No Matches
DockEntity Class Reference

#include <DockEntity.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for DockEntity:
+ Collaboration diagram for DockEntity:

Instance Methods

(void) - clear
(BOOL) - allowsDocking
(void) - setAllowsDocking:
(BOOL) - disallowedDockingCollides
(void) - setDisallowedDockingCollides:
(NSUInteger) - countOfShipsInDockingQueue
(NSDictionary *) - dockingInstructionsForShip:
(NSString *) - canAcceptShipForDocking:
(BOOL) - shipIsInDockingCorridor:
(BOOL) - shipIsInDockingQueue:
(void) - abortDockingForShip:
(void) - abortAllDockings
(BOOL) - dockingCorridorIsEmpty
(void) - clearDockingCorridor
(void) - autoDockShipsOnApproach
(NSUInteger) - pruneAndCountShipsOnApproach
(void) - noteDockingForShip:
(BOOL) - allowsLaunching
(void) - setAllowsLaunching:
(NSUInteger) - countOfShipsInLaunchQueue
(NSUInteger) - countOfShipsInLaunchQueueWithPrimaryRole:
(BOOL) - allowsLaunchingOf:
(void) - launchShip:
(void) - addShipToLaunchQueue:withPriority:
(void) - setDimensionsAndCorridor:docking:ddc:
(Vector) - portUpVectorForShipsBoundingBox:
(BOOL) - isOffCentre
(void) - setVirtual
(void) - abortAllLaunches [implementation]
(void) - autoDockShipsInQueue: [implementation]
(void) - addShipToShipsOnApproach: [implementation]
(void) - pullInShipIfPermitted: [implementation]
(BOOL) - isDock [implementation]
(id) - initWithKey:definition: [implementation]
(void) - dealloc [implementation]
(void) - clearIdLocks: [implementation]
(void) - clearAllIdLocks [implementation]
(BOOL) - setUpShipFromDictionary: [implementation]
(void) - update: [implementation]
(void) - noteTakingDamage:from:type: [implementation]
(void) - takeEnergyDamage:from:becauseOf:weaponIdentifier: [implementation]
(void) - drawImmediate:translucent: [implementation]
(void) - getJSClass:andPrototype: [implementation]
(NSString *) - oo_jsClassName [implementation]
- Instance Methods inherited from ShipEntity
(void) - setStateMachine:
(void) - setAI:
(AI *) - getAI
(BOOL) - hasAutoAI
(BOOL) - hasNewAI
(void) - setShipScript:
(void) - removeScript
(OOScript *) - shipScript
(OOScript *) - shipAIScript
(OOTimeAbsolute- shipAIScriptWakeTime
(void) - setAIScriptWakeTime:
(double) - frustration
(void) - setLaunchDelay:
(void) - interpretAIMessage:
(GLfloat) - accuracy
(void) - setAccuracy:
(OOMesh *) - mesh
(void) - setMesh:
(BoundingBox) - totalBoundingBox
(Vector) - forwardVector
(Vector) - upVector
(Vector) - rightVector
(NSArray *) - subEntities
(NSUInteger) - subEntityCount
(BOOL) - hasSubEntity:
(NSEnumerator *) - subEntityEnumerator
(NSEnumerator *) - shipSubEntityEnumerator
(NSEnumerator *) - flasherEnumerator
(NSEnumerator *) - exhaustEnumerator
(ShipEntity *) - subEntityTakingDamage
(void) - setSubEntityTakingDamage:
(void) - clearSubEntities
(Quaternion) - subEntityRotationalVelocity
(void) - setSubEntityRotationalVelocity:
(NSString *) - serializeShipSubEntities
(void) - deserializeShipSubEntitiesFrom:
(NSUInteger) - maxShipSubEntities
(void) - setSubIdx:
(NSUInteger) - subIdx
(Octree *) - octree
(float) - volume
(GLfloat) - doesHitLine:v0:
(GLfloat) - doesHitLine:v0:v1:
(GLfloat) - doesHitLine:v0:withPosition:andIJK:i:j:
(BoundingBox) - findBoundingBoxRelativeToPosition:InVectors:i:j:
(HPVector) - absoluteTractorPosition
(void) - setIsBoulder:
(BOOL) - isBoulder
(BOOL) - isMinable
(BOOL) - countsAsKill
(void) - setUpEscorts
(void) - updateEscortFormation
(BOOL) - setUpFromDictionary:
(BOOL) - setUpSubEntities
(BOOL) - setUpOneStandardSubentity:asTurret:
(GLfloat) - frustumRadius
(NSString *) - shipDataKey
(NSString *) - shipDataKeyAutoRole
(void) - setShipDataKey:
(NSDictionary *) - shipInfoDictionary
(NSArray *) - getWeaponOffsetFrom:withKey:inMode:
(NSArray *) - aftWeaponOffset
(NSArray *) - forwardWeaponOffset
(NSArray *) - portWeaponOffset
(NSArray *) - starboardWeaponOffset
(BOOL) - hasAutoWeapons
(BOOL) - isFrangible
(BOOL) - suppressFlightNotifications
(void) - respondToAttackFrom:becauseOf:
(OOWeaponFacingSet- weaponFacings
(BOOL) - hasEquipmentItem:includeWeapons:whileLoading:
(BOOL) - hasEquipmentItem:
(NSUInteger) - countEquipmentItem:
(NSString *) - equipmentItemProviding:
(BOOL) - hasEquipmentItemProviding:
(BOOL) - hasAllEquipment:includeWeapons:whileLoading:
(BOOL) - hasAllEquipment:
(BOOL) - setWeaponMount:toWeapon:
(BOOL) - canAddEquipment:inContext:
(BOOL) - equipmentValidToAdd:inContext:
(BOOL) - equipmentValidToAdd:whileLoading:inContext:
(BOOL) - addEquipmentItem:inContext:
(BOOL) - addEquipmentItem:withValidation:inContext:
(BOOL) - hasHyperspaceMotor
(float) - hyperspaceSpinTime
(void) - setHyperspaceSpinTime:
(NSEnumerator *) - equipmentEnumerator
(NSUInteger) - equipmentCount
(void) - removeEquipmentItem:
(void) - removeAllEquipment
(OOEquipmentType *) - selectMissile
(OOCreditsQuantity- removeMissiles
(BOOL) - hasOneEquipmentItem:includeWeapons:whileLoading:
(BOOL) - hasOneEquipmentItem:includeMissiles:whileLoading:
(BOOL) - hasPrimaryWeapon:
(BOOL) - removeExternalStore:
(NSUInteger) - parcelCount
(NSUInteger) - passengerCount
(NSUInteger) - passengerCapacity
(NSUInteger) - missileCount
(NSUInteger) - missileCapacity
(NSUInteger) - extraCargo
(BOOL) - hasScoop
(BOOL) - hasFuelScoop
(BOOL) - hasCargoScoop
(BOOL) - hasECM
(BOOL) - hasCloakingDevice
(BOOL) - hasMilitaryScannerFilter
(BOOL) - hasMilitaryJammer
(BOOL) - hasExpandedCargoBay
(BOOL) - hasShieldBooster
(BOOL) - hasMilitaryShieldEnhancer
(BOOL) - hasHeatShield
(BOOL) - hasFuelInjection
(BOOL) - hasCascadeMine
(BOOL) - hasEscapePod
(BOOL) - hasDockingComputer
(BOOL) - hasGalacticHyperdrive
(float) - shieldBoostFactor
(float) - maxForwardShieldLevel
(float) - maxAftShieldLevel
(float) - shieldRechargeRate
(double) - maxHyperspaceDistance
(float) - afterburnerFactor
(float) - afterburnerRate
(void) - setAfterburnerFactor:
(void) - setAfterburnerRate:
(float) - maxThrust
(float) - thrust
(void) - setMaxThrust:
(void) - setMaxFlightPitch:
(void) - setMaxFlightSpeed:
(void) - setMaxFlightRoll:
(void) - setMaxFlightYaw:
(void) - setEnergyRechargeRate:
(void) - processBehaviour:
(void) - behaviour_stop_still:
(void) - behaviour_idle:
(void) - behaviour_tumble:
(void) - behaviour_tractored:
(void) - behaviour_track_target:
(void) - behaviour_intercept_target:
(void) - behaviour_attack_target:
(void) - behaviour_attack_slow_dogfight:
(void) - behaviour_evasive_action:
(void) - behaviour_attack_break_off_target:
(void) - behaviour_fly_to_target_six:
(void) - behaviour_attack_mining_target:
(void) - behaviour_attack_fly_to_target:
(void) - behaviour_attack_fly_from_target:
(void) - behaviour_running_defense:
(void) - behaviour_flee_target:
(void) - behaviour_attack_broadside:
(void) - behaviour_attack_broadside_left:
(void) - behaviour_attack_broadside_right:
(void) - behaviour_close_to_broadside_range:
(void) - behaviour_close_with_target:
(void) - behaviour_attack_broadside_target:leftside:
(void) - behaviour_attack_sniper:
(void) - behaviour_fly_range_from_destination:
(void) - behaviour_face_destination:
(void) - behaviour_land_on_planet:
(void) - behaviour_formation_form_up:
(void) - behaviour_fly_to_destination:
(void) - behaviour_fly_from_destination:
(void) - behaviour_avoid_collision:
(void) - behaviour_track_as_turret:
(void) - behaviour_fly_thru_navpoints:
(void) - behaviour_scripted_ai:
(float) - reactionTime
(void) - setReactionTime:
(HPVector) - calculateTargetPosition
(void) - startTrackingCurve
(void) - updateTrackingCurve
(void) - calculateTrackingCurve
(GLfloat *) - scannerDisplayColorForShip:otherShip:isHostile:flash:scannerDisplayColor1:scannerDisplayColor2:scannerDisplayColorH1:
(void) - setScannerDisplayColor1:
(void) - setScannerDisplayColor2:
(OOColor *) - scannerDisplayColor1
(OOColor *) - scannerDisplayColor2
(void) - setScannerDisplayColorHostile1:
(void) - setScannerDisplayColorHostile2:
(OOColor *) - scannerDisplayColorHostile1
(OOColor *) - scannerDisplayColorHostile2
(BOOL) - isCloaked
(void) - setCloaked:
(BOOL) - hasAutoCloak
(void) - setAutoCloak:
(void) - applyThrust:
(void) - applyAttitudeChanges:
(void) - avoidCollision
(void) - resumePostProximityAlert
(double) - messageTime
(void) - setMessageTime:
(OOShipGroup *) - group
(void) - setGroup:
(OOShipGroup *) - escortGroup
(void) - setEscortGroup:
(OOShipGroup *) - stationGroup
(BOOL) - hasEscorts
(NSEnumerator *) - escortEnumerator
(NSArray *) - escortArray
(uint8_t) - escortCount
(uint8_t) - pendingEscortCount
(void) - setPendingEscortCount:
(uint8_t) - maxEscortCount
(void) - setMaxEscortCount:
(NSUInteger) - turretCount
(NSString *) - name
(NSString *) - shipUniqueName
(NSString *) - shipClassName
(NSString *) - displayName
(NSString *) - scanDescription
(NSString *) - scanDescriptionForScripting
(void) - setName:
(void) - setShipUniqueName:
(void) - setShipClassName:
(void) - setDisplayName:
(void) - setScanDescription:
(NSString *) - identFromShip:
(BOOL) - hasRole:
(OORoleSet *) - roleSet
(void) - addRole:
(void) - addRole:withProbability:
(void) - removeRole:
(NSString *) - primaryRole
(void) - setPrimaryRole:
(BOOL) - hasPrimaryRole:
(BOOL) - isPolice
(BOOL) - isThargoid
(BOOL) - isTrader
(BOOL) - isPirate
(BOOL) - isMissile
(BOOL) - isMine
(BOOL) - isWeapon
(BOOL) - isEscort
(BOOL) - isShuttle
(BOOL) - isTurret
(BOOL) - isPirateVictim
(BOOL) - isExplicitlyUnpiloted
(BOOL) - isUnpiloted
(OOAlertCondition- alertCondition
(OOAlertCondition- realAlertCondition
(BOOL) - hasHostileTarget
(BOOL) - isHostileTo:
(NSUInteger) - defenseTargetCount
(NSArray *) - allDefenseTargets
(NSEnumerator *) - defenseTargetEnumerator
(void) - validateDefenseTargets
(BOOL) - addDefenseTarget:
(BOOL) - isDefenseTarget:
(void) - removeDefenseTarget:
(void) - removeAllDefenseTargets
(NSArray *) - collisionExceptions
(void) - addCollisionException:
(void) - removeCollisionException:
(BOOL) - collisionExceptedFor:
(GLfloat) - weaponRange
(void) - setWeaponRange:
(void) - setWeaponDataFromType:
(float) - energyRechargeRate
(float) - weaponRechargeRate
(void) - setWeaponRechargeRate:
(void) - setWeaponEnergy:
(OOWeaponFacing- currentWeaponFacing
(GLfloat) - scannerRange
(void) - setScannerRange:
(Vector) - reference
(void) - setReference:
(BOOL) - reportAIMessages
(void) - setReportAIMessages:
(void) - transitionToAegisNone
(OOPlanetEntity *) - findNearestPlanet
(Entity< OOStellarBody > *) - findNearestStellarBody
(OOPlanetEntity *) - findNearestPlanetExcludingMoons
(OOAegisStatus- checkForAegis
(void) - forceAegisCheck
(BOOL) - withinStationAegis
(void) - setLastAegisLock:
(OOSystemID- homeSystem
(OOSystemID- destinationSystem
(void) - setHomeSystem:
(void) - setDestinationSystem:
(NSArray *) - crew
(NSArray *) - crewForScripting
(void) - setCrew:
(void) - setSingleCrewWithRole:
(OOFuelQuantity- fuel
(void) - setFuel:
(OOFuelQuantity- fuelCapacity
(GLfloat) - fuelChargeRate
(void) - setRoll:
(void) - setRawRoll:
(void) - setPitch:
(void) - setYaw:
(void) - setThrust:
(void) - applySticks:
