents:(GLfloat[4] components)
BOOL setSunColor:(OOColor *sun_color)
Random_Seed getRandomSeedForCurrentSystem()
NSDictionary * getPropertiesForSystemKey:(NSString *key)
NSPoint getCoordinatesForSystem:inGalaxy:(OOSystemID s,[inGalaxy] OOGalaxyID g)
id getProperty:forSystem:inGalaxy:(NSString *property,[forSystem] OOSystemID s,[inGalaxy] OOGalaxyID g)
NSDictionary * getPropertiesForCurrentSystem()
void setProperty:forSystemKey:andLayer:toValue:fromManifest:(NSString *property,[forSystemKey] NSString *key,[andLayer] OOSystemLayer layer,[toValue] id value,[fromManifest] NSString *manifest)
NSArray * getNeighbourIDsForSystem:inGalaxy:(OOSystemID s,[inGalaxy] OOGalaxyID g)
NSDictionary * getPropertiesForSystem:inGalaxy:(OOSystemID s,[inGalaxy] OOGalaxyID g)
instancetype waypointWithDictionary:(NSDictionary *info)
id weakRefUnderlyingObject()
void setBounty:withReason:(OOCreditsQuantity amount, [withReason] OOLegalStatusReason reason)
void setSystemID:(OOSystemID sid)
void setGuiToStatusScreen()
void setRandom_factor:(int rf)
Vector weaponViewOffset()
OOGalaxyID galaxyNumber()
void setWormhole:(WormholeEntity *newWormhole)
BOOL setUpShipFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *shipDict)
StationEntity * dockedStation()
void setShowDemoShips:(BOOL value)
Quaternion normalOrientation()
BOOL switchHudTo:(NSString *hudFileName)
void addScannedWormhole:(WormholeEntity *wormhole)
void addToAdjustTime:(double seconds)
NSPoint galaxy_coordinates
OOSystemID currentSystemID()
void setGalaxyCoordinates:(NSPoint newPosition)
void runUnsanitizedScriptActions:allowingAIMethods:withContextName:forTarget:(NSArray *unsanitizedActions,[allowingAIMethods] BOOL allowAIMethods,[withContextName] NSString *contextName,[forTarget] ShipEntity *target)
void setJumpCause:(NSString *value)
void setDockedAtMainStation()
void setPreviousSystemID:(OOSystemID sid)
OOMatrix customViewMatrix
Vector customViewUpVector
Vector customViewForwardVector
NSString * dial_clock_adjusted()
BOOL doWorldEventUntilMissionScreen:(jsid message)
PlayerEntity * sharedPlayer()
OOSystemID targetSystemID()
OOSound * ooSoundNamed:inFolder:(NSString *fileName,[inFolder] NSString *folderName)
NSDictionary * dictionaryFromFilesNamed:inFolder:andMerge:(NSString *fileName,[inFolder] NSString *folderName,[andMerge] BOOL mergeFiles)
NSArray * arrayFromFilesNamed:inFolder:andMerge:(NSString *fileName,[inFolder] NSString *folderName,[andMerge] BOOL mergeFiles)
BOOL writeDiagnosticData:toFileNamed:(NSData *data,[toFileNamed] NSString *name)
OOSystemDescriptionManager * systemDescriptionManager()
void setUseAddOns:(NSString *useAddOns)
NSDictionary * roleCategoriesDictionary()
NSDictionary * dictionaryFromFilesNamed:inFolder:mergeMode:cache:(NSString *fileName,[inFolder] NSString *folderName,[mergeMode] OOResourceMergeMode mergeMode,[cache] BOOL useCache)
instancetype elementWithLocation:parent:cost:distance:time:jumps:(OOSystemID location,[parent] OOSystemID parent,[cost] double cost,[distance] double distance,[time] double time,[jumps] int jumps)
void setDemoStartTime:(OOTimeAbsolute time)
void setIsWreckage:(BOOL isw)
void setBounty:withReason:(OOCreditsQuantity amount,[withReason] OOLegalStatusReason reason)
NSDictionary * shipInfoDictionary()
void removeEquipmentItem:(NSString *equipmentKey)
void setFuel:(OOFuelQuantity amount)
void rescaleBy:writeToCache:(GLfloat factor, [writeToCache] BOOL writeToCache)
void setStatus:(OOEntityStatus stat)
void setCargoFlag:(OOCargoFlag flag)
BOOL witchspaceLeavingEffects()
void setRoll:(double amount)
void setDestination:(HPVector dest)
