Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- t -
- t : BaseFace, OOMeshFace
- tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row: : OOShipGroupDebugInspectorModule
- tabStops : GuiDisplayGen
- tag : RBSplitSubview
- takeAction: : AI
- takeEnergyDamage:from:becauseOf:weaponIdentifier: : DockEntity, Entity, PlayerEntity, ShipEntity, StationEntity
- takeHeatDamage: : PlayerEntity, ShipEntity, StationEntity
- takeInternalDamage : PlayerEntity
- takeReportAIMessagesFrom: : OOShipDebugInspectorModule
- takeScrapeDamage:from: : PlayerEntity, ShipEntity, StationEntity
- tangent : OOMeshFace
- tangentArray : OOMeshDisplayLists
- target_chart_centre : PlayerEntity
- target_chart_focus : PlayerEntity
- target_chart_zoom : PlayerEntity
- target_memory : PlayerEntity
- target_memory_index : PlayerEntity
- target_system_id : PlayerEntity
- targetDepthBufferID : Universe
- targetDockStation : PlayerEntity
- targetFirstBeaconWithCode: : ShipEntity, ShipEntity(PureAI)
- targetFramebufferID : Universe
- targetFramebufferSize : Universe
- targetInfoSystem : PlayerEntity
- targetMemory : PlayerEntity
- targetNearestHostile : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(Scripting)
- targetNearestIncomingMissile : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(Scripting)
- targetNewSystem: : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(Controls)
- targetNewSystem:whileTyping: : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(Controls)
- targetNextBeaconWithCode: : ShipEntity, ShipEntity(PureAI)
- targetNextFoundSystem: : GuiDisplayGen
- targetSelf: : OOObjectDebugInspectorModule
- targetStation : ShipEntity
- targetSystemID : PlayerEntity, Universe
- targetTextureID : Universe
- TCPIgnoresDroppedPackets : OODebugMonitor
- techLevel : OOEquipmentType
- temperature : ShipEntity
- terminate: : OoliteApp
- terminatePostFX: : Universe
- testEntityOccludedByEntity : CollisionRegion
- testForEquipment: : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(Scripting)
- TestScriptConditions : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(Scripting)
- texCoordsScale : OOConcreteTexture, OOTexture, OOTexture(SubclassOptional)
- textColor : GuiDisplayGen
- textCommsColor : GuiDisplayGen
- textField : OOTextFieldHistoryManager
- texture : OOExhaustPlumeEntity, OOExplosionCloudEntity, OOFlashEffectEntity, OOLightParticleEntity, OOParticleSystem, OOSkyQuadSet, PlanetEntity, DustEntity, OOSkyQuadDesc, OOTextureSprite, OOTrumble
- texture1 : OOLaserShotEntity
- texture2 : OOLaserShotEntity
- textureCombinersSupported : OOOpenGLExtensionManager
- textureCount : OOProbabilisticTextureManager
- textureDescriptorFromJSValue:inContext:callerDescription: : GuiDisplayGen
- textureFileName : PlanetEntity
- TextureForGUITexture : GuiDisplayGen
- textureIDForSpec: : OODefaultShaderSynthesizer
- textureImageUnitCount : OOOpenGLExtensionManager
- textureLODBiasAvailable : OOTextureInfo
- textureMaxLevelAvailable : OOTextureInfo
- textureName : OOPlanetDrawable
- textureNamed:usedInContext: : OOTextureVerifierStage
- textureOptions : OOCombinedEmissionMapGenerator, OOPixMapTextureLoader, OOTextureGenerator
- textureProgram : Universe
- textures : OOMaterialSynthContext
- textureSpecifications : OODefaultShaderSynthesizer
- texturesUsed : OOMaterialSynthContext
- textureUnitCount : OOOpenGLExtensionManager
- textureUVArray : OOMeshDisplayLists
- textureVerifierStage : OOOXPVerifier, OOOXPVerifier(OOTextureVerifierStage)
- textureWithConfiguration: : OOTexture
- textureWithConfiguration:extraOptions: : OOTexture
- textureWithGenerator: : OOTexture
- textureWithGenerator:enqueue: : OOTexture
- textureWithName:inFolder: : OOTexture
- textureWithName:inFolder:options:anisotropy:lodBias: : OOTexture
- thankedShip : ShipEntity
- thargonCheckMother : ShipEntity, ShipEntity(PureAI)
- think : AI
- thinkNow: : OOAIDebugInspectorModule
- thinkTimeInterval : AI
- threadStateMonitor : OOAsyncLogger
- throw_sparks : Entity
- throwingSparks : Entity