(void) - setThrustForDemo:
(void) - setBounty:
(void) - setBounty:withReason:
(void) - setBounty:withReasonAsString:
(OOCreditsQuantity- bounty
(int- legalStatus
(BOOL) - isTemplateCargoPod
(void) - setUpCargoType:
(void) - setCommodity:andAmount:
(void) - setCommodityForPod:andAmount:
(OOCommodityType- commodityType
(OOCargoQuantity- commodityAmount
(OOCargoQuantity- maxAvailableCargoSpace
(void) - setMaxAvailableCargoSpace:
(OOCargoQuantity- availableCargoSpace
(OOCargoQuantity- cargoQuantityOnBoard
(OOCargoType- cargoType
(NSArray *) - cargoListForScripting
(NSMutableArray *) - cargo
(void) - setCargo:
(BOOL) - addCargo:
(BOOL) - removeCargo:amount:
(BOOL) - showScoopMessage
(NSArray *) - passengerListForScripting
(NSArray *) - parcelListForScripting
(NSArray *) - contractListForScripting
(NSArray *) - equipmentListForScripting
(OOWeaponType- weaponTypeIDForFacing:strict:
(OOEquipmentType *) - weaponTypeForFacing:strict:
(NSArray *) - missilesList
(OOCargoFlag- cargoFlag
(void) - setCargoFlag:
(void) - setSpeed:
(double) - desiredSpeed
(void) - setDesiredSpeed:
(double) - desiredRange
(void) - setDesiredRange:
(double) - cruiseSpeed
(Vector) - thrustVector
(void) - setTotalVelocity:
(void) - increase_flight_speed:
(void) - decrease_flight_speed:
(void) - increase_flight_roll:
(void) - decrease_flight_roll:
(void) - increase_flight_pitch:
(void) - decrease_flight_pitch:
(void) - increase_flight_yaw:
(void) - decrease_flight_yaw:
(GLfloat) - flightRoll
(GLfloat) - flightPitch
(GLfloat) - flightYaw
(GLfloat) - flightSpeed
(GLfloat) - maxFlightPitch
(GLfloat) - maxFlightSpeed
(GLfloat) - maxFlightRoll
(GLfloat) - maxFlightYaw
(GLfloat) - speedFactor
(GLfloat) - temperature
(void) - setTemperature:
(GLfloat) - heatInsulation
(void) - setHeatInsulation:
(float) - randomEjectaTemperature
(float) - randomEjectaTemperatureWithMaxFactor:
(int- damage
(void) - dealEnergyDamage:atRange:withBias:
(void) - dealEnergyDamageWithinDesiredRange
(void) - dealMomentumWithinDesiredRange:
(void) - noteKilledBy:damageType:
(void) - getDestroyedBy:damageType:
(void) - becomeExplosion
(void) - becomeLargeExplosion:
(void) - becomeEnergyBlast
(void) - broadcastEnergyBlastImminent
(void) - setIsWreckage:
(BOOL) - showDamage
(Vector) - positionOffsetForAlignment:
(Vector) - positionOffsetForShipInRotationToAlignment
(void) - collectBountyFor:
(BoundingBox) - findSubentityBoundingBox
(Triangle) - absoluteIJKForSubentity
(GLfloat) - weaponRecoveryTime
(GLfloat) - laserHeatLevel
(GLfloat) - laserHeatLevelAft
(GLfloat) - laserHeatLevelForward
(GLfloat) - laserHeatLevelPort
(GLfloat) - laserHeatLevelStarboard
(GLfloat) - hullHeatLevel
(GLfloat) - entityPersonality
(GLint) - entityPersonalityInt
(void) - setEntityPersonalityInt:
(void) - setSuppressExplosion:
(void) - resetExhaustPlumes
(void) - removeExhaust:
(void) - removeFlasher:
(void) - checkScanner
(void) - checkScannerIgnoringUnpowered
(ShipEntity **) - scannedShips
(int- numberOfScannedShips
(Entity *) - foundTarget
(Entity *) - primaryAggressor
(Entity *) - lastEscortTarget
(Entity *) - thankedShip
(Entity *) - rememberedShip
(Entity *) - proximityAlert
(void) - setFoundTarget:
(void) - setPrimaryAggressor:
(void) - setLastEscortTarget:
(void) - setThankedShip:
(void) - setRememberedShip:
(void) - setProximityAlert:
(void) - setTargetStation:
(BOOL) - isValidTarget:
(void) - addTarget:
(void) - removeTarget:
(BOOL) - canStillTrackPrimaryTarget
(id) - primaryTarget
(id) - primaryTargetWithoutValidityCheck
(StationEntity *) - targetStation
(BOOL) - isFriendlyTo:
(ShipEntity *) - shipHitByLaser
(void) - noteLostTarget
(void) - noteLostTargetAndGoIdle
(void) - noteTargetDestroyed:
(OOBehaviour- behaviour
(void) - setBehaviour:
(void) - trackOntoTarget:withDForward:
(double) - ballTrackLeadingTarget:atTarget:
(GLfloat) - rollToMatchUp:rotating:
(GLfloat) - rangeToDestination
(double) - trackDestination:delta_t:
(void) - setCoordinate:
(HPVector) - coordinates
(HPVector) - destination
(HPVector) - distance_six:
(HPVector) - distance_twelve:withOffset:
(void) - setEvasiveJink:
(void) - evasiveAction:
(double) - trackPrimaryTarget:delta_t:
(double) - trackSideTarget:delta_t:
(double) - missileTrackPrimaryTarget:
(double) - rangeToPrimaryTarget
(double) - approachAspectToPrimaryTarget
(double) - rangeToSecondaryTarget:
(BOOL) - hasProximityAlertIgnoringTarget:
(GLfloat) - currentAimTolerance
(GLfloat) - lookingAtSunWithThresholdAngleCos:
(BOOL) - onTarget:withWeapon:
(OOTimeDelta- shotTime
(void) - resetShotTime
(BOOL) - fireMainWeapon:
(BOOL) - fireAftWeapon:
(BOOL) - firePortWeapon:
(BOOL) - fireStarboardWeapon:
(BOOL) - fireTurretCannon:
(void) - setLaserColor:
(void) - setExhaustEmissiveColor:
(OOColor *) - laserColor
(OOColor *) - exhaustEmissiveColor
(BOOL) - fireSubentityLaserShot:
(BOOL) - fireDirectLaserShot:
(BOOL) - fireDirectLaserDefensiveShot
(BOOL) - fireDirectLaserShotAt:
(NSArray *) - laserPortOffset:
(BOOL) - fireLaserShotInDirection:weaponIdentifier:
(void) - adjustMissedShots:
(int- missedShots
(void) - considerFiringMissile:
(Vector) - missileLaunchPosition
(ShipEntity *) - fireMissile
(ShipEntity *) - fireMissileWithIdentifier:andTarget:
(BOOL) - isMissileFlagSet
(void) - setIsMissileFlag:
(OOTimeDelta- missileLoadTime
(void) - setMissileLoadTime:
(void) - noticeECM
(BOOL) - fireECM
(BOOL) - cascadeIfAppropriateWithDamageAmount:cascadeOwner:
(BOOL) - activateCloakingDevice
(void) - deactivateCloakingDevice
(BOOL) - launchCascadeMine
(ShipEntity *) - launchEscapeCapsule
(OOCommodityType- dumpCargo
(ShipEntity *) - dumpCargoItem:
(OOCargoType- dumpItem:
(void) - manageCollisions
(BOOL) - collideWithShip:
(void) - adjustVelocity:
(void) - addImpactMoment:fraction:
(BOOL) - canScoop:
(void) - getTractoredBy:
(void) - scoopIn:
(void) - scoopUp:
(void) - scoopUpProcess:processEvents:processMessages:
(BOOL) - abandonShip
(void) - takeScrapeDamage:from:
(void) - takeHeatDamage:
(void) - enterDock:
(void) - leaveDock:
(void) - enterWormhole:
(void) - enterWormhole:replacing:
(void) - enterWitchspace
(void) - leaveWitchspace
(BOOL) - witchspaceLeavingEffects
(void) - markAsOffender:
(void) - markAsOffender:withReason:
(void) - switchLightsOn
(void) - switchLightsOff
(BOOL) - lightsActive
(void) - setDestination:
(void) - setEscortDestination:
(BOOL) - canAcceptEscort:
(BOOL) - acceptAsEscort:
(void) - deployEscorts
(void) - dockEscorts
(void) - setTargetToNearestFriendlyStation
(void) - setTargetToNearestStation
(void) - setTargetToSystemStation
(void) - landOnPlanet:
(void) - abortDocking
(NSDictionary *) - dockingInstructions
(void) - broadcastThargoidDestroyed
(void) - broadcastHitByLaserFrom:
(GLfloat) - sunGlareFilter
(void) - setSunGlareFilter:
(void) - sendExpandedMessage:toShip:
(void) - sendMessage:toShip:withUnpilotedOverride:
(void) - broadcastAIMessage:
(void) - broadcastMessage:withUnpilotedOverride:
(void) - setCommsMessageColor
(void) - receiveCommsMessage:from:
(void) - commsMessage:withUnpilotedOverride:
(BOOL) - markedForFines
(BOOL) - markForFines
(BOOL) - isMining
(void) - spawn:
(int- checkShipsInVicinityForWitchJumpExit
(BOOL) - trackCloseContacts
(void) - setTrackCloseContacts:
(void) - setHulk:
(BOOL) - isHulk
(OOJSScript *) - script
(NSDictionary *) - scriptInfo
(void) - overrideScriptInfo:
(BOOL) - scriptedMisjump
(void) - setScriptedMisjump:
(GLfloat) - scriptedMisjumpRange
(void) - setScriptedMisjumpRange:
(Entity *) - entityForShaderProperties
(void) - setDemoShip:
(BOOL) - isDemoShip
(void) - setDemoStartTime:
(void) - doScriptEvent:
(void) - doScriptEvent:withArgument:
(void) - doScriptEvent:withArgument:andArgument:
(void) - doScriptEvent:withArguments:
(void) - doScriptEvent:withArguments:count:
(void) - doScriptEvent:inContext:withArguments:count:
(void) - reactToAIMessage:context:
(void) - sendAIMessage:
(void) - doScriptEvent:andReactToAIMessage:
(void) - doScriptEvent:withArgument:andReactToAIMessage:
(id) - init [implementation]
(id) - initBypassForPlayer [implementation]
(NSString *) - repeatString:times: [implementation]
(BOOL) - setUpOneSubentity: [implementation]
(BOOL) - setUpOneFlasher: [implementation]
(NSString *) - descriptionComponents [implementation]
(NSString *) - shortDescriptionComponents [implementation]
(BoundingBox) - findBoundingBoxRelativeToPosition:InVectors:_i:_j: [implementation]
(void) - wasAddedToUniverse [implementation]
(void) - wasRemovedFromUniverse [implementation]
(NSString *) - beaconCode [implementation]
(void) - setBeaconCode: [implementation]
(NSString *) - beaconLabel [implementation]
(void) - setBeaconLabel: [implementation]
(BOOL) - isVisible [implementation]
(BOOL) - isBeacon [implementation]
(id< OOHUDBeaconIcon >) - beaconDrawable [implementation]
(Entity< OOBeaconEntity > *) - prevBeacon [implementation]
(Entity< OOBeaconEntity > *) - nextBeacon [implementation]
(void) - setPrevBeacon: [implementation]
(void) - setNextBeacon: [implementation]
(void) - setUpMixedEscorts [implementation]
(void) - setUpOneEscort:inGroup:withRole:atPosition:andCount: [implementation]
(OOScanClass- scanClass [implementation]
(BOOL) - canCollide [implementation]
(ShipEntity *) - doOctreesCollide [implementation]
(BOOL) - checkCloseCollisionWith: [implementation]
(void) - addSubentityToCollisionRadius: [implementation]
(ShipEntity *) - launchPodWithCrew: [implementation]
(BOOL) - validForAddToUniverse [implementation]
(void) - noteFrustration: [implementation]
(OOEquipmentType *) - generateMissileEquipmentTypeFrom: [implementation]
(OOEquipmentType *) - verifiedMissileTypeFromRole: [implementation]
(void) - drawDebugStuff [implementation]
(void) - drawSubEntityImmediate:translucent: [implementation]
(BOOL) - isJammingScanning [implementation]
(void) - addSubEntity: [implementation]
(void) - setOwner: [implementation]
(void) - orientationChanged [implementation]
(void) - applyRoll:andClimb: [implementation]
(void) - applyRoll:climb:andYaw: [implementation]
(OOShipGroup *) - rawEscortGroup [implementation]
(NSComparisonResult) - ComparePlanetsBySurfaceDistance [implementation]
(Entity< OOStellarBody > *) - lastAegisLock [implementation]
(void) - setStatus: [implementation]
(void) - rescaleBy: [implementation]
(void) - rescaleBy:writeToCache: [implementation]
(void) - releaseCargoPodsDebris [implementation]
(void) - subEntityDied: [implementation]
(void) - subEntityReallyDied: [implementation]
(NSComparisonResult) - compareBeaconCodeWith: [implementation]
(uint32_t) - randomSeedForShaders [implementation]
(void) - setShipHitByLaser: [implementation]
(BOOL) - fireWeapon:direction:range: [implementation]
(void) - throwSparks [implementation]
(Vector) - velocity [implementation]
(void) - suppressTargetLost [implementation]
(void) - refreshEscortPositions [implementation]
(HPVector) - coordinatesForEscortPosition: [implementation]
(void) - setTargetToNearestStationIncludingHostiles: [implementation]
