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How to use Oolite API documentation


This documentation was generated automatically based on the Oolite source code. That means you only see information that was in the source code anyway but extracted and shaped into an easy to browse hypermedia documentation. Links to related information make getting along much easier.

In the top of the page you can find the project and version this documentation was created for. In the menu bar below you see three entries.

Currently you are reading the main page. The next section 'Classes' allows you to quickly browse the classes used in the project. Alhpabetically, but also graphically through class inheritance diagrams. The 'Files' section allows you to navigate not by class name but by source code location. Use whichever way feels more comfortable for your use case.

Once you found the class/file of interest, read that page and also look for sections that can be expanded. Here you find inheritance and collaboration diagrams that can help navigate around quickly.

Also note that there is a growing amount of information in the Developer's Corner at https://wiki.alioth.net/index.php/Developer%27s_Corner.

Oolite Code Structure

There are two entry points:

These two may process the command line arguments. But watch out, other classes or functions may do so, too. Check for uses of NSProcessInfo, as it happens e.g. in src/SDL/MyOpenGLView.m or src/Core/Entities/PlayerEntity.m.

Maintaining this documentation

Enriching the code

As mentioned above, this documentation contains all the information from the source code. Of course you can enrich the source with more information easily. The huge advanatage is that you do not even need to leave your favourite editing tool. Just add comments in a way that doxygen can recognize - and this is a small change only.

This entry page can be found under Doc/ApiDocIntro.dox.

See more at Documenting the code

Generating this documentation

To generate the most up to date documentation, just invoke Doxygen from the project's main directory. All the necessary settings are in the Doxyfile already.

On top of that, the project is configured to automatically build the documentation on every change on the master branch.