void setGroup:(OOShipGroup *group)
void setSubEntityTakingDamage:(ShipEntity *sub)
void doScriptEvent:(jsid message)
NSArray * portWeaponOffset
void setPrimaryRole:(NSString *role)
NSArray * starboardWeaponOffset
void setHeatInsulation:(GLfloat value)
void setPitch:(double amount)
BOOL isHostileTo:(Entity *entity)
void setAITo:(NSString *aiString)
void enterTargetWormhole()
NSArray * aftWeaponOffset
NSArray * forwardWeaponOffset
void setPendingEscortCount:(uint8_t count)
uint8_t pendingEscortCount()
void setTemperature:(GLfloat value)
void setCrew:(NSArray *crewArray)
void setDemoShip:(OOScalar demoRate)
void doScriptEvent:withArgument:(jsid message,[withArgument] id argument)
void switchAITo:(NSString *aiString)
void setCommodity:andAmount:(OOCommodityType co_type,[andAmount] OOCargoQuantity co_amount)
OOCommodityType commodityType()
BOOL changeProperty:withDictionary:(NSString *key,[withDictionary] NSDictionary *dict)
OOCommodityMarket * localMarket
void setAllowsFastDocking:(BOOL newValue)
OOCommodityMarket * initialiseLocalMarket()
void setRequiresDockingClearance:(BOOL newValue)
void setEquivalentTechLevel:(OOTechLevelID value)
void setLocalMarket:(NSArray *market)
unsigned interstellarUndockingAllowed
void setPlanet:(OOPlanetEntity *planet)
void setLocalShipyard:(NSArray *market)
void setAllegiance:(NSString *newAllegiance)
BOOL role:isInCategory:(NSString *role,[isInCategory] NSString *category)
OOSystemID findSystemNumberAtCoords:withGalaxy:includingHidden:(NSPoint coords,[withGalaxy] OOGalaxyID gal,[includingHidden] BOOL hidden)
NSSpeechSynthesizer * speechSynthesizer
OOGraphicsDetail detailLevel
HPVector legacyPositionFrom:asCoordinateSystem:(HPVector pos,[asCoordinateSystem] NSString *system)
void setTimeAccelerationFactor:(double newTimeAccelerationFactor)
NSDictionary * commodityDataForType:(OOCommodityType type)
void populateNormalSpace()
OOWeakReference * _firstBeacon
Entity< OOBeaconEntity > * lastBeacon()
void setDetailLevelDirectly:(OOGraphicsDetail value)
NSMutableDictionary * conditionScripts
Entity * firstEntityTargetedByPlayerPrecisely()
static BOOL MaintainLinkedLists(Universe *uni)
OOTimeDelta getTimeDelta()
static OOComparisonResult compareName(id dict1, id dict2, void *context)
unsigned countShipsMatchingPredicate:parameter:inRange:ofEntity:(EntityFilterPredicate predicate,[parameter] void *parameter,[inRange] double range,[ofEntity] Entity *entity)
ShipEntity * newShipWithName:usePlayerProxy:isSubentity:(NSString *shipKey,[usePlayerProxy] BOOL usePlayerProxy,[isSubentity] BOOL OO_RETURNS_RETAINED)
void deleteOpenGLObjects()
void setUpUniverseFromWitchspace()
void resetCommsLogColor()
void allShipsDoScriptEvent:andReactToAIMessage:(jsid event,[andReactToAIMessage] NSString *message)
NSString * collisionDescription()
OOINLINE BOOL EntityInRange(HPVector p1, Entity *e2, float range)
void setDockingClearanceProtocolActive:(BOOL newValue)
NSString * system_repopulator
OOTimeAbsolute demo_start_time
OOSystemID targetSystemID
NSString * system_names[256]
unsigned countShipsWithRole:inRange:ofEntity:(NSString *role,[inRange] double range,[ofEntity] Entity *entity)
NSString * defaultAIForRole:(NSString *role)
id nearestEntityMatchingPredicate:parameter:relativeToEntity:(EntityFilterPredicate predicate,[parameter] void *parameter,[relativeToEntity] Entity *entity)
void selectIntro2Previous()
GuiDisplayGen * messageGUI()
void forceWitchspaceEntries()
NSUInteger demo_ship_index
BOOL dockingClearanceProtocolActive()
NSDictionary * customSounds
BOOL doProcedurallyTexturedPlanets