(BoundingBox) - findBoundingBoxRelativeTo:InVectors:_i:_j: [implementation]
(void) - dumpSelfState [implementation]
(OOTimeAbsolute- getDemoStartTime [implementation]
(void) - doNothing [implementation]
(NSString *) - descriptionForObjDump [implementation]
(void) - setAITo:
(void) - setAIScript:
(void) - switchAITo:
(void) - scanForHostiles
(BOOL) - performHyperSpaceToSpecificSystem:
(void) - scanForNearestIncomingMissile
(void) - enterTargetWormhole
(void) - enterPlayerWormhole
(void) - wormholeEscorts
(void) - wormholeEntireGroup
(BOOL) - suggestEscortTo:
(void) - groupAttackTarget
(void) - performAttack
(void) - performCollect
(void) - performEscort
(void) - performFaceDestination
(void) - performFlee
(void) - performFlyToRangeFromDestination
(void) - performHold
(void) - performIdle
(void) - performIntercept
(void) - performLandOnPlanet
(void) - performMining
(void) - performScriptedAI
(void) - performScriptedAttackAI
(void) - performStop
(void) - performTumble
(void) - broadcastDistressMessage
(void) - broadcastDistressMessageWithDumping:
(void) - requestDockingCoordinates
(void) - recallDockingInstructions
(void) - performBuoyTumble [implementation]
(NSDictionary *) - savedShipDictionaryWithContext:
(void) - simplifyShipdata:andGetDeletes: [implementation]
(void) - checkFoundTarget [implementation]
(BOOL) - performHyperSpaceExitReplace: [implementation]
(BOOL) - performHyperSpaceExitReplace:toSystem: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithPredicate:parameter: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithNegatedPredicate:parameter: [implementation]
(void) - acceptDistressMessageFrom: [implementation]
(BOOL) - launchPatrol [implementation]
(BOOL) - inspHasSecondaryIdentityLine [implementation]
(NSString *) - inspSecondaryIdentityLine [implementation]
(NSString *) - inspDescription [implementation]
(NSString *) - inspTargetLine [implementation]
(BOOL) - inspCanBecomeTarget [implementation]
(void) - inspBecomeTarget [implementation]
(NSArray *) - subEntitiesForScript
(void) - setTargetForScript:
(BOOL) - isVisibleToScripts [implementation]
(NSArray *) - debugInspectorModules [implementation]
(void) - setStateTo: [implementation]
(void) - pauseAI: [implementation]
(void) - randomPauseAI: [implementation]
(void) - dropMessages: [implementation]
(void) - debugDumpPendingMessages [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationToCurrentLocation [implementation]
(void) - setDesiredRangeTo: [implementation]
(void) - setDesiredRangeForWaypoint [implementation]
(void) - setSpeedTo: [implementation]
(void) - setSpeedFactorTo: [implementation]
(void) - setSpeedToCruiseSpeed [implementation]
(void) - setThrustFactorTo: [implementation]
(void) - setTargetToPrimaryAggressor [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestMerchantman [implementation]
(void) - scanForRandomMerchantman [implementation]
(void) - scanForLoot [implementation]
(void) - scanForRandomLoot [implementation]
(void) - setTargetToFoundTarget [implementation]
(void) - checkForFullHold [implementation]
(void) - getWitchspaceEntryCoordinates [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationFromCoordinates [implementation]
(void) - setCoordinatesFromPosition [implementation]
(void) - fightOrFleeMissile [implementation]
(void) - setCourseToPlanet [implementation]
(void) - setTakeOffFromPlanet [implementation]
(void) - landOnPlanet [implementation]
(void) - checkTargetLegalStatus [implementation]
(void) - checkOwnLegalStatus [implementation]
(void) - exitAIWithMessage: [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationToTarget [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationWithinTarget [implementation]
(void) - checkCourseToDestination [implementation]
(void) - checkAegis [implementation]
(void) - checkEnergy [implementation]
(void) - checkHeatInsulation [implementation]
(void) - scanForOffenders [implementation]
(void) - setCourseToWitchpoint [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationToWitchpoint [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationToStationBeacon [implementation]
(void) - performHyperSpaceExit [implementation]
(void) - performHyperSpaceExitWithoutReplacing [implementation]
(void) - wormholeGroup [implementation]
(void) - commsMessage: [implementation]
(void) - commsMessageByUnpiloted: [implementation]
(void) - ejectCargo [implementation]
(void) - scanForThargoid [implementation]
(void) - scanForNonThargoid [implementation]
(void) - thargonCheckMother [implementation]
(void) - becomeUncontrolledThargon [implementation]
(void) - checkDistanceTravelled [implementation]
(void) - fightOrFleeHostiles [implementation]
(void) - suggestEscort [implementation]
(void) - escortCheckMother [implementation]
(void) - checkGroupOddsVersusTarget [implementation]
(void) - scanForFormationLeader [implementation]
(void) - messageMother: [implementation]
(void) - setPlanetPatrolCoordinates [implementation]
(void) - setSunSkimStartCoordinates [implementation]
(void) - setSunSkimEndCoordinates [implementation]
(void) - setSunSkimExitCoordinates [implementation]
(void) - patrolReportIn [implementation]
(void) - checkForMotherStation [implementation]
(void) - sendTargetCommsMessage: [implementation]
(void) - markTargetForFines [implementation]
(void) - markTargetForOffence: [implementation]
(void) - storeTarget [implementation]
(void) - recallStoredTarget [implementation]
(void) - scanForRocks [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationToDockingAbort [implementation]
(void) - requestNewTarget [implementation]
(void) - rollD: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithPrimaryRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipHavingRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithAnyPrimaryRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipHavingAnyRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithScanClass: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithoutPrimaryRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipNotHavingRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithoutAnyPrimaryRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipNotHavingAnyRole: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipWithoutScanClass: [implementation]
(void) - setCoordinates: [implementation]
(void) - checkForNormalSpace [implementation]
(void) - setTargetToRandomStation [implementation]
(void) - setTargetToLastStation [implementation]
(void) - addFuel: [implementation]
(void) - scriptActionOnTarget: [implementation]
(void) - sendScriptMessage: [implementation]
(void) - ai_throwSparks [implementation]
(void) - explodeSelf [implementation]
(void) - ai_debugMessage: [implementation]
(void) - targetFirstBeaconWithCode: [implementation]
(void) - targetNextBeaconWithCode: [implementation]
(void) - setRacepointsFromTarget [implementation]
(void) - performFlyRacepoints [implementation]
(void) - addPrimaryAggressorAsDefenseTarget [implementation]
(void) - addFoundTargetAsDefenseTarget [implementation]
(void) - findNewDefenseTarget [implementation]
(void) - setDestinationToJinkPosition [implementation]
(void) - disengageAutopilot [implementation]
(void) - messageSelf: [implementation]
(void) - scanForNearestShipMatchingPredicate: [implementation]
(void) - safeScriptActionOnTarget: [implementation]
(ShipEntity *) - ejectShipOfType:
(ShipEntity *) - ejectShipOfRole:
(NSArray *) - spawnShipsWithRole:count:
(BOOL) - isShipWithSubEntityShip: [implementation]
- Instance Methods inherited from OOEntityWithDrawable
(OODrawable *) - drawable
(void) - setDrawable:
(double) - findCollisionRadius [implementation]
(NSSet *) - allTextures [implementation]
- Instance Methods inherited from Entity
(NSUInteger) - sessionID
(BOOL) - isShip
(BOOL) - isStation
(BOOL) - isSubEntity
(BOOL) - isPlayer
(BOOL) - isPlanet
(BOOL) - isSun
(BOOL) - isSunlit
(BOOL) - isStellarObject
(BOOL) - isSky
(BOOL) - isWormhole
(BOOL) - isEffect
(BOOL) - isVisualEffect
(BOOL) - isWaypoint
(void) - addToLinkedLists
(void) - removeFromLinkedLists
(void) - updateLinkedLists
(void) - warnAboutHostiles
(CollisionRegion *) - collisionRegion
(void) - setCollisionRegion:
(void) - setUniversalID:
(OOUniversalID- universalID
(BOOL) - throwingSparks
(void) - setThrowSparks:
(id) - owner
(ShipEntity *) - parentEntity
(ShipEntity *) - rootShipEntity
(void) - setPosition:
(void) - setPositionX:y:z:
(HPVector) - position
(Vector) - cameraRelativePosition
(GLfloat) - cameraRangeFront
(GLfloat) - cameraRangeBack
(void) - updateCameraRelativePosition
(Vector) - vectorTo:
(HPVector) - absolutePositionForSubentity
(HPVector) - absolutePositionForSubentityOffset:
(double) - zeroDistance
(double) - camZeroDistance
(NSComparisonResult) - compareZeroDistance:
(BoundingBox) - boundingBox
(GLfloat) - mass
(Quaternion) - orientation
(void) - setOrientation:
(Quaternion) - normalOrientation
(void) - setNormalOrientation:
(void) - setVelocity:
(double) - speed
(GLfloat) - distanceTravelled
(void) - setDistanceTravelled:
(OOEntityStatus- status
(void) - setScanClass:
(void) - setEnergy:
(GLfloat) - energy
(void) - setMaxEnergy:
(GLfloat) - maxEnergy
(void) - moveForward:
(OOMatrix) - rotationMatrix
(OOMatrix) - drawRotationMatrix
(OOMatrix) - transformationMatrix
(OOMatrix) - drawTransformationMatrix
(GLfloat) - collisionRadius
(void) - setCollisionRadius:
(NSMutableArray *) - collisionArray
(void) - applyVelocity:
(void) - dumpState
(BOOL) - isInSpace
(BOOL) - isImmuneToBreakPatternHide
(GLfloat) - universalTime
(GLfloat) - spawnTime
(GLfloat) - timeElapsedSinceSpawn
(void) - setAtmosphereFogging:
(OOColor *) - fogUniform
(NSString *) - descriptionForObjDumpBasic
(BOOL) - checkLinkedLists [implementation]
(id< OOWeakReferenceSupport >) - superShaderBindingTarget [implementation]
(Vector) - relativePosition [implementation]
(BOOL) - isBreakPattern
(void) - inspect [implementation]
(BOOL) - isECMBlast
(NSString *) - inspScanClassLine
(NSString *) - inspStatusLine
(NSString *) - inspRetainCountLine
(NSString *) - inspPositionLine
(NSString *) - inspVelocityLine
(NSString *) - inspOrientationLine
(NSString *) - inspEnergyLine
(NSString *) - inspOwnerLine
(NSString *) - inspBasicIdentityLine [implementation]
(BOOL) - isExhaust
(BOOL) - isFlasher
(void) - deleteJSSelf
(jsval) - oo_jsValueInContext: [implementation]
(BOOL) - isCascadeWeapon
(BOOL) - isPlayerLikeShip
(GLfloat) - clock [implementation]
(unsigned) - pseudoFixedD100 [implementation]
(unsigned) - pseudoFixedD256 [implementation]
(unsigned) - systemGovernment [implementation]
(unsigned) - systemEconomy [implementation]
(unsigned) - systemTechLevel [implementation]
(unsigned) - systemPopulation [implementation]
(unsigned) - systemProductivity [implementation]
- Instance Methods inherited from OOWeakRefObject
(id) - weakSelf
(id) - weakRetain [implementation]
(void) - weakRefDied: [implementation]
- Instance Methods inherited from <OOWeakReferenceSupport>