- throwSparks : Entity, ShipEntity
- thrust : ShipEntity
- thrustVector : ShipEntity
- tidyMissilePylons : PlayerEntity
- tile_level_mode : TEXRHeader
- tile_rounding_mode : TEXRHeader
- tile_size_x : TEXRHeader
- tile_size_y : TEXRHeader
- tiled : TEXRHeader, TEXRVersion
- tiles : TEXRImage
- time : RouteElement
- time_delta : Universe
- timeAccelerationFactor : Universe
- timeDescription: : Universe
- timeElapsedSinceSpawn : Entity
- timeframe : Frame
- timeIntervalAtLastClick : MyOpenGLView
- timeIntervalAtLastMouseWheel : MyOpenGLView
- timer : GameController
- timerFired : OOJSTimer, OOScriptTimer
- timeSinceLastMouseWheel : MyOpenGLView
- title : GuiDisplayGen, OOJSInterfaceDefinition, GuiDisplayGen
- tm_hour : tm_unz_s
- tm_mday : tm_unz_s
- tm_min : tm_unz_s
- tm_mon : tm_unz_s
- tm_sec : tm_unz_s
- tm_year : tm_unz_s
- tmu_date : unz_file_info64_s, unz_file_info_s
- toggleDockingMusic : OOMusicController
- toggleFullScreen: : NSWindow(Lion), OOPrimaryWindow
- toggleFullScreenAction: : GameController, GameController(FullScreen)
- toggleFullScreenCalledForWindow:withSender: : GameController, GameController(FullScreen), <OOPrimaryWindowDelegate>
- toggleScreenMode : MyOpenGLView
- toggleShowOnError: : OOJavaScriptConsoleController
- toggleShowOnLog: : OOJavaScriptConsoleController
- toggleShowOnWarning: : OOJavaScriptConsoleController
- toggleThisDebugFlagAction: : OODebugController
- toggleThisLogMessageClassAction: : OODebugController
- toggleWireframeModeAction: : OODebugController
- total_in : mz_stream_s
- total_out : mz_stream_s
- total_out_64 : file_in_zip64_read_info_s
- totalBoundingBox : ShipEntity
- totalDrawableSize : EntityDumpState
- totalEntityObjSize : EntityDumpState
- totalSize : Octree, OODrawable, OOMesh, OOSkyDrawable, OOSkyQuadSet
- totalTime : OOTimeProfile, animationData
- totalTimeAverage : OOTimeProfileEntry
- totalTimeMax : OOTimeProfileEntry
- totalTimeSum : OOTimeProfileEntry
- touchesEndedWithEvent: : MyOpenGLView
- trackCloseContacts : ShipEntity
- trackDestination:delta_t: : ShipEntity
- trackingCurveCoeffs : ShipEntity
- trackingCurvePositions : ShipEntity
- trackingCurveTimes : ShipEntity
- trackingID : CallbackEntry
- trackOntoTarget:withDForward: : ShipEntity
- trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t: : ShipEntity
- trackSideTarget:delta_t: : ShipEntity
- tractor_position : ShipEntity
- tradeInFactor : PlayerEntity, ProxyPlayerEntity
- tradeInValue : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(Contracts), PlayerEntity(ContractsPrivate)
- tradeInValueForCommanderDictionary: : Universe
- trader_launch_interval : StationEntity
- transformationMatrix : Entity, <OOSpatialReference>
- transitionToAegisNone : ShipEntity
- translateKeyCode: : MyOpenGLView, MyOpenGLView(Internal)
- translateModelView: : OOOpenGLMatrixManager
- translateOldStandardBasicSubentityDeclaration:forShip:shipData:fatalError: : OOShipRegistry, OOShipRegistry(OODataLoader)
- translateOldStyleFlasherDeclaration:forShip:fatalError: : OOShipRegistry, OOShipRegistry(OODataLoader)
- translateOldStyleSubentityDeclaration:forShip:shipData:fatalError: : OOShipRegistry, OOShipRegistry(OODataLoader)
- translateProjection: : OOOpenGLMatrixManager
- travel_time : WormholeEntity
- travelling_at_hyperspeed : PlayerEntity
- travelTime : WormholeEntity
- triangle_range : OOMesh
- triangles : OOMeshToOctreeConverter::OOMeshToOctreeConverterInternalData
- true_butstate : OOJoystickManager
- trumble : PlayerEntity
- trumbleAppetiteAccumulator : PlayerEntity
- trumbleArray : PlayerEntity
- trumbleCount : PlayerEntity, ProxyPlayerEntity, PlayerEntity
- trumbleOpinionForGood: : OOCommodityMarket
- trumbleValue : PlayerEntity
- tryBuyingCommodity:all: : PlayerEntity
- tryBuyingItem: : PlayerEntity, PlayerEntity(OOPrivate)
- tryDequeue : OOAsyncQueue
- trySellingCommodity:all: : PlayerEntity
- turretCount : ShipEntity
- type : JoyAxisEvent, JoyButtonEvent, JoyHatEvent, OOPlanetDataLevel, TEXRAttribute
- typedString : MyOpenGLView