void setPauseMessageVisible:(BOOL value)
OOCreditsQuantity getEquipmentPriceForKey:(NSString *eq_key)
static void VerifyDescArray(NSString *key, NSArray *desc)
NSDictionary * currentSystemData()
NSDictionary * descriptions()
OOCommodities * commodities
void getActiveViewMatrix:forwardVector:upVector:(OOMatrix *outMatrix, [forwardVector] Vector *outForward, [upVector] Vector *outUp)
void showCommsLog:(OOTimeDelta how_long)
NSMutableSet * allStations
NSDictionary * roleCategories
GuiDisplayGen * comm_log_gui
void setAirResistanceFactor:(GLfloat newFactor)
void removeAllEntitiesExceptPlayer()
void setWitchspaceBreakPattern:(BOOL newValue)
NSUInteger demo_ship_subindex
NSDictionary * gameSettings()
BOOL doRemoveEntity:(Entity *entity)
void handleOoliteException:(NSException *ooliteException)
GLuint targetFramebufferID
NSDictionary * _descriptions
void drawWatermarkString:(NSString *watermarkString)
void speakWithSubstitutions:(NSString *text)
ShipEntity * addShipAt:withRole:withinRadius:(HPVector pos,[withRole] NSString *role,[withinRadius] GLfloat radius)
void enterGUIViewModeWithMouseInteraction:(BOOL mouseInteraction)
ShipEntity * addShipWithRole:launchPos:rfactor:(NSString *desc, [launchPos] HPVector launchPos, [rfactor] GLfloat rfactor)
ShipEntity * newShipWithName:(NSString *OO_RETURNS_RETAINED)
ShipEntity * newShipWithRole:(NSString *OO_RETURNS_RETAINED)
void drawTargetTextureIntoDefaultFramebuffer()
void resetFramesDoneThisUpdate()
void setGalaxyTo:andReinit:(OOGalaxyID g,[andReinit] BOOL forced)
HPVector coordinatesFromCoordinateSystemString:(NSString *system_x_y_z)
static void VerifyDescString(NSString *key, NSString *desc)
BOOL doLinkedListMaintenanceThisUpdate
NSArray * getStationMarkets()
NSDictionary * characters
void setMainLightPosition:(Vector sunPos)
void setDisplayText:(BOOL value)
NSMutableDictionary * waypoints
void setECMVisualFXEnabled:(BOOL isEnabled)
OOTimeAbsolute demo_stage_time
void addMessage:forCount:forceDisplay:(NSString *text,[forCount] OOTimeDelta count,[forceDisplay] BOOL forceDisplay)
void populateSystemFromDictionariesWithSun:andPlanet:(OOSunEntity *sun,[andPlanet] OOPlanetEntity *planet)
void addMessage:forCount:(NSString *text,[forCount] OOTimeDelta count)
BOOL deterministic_population
void setUpUniverseFromStation()
void verifyEntitySessionIDs()
NSMutableDictionary * populatorSettings
NSDictionary * screenBackgrounds
void unMagicMainStation()
unsigned countEntitiesMatchingPredicate:parameter:inRange:ofEntity:(EntityFilterPredicate predicate,[parameter] void *parameter,[inRange] double range,[ofEntity] Entity *entity)
void setUpWitchspaceBetweenSystem:andSystem:(OOSystemID s1,[andSystem] OOSystemID s2)
NSDictionary * globalSettings
GuiDisplayGen * message_gui
BOOL addShips:withRole:intoBoundingBox:(int howMany,[withRole] NSString *desc,[intoBoundingBox] BoundingBox bbox)
OOJSScript * getConditionScript:(NSString *scriptname)
static BOOL IsCandidateMainStationPredicate(Entity *entity, void *parameter)
void lightForEntity:(BOOL isLit)
HPVector getWitchspaceExitPosition()
NSMutableArray * findEntitiesMatchingPredicate:parameter:inRange:ofEntity:(EntityFilterPredicate predicate,[parameter] void *parameter,[inRange] double range,[ofEntity] Entity *entity)
NSString * currentMessage
CollisionRegion * universeRegion
NSDictionary * generateSystemData:useCache:(OOSystemID s,[useCache] BOOL useCache)
void setUpUniverseFromMisjump()
NSDictionary * explosionSettings
void clearSystemPopulator()
OOPlanetEntity * cachedPlanet
OOMatrix activeViewMatrix()
NSSize targetFramebufferSize