Private Attributes

NSMutableDictionary * shipsOnApproach
NSMutableArray * launchQueue
double last_launch_time
ShipEntityid_lock [MAX_DOCKING_STAGES]
Vector port_dimensions
double port_corridor
BOOL no_docking_while_launching
BOOL allow_launching
BOOL allow_docking
BOOL disallowed_docking_collides
BOOL virtual_dock

Additional Inherited Members

- Class Methods inherited from ShipEntity
(static BOOL) + IsBehaviourHostile [implementation]
(static float) + SurfaceDistanceSqaredV [implementation]
(static float) + SurfaceDistanceSqared [implementation]
(static BOOL) + AuthorityPredicate [implementation]
(id) + shipRestoredFromDictionary:useFallback:context:
- Public Attributes inherited from ShipEntity
OOTimeDelta shot_time
Vector v_forward
Vector v_up
Vector v_right
HPVector _destination
GLfloat desired_range
GLfloat desired_speed
GLfloat stick_roll
GLfloat stick_pitch
GLfloat stick_yaw
OOBehaviour behaviour
BoundingBox totalBoundingBox
- Public Attributes inherited from Entity
OOUniversalID universalID
unsigned isShip: 1
unsigned isStation: 1
unsigned isPlayer: 1
unsigned isWormhole: 1
unsigned isSubEntity: 1
unsigned hasMoved: 1
unsigned hasRotated: 1
unsigned hasCollided: 1
unsigned isSunlit: 1
unsigned collisionTestFilter: 2
unsigned throw_sparks: 1
unsigned isImmuneToBreakPatternHide: 1
unsigned isExplicitlyNotMainStation: 1
unsigned isVisualEffect: 1
OOScanClass scanClass
GLfloat zero_distance
GLfloat cam_zero_distance
GLfloat no_draw_distance
GLfloat collision_radius
HPVector position
Vector cameraRelativePosition
Quaternion orientation
int zero_index
OOUniversalID shadingEntityID
- Protected Attributes inherited from ShipEntity
NSDictionary * shipinfoDictionary
Quaternion subentityRotationalVelocity
OOTimeAbsolute aiScriptWakeTime
NSDictionary * dockingInstructions
GLfloat maxFlightSpeed
GLfloat max_flight_roll
GLfloat max_flight_pitch
GLfloat max_flight_yaw
GLfloat cruiseSpeed
GLfloat max_thrust
GLfloat thrust
float hyperspaceMotorSpinTime
unsigned military_jammer_active: 1
unsigned docking_match_rotation: 1
unsigned pitching_over: 1
unsigned rolling_over: 1
unsigned reportAIMessages: 1
unsigned being_mined: 1
unsigned being_fined: 1
unsigned isHulk: 1
unsigned trackCloseContacts: 1
unsigned isNearPlanetSurface: 1
unsigned isFrangible: 1
unsigned cloaking_device_active: 1
unsigned cloakPassive: 1
unsigned cloakAutomatic: 1
unsigned canFragment: 1
unsigned isWreckage: 1
unsigned _showDamage: 1
unsigned suppressExplosion: 1
unsigned suppressAegisMessages: 1
unsigned isMissile: 1
unsigned _explicitlyUnpiloted: 1
unsigned hasScoopMessage: 1
unsigned scripted_misjump: 1
unsigned haveExecutedSpawnAction: 1
unsigned haveStartedJSAI: 1
unsigned noRocks: 1
unsigned _lightsActive: 1
GLfloat _scriptedMisjumpRange
GLfloat sunGlareFilter
OOFuelQuantity fuel
GLfloat fuel_accumulator
GLfloat afterburner_rate
GLfloat afterburner_speed_factor
OOCargoQuantity likely_cargo
OOCargoQuantity max_cargo
OOCargoQuantity extra_cargo
OOCargoQuantity equipment_weight
OOCargoType cargo_type
OOCargoFlag cargo_flag
OOCreditsQuantity bounty
GLfloat energy_recharge_rate
OOWeaponFacingSet weapon_facings
OOWeaponType forward_weapon_type
OOWeaponType aft_weapon_type
OOWeaponType port_weapon_type
OOWeaponType starboard_weapon_type
GLfloat weapon_damage
GLfloat weapon_damage_override
GLfloat weaponRange
OOWeaponFacing currentWeaponFacing
GLfloat weapon_energy_use
GLfloat weapon_temp
GLfloat weapon_shot_temperature
GLfloat forward_weapon_temp
GLfloat aft_weapon_temp
GLfloat port_weapon_temp
GLfloat starboard_weapon_temp
GLfloat scannerRange
unsigned missiles
unsigned max_missiles
NSString * _missileRole
OOTimeDelta missile_load_time
OOTimeAbsolute missile_launch_time
NSString * name
NSString * shipUniqueName
NSString * shipClassName
NSString * displayName
NSString * scan_description
NSString * primaryRole
NSArray * explosionType
Vector jink
HPVector coordinates
Vector reference
NSUInteger _subIdx
NSUInteger _maxShipSubIdx
double launch_time
double launch_delay
OOUniversalID planetForLanding
GLfloat frustration
GLfloat success_factor
int patrol_counter
NSMutableDictionary * previousCondition
float weapon_recharge_rate
int shot_counter
OOTimeAbsolute cargo_dump_time
OOTimeAbsolute last_shot_time
NSMutableArray * cargo
OOCommodityType commodity_type
OOCargoQuantity commodity_amount
GLfloat flightSpeed
GLfloat flightRoll
GLfloat flightPitch
GLfloat flightYaw
GLfloat accuracy
GLfloat pitch_tolerance
GLfloat aim_tolerance
int _missed_shots
OOAegisStatus aegis_status
OOSystemID home_system
OOSystemID destination_system
double messageTime
double next_spark_time
Vector collision_vector
GLfloat _scaleFactor
BOOL _multiplyWeapons
NSArray * forwardWeaponOffset
NSArray * aftWeaponOffset
NSArray * portWeaponOffset
NSArray * starboardWeaponOffset
NSArray * crew
NSMutableDictionary * closeContactsInfo
NSString * lastRadioMessage
Vector tractor_position
float ship_temperature
ShipEntityscanned_ships [MAX_SCAN_NUMBER+1]
GLfloat distance2_scanned_ships [MAX_SCAN_NUMBER+1]
unsigned n_scanned_ships
HPVector navpoints [32]
unsigned next_navpoint_index
unsigned number_of_navpoints
OOBehaviour debugLastBehaviour
uint16_t entity_personality
NSDictionary * scriptInfo
NSMutableArray * subEntities
OOEquipmentTypemissile_list [SHIPENTITY_MAX_MISSILES]
float reactionTime
HPVector trackingCurvePositions [4]
OOTimeAbsolute trackingCurveTimes [4]
HPVector trackingCurveCoeffs [3]
- Protected Attributes inherited from Entity
HPVector lastPosition
Quaternion lastOrientation
GLfloat distanceTravelled
OOMatrix rotMatrix
Vector velocity
GLfloat energy
GLfloat maxEnergy
BoundingBox boundingBox
GLfloat mass
NSMutableArray * collidingEntities
OOTimeAbsolute spawnTime
struct JSObject * _jsSelf
- Protected Attributes inherited from OOWeakRefObject

Detailed Description

Definition at line 31 of file DockEntity.h.

Method Documentation

◆ abortAllDockings

- (void) abortAllDockings

Definition at line 96 of file DockEntity.m.

98 double playerExtraTime = 0;
102 NSNumber *idObj = nil;
103 foreach (idObj, [shipsOnApproach allKeys])
104 {
105 ShipEntity *ship = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:[idObj unsignedIntValue]];
106 if ([ship isShip])
107 {
108 [ship sendAIMessage:@"DOCKING_ABORTED"];
109 [ship doScriptEvent:OOJSID("stationWithdrewDockingClearance")];
110 }
111 }
112 [shipsOnApproach removeAllObjects];
114 PlayerEntity *player = PLAYER;
115 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity*)[self parentEntity];
116 BOOL isDockingStation = (station == [player getTargetDockStation]) && ([station playerReservedDock] == self);
117 if (isDockingStation && [player status] == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT &&
118 [player getDockingClearanceStatus] >= DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_REQUESTED)
119 {
120 if (HPmagnitude2(HPvector_subtract([player position], [self absolutePositionForSubentity])) > 2250000) // within 1500m of the dock
121 {
122 [station sendExpandedMessage:@"[station-docking-clearance-abort-cancelled]" toShip:player];
123 [player setDockingClearanceStatus:DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_NONE];
124 [player doScriptEvent:OOJSID("stationWithdrewDockingClearance")];
125 }
126 else
127 {
128 playerExtraTime = 10; // when very close to the port, give the player a few seconds to react on the abort message.
129 int seconds = round(playerExtraTime);
130 [station sendExpandedMessage:OOExpandKey(@"station-docking-clearance-abort-cancelled-in-time", seconds) toShip:player];
131 [player setDockingClearanceStatus:DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_TIMING_OUT];
132 }
134 }
136 // mark docking queue flight pattern as clear
137 [self clearAllIdLocks];
139 last_launch_time = [UNIVERSE getTime] + playerExtraTime;
return nil
Definition OOTypes.h:170
#define PLAYER
NSMutableDictionary * shipsOnApproach
Definition DockEntity.h:34
double last_launch_time
Definition DockEntity.h:36
BOOL no_docking_while_launching
Definition DockEntity.h:44
HPVector absolutePositionForSubentity()
Definition Entity.m:669
unsigned isShip
Definition Entity.m:131
OOEntityStatus status()
Definition Entity.m:793
HPVector position
Definition Entity.m:612
ShipEntity * parentEntity()
Definition Entity.m:589
StationEntity * getTargetDockStation()
void setDockingClearanceStatus:(OODockingClearanceStatus newValue)
void doScriptEvent:(jsid message)
void sendExpandedMessage:toShip:(NSString *message_text,[toShip] ShipEntity *other_ship)
void sendAIMessage:(NSString *message)

References abortAllDockings, Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, clearAllIdLocks, DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_REQUESTED, ShipEntity::doScriptEvent:, PlayerEntity::getTargetDockStation, Entity::isShip, last_launch_time, nil, no_docking_while_launching, Entity::parentEntity, PLAYER, Entity::position, ShipEntity::sendAIMessage:, ShipEntity::sendExpandedMessage:toShip:, PlayerEntity::setDockingClearanceStatus:, shipsOnApproach, and Entity::status.

Referenced by abortAllDockings, StationEntity::abortAllDockings, and setAllowsDocking:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ abortAllLaunches

- (void) abortAllLaunches

Definition at line 143 of file DockEntity.m.

146 [launchQueue removeAllObjects];

References abortAllLaunches, and no_docking_while_launching.

Referenced by abortAllLaunches, and setAllowsLaunching:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ abortDockingForShip:

- (void) abortDockingForShip: (ShipEntity *) ship

Definition at line 589 of file DockEntity.m.

589 :(ShipEntity *)ship
591 OOUniversalID ship_id = [ship universalID];
592 NSNumber *shipID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:ship_id];
594 if ([shipsOnApproach objectForKey:shipID])
595 {
596 [shipsOnApproach removeObjectForKey:shipID];
597 }
599 if ([ship isPlayer])
600 {
601 PlayerEntity* player = PLAYER;
602 if ([player status] == STATUS_IN_FLIGHT &&
603 [player getDockingClearanceStatus] >= DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_REQUESTED)
604 {
605 if (HPmagnitude2(HPvector_subtract([player position], [self absolutePositionForSubentity])) > 2250000) // within 1500m of the dock
606 {
607 [[self parentEntity] sendExpandedMessage:@"[station-docking-clearance-abort-cancelled]" toShip:player];
608 [player setDockingClearanceStatus:DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_NONE];
609 }
610 else
611 {
612 int seconds = 10; // when very close to the port, give the player a few seconds to react on the abort message.
613 [[self parentEntity] sendExpandedMessage:OOExpandKey(@"station-docking-clearance-abort-cancelled-in-time", seconds) toShip:player];
614 [player setDockingClearanceStatus:DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_TIMING_OUT];
615 }
616 }
617 }
619 // clear any previously owned docking stages
620 [self clearIdLocks:ship];
uint16_t OOUniversalID
Definition OOTypes.h:189
OOUniversalID universalID
Definition Entity.m:552
unsigned isPlayer
Definition Entity.m:155

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, clearIdLocks:, DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_REQUESTED, Entity::isPlayer, Entity::parentEntity, PLAYER, Entity::position, ShipEntity::sendExpandedMessage:toShip:, PlayerEntity::setDockingClearanceStatus:, shipsOnApproach, Entity::status, and Entity::universalID.

Referenced by StationEntity::abortDockingForShip:, and noteDockingForShip:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addShipToLaunchQueue:withPriority:

- (void) addShipToLaunchQueue: (ShipEntity *) ship
withPriority: (BOOL) priority 

Definition at line 865 of file DockEntity.m.

865 :(ShipEntity *)ship withPriority:(BOOL)priority
867 [self pruneAndCountShipsOnApproach];
869 if (ship == nil) return;
871 if (launchQueue == nil)
872 {
873 launchQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; // retained
874 }
876 [ship setStatus:STATUS_DOCKED];
877 if (priority)
878 {
879 [launchQueue insertObject:ship atIndex:0];
880 }
881 else
882 {
883 [launchQueue addObject:ship];
884 }
NSMutableArray * launchQueue
Definition DockEntity.h:35
void setStatus:(OOEntityStatus stat)

References launchQueue, nil, pruneAndCountShipsOnApproach, and ShipEntity::setStatus:.

Referenced by StationEntity(OOPrivate)::addShipToLaunchQueue:withPriority:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addShipToShipsOnApproach:

- (void) addShipToShipsOnApproach: (ShipEntity *) ship

Provided by category DockEntity(OOPrivate).

Definition at line 445 of file DockEntity.m.

445 :(ShipEntity *) ship
447 int corridor_distance[] = { -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 12};
448 int corridor_offset[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 12};
449 /* Eric's improvements to the docking flight code seem to have
450 * made it safer to go quite a bit faster here. With the increased
451 * numbers of ships which might need to dock at the main station,
452 * faster docking will help avoid massive queues. Previous speed
453 * was mostly 48 - CIM: 27/8/2013*/
454 int corridor_speed[] = { 96, 96, 128, 128, 96, 128, 128, 256, 512}; // how fast to approach the next point
455 int corridor_range[] = { 24, 12, 6, 4, 4, 6, 15, 38, 96}; // how close you have to get to the target point
456 int corridor_rotate[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; // whether to match the station rotation
457 int corridor_count = 9;
458 int corridor_final_approach = 3;
460 NSNumber *shipID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:[ship universalID]];
461 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity *)[self parentEntity];
464 HPVector temp = (fabs(launchVector.x) < 0.8)? make_HPvector(1,0,0) : make_HPvector(0,1,0);
465 temp = HPcross_product(launchVector, temp); // 90 deg to launchVector & temp
466 HPVector rightVector = HPcross_product(launchVector, temp);
467 HPVector upVector = HPcross_product(launchVector, rightVector);
469 // will select a direction for offset based on the entity personality (was ship ID)
470 int offset_id = [ship entityPersonalityInt] & 0xf; // 16 point compass
471 double c = cos(offset_id * M_PI * ONE_EIGHTH);
472 double s = sin(offset_id * M_PI * ONE_EIGHTH);
474 // test if this points at the ship
475 HPVector point1 = [self absolutePositionForSubentity];
476 point1.x += launchVector.x * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
477 point1.y += launchVector.x * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
478 point1.z += launchVector.x * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
479 HPVector alt1 = point1;
480 point1.x += c * upVector.x * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1] + s * rightVector.x * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
481 point1.y += c * upVector.y * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1] + s * rightVector.y * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
482 point1.z += c * upVector.z * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1] + s * rightVector.z * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
483 alt1.x -= c * upVector.x * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1] + s * rightVector.x * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
484 alt1.y -= c * upVector.y * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1] + s * rightVector.y * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
485 alt1.z -= c * upVector.z * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1] + s * rightVector.z * corridor_offset[corridor_count - 1];
486 if (HPdistance2(alt1, ship->position) < HPdistance2(point1, ship->position))
487 {
488 s = -s;
489 c = -c; // turn 180 degrees
490 }
492 //
493 NSMutableArray *coordinatesStack = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: MAX_DOCKING_STAGES];
494 float port_depth = port_dimensions.z; // 250m deep standard port.
496 int i;
497 for (i = corridor_count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
498 {
499 NSMutableDictionary *nextCoords = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:3];
500 int offset = corridor_offset[i];
501 float corridor_length = port_depth * corridor_distance[i];
503 float rx = s * port_depth * offset;
504 float ry = c * port_depth * offset;
505 float rz = corridor_length;
506 // if there are many ships on approach, randomise coordinates a bit
507 if ((i == corridor_count - 1) && [self countOfShipsInDockingQueue])
508 {
509 /* This used to try to just space the ships further out
510 * along the 16 approach lanes - this had various problems
511 * with putting ship coordinates on top of each other
512 * and/or spacing them out all the way back to the
513 * witchpoint. Instead, use a few more bits of
514 * entityPersonalityInt to shuffle the holding coordinates
515 * a bit more. It still doesn't guarantee two ships won't
516 * want the same space, but it makes it considerably more
517 * unlikely - I dropped 100 docking ships into the aegis
518 * at once, and they all got allocated positions far
519 * enough from the others to avoid collisions or near
520 * misses - CIM: 27 May 2014 */
522 int offset_id2 = ([ship entityPersonalityInt] & 0xf0)>>4; // 16 point compass
523 int offset_id3 = ([ship entityPersonalityInt] & 0xf00)>>8; // 16 point step position
524 float c2 = cos(offset_id2 * M_PI * ONE_EIGHTH);
525 float s2 = sin(offset_id2 * M_PI * ONE_EIGHTH);
526 float ssize = MAX(port_depth,1500.0);
527 rx += c2 * ssize;
528 ry += s2 * ssize;
529 rz += ssize * ((float)offset_id3 / 4.0);
531// OOLog(@"docking.debug",@"Adjusted coordinates by %f x %f x %f",c2 * ssize,s2 * ssize,ssize * ((float)offset_id3 / 4.0));
532 }
534 // add the lenght inside the station to the corridor, except for the final position, inside the dock.
535 if (corridor_distance[i] > 0) corridor_length += port_corridor;
537 [nextCoords oo_setInteger:corridor_count - i forKey:@"docking_stage"];
538 [nextCoords oo_setFloat:rx forKey:@"rx"];
539 [nextCoords oo_setFloat:ry forKey:@"ry"];
540 [nextCoords oo_setFloat:rz forKey:@"rz"];
541 [nextCoords oo_setFloat:corridor_speed[i] forKey:@"speed"];
542 [nextCoords oo_setFloat:corridor_range[i] forKey:@"range"];
544 if (corridor_rotate[i])
545 {
546 [nextCoords setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"match_rotation"];
547 }
549 if (i == corridor_final_approach)
550 {
551 if (station == [UNIVERSE station])
552 {
553 [nextCoords setObject:@"[station-begin-final-aproach]" forKey:@"comms_message"];
554 }
555 else
556 {
557 [nextCoords setObject:@"[docking-begin-final-aproach]" forKey:@"comms_message"];
558 }
559 }
561 [coordinatesStack addObject:nextCoords];
562 }
564 [shipsOnApproach setObject:coordinatesStack forKey:shipID];
568 if (station == [UNIVERSE station])
569 {
570 [station sendExpandedMessage:@"[station-welcome]" toShip:ship];
571 }
572 else
573 {
574 [station sendExpandedMessage:@"[docking-welcome]" toShip:ship];
575 }
#define ONE_EIGHTH
#define MAX(A, B)
Definition OOMaths.h:114
#define M_PI
Definition OOMaths.h:73
HPVector HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(Quaternion quat)
Quaternion quaternion_multiply(Quaternion q1, Quaternion q2)
float y
float x
#define UNIVERSE
Definition Universe.h:840
double port_corridor
Definition DockEntity.h:42
NSUInteger countOfShipsInDockingQueue()
Definition DockEntity.m:660
Vector port_dimensions
Definition DockEntity.h:41
Quaternion orientation
Definition Entity.m:732
Vector upVector()
GLint entityPersonalityInt()
Vector rightVector()
voidpf uLong offset
Definition ioapi.h:140

