#include <HeadUpDisplay.h>
Instance Methods | |
(id) | - initWithDictionary: |
(id) | - initWithDictionary:inFile: |
(void) | - resetGuis: |
(void) | - resetGuiPositions |
(NSString *) | - hudName |
(void) | - setHudName: |
(GLfloat) | - scannerZoom |
(void) | - setScannerZoom: |
(GLfloat) | - overallAlpha |
(void) | - setOverallAlpha: |
(BOOL) | - reticleTargetSensitive |
(void) | - setReticleTargetSensitive: |
(NSMutableDictionary *) | - propertiesReticleTargetSensitive |
(BOOL) | - isHidden |
(void) | - setHidden: |
(BOOL) | - allowBigGui |
(BOOL) | - hasHidden: |
(void) | - setHiddenSelector:hidden: |
(void) | - clearHiddenSelectors |
(BOOL) | - isCompassActive |
(void) | - setCompassActive: |
(BOOL) | - isUpdating |
(void) | - setDeferredHudName: |
(NSString *) | - deferredHudName |
(NSString *) | - crosshairDefinition |
(BOOL) | - setCrosshairDefinition: |
(void) | - addLegend: |
(void) | - addDial: |
(void) | - addMFD: |
(NSUInteger) | - mfdCount |
(void) | - renderHUD |
(void) | - refreshLastTransmitter |
(void) | - setLineWidth: |
(GLfloat) | - lineWidth |
(BOOL) | - minimalisticScanner |
(void) | - setMinimalisticScanner: |
(BOOL) | - nonlinearScanner |
(void) | - setNonlinearScanner: |
(BOOL) | - scannerUltraZoom |
(void) | - setScannerUltraZoom: |
(OOColor *) | - reticleColorForIndex: |
(BOOL) | - setReticleColorForIndex:toColor: |
(OOINLINE void) | - GLColorWithOverallAlpha [implementation] |
(void) | - dealloc [implementation] |
(void) | - resetGui:withInfo: [implementation] |
(void) | - resetGuiPosition:withInfo: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawLegends [implementation] |
(void) | - drawDials [implementation] |
(void) | - drawMFDs [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCrosshairs [implementation] |
(NSArray *) | - crosshairDefinitionForWeaponType: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawLegend: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawHUDItem: [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - checkPlayerInFlight [implementation] |
(BOOL) | - checkPlayerInSystemFlight [implementation] |
(void) | - drawScanner: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawScannerZoomIndicator: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCompass: [implementation] |
(OOINLINE void) | - SetCompassBlipColor [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCompassPlanetBlipAt:Size:Alpha: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCompassStationBlipAt:Size:Alpha: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCompassSunBlipAt:Size:Alpha: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCompassTargetBlipAt:Size:Alpha: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCompassBeaconBlipAt:Size:Alpha: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawAegis: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCustomBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCustomText: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCustomIndicator: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCustomLight: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCustomImage: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawSpeedBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawRollBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawPitchBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawYawBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawEnergyGauge: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawForwardShieldBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawAftShieldBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawFuelBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawWitchspaceDestination: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawCabinTempBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawWeaponTempBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawAltitudeBar: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawIconForMissile:selected:status:x:y:width:height:alpha: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawIconForEmptyPylonAtX:y:width:height:alpha: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawMissileDisplay: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawTargetReticle: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawSecondaryTargetReticle: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawWaypoints: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawStatusLight: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawDirectionCue: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawClock: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawPrimedEquipment: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawASCTarget: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawWeaponsOfflineText: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawFPSInfoCounter: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawScoopStatus: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawStickSensitivityIndicator: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawSurroundInternal:color: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawSurround: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawGreenSurround: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawYellowSurround: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawTrumbles: [implementation] |
(void) | - drawMultiFunctionDisplay:withText:asIndex: [implementation] |
(void) | - OOHUDResetTextEngine(void) [implementation] |
(NSRect) | - OORectFromString [implementation] |
(CGFloat) | - OOStringWidthInEm [implementation] |
(void) | - drawHighlight [implementation] |
(void) | - OODrawString [implementation] |
(void) | - OODrawStringAligned [implementation] |
(void) | - OOStartDrawingStrings [implementation] |
(void) | - OODrawStringQuadsAligned [implementation] |
(void) | - OOStopDrawingStrings [implementation] |
(void) | - OODrawHilightedString [implementation] |
(void) | - OODrawPlanetInfo [implementation] |
(void) | - OODrawHilightedPlanetInfo [implementation] |
(void) | - drawPrimedEquipmentText: [implementation] |
Class Methods | |
(Vector) | + nonlinearScannerScale:Zoom:Scale: |
