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Expansion Thargoid Weaponry
- Information URL mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager string length at character position 0
from Expansion Manager's OXP list |
from Expansion Manifest |
Description |
This OXP brings you the Thargoid Ray Laser, the Thargoid Cannon and the Thargoid Plasma Accelerator. For more details please check the wiki page. |
This OXP brings you the Thargoid Ray Laser, the Thargoid Cannon and the Thargoid Plasma Accelerator. For more details please check the wiki page. |
Identifier |
oolite.oxp.zzz.Montana05.thargoid_weaponry |
oolite.oxp.zzz.Montana05.thargoid_weaponry |
Title |
Thargoid Weaponry |
Thargoid Weaponry |
Category |
Weapons |
Weapons |
Author |
Nexus-Hex, Montana05 |
Nexus-Hex, Montana05 |
Version |
1.21 |
1.21 |
Tags |
weapons |
weapons |
Required Oolite Version |
Maximum Oolite Version |
Required Expansions |
Optional Expansions |
Conflict Expansions |
Information URL |
n/a |
Download URL | |
n/a |
License |
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
File Size |
n/a |
Upload date |
1639301003 |
Also read
This OXP brings you the Thargoid Ray Laser, the Thargoid Cannon and the Thargoid Plasma Accelerator.
- Thargoid Ray Laser: A captured Thargoid Weapon, Slightly modified by GalCop. More damage but no self-aiming anymore.
- Thargoid Cannon: An energy cannon based on a Thargoid Ray Laser.
- Thargoid Plasma Accelerator: As seen in the Mutabilis and Incursio novels. It can be fired once every 8 seconds.
It is suggested not to fire the Thargoid Plasma Accelerator until the Laser Temperature Bar has cooled all the way back down again,
because otherwise it'll take twice as much time to cool.
All weapons can be bought at tech level 14+ locations. Additional in anarchies, feudals and multi-gov systems or at independent and
sleazy places with a minimum of a tech level 7 they are sometimes offered as well.
Thargoid Ray Laser: C 1,100.00
Thargoid Cannon: C 5,000.00
Thargoid Plasma Accelerator: C 10,000.00
Please note that this are the standard prices and might be different at some stations.
Cannon and Accelerator only fit in larger ships like a Cobra Mark III (minimum 200 t).
original author and in charge for V 1.00 and V 1.10: Nexus-Hex
This OXP is released under the Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 license
with the following clauses:
- Whilst you are free (and encouraged) to re-use any of the scripting, models or texturing in this OXP, the usage must be
distinct from that within this OXP. Unique identifiers such as (but not limited to) unique shipdata.plist entity keys,
mission variables, script names (, equipment identity strings (EQ_), description list arrays and
entity roles must not be re-used without prior agreement. Basically if it's unique or would identify or overwrite anything
in the original OXP, then you may not re-use it (for obvious compatibility reasons).
- Rebundling of this OXP within another distribution is permitted as long as it is unchanged.
The following derivates however are permitted and except from the above:
- the conversion of files between XML and openStep.
- the merging of files with other files of the same type from other OXP's.
- The license information (either as this file or merged into a larger one) must be included in the OXP.
- Even though it isn't obligatory, if you are re-using any sizable or recognisable piece of this OXP, please let me know.
Version History
V 1.00:
- OXP Release
V 1.10:
- Increased damage and recharge rate on Thargoid Laser (works now like a Beam Laser)
- Reduced price of the Thargoid Laser (A little more expensive than the Pulse Laser)
- Reduced price of the Thargoid Plasma Accelerator
V 1.20:
- Corrected some typos and changed the name to Thargoid Ray Laser
- Added some features from later Oolite releases
- Raised the price of the Thargoid Laser (now a little more expensive than a Beam Laser)
- Included the Thargoid Cannon (energy weapon based on the Thargoid Laser)
- Attached a condition script to all entries
V 1.21:
- fixed a logical error in the purchase chances
This expansion declares no ships. This may be related to warnings.
This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.
Path |
Scripts/thargoid_weaponry_conditions.js | = "thargoid_weaponry_conditions"; = "Montana05";
this.description = "conditions for the handling of Thargoid Weaponry";
this.version = "1.21";
this.copyright = "2021 Montana05";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
"use strict";
this.allowAwardEquipment = function(equipment, ship, context)
var diceRoll = worldScripts.thargoid_weaponry_dice;
var dice = diceRoll.$thargoid_weaponry_dice;
var shipMass = 0;
// remainder from oolite-conditions.js:
// OXP hook to allow stations to forbid specific equipment
if(context == "purchase" && player.ship.dockedStation && player.ship.dockedStation.scriptInfo["oolite-barred-equipment"])
if (player.ship.dockedStation.scriptInfo["oolite-barred-equipment"].indexOf(equipment) != -1)
return false;
// OXP hook to allow ships to forbid specific "available to all" equipment
if(ship.scriptInfo && ship.scriptInfo["oolite-barred-equipment"] && ship.scriptInfo["oolite-barred-equipment"].indexOf(equipment) != -1)
return false;
// for compatibility with Laser Mount Switching System (LMSS)
var lmss = worldScripts.LMSS_Core;
if(lmss && lmss._switching == true)
return true;
// Cannon and Accelerator only fit in larger ships like a Cobra Mark III
if(ship.mass < 200000 && (equipment == "EQ_WEAPON_CANNON_THARGOID" || equipment == "EQ_WEAPON_THARGOID_PLASMA_ACCELERATOR"))
shipMass = 1;
return false;
// awarded equipment to NPC's on setup or added by JS
if((context == "npc" || context == "scripted") && shipMass == 0)
return true;
if(system && !system.sun.hasGoneNova && !system.sun.isGoingNova)
// shipyards at stations
if((context == "newShip" || context == "purchase") && player.ship.dockedStation && shipMass == 0)
// TechLevel 14+ stations always have them on stock
if(player.ship.dockedStation.equivalentTechLevel > 13)
return true;
// there is a chance in anarchies, feudals and multi-gov systems at locations with a TechLevel 7+
if( <= 2 && player.ship.dockedStation.equivalentTechLevel > 6 && dice > 75)
return true;
// independent and sleazy places with a TechLevel 7+ offer them as well once in a while
if( > 2 && player.ship.dockedStation.allegiance != "galcop"
&& player.ship.dockedStation.equivalentTechLevel > 6 && dice > 65)
return true;
// otherwise prohibited
return false;
Scripts/thargoid_weaponry_dice.js | = "thargoid_weaponry_dice"; = "Montana05";
this.description = "rolls the dice for the condition script";
this.version = "1.21";
this.copyright = "2021 Montana05";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
"use strict";
// offers a chance for purchase on some stations (condition script)
// on startup
this.startUp = function()
this.$thargoid_weaponry_dice = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
// with every docking
this.shipDockedWithStation = function(station)
this.$thargoid_weaponry_dice = Math.round(Math.random() * 100);
}; |