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, ShipEntity::entityPersonalityInt, HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(), M_PI, MAX, ONE_EIGHTH, Entity::position, quaternion_multiply(), ShipEntity::sendExpandedMessage:toShip:, Entity::universalID, and UNIVERSE.

Referenced by dockingInstructionsForShip:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allowsDocking

- (BOOL) allowsDocking

Definition at line 172 of file DockEntity.m.

174 return allow_docking;
BOOL allow_docking
Definition DockEntity.h:46

References allow_docking, and allowsDocking.

Referenced by allowsDocking.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allowsLaunching

- (BOOL) allowsLaunching

Definition at line 194 of file DockEntity.m.

196 return allow_launching;
BOOL allow_launching
Definition DockEntity.h:45

References allow_launching, and allowsLaunching.

Referenced by allowsLaunching.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ allowsLaunchingOf:

- (BOOL) allowsLaunchingOf: (ShipEntity *) ship

Definition at line 952 of file DockEntity.m.

952 :(ShipEntity *) ship
954 if (![ship isShip]) return NO;
956 BoundingBox bb = [ship totalBoundingBox];
957 if ((port_dimensions.x < (bb.max.x - bb.min.x) || port_dimensions.y < (bb.max.y - bb.min.y)) &&
958 (port_dimensions.y < (bb.max.x - bb.min.x) || port_dimensions.x < (bb.max.y - bb.min.y)) && ![ship isPlayer])
959 {
960 return NO;
961 }
963 // callback to allow more complex filtering on accept/reject
964 JSContext *context = OOJSAcquireContext();
965 jsval rval = JSVAL_VOID;
966 jsval args[] = { OOJSValueFromNativeObject(context, ship) };
967 JSBool accept = YES;
969 BOOL OK = [[self script] callMethod:OOJSID("acceptLaunchingRequestFrom") inContext:context withArguments:args count:1 result:&rval];
970 if (OK) OK = JS_ValueToBoolean(context, rval, &accept);
971 if (!OK) accept = YES; // default to permreject
972 OOJSRelinquishContext(context);
973 if (!accept)
974 {
975 return NO;
976 }
978 return YES;
OOINLINE jsval OOJSValueFromNativeObject(JSContext *context, id object)
OOINLINE JSContext * OOJSAcquireContext(void)
OOINLINE void OOJSRelinquishContext(JSContext *context)
BoundingBox totalBoundingBox

References OOJSScript::callMethod:inContext:withArguments:count:result:, Entity::isPlayer, Entity::isShip, OOJSAcquireContext(), OOJSRelinquishContext(), OOJSValueFromNativeObject(), port_dimensions, ShipEntity::script, and ShipEntity::totalBoundingBox.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ autoDockShipsInQueue:

- (void) autoDockShipsInQueue: (NSMutableDictionary *) queue

Provided by category DockEntity(OOPrivate).

Definition at line 150 of file DockEntity.m.

150 :(NSMutableDictionary *)queue
152 NSNumber *idObj = nil;
153 foreach (idObj, [queue allKeys])
154 {
155 ShipEntity *ship = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:[idObj unsignedIntValue]];
156 if ([ship isShip])
157 {
158 [self pullInShipIfPermitted:ship];
159 }
160 }
162 [queue removeAllObjects];

References nil, and pullInShipIfPermitted:.

Referenced by autoDockShipsOnApproach.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ autoDockShipsOnApproach

- (void) autoDockShipsOnApproach

Definition at line 166 of file DockEntity.m.

168 [self autoDockShipsInQueue:shipsOnApproach];

References autoDockShipsInQueue:, and autoDockShipsOnApproach.

Referenced by autoDockShipsOnApproach, and StationEntity::autoDockShipsOnApproach.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ canAcceptShipForDocking:

- (NSString *) canAcceptShipForDocking: (ShipEntity *) ship

Definition at line 222 of file DockEntity.m.

222 :(ShipEntity *) ship
224 // First test permanent rejection reasons
225 if (!allow_docking)
226 {
227 return @"DOCK_CLOSED"; // could be temp or perm reject
228 }
229 BoundingBox bb = [ship totalBoundingBox];
230 if ((port_dimensions.x < (bb.max.x - bb.min.x) || port_dimensions.y < (bb.max.y - bb.min.y)) &&
231 (port_dimensions.y < (bb.max.x - bb.min.x) || port_dimensions.x < (bb.max.y - bb.min.y)))
232 {
233 return @"TOO_BIG_TO_DOCK";
234 }
236 // callback to allow more complex filtering on accept/reject
237 JSContext *context = OOJSAcquireContext();
238 jsval rval = JSVAL_VOID;
239 jsval args[] = { OOJSValueFromNativeObject(context, ship) };
240 JSBool accept = YES;
242 BOOL OK = [[self script] callMethod:OOJSID("acceptDockingRequestFrom") inContext:context withArguments:args count:1 result:&rval];
243 if (OK) OK = JS_ValueToBoolean(context, rval, &accept);
244 if (!OK) accept = YES; // default to permreject
245 OOJSRelinquishContext(context);
247 if (!accept)
248 {
249 return @"TOO_BIG_TO_DOCK";
250 }
252 // Second test temporary rejection reasons
254 {
255 return @"TRY_AGAIN_LATER";
256 }
257 // if there are pending launches, temporarily don't accept docking requests
259 {
260 return @"TRY_AGAIN_LATER";
261 }
263 return @"DOCKING_POSSIBLE";
unsigned count

References allow_docking, allow_launching, OOJSScript::callMethod:inContext:withArguments:count:result:, count, launchQueue, no_docking_while_launching, OOJSAcquireContext(), OOJSRelinquishContext(), OOJSValueFromNativeObject(), port_dimensions, ShipEntity::script, and ShipEntity::totalBoundingBox.

Referenced by StationEntity::acceptDockingClearanceRequestFrom:, and StationEntity::dockingInstructionsForShip:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clear

- (void) clear

Definition at line 982 of file DockEntity.m.

984 [launchQueue removeAllObjects];
985 [shipsOnApproach removeAllObjects];

References clear.

Referenced by clear, and StationEntity::clear.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearAllIdLocks

- (void) clearAllIdLocks

Provided by category DockEntity(OOPrivate).

Definition at line 1221 of file DockEntity.m.

1223 int i;
1224 for (i = 1; i < MAX_DOCKING_STAGES; i++)
1225 {
1226 DESTROY(id_lock[i]);
1227 }
#define DESTROY(x)
Definition OOCocoa.h:77
ShipEntity * id_lock[MAX_DOCKING_STAGES]
Definition DockEntity.h:39

References DockEntity(OOPrivate)::clearAllIdLocks, DESTROY, and MAX_DOCKING_STAGES.

Referenced by abortAllDockings, and DockEntity(OOPrivate)::clearAllIdLocks.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearDockingCorridor

- (void) clearDockingCorridor

Definition at line 1064 of file DockEntity.m.

1066 // check against all ships
1067 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity *)[self parentEntity];
1068 BOOL isClear = YES;
1069 int ent_count = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
1070 Entity **uni_entities = UNIVERSE->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
1071 Entity *my_entities[ent_count];
1072 int i;
1073 int ship_count = 0;
1075 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
1076 {
1077 if (uni_entities[i]->isShip)
1078 {
1079 my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
1080 }
1081 }
1083 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
1084 {
1085 ShipEntity *ship = (ShipEntity*)my_entities[i];
1086 double d2 = HPdistance2([station position], [ship position]);
1087 if ((ship != station)&&(d2 < 25000000)&&([ship status] != STATUS_DOCKED)) // within 5km
1088 {
1089 HPVector ppos = [self absolutePositionForSubentity];
1090 float time_out = -15.00; // 15 secs
1091 do
1092 {
1093 isClear = YES;
1094 d2 = HPdistance2(ppos, ship->position);
1095 if (d2 < 4000000) // within 2km of the port entrance
1096 {
1097 Quaternion q1 = [station orientation];
1098 q1 = quaternion_multiply([self orientation], q1);
1099 //
1100 Vector v_out = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
1101 Vector r_pos = make_vector(ship->position.x - ppos.x, ship->position.y - ppos.y, ship->position.z - ppos.z);
1102 if (r_pos.x||r_pos.y||r_pos.z)
1103 r_pos = vector_normal(r_pos);
1104 else
1105 r_pos.z = 1.0;
1106 //
1107 float vdp = dot_product(v_out, r_pos); //== cos of the angle between r_pos and v_out
1108 //
1109 if (vdp > 0.86f)
1110 {
1111 isClear = NO;
1113 // okay it's in the way .. give it a wee nudge (0.25s)
1114 [ship update: 0.25];
1115 time_out += 0.25;
1116 }
1117 if (time_out > 0)
1118 {
1120 HPVector spos = ship->position;
1121 spos.x += 3000.0 * v1.x; spos.y += 3000.0 * v1.y; spos.z += 3000.0 * v1.z;
1122 [ship setPosition:spos]; // move 3km out of the way
1123 }
1124 }
1125 } while (!isClear);
1126 }
1127 }
1129 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
1130 {
1131 [my_entities[i] release]; //released
1132 }
Vector vector_forward_from_quaternion(Quaternion quat)
void setPosition:(HPVector posn)
Definition Entity.m:647
void update:(OOTimeDelta delta_t)

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, clearDockingCorridor, HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(), Entity::isShip, Entity::orientation, Entity::parentEntity, Entity::position, quaternion_multiply(), Entity::setPosition:, Entity::status, UNIVERSE, ShipEntity::update:, and vector_forward_from_quaternion().

Referenced by clearDockingCorridor, and StationEntity::clearDockingCorridor.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearIdLocks:

- (void) clearIdLocks: (ShipEntity *) ship

Provided by category DockEntity(OOPrivate).

Definition at line 1208 of file DockEntity.m.

1208 :(ShipEntity *)ship
1210 int i;
1211 for (i = 1; i < MAX_DOCKING_STAGES; i++)
1212 {
1213 if (ship == nil || ship == [id_lock[i] weakRefUnderlyingObject])
1214 {
1215 DESTROY(id_lock[i]);
1216 }
1217 }

References DESTROY, MAX_DOCKING_STAGES, and nil.

Referenced by abortDockingForShip:, dealloc, and dockingInstructionsForShip:.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ countOfShipsInDockingQueue

- (NSUInteger) countOfShipsInDockingQueue

Definition at line 660 of file DockEntity.m.

662 return [shipsOnApproach count];

References countOfShipsInDockingQueue.

Referenced by countOfShipsInDockingQueue, StationEntity::currentlyInDockingQueues, and StationEntity::dockingInstructionsForShip:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ countOfShipsInLaunchQueue

- (NSUInteger) countOfShipsInLaunchQueue

Definition at line 666 of file DockEntity.m.

668 return [launchQueue count];

References countOfShipsInLaunchQueue.