NSDictionary * getPopulatorSettings()
NSMutableArray * activeWormholes
void setGalaxyTo:(OOGalaxyID g)
void clearPreviousMessage()
NSMutableArray * entities
NSMutableArray * findShipsMatchingPredicate:parameter:inRange:ofEntity:(EntityFilterPredicate predicate,[parameter] void *parameter,[inRange] double range,[ofEntity] Entity *entity)
void setSystemTo:(OOSystemID s)
void setUpInitialUniverse()
void populateSpaceFromActiveWormholes()
BOOL deterministicPopulation()
void prepareToRenderIntoDefaultFramebuffer()
BOOL reinitAndShowDemo:(BOOL showDemo)
OOPlanetEntity * setUpPlanet()
Entity * firstEntityTargetedByPlayer()
NSString * getSystemName:(OOSystemID sys)
OOCommodityMarket * commodityMarket
OOPlanetEntity * planet()
OOSystemDescriptionManager * systemManager
NSPoint findSystemCoordinatesWithPrefix:exactMatch:(NSString *p_fix,[exactMatch] BOOL exactMatch)
BOOL _permanentMessageLog
BOOL inInterstellarSpace()
BOOL _witchspaceBreakPattern
void loadConditionScripts()
static void PreloadOneSound(NSString *soundName)
void setViewDirection:(OOViewID vd)
ShipEntity * newShipWithName:usePlayerProxy:(NSString *shipKey,[usePlayerProxy] BOOL OO_RETURNS_RETAINED)
OOTimeDelta next_repopulation
void setSystemDataForGalaxy:planet:key:value:fromManifest:forLayer:(OOGalaxyID gnum,[planet] OOSystemID pnum,[key] NSString *key,[value] id object,[fromManifest] NSString *manifest,[forLayer] OOSystemLayer layer)
ShipEntity * addWreckageFrom:withRole:at:scale:lifetime:(ShipEntity *ship,[withRole] NSString *wreckRole,[at] HPVector rpos,[scale] GLfloat scale,[lifetime] GLfloat lifetime)
BOOL removeEntity:(Entity *entity)
double timeAccelerationFactor
void setCurrentPostFX:(int newCurrentPostFX)
NSString * getSystemInhabitants:plural:(OOSystemID sys,[plural] BOOL plural)
Entity * sortedEntities[UNIVERSE_MAX_ENTITIES+1]
GLfloat main_light_position[4]
NSArray * addShipsAt:withRole:quantity:withinRadius:asGroup:(HPVector pos,[withRole] NSString *role,[quantity] unsigned count,[withinRadius] GLfloat radius,[asGroup] BOOL isGroup)
void setSkyColorRed:green:blue:alpha:(GLfloat red,[green] GLfloat green,[blue] GLfloat blue,[alpha] GLfloat alpha)
void showGUIMessage:withScroll:andColor:overDuration:(NSString *text,[withScroll] BOOL scroll,[andColor] OOColor *selectedColor,[overDuration] OOTimeDelta how_long)
BOOL _dockingClearanceProtocolActive
BOOL setUseAddOns:fromSaveGame:forceReinit:(NSString *newUse,[fromSaveGame] BOOL saveGame,[forceReinit] BOOL force)
static BOOL IsFriendlyStationPredicate(Entity *entity, void *parameter)
ShipEntity * firstShipHitByLaserFromShip:inDirection:offset:gettingRangeFound:(ShipEntity *srcEntity,[inDirection] OOWeaponFacing direction,[offset] Vector offset,[gettingRangeFound] GLfloat *range_ptr)
ShipEntity * newShipWithName:usePlayerProxy:isSubentity:andScaleFactor:(NSString *shipKey,[usePlayerProxy] BOOL usePlayerProxy,[isSubentity] BOOL isSubentity,[andScaleFactor] float OO_RETURNS_RETAINED)
NSPoint coordinatesForSystem:(OOSystemID s)
void initTargetFramebufferWithViewSize:(NSSize viewSize)
NSArray * neighboursToSystem:(OOSystemID system_number)
OOTimeAbsolute countdown_messageRepeatTime
void setGameView:(MyOpenGLView *view)
NSMutableSet * entitiesDeadThisUpdate
NSArray * shipsForSaleForSystem:withTL:atTime:(OOSystemID s,[withTL] OOTechLevelID specialTL,[atTime] OOTimeAbsolute current_time)
HPVector locationByCode:withSun:andPlanet:(NSString *code,[withSun] OOSunEntity *sun,[andPlanet] OOPlanetEntity *planet)
NSString * getRandomCommodity()
void fillCargopodWithRandomCargo:(ShipEntity *cargopod)
void verifyDescriptions()