(static GLfloat) | + drawCharacterQuad [implementation] |
(static void) | + InitTextEngine(void) [implementation] |
(static void) | + prefetchData [implementation] |
(static OOPolygonSprite *) | + IconForMissileRole [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudDrawIndicatorAt [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudDrawMarkerAt [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudDrawBarAt [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudDrawSurroundAt [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudDrawStatusIconAt [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudDrawReticleOnTarget [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudDrawWaypoint [implementation] |
(static void) | + hudRotateViewpointForVirtualDepth [implementation] |
(static void) | + InitTextEngine(void) [implementation] |
(static void) | + GLDrawNonlinearCascadeWeapon [implementation] |
(static GLfloat) | + nonlinearScannerFunc [implementation] |
(static void) | + drawScannerGrid [implementation] |
(static void) | + DrawSpecialOval [implementation] |
Private Attributes | |
NSMutableArray * | legendArray |
NSMutableArray * | dialArray |
NSMutableArray * | mfdArray |
GLfloat | scanner_zoom |
GLfloat | z1 |
GLfloat | lineWidth |
NSString * | hudName |
NSString * | deferredHudName |
BOOL | hudUpdating |
GLfloat | overallAlpha |
BOOL | reticleTargetSensitive |
NSMutableDictionary * | propertiesReticleTargetSensitive |
BOOL | cloakIndicatorOnStatusLight |
BOOL | hudHidden |
BOOL | allowBigGui |
int | last_transmitter |
NSMutableSet * | _hiddenSelectors |
OOCrosshairs * | _crosshairs |
OOWeaponType | _lastWeaponType |
GLfloat | _lastOverallAlpha |
BOOL | _lastWeaponsOnline |
NSDictionary * | _crosshairOverrides |
OOColor * | _crosshairColor |
GLfloat | _crosshairScale |
GLfloat | _crosshairWidth |
NSString * | crosshairDefinition |
BOOL | _compassActive |
NSMutableArray * | _reticleColors |
BOOL | minimalistic_scanner |
BOOL | nonlinear_scanner |
BOOL | scanner_ultra_zoom |
Definition at line 237 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
- (void) addDial: | (NSDictionary *) | info |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) addLegend: | (NSDictionary *) | info |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) addMFD: | (NSDictionary *) | info |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) allowBigGui |
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) clearHiddenSelectors |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (NSString *) crosshairDefinition |
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (NSString *) deferredHudName |
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OOGL.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References kDefaultMineIconKey, kDefaultMissileIconKey, and nil.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 3914 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References ONE_EIGHTH, ONE_SIXTEENTH, sGlyphWidths, x, and y.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References CachedInfo::alpha, CachedInfo::height, CachedInfo::width, CachedInfo::x, CachedInfo::x0, CachedInfo::y, and CachedInfo::y0.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 4242 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References MyOpenGLView::fov:, GLDrawOval(), GLScaledLineWidth(), nonlinearScannerFunc(), OOGL, OOGLBEGIN, OOGLEND, OOSetOpenGLState, OOVerifyOpenGLState, OPENGL_STATE_OVERLAY, SCANNER_MAX_RANGE, MyOpenGLView::viewSize, x, and y.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 4384 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 4156 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References GLDrawPoints(), GLDrawQuadStrip(), M_PI, nonlinearScannerScale:Zoom:Scale:, OOGL, OOGLVector::x, x, OOGLVector::y, y, and OOGLVector::z.
- (BOOL) hasHidden: | (NSString *) | selectorName |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 3472 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 3418 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 3445 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 3533 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References ACCURACY_PROBABILITY_DECREASE_FACTOR, OOColor::alphaComponent, OOColor::blueComponent, PlayerEntity::clockTimeAdjusted, Entity::collision_radius, Entity::collisionRadius, green_color, OOColor::greenColor, OOColor::greenComponent, ShipEntity::hasHostileTarget, hudRotateViewpointForVirtualDepth(), int(), MAX_ACCURACY_RANGE, MIN_PROBABILITY_ACCURACY, nil, OODrawString(), OOGLBEGIN, OOGLEND, OOGLPopModelView(), OOGLPushModelView(), PLAYER, ShipEntity::primaryTarget, OOColor::redColor, OOColor::redComponent, ShipEntity::scanDescription, UNIVERSE, WH_SCANINFO_ARRIVAL_TIME, WH_SCANINFO_COLLAPSE_TIME, WH_SCANINFO_DESTINATION, WH_SCANINFO_NONE, WH_SCANINFO_SCANNED, WH_SCANINFO_SHIP, and Entity::zero_distance.
Definition at line 3515 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 3501 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 3747 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References blue_color, hudRotateViewpointForVirtualDepth(), OODrawString(), OOGLBEGIN, OOGLEND, OOGLPopModelView(), and OOGLPushModelView().
- (NSString *) hudName |
implementation |
Definition at line 3808 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References PlayerEntity::customViewForwardVector, PlayerEntity::customViewUpVector, kBasisYVector, kZeroVector, M_PI, OOGLLookAt(), OOGLMultModelView(), OOGLScaleModelView(), OOGLTranslateModelView(), OOMatrixForQuaternionRotation(), Entity::orientation, quaternion_multiply(), quaternion_rotate_about_axis(), UNIVERSE, and vector_up_from_quaternion().
implementation |
Definition at line 2541 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
implementation |
Definition at line 3874 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References count, ResourceManager::dictionaryFromFilesNamed:inFolder:andMerge:, GLYPH_SCALE_FACTOR, nil, OOTexture::retain, sEncodingCoverter, sF6KernGovt, sF6KernTL, sFontTexture, sGlyphWidths, and OOTexture::textureWithName:inFolder:options:anisotropy:lodBias:.