Referenced by countOfShipsInLaunchQueue, and StationEntity::currentlyInLaunchingQueues.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ countOfShipsInLaunchQueueWithPrimaryRole:

- (NSUInteger) countOfShipsInLaunchQueueWithPrimaryRole: (NSString *) role

Definition at line 940 of file DockEntity.m.

940 :(NSString *)role
942 NSUInteger count = 0;
943 ShipEntity *ship = nil;
944 foreach (ship, launchQueue)
945 {
946 if ([ship hasPrimaryRole:role]) count++;
947 }
948 return count;

References count, launchQueue, and nil.

Referenced by StationEntity(OOPrivate)::countOfShipsInLaunchQueueWithPrimaryRole:.

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dealloc

- (void) dealloc

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Definition at line 1198 of file DockEntity.m.

1202 [self clearIdLocks:nil];
1204 [super dealloc];

References clearIdLocks:, dealloc, ShipEntity::dealloc, DESTROY, launchQueue, and shipsOnApproach.

Referenced by dealloc.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ disallowedDockingCollides

- (BOOL) disallowedDockingCollides

Definition at line 188 of file DockEntity.m.

BOOL disallowed_docking_collides
Definition DockEntity.h:47

References disallowed_docking_collides, and disallowedDockingCollides.

Referenced by disallowedDockingCollides.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dockingCorridorIsEmpty

- (BOOL) dockingCorridorIsEmpty

Definition at line 989 of file DockEntity.m.

991 double unitime = [UNIVERSE getTime];
994 {
995 // leave sufficient pause between launches
996 return NO;
997 }
1000 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity *)[self parentEntity];
1001 if ([station playerReservedDock] == self)
1002 {
1003 // player probably will not appreciate a ship launch right now
1004 return NO;
1005 }
1007 // check against all ships
1008 BOOL isEmpty = YES;
1009 int ent_count = UNIVERSE->n_entities;
1010 Entity **uni_entities = UNIVERSE->sortedEntities; // grab the public sorted list
1011 Entity *my_entities[ent_count];
1012 int i;
1013 int ship_count = 0;
1015 for (i = 0; i < ent_count; i++)
1016 {
1017 //on red alert, launch even if the player is trying block the corridor. Ignore cargopods or other small debris.
1018 if ([uni_entities[i] isShip] && ([station alertLevel] < STATION_ALERT_LEVEL_RED || ![uni_entities[i] isPlayer]) && [uni_entities[i] mass] > 1000)
1019 {
1020 my_entities[ship_count++] = [uni_entities[i] retain]; // retained
1021 }
1022 }
1024 for (i = 0; (i < ship_count)&&(isEmpty); i++)
1025 {
1026 ShipEntity* ship = (ShipEntity*)my_entities[i];
1027 double d2 = HPdistance2([station position], [ship position]);
1028 if ((ship != station) && (d2 < 25000000)&&([ship status] != STATUS_DOCKED)) // within 5km
1029 {
1030 HPVector ppos = [self absolutePositionForSubentity];
1031 d2 = HPdistance2(ppos, ship->position);
1032 if (d2 < 4000000) // within 2km of the port entrance
1033 {
1034 Quaternion q1 = [station orientation];
1035 q1 = quaternion_multiply([self orientation], q1);
1036 //
1037 HPVector v_out = HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
1038 HPVector r_pos = make_HPvector(ship->position.x - ppos.x, ship->position.y - ppos.y, ship->position.z - ppos.z);
1039 if (r_pos.x||r_pos.y||r_pos.z)
1040 r_pos = HPvector_normal(r_pos);
1041 else
1042 r_pos.z = 1.0;
1043 //
1044 double vdp = HPdot_product(v_out, r_pos); //== cos of the angle between r_pos and v_out
1045 //
1046 if (vdp > 0.86)
1047 {
1048 isEmpty = NO;
1050 }
1051 }
1052 }
1053 }
1055 for (i = 0; i < ship_count; i++)
1056 {
1057 [my_entities[i] release]; //released
1058 }
1060 return isEmpty;
GLfloat mass
Definition Entity.m:719

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, dockingCorridorIsEmpty, HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(), Entity::isPlayer, Entity::isShip, last_launch_time, Entity::mass, Entity::orientation, Entity::parentEntity, Entity::position, quaternion_multiply(), STATION_ALERT_LEVEL_RED, STATION_DELAY_BETWEEN_LAUNCHES, STATION_LAUNCH_RETRY_INTERVAL, Entity::status, and UNIVERSE.

Referenced by dockingCorridorIsEmpty, and update:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ dockingInstructionsForShip:

- (NSDictionary *) dockingInstructionsForShip: (ShipEntity *) ship

Guides a ship into the dock.

Possible results:

  • null
    if no result can be computed or the last control point is reached
  • Move to station (APPROACH)
    if ship is too far away
  • Move away from station (BACKOFF)
    if ship is too close
  • Move perpendicular to station/dock direction (APPROACH)
    if ship is approaching from wrong side of station
    if something went wrong until here
  • Hold position (HOLD_POSITION)
    if coordinatesStack is empty or approach is not clear
  • Move to next control point (APPROACH_COORDINATES)
    if control point not within collision radius


  1. If ship is not on approach list and beyond scanner range (25 km?), approach the station
  2. Add ship to approach list
  3. If ship is within distance of 1000 km between station's and ship's collision radius, move away from station
  4. If ship is approaching from behind, move to the side of the station (perpendicular on direction to station and launch vector)
  5. If ship is further away than 12000 km, approach the station

Now the ship is in the vicinity of the station in the correct hemispere. Let's guide them in.

  1. Get the coordinatesStack for this ship (the approach path?). If there is a problem, Ship shall hold position
  2. If next coordinates (control point) not yet within collision radius, move towards that position
  3. Remove control point from stack; get next control point
  4. If next 3 stages of approach are clear, move to next position
  5. otherwise hold position

TODO: Where is the detection that the ship has docked?

TODO: What are the magic number's units? Is it km (kilometers)?

Definition at line 282 of file DockEntity.m.

282 :(ShipEntity *)ship
284 if (ship == nil) return nil;
286 OOUniversalID ship_id = [ship universalID];
287 NSNumber *shipID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:ship_id];
288 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity *)[self parentEntity];
291 HPVector temp = (fabs(launchVector.x) < 0.8)? make_HPvector(1,0,0) : make_HPvector(0,1,0);
292 temp = HPcross_product(launchVector, temp); // 90 deg to launchVector & temp
293 HPVector vi = HPcross_product(launchVector, temp);
294 HPVector vj = HPcross_product(launchVector, vi);
295 HPVector vk = launchVector;
297 // check if this is a new ship on approach
298 //
299 if (![shipsOnApproach objectForKey:shipID])
300 {
301 HPVector delta = HPvector_subtract([ship position], [self absolutePositionForSubentity]);
302 float ship_distance = HPmagnitude(delta);
304 if (ship_distance > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE)
305 {
306 // too far away - don't claim a docking slot by not putting on approachlist for now.
307 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, [self absolutePositionForSubentity], [ship maxFlightSpeed], 10000, @"APPROACH", nil, NO, -1);
308 }
310 [self addShipToShipsOnApproach: ship];
312 if (ship_distance < 1000.0 + [station collisionRadius] + ship->collision_radius) // too close - back off
313 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, [self absolutePositionForSubentity], [ship maxFlightSpeed], 5000, @"BACK_OFF", nil, NO, -1);
315 float dot = HPdot_product(launchVector, delta);
316 if (dot < 0) // approaching from the wrong side of the station - construct a vector to the side of the station.
317 {
318 HPVector approachVector = HPcross_product(HPvector_normal(delta), launchVector);
319 approachVector = HPcross_product(launchVector, approachVector); // vector, 90 degr rotated from launchVector towards target.
320 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, OOHPVectorTowards([self absolutePositionForSubentity], approachVector, [station collisionRadius] + 5000) , [ship maxFlightSpeed], 1000, @"APPROACH", nil, NO, -1);
321 }
323 if (ship_distance > 12500.0)
324 {
325 // long way off - approach more closely
326 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, [self absolutePositionForSubentity], [ship maxFlightSpeed], 10000, @"APPROACH", nil, NO, -1);
327 }
328 }
330 if (![shipsOnApproach objectForKey:shipID])
331 {
332 // some error has occurred - log it, and send the try-again message
333 OOLogERR(@"station.issueDockingInstructions.failed", @"couldn't addShipToShipsOnApproach:%@ in %@, retrying later -- shipsOnApproach:\n%@", ship, self, shipsOnApproach);
335 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, [ship position], 200, 100, @"TRY_AGAIN_LATER", nil, NO, -1);
336 }
339 // shipsOnApproach now has an entry for the ship.
340 //
341 NSMutableArray* coordinatesStack = [shipsOnApproach objectForKey:shipID];
343 if ([coordinatesStack count] == 0)
344 {
345 OOLogERR(@"station.issueDockingInstructions.failed", @" -- coordinatesStack = %@", coordinatesStack);
347 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, [ship position], 0, 100, @"HOLD_POSITION", nil, NO, -1);
348 }
350 // get the docking information from the instructions
351 NSMutableDictionary *nextCoords = (NSMutableDictionary *)[coordinatesStack objectAtIndex:0];
352 int docking_stage = [nextCoords oo_intForKey:@"docking_stage"];
353 float speedAdvised = [nextCoords oo_floatForKey:@"speed"];
354 float rangeAdvised = [nextCoords oo_floatForKey:@"range"];
356 // calculate world coordinates from relative coordinates
357 HPVector rel_coords;
358 rel_coords.x = [nextCoords oo_doubleForKey:@"rx"];
359 rel_coords.y = [nextCoords oo_doubleForKey:@"ry"];
360 rel_coords.z = [nextCoords oo_doubleForKey:@"rz"];
361 HPVector coords = [self absolutePositionForSubentity];
362 coords.x += rel_coords.x * vi.x + rel_coords.y * vj.x + rel_coords.z * vk.x;
363 coords.y += rel_coords.x * vi.y + rel_coords.y * vj.y + rel_coords.z * vk.y;
364 coords.z += rel_coords.x * vi.z + rel_coords.y * vj.z + rel_coords.z * vk.z;
366 // check if the ship is at the control point
367 double max_allowed_range = 2.0f * rangeAdvised + ship->collision_radius; // maximum distance permitted from control point - twice advised range
368 HPVector delta = HPvector_subtract(ship->position, coords);
370 if (HPmagnitude2(delta) > max_allowed_range * max_allowed_range) // too far from the coordinates - do not remove them from the stack!
371 {
372 if ((docking_stage == 1) &&(HPmagnitude2(delta) < 1000000.0)) // 1km*1km
373 speedAdvised *= 0.5; // half speed
375 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, coords, speedAdvised, rangeAdvised, @"APPROACH_COORDINATES", nil, NO, docking_stage);
376 }
378 // else, reached the current coordinates okay..
380 // get the NEXT coordinates
381 nextCoords = (NSMutableDictionary *)[coordinatesStack oo_dictionaryAtIndex:1];
382 if (nextCoords == nil)
383 {
384 return nil;
385 }
387 docking_stage = [nextCoords oo_intForKey:@"docking_stage"];
388 speedAdvised = [nextCoords oo_floatForKey:@"speed"];
389 rangeAdvised = [nextCoords oo_floatForKey:@"range"];
390 BOOL match_rotation = [nextCoords oo_boolForKey:@"match_rotation"];
391 NSString *comms_message = [nextCoords oo_stringForKey:@"comms_message"];
393 if (comms_message)
394 {
395 [station sendExpandedMessage:comms_message toShip:ship];
396 }
398 // calculate world coordinates from relative coordinates
399 rel_coords.x = [nextCoords oo_doubleForKey:@"rx"];
400 rel_coords.y = [nextCoords oo_doubleForKey:@"ry"];
401 rel_coords.z = [nextCoords oo_doubleForKey:@"rz"];
402 coords = [self absolutePositionForSubentity];
403 coords.x += rel_coords.x * vi.x + rel_coords.y * vj.x + rel_coords.z * vk.x;
404 coords.y += rel_coords.x * vi.y + rel_coords.y * vj.y + rel_coords.z * vk.y;
405 coords.z += rel_coords.x * vi.z + rel_coords.y * vj.z + rel_coords.z * vk.z;
407 if([id_lock[docking_stage] weakRefUnderlyingObject] == nil &&
408 [id_lock[docking_stage + 1] weakRefUnderlyingObject] == nil &&
409 [id_lock[docking_stage + 2] weakRefUnderlyingObject] == nil) // check three stages ahead
410 {
411 // approach is clear - move to next position
412 //
414 // clear any previously owned docking stages
415 [self clearIdLocks:ship];
417 if (docking_stage > 1) // don't claim first docking stage
418 {
419 [id_lock[docking_stage] release];
420 id_lock[docking_stage] = [ship weakRetain]; // otherwise - claim this docking stage
421 }
423 //remove the previous stage from the stack
424 [coordinatesStack removeObjectAtIndex:0];
426 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, coords, speedAdvised, rangeAdvised, @"APPROACH_COORDINATES", nil, match_rotation, docking_stage);
427 }
429 // else, approach isn't clear - hold position..
430 //
431 [[ship getAI] message:@"HOLD_POSITION"];
433 if (![nextCoords objectForKey:@"hold_message_given"])
434 {
436 [UNIVERSE clearPreviousMessage];
437 [self sendExpandedMessage: @"[station-hold-position]" toShip: ship];
438 [nextCoords setObject:@"YES" forKey:@"hold_message_given"];
439 }
441 return OOMakeDockingInstructions(station, ship->position, 0, 100, @"HOLD_POSITION", nil, NO, -1);
Definition Entity.h:51
#define OOLogERR(class, format,...)
Definition OOLogging.h:112
NSDictionary * OOMakeDockingInstructions(StationEntity *station, HPVector coords, float speed, float range, NSString *ai_message, NSString *comms_message, BOOL match_rotation, int docking_stage)
void message:(NSString *ms)
Definition AI.m:600
GLfloat collision_radius
Definition Entity.h:111
GLfloat collisionRadius()
Definition Entity.m:905
GLfloat maxFlightSpeed

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, addShipToShipsOnApproach:, clearIdLocks:, Entity::collision_radius, Entity::collisionRadius, count, ShipEntity::getAI, HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(), id_lock, ShipEntity::maxFlightSpeed, AI::message:, nil, OOLogERR, OOMakeDockingInstructions(), Entity::orientation, Entity::parentEntity, Entity::position, quaternion_multiply(), SCANNER_MAX_RANGE, ShipEntity::sendExpandedMessage:toShip:, shipsOnApproach, Entity::universalID, and OOWeakRefObject::weakRetain.