void startSpeakingString:(NSString *text)
GLfloat airResistanceFactor
NSString * randomShipKeyForRoleRespectingConditions:(NSString *role)
void addConditionScripts:(NSEnumerator *scripts)
BOOL addEntity:(Entity *entity)
id findOneEntityMatchingPredicate:parameter:(EntityFilterPredicate predicate,[parameter] void *parameter)
NSDictionary * currentWaypoints()
NSString * keyForPlanetOverridesForSystem:inGalaxy:(OOSystemID s,[inGalaxy] OOGalaxyID g)
OOTimeAbsolute messageRepeatTime
NSMutableArray * allPlanets
Class shipClassForShipDictionary:(NSDictionary *dict)
NSString * chooseStringForKey:inDictionary:(NSString *key, [inDictionary] NSDictionary *dictionary)
NSString * keyForInterstellarOverridesForSystems:s1:inGalaxy:(OOSystemID,[s1] OOSystemID s2,[inGalaxy] OOGalaxyID g)
GameController * gameController()
NSDictionary * generateSystemData:(OOSystemID s)
void setLastBeacon:(Entity< OOBeaconEntity > *beacon)
StationEntity * station()
Entity< OOBeaconEntity > * firstBeacon()
GLfloat safeWitchspaceExitDistance()
void addCommsMessage:forCount:andShowComms:logOnly:(NSString *text,[forCount] OOTimeDelta count,[andShowComms] BOOL showComms,[logOnly] BOOL logOnly)
Quaternion getWitchspaceExitRotation()
void selectIntro2NextCategory()
BOOL blockJSPlayerShipProps()
BOOL permanentMessageLog()
void findCollisionsAndShadows()
Entity * entity_for_uid[MAX_ENTITY_UID]
BOOL pauseMessageVisible()
static void VerifyDesc(NSString *key, id desc)
float randomDistanceWithinScanner()
OOTimeAbsolute universal_time
GuiDisplayGen * commLogGUI()
void setLibraryTextForDemoShip()
void setFirstBeacon:(Entity< OOBeaconEntity > *beacon)
StationEntity * cachedStation
void clearBeacon:(Entity< OOBeaconEntity > *beaconShip)
NSString * getSystemName:forGalaxy:(OOSystemID sys,[forGalaxy] OOGalaxyID gnum)
OOWeakReference * _lastBeacon
NSDictionary * generateSystemDataForGalaxy:planet:(OOGalaxyID gnum, [planet] OOSystemID pnum)
OOSystemID currentSystemID()
OOVisualEffectEntity * newVisualEffectWithName:(NSString *OO_RETURNS_RETAINED)
HPVector fractionalPositionFrom:to:withFraction:(HPVector point0, [to] HPVector point1, [withFraction] double routeFraction)
HPVector coordinatesForPosition:withCoordinateSystem:returningScalar:(HPVector pos,[withCoordinateSystem] NSString *system,[returningScalar] GLfloat *my_scalar)
void resizeTargetFramebufferWithViewSize:(NSSize viewSize)
BOOL witchspaceBreakPattern()
void makeSunSkimmer:andSetAI:(ShipEntity *ship,[andSetAI] BOOL setAI)
void selectIntro2PreviousCategory()
NSDictionary * missiontext
static OOComparisonResult comparePrice(id dict1, id dict2, void *context)
NSDictionary * demoShipData()
unsigned countShipsWithPrimaryRole:inRange:ofEntity:(NSString *role,[inRange] double range,[ofEntity] Entity *entity)
void setNextBeacon:(Entity< OOBeaconEntity > *beaconShip)
NSArray * equipmentDataOutfitting
OOCargoQuantity getRandomAmountOfCommodity:(OOCommodityType co_type)
NSPoint destinationCoordinates()
typedef int(ZCALLBACK *close_file_func) OF((voidpf opaque
RANROTSeed RanrotSeedFromRandomSeed(Random_Seed seed)
RANROTSeed RANROTGetFullSeed(void)
void ranrot_srand(uint32_t seed)
void OOInitReallyRandom(uint64_t seed)
void RANROTSetFullSeed(RANROTSeed seed)
unsigned RanrotWithSeed(RANROTSeed *ioSeed)
double cunningFee(double value, double precision)
void seed_for_planet_description(Random_Seed s_seed)
RANROTSeed MakeRanrotSeed(uint32_t seed)
void rotate_seed(Random_Seed *seed_ptr)
OOINLINE double distanceBetweenPlanetPositions(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) INLINE_CONST_FUNC