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<OODebugMonitorInterface> Protocol Reference

#include <OODebugMonitor.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for <OODebugMonitorInterface>:

Instance Methods

(void) - disconnectDebugger:message:
(oneway void) - performJSConsoleCommand:
(id) - configurationValueForKey:
(void) - setConfigurationValue:forKey:
(NSString *) - sourceCodeForFile:line:

Detailed Description

Definition at line 45 of file OODebugMonitor.h.

Method Documentation

◆ configurationValueForKey:

- (id) configurationValueForKey: (in NSString *) key

Reimplemented in OODebugMonitor.

◆ disconnectDebugger:message:

- (void) disconnectDebugger: (in id< OODebuggerInterface >) debugger
message: (in NSString *) message 

Reimplemented in OODebugMonitor.

◆ performJSConsoleCommand:

- (oneway void) performJSConsoleCommand: (in NSString *) command

Reimplemented in OODebugMonitor.

◆ setConfigurationValue:forKey:

- (void) setConfigurationValue: (in id) value
forKey: (in NSString *) key 

Reimplemented in OODebugMonitor.

◆ sourceCodeForFile:line:

- (NSString *) sourceCodeForFile: (in NSString *) filePath
line: (in unsigned) line 

Reimplemented in OODebugMonitor.

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