Referenced by StationEntity::dockingInstructionsForShip:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ drawImmediate:translucent:

- (void) drawImmediate: (bool) immediate
translucent: (bool) translucent 

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Definition at line 1290 of file DockEntity.m.

1290 :(bool)immediate translucent:(bool)translucent
1292 if (virtual_dock) // not drawn
1293 {
1294 return;
1295 }
1296 [super drawImmediate:immediate translucent:translucent];
BOOL virtual_dock
Definition DockEntity.h:48

References ShipEntity::drawImmediate:translucent:, and virtual_dock.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getJSClass:andPrototype:

- (void) getJSClass: (JSClass **) outClass
andPrototype: (JSObject **) outPrototype 

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Provided by category DockEntity(OOJavaScriptExtensions).

Definition at line 148 of file OOJSDock.m.

148 :(JSClass **)outClass andPrototype:(JSObject **)outPrototype
150 *outClass = &sDockClass;
151 *outPrototype = sDockPrototype;
static JSClass sDockClass
Definition OOJSDock.m:46
static JSObject * sDockPrototype
Definition OOJSDock.m:34

◆ initWithKey:definition:

- (id) initWithKey: (NSString *) key
definition: (NSDictionary *) dict 

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Definition at line 1177 of file DockEntity.m.

1177 :(NSString *)key definition:(NSDictionary *)dict
1181 self = [super initWithKey:key definition:dict];
1182 if (self != nil)
1183 {
1184 shipsOnApproach = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
1185 launchQueue = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
1186 allow_docking = YES;
1188 allow_launching = YES;
1189 virtual_dock = NO;
1190 }
1192 return self;

References allow_docking, allow_launching, disallowed_docking_collides, ShipEntity::initWithKey:definition:, launchQueue, nil, OOJS_PROFILE_ENTER, OOJS_PROFILE_EXIT, shipsOnApproach, and virtual_dock.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isDock

- (BOOL) isDock

Reimplemented from Entity.

Definition at line 1171 of file DockEntity.m.

1173 return YES;

References isDock.

Referenced by isDock.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ isOffCentre

- (BOOL) isOffCentre

Definition at line 267 of file DockEntity.m.

269 if (fabs(position.x) + fabs(position.y) > 5.0)
270 {
271 return YES;
272 }
274 if (fabs(dir.x) + fabs(dir.y) > 0.1)
275 {
276 return YES;
277 }
278 return NO;

References isOffCentre, Entity::orientation, Entity::position, and vector_forward_from_quaternion().

Referenced by isOffCentre.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ launchShip:

- (void) launchShip: (ShipEntity *) ship

Definition at line 888 of file DockEntity.m.

888 :(ShipEntity *) ship
890 if (![ship isShip]) return;
892 BoundingBox bb = [ship boundingBox];
893 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity *)[self parentEntity];
895 HPVector launchPos = [self absolutePositionForSubentity];
896 Vector launchVel = [station velocity];
897 double launchSpeed = 0.5 * [ship maxFlightSpeed];
898 if ([station maxFlightSpeed] > 0 && [station flightSpeed] > 0) // is self a carrier in flight.
899 {
900 launchSpeed = 0.5 * [ship maxFlightSpeed] * (1.0 + [station flightSpeed]/[station maxFlightSpeed]);
901 }
902 Quaternion q1 = [station orientation];
904 Vector launchVector = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q1);
906 // launch orientation
907 if ((port_dimensions.x < port_dimensions.y) ^ (bb.max.x - bb.min.x < bb.max.y - bb.min.y))
908 {
909 quaternion_rotate_about_axis(&q1, launchVector, M_PI*0.5); // to account for the slot being at 90 degrees to vertical
910 }
911 [ship setNormalOrientation:q1];
912 // launch position
913 [ship setPosition:launchPos];
914 if([ship pendingEscortCount] > 0) [ship setPendingEscortCount:0]; // Make sure no extra escorts are added after launch. (e.g. for miners etc.)
915 if ([ship hasEscorts]) no_docking_while_launching = YES;
916 // launch speed
917 launchVel = vector_add(launchVel, vector_multiply_scalar(launchVector, launchSpeed));
918 launchSpeed = magnitude(launchVel);
919 [ship setSpeed:launchSpeed];
920 [ship setVelocity:launchVel];
921 // launch roll/pitch
922 [ship setRoll:[station flightRoll]];
923 [ship setPitch:0.0];
924 [ship setYaw:0.0];
925 [UNIVERSE addEntity:ship];
926 [ship setStatus: STATUS_LAUNCHING];
927 [ship setDesiredSpeed:launchSpeed]; // must be set after initialising the AI to correct any speed set by AI
928 last_launch_time = [UNIVERSE getTime];
929 double delay = (port_corridor + 2 * port_dimensions.z)/launchSpeed; // pause until 2 portlengths outside of the station.
930 [ship setLaunchDelay:delay];
931 [[ship getAI] setNextThinkTime:last_launch_time + delay]; // pause while launching
933 [ship resetExhaustPlumes]; // resets stuff for tracking/exhausts
935 [ship doScriptEvent:OOJSID("shipWillLaunchFromStation") withArgument:station];
936 [station doScriptEvent:OOJSID("stationLaunchedShip") withArgument:ship andReactToAIMessage: @"STATION_LAUNCHED_SHIP"];
void quaternion_rotate_about_axis(Quaternion *quat, Vector axis, OOScalar angle)
void setNextThinkTime:(OOTimeAbsolute ntt)
Definition AI.m:658
void setVelocity:(Vector vel)
Definition Entity.m:757
void setNormalOrientation:(Quaternion quat)
Definition Entity.m:744
BoundingBox boundingBox
Definition Entity.m:713
void doScriptEvent:withArgument:andReactToAIMessage:(jsid scriptEvent,[withArgument] id argument,[andReactToAIMessage] NSString *aiMessage)
void setDesiredSpeed:(double amount)
BOOL hasEscorts()
void setRoll:(double amount)
void setSpeed:(double amount)
GLfloat flightSpeed
void resetExhaustPlumes()
void setPitch:(double amount)
void setYaw:(double amount)
void setLaunchDelay:(double delay)
void setPendingEscortCount:(uint8_t count)
Vector velocity()
uint8_t pendingEscortCount()
void doScriptEvent:withArgument:(jsid message,[withArgument] id argument)
GLfloat flightRoll

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, Entity::boundingBox, ShipEntity::doScriptEvent:withArgument:, ShipEntity::doScriptEvent:withArgument:andReactToAIMessage:, ShipEntity::flightRoll, ShipEntity::flightSpeed, ShipEntity::getAI, ShipEntity::hasEscorts, Entity::isShip, last_launch_time, M_PI, ShipEntity::maxFlightSpeed, no_docking_while_launching, Entity::orientation, Entity::parentEntity, ShipEntity::pendingEscortCount, port_corridor, port_dimensions, quaternion_multiply(), quaternion_rotate_about_axis(), ShipEntity::resetExhaustPlumes, ShipEntity::setDesiredSpeed:, ShipEntity::setLaunchDelay:, AI::setNextThinkTime:, Entity::setNormalOrientation:, ShipEntity::setPendingEscortCount:, ShipEntity::setPitch:, Entity::setPosition:, ShipEntity::setRoll:, ShipEntity::setSpeed:, ShipEntity::setStatus:, Entity::setVelocity:, ShipEntity::setYaw:, vector_forward_from_quaternion(), and ShipEntity::velocity.

Referenced by StationEntity::launchShip:, and update:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ noteDockingForShip:

- (void) noteDockingForShip: (ShipEntity *) ship

Definition at line 579 of file DockEntity.m.

579 :(ShipEntity *) ship
581 // safe to do this for now, as it just clears the ship from the docking queue
582 [self abortDockingForShip:ship];
584 // avoid clashes with outgoing ships
585 last_launch_time = [UNIVERSE getTime];

References abortDockingForShip:, and last_launch_time.

Referenced by StationEntity::noteDockedShip:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ noteTakingDamage:from:type:

- (void) noteTakingDamage: (double) amount
from: (Entity *) entity
type: (OOShipDamageType) type 

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Definition at line 1269 of file DockEntity.m.

1269 :(double)amount from:(Entity *)entity type:(OOShipDamageType)type
1271 if (virtual_dock) // can't be damaged
1272 {
1273 return;
1274 }
1275 [super noteTakingDamage:amount from:entity type:type];
Definition ShipEntity.h:183

References ShipEntity::noteTakingDamage:from:type:, and virtual_dock.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ oo_jsClassName

- (NSString *) oo_jsClassName

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Provided by category DockEntity(OOJavaScriptExtensions).

Definition at line 155 of file OOJSDock.m.

157 return @"Dock";

◆ portUpVectorForShipsBoundingBox:

- (Vector) portUpVectorForShipsBoundingBox: (BoundingBox) bb

Definition at line 624 of file DockEntity.m.

624 :(BoundingBox)bb
626 BOOL twist = ((port_dimensions.x < port_dimensions.y) ^ (bb.max.x - bb.min.x < bb.max.y - bb.min.y));
628 if (!twist)
629 {
631 }
632 else
633 {
635 }
Vector vector_up_from_quaternion(Quaternion quat)
Vector vector_right_from_quaternion(Quaternion quat)

References Entity::orientation, Entity::parentEntity, port_dimensions, quaternion_multiply(), vector_right_from_quaternion(), and vector_up_from_quaternion().

Referenced by StationEntity::portUpVectorForShip:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pruneAndCountShipsOnApproach

- (NSUInteger) pruneAndCountShipsOnApproach

Definition at line 62 of file DockEntity.m.

64 // Remove dead entities.
65 // Enumerate over allKeys explicitly because we mutate the dictionary.
66 NSNumber *idObj = nil;
67 foreach (idObj, [shipsOnApproach allKeys])
68 {
69 ShipEntity *ship = [UNIVERSE entityForUniversalID:[idObj unsignedIntValue]];
70 /* Remove ships from the approach queue if they are dead, or
71 * are more than 25.6km from the dock.
72 */
73 if (ship == nil || HPmagnitude2(HPvector_subtract([ship position],[self absolutePositionForSubentity])) > SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2)
74 {
75 [shipsOnApproach removeObjectForKey:idObj];
76 if (ship != nil) {
77 // notify ship if it's alive
78 [ship sendAIMessage:@"DOCKING_ABORTED"];
79 [ship doScriptEvent:OOJSID("stationWithdrewDockingClearance")];
80 }
81 }
82 }
84 if ([shipsOnApproach count] == 0)
85 {
86 if (last_launch_time < [UNIVERSE getTime])
87 {
88 last_launch_time = [UNIVERSE getTime];
89 }
90 }
92 return [shipsOnApproach count];
Definition Entity.h:52

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, count, ShipEntity::doScriptEvent:, last_launch_time, nil, Entity::position, pruneAndCountShipsOnApproach, SCANNER_MAX_RANGE2, ShipEntity::sendAIMessage:, shipsOnApproach, and UNIVERSE.

Referenced by addShipToLaunchQueue:withPriority:, pruneAndCountShipsOnApproach, and StationEntity::sanityCheckShipsOnApproach.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pullInShipIfPermitted:

- (void) pullInShipIfPermitted: (ShipEntity *) ship

Provided by category DockEntity(OOPrivate).

Definition at line 854 of file DockEntity.m.

854 :(ShipEntity *)ship
856 // allow_docking: docking permitted and expected
857 // disallowed_docking_collides: unauthorised docking does not result in explosion
859 {
860 [ship enterDock:(StationEntity*)[self parentEntity]];
861 }
void enterDock:(StationEntity *station)

References ShipEntity::enterDock:, and Entity::parentEntity.

Referenced by DockEntity(OOPrivate)::autoDockShipsInQueue:, and shipIsInDockingCorridor:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAllowsDocking:

- (void) setAllowsDocking: (BOOL) allow

Definition at line 178 of file DockEntity.m.

178 :(BOOL)allowed
180 if (!allowed && allow_docking)
181 {
182 [self abortAllDockings];
183 }
184 allow_docking = allowed;

References abortAllDockings, and allow_docking.

Referenced by DockSetProperty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setAllowsLaunching:

- (void) setAllowsLaunching: (BOOL) allow

Definition at line 200 of file DockEntity.m.

200 :(BOOL)allowed
202 if (!allowed && allow_launching)
203 {
204 [self abortAllLaunches];
205 }
206 allow_launching = allowed;

References abortAllLaunches, and allow_launching.

Referenced by DockSetProperty().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDimensionsAndCorridor:docking:ddc:

- (void) setDimensionsAndCorridor: (BOOL)
docking: (BOOL)
ddc: (BOOL) launching 

Definition at line 1137 of file DockEntity.m.

1137 :(BOOL)docking :(BOOL)ddc :(BOOL)launching
1139 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity*)[self parentEntity];
1140 if (virtual_dock)
1141 {
1143 }
1144 else
1145 {
1146 BoundingBox bb = [self boundingBox];
1147 port_dimensions = make_vector(bb.max.x - bb.min.x, bb.max.y - bb.min.y, bb.max.z - bb.min.z);
1148 }
1152 BoundingBox stbb = [station boundingBox];
1153 HPVector start = position;
1154 while ((start.x > stbb.min.x)&&(start.x < stbb.max.x) &&
1155 (start.y > stbb.min.y)&&(start.y < stbb.max.y) &&
1156 (start.z > stbb.min.z)&&(start.z < stbb.max.z) )
1157 {
1158 start = HPvector_add(start, HPvector_multiply_scalar(vk, port_dimensions.z));
1159 }
1160 port_corridor = start.z - position.z;
1162 allow_docking = docking;
1164 allow_launching = launching;
Vector virtualPortDimensions()

References allow_docking, allow_launching, Entity::boundingBox, disallowed_docking_collides, HPvector_forward_from_quaternion(), Entity::orientation, Entity::parentEntity, port_corridor, port_dimensions, Entity::position, virtual_dock, and StationEntity::virtualPortDimensions.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setDisallowedDockingCollides:

- (void) setDisallowedDockingCollides: (BOOL) ddc

Definition at line 210 of file DockEntity.m.