- (id) initWithDictionary: | (NSDictionary *) | hudinfo |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (id) initWithDictionary: | (NSDictionary *) | hudinfo | |
inFile: | (NSString *) | hudFileName |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) isCompassActive |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) isHidden |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) isUpdating |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (GLfloat) lineWidth |
- (NSUInteger) mfdCount |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) minimalisticScanner |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) nonlinearScanner |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 4228 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References SCANNER_MAX_RANGE, and x.
+ (Vector) nonlinearScannerScale: | (Vector) | V | |
Zoom: | (GLfloat) | zoom | |
Scale: | (double) | scale |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by GLDrawNonlinearCascadeWeapon.
implementation |
Definition at line 4125 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OODrawPlanetInfo(), OOGL, OOSetOpenGLState, OOVerifyOpenGLState, OPENGL_STATE_OVERLAY, sGlyphWidths, x, and y.
implementation |
Definition at line 4047 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OODrawString(), OOGL, OORectFromString(), OOSetOpenGLState, OOVerifyOpenGLState, OPENGL_STATE_OVERLAY, x, and y.
implementation |
Definition at line 4070 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OOTexture::apply, OOTexture::applyNone, OOColor::colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha:, OOGL, OOGLBEGIN, OOGLEND, OOSetOpenGLState, OOVerifyOpenGLState, OPENGL_STATE_OVERLAY, sF6KernGovt, sF6KernTL, x, and y.
implementation |
Definition at line 3993 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OODrawStringAligned(), x, and y.
implementation |
Definition at line 3999 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OODrawStringQuadsAligned(), OOStartDrawingStrings(), OOStopDrawingStrings(), x, and y.
implementation |
Definition at line 4015 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OOEncodingConverter::convertString:, EXPECT_NOT, nil, OORectFromString(), x, and y.
implementation |
Definition at line 3907 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References DESTROY, sEncodingCoverter, and sFontTexture.
implementation |
Definition at line 3936 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OOEncodingConverter::convertString:, nil, sGlyphWidths, x, and y.
implementation |
Definition at line 4006 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OOTexture::apply, OOGL, OOGLBEGIN, OOSetOpenGLState, and OPENGL_STATE_OVERLAY.
implementation |
Definition at line 4037 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References OOTexture::applyNone, OOGL, OOGLEND, and OOVerifyOpenGLState.
implementation |
Definition at line 3956 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
References GLYPH_SCALE_FACTOR, and OORectFromString().
- (GLfloat) overallAlpha |
implementation |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (NSMutableDictionary *) propertiesReticleTargetSensitive |
- (void) refreshLastTransmitter |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) renderHUD |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Provided by category HeadUpDisplay(Private).
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) resetGuiPositions |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) resetGuis: | (NSDictionary *) | info |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (OOColor *) reticleColorForIndex: | (NSUInteger) | idx |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipGetProperty().
- (BOOL) reticleTargetSensitive |
- (BOOL) scannerUltraZoom |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (GLfloat) scannerZoom |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) setCompassActive: | (BOOL) | newValue |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
implementation |
Definition at line 1687 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) setCrosshairDefinition: | (NSString *) | newDefinition |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) setDeferredHudName: | (NSString *) | newDeferredHudName |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) setHidden: | (BOOL) | newValue |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipSetProperty().
- (void) setHiddenSelector: | (NSString *) | selectorName | |
hidden: | (BOOL) | hide |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipHideHUDSelector(), and PlayerShipShowHUDSelector().
- (void) setHudName: | (NSString *) | newHudName |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) setLineWidth: | (GLfloat) | value |
Definition at line 4384 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (void) setMinimalisticScanner: | (BOOL) | newValue |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipSetProperty().
- (void) setNonlinearScanner: | (BOOL) | newValue |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipSetProperty().
- (void) setOverallAlpha: | (GLfloat) | newAlphaValue |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
- (BOOL) setReticleColorForIndex: | (NSUInteger) | idx | |
toColor: | (OOColor *) | newColor |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipSetProperty().
- (void) setReticleTargetSensitive: | (BOOL) | newReticleTargetSensitiveValue |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipSetProperty().
- (void) setScannerUltraZoom: | (BOOL) | newValue |
Definition at line 1167 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
Referenced by PlayerShipSetProperty().
- (void) setScannerZoom: | (GLfloat) | value |
Definition at line 214 of file HeadUpDisplay.m.
private |
Definition at line 281 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 277 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 276 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 272 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 278 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 279 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 269 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 274 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 275 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 273 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 283 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 265 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 261 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 280 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
Referenced by PlayerShipGetProperty().
private |
Definition at line 252 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 241 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 263 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 251 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
Referenced by PlayerShipGetProperty(), and PlayerShipSetProperty().
private |
Definition at line 254 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 267 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 240 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 249 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 242 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 286 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 289 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 256 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 259 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 258 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 290 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 245 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.
private |
Definition at line 248 of file HeadUpDisplay.h.