210 :(BOOL)ddc

References disallowed_docking_collides.

Referenced by DockSetProperty().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setUpShipFromDictionary:

- (BOOL) setUpShipFromDictionary: (NSDictionary *) dict

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Definition at line 1231 of file DockEntity.m.

1231 :(NSDictionary *) dict
1235 isShip = YES;
1236 isStation = NO;
1238 if (![super setUpShipFromDictionary:dict]) return NO;
1240 return YES;
unsigned isStation
Definition Entity.m:143

References Entity::isShip, Entity::isStation, OOJS_PROFILE_ENTER, and OOJS_PROFILE_EXIT.

◆ setVirtual

- (void) setVirtual

Definition at line 216 of file DockEntity.m.

218 virtual_dock = YES;

References setVirtual, and virtual_dock.

Referenced by ShipEntity::setUpOneStandardSubentity:asTurret:, and setVirtual.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ shipIsInDockingCorridor:

- (BOOL) shipIsInDockingCorridor: (ShipEntity *) ship

Definition at line 672 of file DockEntity.m.

672 :(ShipEntity *)ship
674 if (![ship isShip]) return NO;
675 if ([ship isPlayer] && [ship status] == STATUS_DEAD) return NO;
677 BOOL allow_docking_thisship = allow_docking || !disallowed_docking_collides;
678 // ships can physically dock here, and this routine is mainly for
679 // collision detection, but will never be directed here by traffic
680 // control, if allow_docking is false but d_d_c is also false
682 StationEntity *station = (StationEntity *)[self parentEntity];
683 if ([station status] == STATUS_DEAD)
684 {
685 return NO;
686 }
688 Quaternion q0 = quaternion_multiply(orientation, [station orientation]);
689 Vector vi = vector_right_from_quaternion(q0);
690 Vector vj = vector_up_from_quaternion(q0);
691 Vector vk = vector_forward_from_quaternion(q0);
693 HPVector port_pos = [self absolutePositionForSubentity];
695 BoundingBox shipbb = [ship boundingBox];
696 BoundingBox arbb = [ship findBoundingBoxRelativeToPosition: port_pos InVectors: vi : vj : vk];
698 // port dimensions..
699 GLfloat ww = port_dimensions.x;
700 GLfloat hh = port_dimensions.y;
701 GLfloat dd = port_dimensions.z;
703 BOOL rotatedPort = (ww >= hh) ? NO : YES;
704 BOOL rotatedShip = ((shipbb.max.x - shipbb.min.x) >= (shipbb.max.y - shipbb.min.y)) ? NO : YES;
705 BOOL rotationsMatch = (rotatedShip == rotatedPort);
706 if (rotationsMatch)
707 {
708 // the ship and port are both bigger in x than y
709 while (shipbb.max.x - shipbb.min.x > ww * 0.90) ww *= 1.25;
710 while (shipbb.max.y - shipbb.min.y > hh * 0.90) hh *= 1.25;
711 }
712 else
713 {
714 // the ship and port have different x/y biggerness
715 while (shipbb.max.y - shipbb.min.y > ww * 0.90) ww *= 1.25;
716 while (shipbb.max.x - shipbb.min.x > hh * 0.90) hh *= 1.25;
717 }
719 ww *= 0.5;
720 hh *= 0.5;
722#ifndef NDEBUG
723 if ([ship isPlayer] && (gDebugFlags & DEBUG_DOCKING))
724 {
725 BOOL inLane;
726 float range;
727 unsigned laneFlags = 0;
729 if (arbb.max.x < ww) laneFlags |= 1;
730 if (arbb.min.x > -ww) laneFlags |= 2;
731 if (arbb.max.y < hh) laneFlags |= 4;
732 if (arbb.min.y > -hh) laneFlags |= 8;
733 inLane = laneFlags == 0xF;
734 range = 0.90 * arbb.max.z + 0.10 * arbb.min.z;
736 OOLog(@"docking.debug", @"Normalised port dimensions are %g x %g x %g. Player bounding box is at %@-%@ -- %s (%X), range: %g",
737 ww * 2.0, hh * 2.0, dd,
738 VectorDescription(arbb.min), VectorDescription(arbb.max),
739 inLane ? "in lane" : "out of lane", laneFlags,
740 range);
741 }
744 if ((arbb.max.x < ww * 3.0)&&(arbb.min.x > -ww * 3.0)&&(arbb.max.y < hh * 3.0)&&(arbb.min.y > -hh * 3.0))
745 {
746 if ([station requiresDockingClearance] && [ship isPlayer] && [ship status] != STATUS_LAUNCHING && [ship status] != STATUS_AUTOPILOT_ENGAGED && [PLAYER getDockingClearanceStatus] < DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_GRANTED)
747 {
748 if ((0.90 * arbb.max.z + 0.10 * arbb.min.z < 3000) && (dot_product(vk,[ship forwardVector]) < -0.9))
749 {
750 // player is in docking corridor and facing dock
751 // and within 3km
752 [UNIVERSE addMessage:DESC(@"oolite-station-docking-requires-clearance") forCount:3];
753 }
754 }
755 }
757 if (arbb.max.z < -dd)
758 {
759 return NO;
760 }
762 if ((arbb.max.x < ww)&&(arbb.min.x > -ww)&&(arbb.max.y < hh)&&(arbb.min.y > -hh))
763 {
764 if ([ship status] != STATUS_LAUNCHING && !allow_docking_thisship)
765 { // launch-only dock: will collide!
766 if (arbb.min.z < dd)
767 {
768 [ship takeScrapeDamage: 5 * [UNIVERSE getTimeDelta]*[ship flightSpeed] from:station];
769 // and bounce
770 HPVector rel = HPvector_subtract([ship position],port_pos);
771 rel = HPvector_multiply_scalar(HPvector_normal(rel),[ship flightSpeed]*0.4);
772 [ship adjustVelocity:HPVectorToVector(rel)];
773 }
775 if (arbb.max.z < 0.0)
776 { // give some warning before exploding...
777 return NO;
778 }
779 }
781 // in lane
782 if (0.90 * arbb.max.z + 0.10 * arbb.min.z < 0.0) // we're 90% in docking position!
783 {
784 [self pullInShipIfPermitted:ship];
785 }
786 return YES;
787 }
789 if ([ship status] == STATUS_LAUNCHING)
790 {
791 return YES;
792 }
794 // if close enough (within 50%) correct and add damage
795 //
796 GLfloat safety = 1.0+(50.0/100.0);
798 if ((arbb.min.x > -safety * ww)&&(arbb.max.x < safety * ww)&&(arbb.min.y > -safety * hh)&&(arbb.max.y < safety * hh))
799 {
800 if (arbb.min.z < 0.0) // got our nose inside
801 {
803 if ((arbb.min.x < -ww && arbb.max.x > ww) || (arbb.min.y < -hh && arbb.max.y > hh))
804 {
805 /* No matter how much safety margin there is, if the
806 * ship is going off opposite edges of the dock at
807 * once, that's a fatal collision */
808 return NO;
809 }
811 GLfloat correction_factor = -arbb.min.z / (arbb.max.z - arbb.min.z); // proportion of ship inside
813 // damage the ship according to velocity - don't send collision messages to AIs to avoid problems.
814 [ship takeScrapeDamage: 5 * [UNIVERSE getTimeDelta]*[ship flightSpeed] from:station];
815 [station doScriptEvent:OOJSID("shipCollided") withArgument:ship]; // no COLLISION message to station AI, carriers would move away!
816 [ship doScriptEvent:OOJSID("shipCollided") withArgument:station]; // no COLLISION message to ship AI, dockingAI.plist would abort.
818 Vector delta;
819 delta.x = 0.5f * (arbb.max.x + arbb.min.x) * correction_factor;
820 delta.y = 0.5f * (arbb.max.y + arbb.min.y) * correction_factor;
822 if (arbb.max.x < ww && arbb.min.x > -ww)
823 {
824 // x is okay - no need to correct
825 delta.x = 0.0f;
826 }
827 if (arbb.max.y > hh && arbb.min.y > -hh)
828 {
829 // y is okay - no need to correct
830 delta.y = 0.0f;
831 }
833 // adjust the ship back to the center of the port
834 HPVector pos = [ship position];
835 pos.x -= delta.y * vj.x + delta.x * vi.x;
836 pos.y -= delta.y * vj.y + delta.x * vi.y;
837 pos.z -= delta.y * vj.z + delta.x * vi.z;
838 [ship setPosition:pos];
839 }
841 // if far enough in - dock
842 if (0.90f * arbb.max.z + 0.10f * arbb.min.z < 0.0f)
843 {
844 [self pullInShipIfPermitted:ship];
845 }
847 return YES; // okay NOW we're in the docking corridor!
848 }
850 return NO;
NSUInteger gDebugFlags
Definition main.m:7
Definition OODebugFlags.h:8
#define OOLog(class, format,...)
Definition OOLogging.h:88

References Entity::absolutePositionForSubentity, ShipEntity::adjustVelocity:, allow_docking, Entity::boundingBox, DEBUG_DOCKING, disallowed_docking_collides, DOCKING_CLEARANCE_STATUS_GRANTED, ShipEntity::doScriptEvent:withArgument:, ShipEntity::flightSpeed, ShipEntity::forwardVector, gDebugFlags, Entity::isPlayer, Entity::isShip, OOLog, Entity::orientation, Entity::parentEntity, PLAYER, port_dimensions, Entity::position, pullInShipIfPermitted:, quaternion_multiply(), Entity::setPosition:, Entity::status, ShipEntity::takeScrapeDamage:from:, vector_forward_from_quaternion(), vector_right_from_quaternion(), and vector_up_from_quaternion().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ shipIsInDockingQueue:

- (BOOL) shipIsInDockingQueue: (ShipEntity *) ship

Definition at line 639 of file DockEntity.m.

639 :(ShipEntity *)ship
641 if (![ship isShip]) return NO;
642 if ([ship isPlayer] && [ship status] == STATUS_DEAD) return NO;
644 OOUniversalID ship_id = [ship universalID];
645 NSNumber *shipID = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort:ship_id];
647 if ([shipsOnApproach objectForKey:shipID])
648 {
649 return YES;
650 }
651 // player docking manually
652 if ([ship isPlayer] && [[self owner] playerReservedDock] == self)
653 {
654 return YES;
655 }
656 return NO;
id owner()
Definition Entity.m:583

References Entity::isPlayer, Entity::isShip, Entity::owner, shipsOnApproach, Entity::status, and Entity::universalID.

Referenced by DockIsQueued().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:
+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ takeEnergyDamage:from:becauseOf:weaponIdentifier:

- (void) takeEnergyDamage: (double) amount
from: (Entity *) ent
becauseOf: (Entity *) other
weaponIdentifier: (NSString *) weaponIdentifier 

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Definition at line 1279 of file DockEntity.m.

1279 :(double)amount from:(Entity *)ent becauseOf:(Entity *)other weaponIdentifier:(NSString *)weaponIdentifier
1281 if (virtual_dock) // can't be damaged
1282 {
1283 return;
1284 }
1285 [super takeEnergyDamage:amount from:ent becauseOf:other weaponIdentifier:weaponIdentifier];

References ShipEntity::takeEnergyDamage:from:becauseOf:weaponIdentifier:, and virtual_dock.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ update:

- (void) update: (OOTimeDelta) delta_t

Reimplemented from ShipEntity.

Definition at line 1246 of file DockEntity.m.

1246 :(OOTimeDelta) delta_t
1248 [super update:delta_t];
1250 if (([launchQueue count] > 0)&&([shipsOnApproach count] == 0)&&[self dockingCorridorIsEmpty])
1251 {
1252 ShipEntity *se=(ShipEntity *)[launchQueue objectAtIndex:0];
1253 // check to make sure ship has not been destroyed in queue by script
1254 if ([se status] == STATUS_DOCKED)
1255 {
1256 [self launchShip:se];
1257 }
1258 [launchQueue removeObjectAtIndex:0];
1259 }
1261 {
1262 no_docking_while_launching = NO; // launching complete
1263 }
double OOTimeDelta
Definition OOTypes.h:224
BOOL dockingCorridorIsEmpty()
Definition DockEntity.m:989

References count, dockingCorridorIsEmpty, launchQueue, launchShip:, no_docking_while_launching, shipsOnApproach, Entity::status, and ShipEntity::update:.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

Member Data Documentation

◆ allow_docking

◆ allow_launching

- (BOOL) allow_launching

◆ disallowed_docking_collides

- (BOOL) disallowed_docking_collides

◆ id_lock

- (ShipEntity* id_lock[MAX_DOCKING_STAGES])

Definition at line 39 of file DockEntity.h.

Referenced by dockingInstructionsForShip:.

◆ last_launch_time

- (double) last_launch_time

◆ launchQueue

- (NSMutableArray*) launchQueue

◆ no_docking_while_launching

- (BOOL) no_docking_while_launching

Definition at line 44 of file DockEntity.h.

Referenced by abortAllDockings, abortAllLaunches, canAcceptShipForDocking:, launchShip:, and update:.

◆ port_corridor

- (double) port_corridor

Definition at line 42 of file DockEntity.h.

Referenced by launchShip:, and setDimensionsAndCorridor:docking:ddc:.

◆ port_dimensions

◆ shipsOnApproach

- (NSMutableDictionary*) shipsOnApproach

◆ virtual_dock

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: