Scripts/taxi_galactica_main.js |
"use strict"; = "taxi_galactica_main"; = "Pleb";
this.copyright = "(C) Copyright 2012 Pleb Inc.";
this.license = "CC BY-NC-SA 3.0";
this.description = "This is the main script for the Taxi Galactica OXP.";
this.version = "2.0";
/**** Functions ****/
this._addTaxiStatIfPossible = function ()
// Check if current system is a Corporate system that hasn't gone Nova and make sure Player is not in Interstellar Space:
if (system.government === 7 && !system.isInterstellarSpace && !system.sun.isGoingNova) {
// Add Taxi Station to current system near planet and angle toward planet:
var posTaxi = Vector3D(0, 0, 0.1).fromCoordinateSystem("psu");
system.setPopulator("taxi_station", {
callback: function(pos) {
if (system.countShipsWithRole("taxi_station") == 0) {
var taxistat = system.addShips("taxi_station", 1, pos, 1)[0];
if (!taxistat) {
log(, "!!ERROR - Taxi Station not spawned");
var targetVector = system.mainPlanet.position.subtract(taxistat.position).direction();
var angle = taxistat.heading.angleTo(targetVector);
var cross = taxistat.heading.cross(targetVector).direction();
taxistat.orientation = taxistat.orientation.rotate(cross,-angle);
worldScripts.taxi_galactica_main._addShipsNoRings("taxi_billboard", 1, taxistat.position.add(taxistat.heading.multiply(10E3)), 1);
this._addShipsNoRings = function (role,count,position,radius)
var offset =new Vector3D(0,50000,0);
var ships=system.addShips(role, count, offset,radius);
offset=new Vector3D(position).subtract(offset);
var i=0;
while (i < ships.length)
return ships;
this._generateTaxiJobs = function ()
// Generate names for passenger contracts:
missionVariables.taxi_job_name_1 = randomName() + " " + randomName();
missionVariables.taxi_job_name_2 = randomName() + " " + randomName();
missionVariables.taxi_job_name_3 = randomName() + " " + randomName();
// Generate destinations for passenger contracts:
missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_1 = this._generateTaxiDest(40); // these three functions are identical, but I'm no sure why we need three versions of it. Random number generator problems, maybe?
missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_2 = this._generateTaxiDest(40);
missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_3 = this._generateTaxiDest(40);
missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_name_1 = System.systemNameForID(missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_1);
missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_name_2 = System.systemNameForID(missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_2);
missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_name_3 = System.systemNameForID(missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_3);
// Generate time limits for passenger contracts:
missionVariables.taxi_job_time_1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (20 - 10 + 1) + 10);
missionVariables.taxi_job_time_2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (20 - 10 + 1) + 10);
missionVariables.taxi_job_time_3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (20 - 10 + 1) + 10);
// Generate difficulty levels for passenger contracts and use that and distance to determine the fee:
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 0 + 1) + 0);
var taxi_mission_distance_1 = Math.round(, missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_1)));
var taxi_mission_distance_2 = Math.round(, missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_2)));
var taxi_mission_distance_3 = Math.round(, missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_3)));
if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_1 === 0)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_1 = "Easy";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (300 - 100 + 1) + 100);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 * taxi_mission_distance_1 / 2;
else if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_1 === 1)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_1 = "Medium";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (500 - 300 + 1) + 300);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 * taxi_mission_distance_1 / 2;
else if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_1 === 2)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_1 = "Hard";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (800 - 500 + 1) + 500);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1 * taxi_mission_distance_1 / 2;
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 0 + 1) + 0);
if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_2 === 0)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_2 = "Easy";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (300 - 100 + 1) + 100);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 * taxi_mission_distance_2 / 2;
else if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_2 === 1)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_2 = "Medium";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (500 - 300 + 1) + 300);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 * taxi_mission_distance_2 / 2;
else if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_2 === 2)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_2 = "Hard";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (800 - 500 + 1) + 500);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2 * taxi_mission_distance_2 / 2;
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (2 - 0 + 1) + 0);
if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_3 === 0)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_3 = "Easy";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (300 - 100 + 1) + 100);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 * taxi_mission_distance_3 / 2;
else if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_3 === 1)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_3 = "Medium";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (500 - 300 + 1) + 300);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 * taxi_mission_distance_3 / 2;
else if (missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_3 === 2)
missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_name_3 = "Hard";
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (800 - 500 + 1) + 500);
missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3 * taxi_mission_distance_3 / 2;
this._generateTaxiDest = function (maxDist)
// Generate destination for passenger contract within maxDist light years of current system:
var thisSystem =;
var targetSystems = SystemInfo.systemsInRange(maxDist);
if (!targetSystems) return system.ID;
var count = targetSystems.length;
targetSystems.sort(function(a, b) { return Math.random() - 0.5; });
var i = -1; // start here, so the first interation is 0, which is the real first index
var targetSystem = null;
var realDistance = 0;
while ((!realDistance || realDistance > maxDist) && i<count)
targetSystem = targetSystems[i++];
if (targetSystem) {
// make sure there's a route to this system
var routeSystem = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem);
if (routeSystem) realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
return targetSystem.systemID;
// all these functions are identical, except the SpecMis1 function is limited to 20ly.
// all have been combined into the above function that accepts a maxDist parameter
this._generateTaxiDest1 = function ()
// Generate destination for passenger contract #1 within 40 light years of current system:
var thisSystem =;
var targetSystems = SystemInfo.systemsInRange(40);
if (!targetSystems) return system.ID;
var count = targetSystems.length;
var targetSystem = targetSystems[Math.floor(Math.random()*count)];
var realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
var i = 0;
while ((!realDistance || realDistance > 40) && i<count)
targetSystem = targetSystems[i++];
realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
return targetSystem.systemID;
this._generateTaxiDest2 = function ()
// Generate destination for passenger contract #2 within 40 light years of current system:
var thisSystem =;
var targetSystems = SystemInfo.systemsInRange(40);
if (!targetSystems) return system.ID;
var count = targetSystems.length;
var targetSystem = targetSystems[Math.floor(Math.random()*count)];
var realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
var i = 0;
while ((!realDistance || realDistance > 40) && i<count)
targetSystem = targetSystems[i++];
realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
return targetSystem.systemID;
this._generateTaxiDest3 = function ()
// Generate destination for passenger contract #3 within 40 light years of current system:
var thisSystem =;
var targetSystems = SystemInfo.systemsInRange(40);
if (!targetSystems) return system.ID;
var count = targetSystems.length;
var targetSystem = targetSystems[Math.floor(Math.random()*count)];
var realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
var i = 0;
while ((!realDistance || realDistance > 40) && i<count)
targetSystem = targetSystems[i++];
realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
return targetSystem.systemID;
this._generateTaxiSpecMis1Dest = function ()
// Generate destination for special mission #1 within 20 light years of current system:
var thisSystem =;
var targetSystems = SystemInfo.systemsInRange(20);
if (!targetSystems) return system.ID;
var count = targetSystems.length;
var targetSystem = targetSystems[Math.floor(Math.random()*count)];
var realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
var i = 0;
while ((!realDistance || realDistance > 20) && i<count)
targetSystem = targetSystems[i++];
realDistance = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, targetSystem.systemID).routeToSystem(thisSystem).distance;
return targetSystem.systemID;
this._initInterface = function(station)
if (!station) return;
if (station.hasRole("taxi_station")) {
title:"Taxi Galactica bulletin board",
summary:"Views any Taxi Galactica passenger contracts available from this station.",
} else {
station.setInterface(, null);
this._showBB = function()
missionVariables.taxistat = "REVISIT";
/**** Event handlers ****/
this.startUp = function ()
// Make sure that the variable used for the Taxi Station mission screens is reset every time:
missionVariables.taxistat = "REVISIT";
this._newGalaxy = false;
this.startUpComplete = function()
this.systemWillPopulate = function()
this._modelPersonality = Math.floor(Math.random() * 32767);
if (!missionVariables.taxi_station_contact || missionVariables.taxi_station_contact == "")
missionVariables.taxi_station_contact = randomName() + " " + randomName();
// Try to add Taxi Station to current system:
// Random chance (%) for pirate encounters:
this._piraterandomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * (100 - 1 + 1) + 1);
// If current contract is Easy difficulty then 20% chance pirates will be spawned:
if (missionVariables.taxi_diff === 0)
if (system.ID === missionVariables.taxi_dest)
// If current system is contract destination spawn 3 pirates:
if (this._piraterandomnumber > 80) system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_pirate", 3, null, "wp");
// If current system is not contract destination spawn 1 pirate:
if (this._piraterandomnumber > 80) system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_pirate", 1, null, "wp");
// If current contract is Medium difficulty then 40% chance pirates will be spawned:
else if (missionVariables.taxi_diff === 1)
if (system.ID === missionVariables.taxi_dest)
// If current system is contract destination spawn 4 pirates:
if (this._piraterandomnumber > 60) system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_pirate", 4, null, "wp");
// If current system is not contract destination spawn 2 pirates:
if (this._piraterandomnumber > 60) system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_pirate", 2, null, "wp");
// If current contract is Hard difficulty then 60% chance pirates will be spawned:
else if (missionVariables.taxi_diff === 2)
if (system.ID === missionVariables.taxi_dest)
// If current system is contract destination spawn 5 pirates:
if (this._piraterandomnumber > 40) system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_pirate", 5, null, "wp");
// If current system is contract destination spawn 3 pirates:
if (this._piraterandomnumber > 40) system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_pirate", 3, null, "wp");
// If on special mission #1 then separatist ships might be spawned:
else if (missionVariables.taxi_diff === 3)
// If current system is mission destination spawn 8 separatist fighters:
if (system.ID === missionVariables.taxi_dest)
system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_separatist", 8, null, "wp");
// If current system is not mission destination there is 70% chance to spawn 4 separatist fighters:
if (this._piraterandomnumber > 30) system.addShipsToRoute("taxi_separatist", 4, null, "wp");
this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function ()
// Try to add Taxi Station to current system:
//this._addTaxiStatIfPossible(); // handled in systemWillPopulate now
// Reset the variable used for the Taxi Station mission screens:
missionVariables.taxistat = "REVISIT";
this.shipWillDockWithStation = function(station)
if (this._newGalaxy === true) {
// Inform Player that contract has expired due to leaving previous galaxy:
player.addMessageToArrivalReport("Taxi Galactica: As you have left the galaxy you were in, your passenger contract has expired. Your passenger has departed your ship in protest!");
// Remove passenger from manifest:
var name = missionVariables.taxi_passenger;
// Change variables to reflect Player no longer having passenger contract:
missionVariables.taxistatus = "NOT_ON_JOB";
missionVariables.taxi_diff = -1;
this._newGalaxy = false;
this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = function(cause, destination) {
missionVariables.taxi_station_contact = "";
this.playerBoughtEquipment = function(equipmentKey)
if (equipmentKey === "EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH_TAXI") {
// swap out our dummy one for the real one.
this.missionScreenOpportunity = function ()
// If Player is not docked do nothing:
if (!player.ship.docked)
// Mission text screen choices are below:
function choiceEvaluation(choice)
// Welcome screen choices:
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "REVISIT_1")
if (choice === "1BOARD")
// Display the bulletin board screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "BOARD";
else if (choice === "2EXPLORE")
// Return to the manifest screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "EXPLORE";
// 'On The Job' screen choices:
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "ON_THE_JOB_1")
if (choice === "1EXPLORE")
// Return to the manifest screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "EXPLORE";
else if (choice === "2LAUNCH")
// Leave the station:
// Bulletin Board screen choices:
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "BOARD_1")
if (choice === "1JOB1")
// Display passenger contract #1 details:
missionVariables.taxistat = "JOB1";
else if (choice === "2JOB2")
// Display passenger contract #2 details:
missionVariables.taxistat = "JOB2";
else if (choice === "3JOB3")
// Display passenger contract #3 details:
missionVariables.taxistat = "JOB3";
else if (choice === "4EXPLORE")
// Return to the manifest screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "EXPLORE";
// Passenger Contract #1 screen choices:
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "JOB1_1")
if (choice === "1ACCEPT")
// Store passenger contract #1 details into variables and add passenger to ship & manifest:
missionVariables.taxi_passenger = missionVariables.taxi_job_name_1;
missionVariables.taxi_dest = missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_1;
missionVariables.taxi_dest_name = missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_name_1;
missionVariables.taxi_diff = missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_1;
missionVariables.taxi_pay = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_1;
missionVariables.taxi_time = missionVariables.taxi_job_time_1;
missionVariables.taxistatus = "ON_THE_JOB";
var name = missionVariables.taxi_passenger;
var curloc = system.ID;
var dest = missionVariables.taxi_dest;
var time = missionVariables.taxi_time;
var pay = missionVariables.taxi_pay;
player.ship.addPassenger(name, curloc, dest, clock.seconds+time*24*3600, pay);
missionVariables.taxistat = "ACCEPTED";
else if (choice === "2DECLINE")
// Return to bulletin board screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "BOARD";
// Passenger Contract #2 screen choices:
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "JOB2_1")
if (choice === "1ACCEPT")
// Store passenger contract #3 details into variables and add passenger to ship & manifest:
missionVariables.taxi_passenger = missionVariables.taxi_job_name_2;
missionVariables.taxi_dest = missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_2;
missionVariables.taxi_dest_name = missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_name_2;
missionVariables.taxi_diff = missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_2;
missionVariables.taxi_pay = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_2;
missionVariables.taxi_time = missionVariables.taxi_job_time_2;
missionVariables.taxistatus = "ON_THE_JOB";
var name = missionVariables.taxi_passenger;
var curloc = system.ID;
var dest = missionVariables.taxi_dest;
var time = missionVariables.taxi_time;
var pay = missionVariables.taxi_pay;
player.ship.addPassenger(name, curloc, dest, clock.seconds+time*24*3600, pay);
missionVariables.taxistat = "ACCEPTED";
else if (choice === "2DECLINE")
// Return to bulletin board screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "BOARD";
// Passenger Contract #3 screen choices:
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "JOB3_1")
if (choice === "1ACCEPT")
// Store passenger contract #3 details into variables and add passenger to ship & manifest:
missionVariables.taxi_passenger = missionVariables.taxi_job_name_3;
missionVariables.taxi_dest = missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_3;
missionVariables.taxi_dest_name = missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_name_3;
missionVariables.taxi_diff = missionVariables.taxi_job_diff_3;
missionVariables.taxi_pay = missionVariables.taxi_job_pay_3;
missionVariables.taxi_time = missionVariables.taxi_job_time_3;
missionVariables.taxistatus = "ON_THE_JOB";
var name = missionVariables.taxi_passenger;
var curloc = system.ID;
var dest = missionVariables.taxi_dest;
var time = missionVariables.taxi_time;
var pay = missionVariables.taxi_pay;
player.ship.addPassenger(name, curloc, dest, clock.seconds+time*24*3600, pay);
missionVariables.taxistat = "ACCEPTED";
else if (choice === "2DECLINE")
// Return to bulletin board screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "BOARD";
// Special Mission #1 screen choices:
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "SPEC_MIS_01_1")
if (choice === "1ACCEPT")
// Store special mission #1 details into variables and add passenger to ship & manifest:
missionVariables.taxi_passenger = missionVariables.taxi_specmis_1_ambassador;
missionVariables.taxi_dest = missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest;
missionVariables.taxi_dest_name = missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_name;
missionVariables.taxi_diff = 3;
missionVariables.taxi_pay = 10000;
missionVariables.taxi_time = missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_time;
missionVariables.taxistatus = "ON_THE_JOB";
var name = missionVariables.taxi_passenger;
var curloc = system.ID;
var dest = missionVariables.taxi_dest;
var time = missionVariables.taxi_time;
var pay = missionVariables.taxi_pay;
player.ship.addPassenger(name, curloc, dest, clock.seconds+time*24*3600, pay);
missionVariables.taxistat = "ACCEPTED";
else if (choice === "2DECLINE")
// Return to bulletin board screen:
missionVariables.taxistat = "BOARD";
// Check if Player is currently docked at the main station:
if (player.ship.dockedStation.isMainStation)
// Check if Player is doing a contract and is at the contract mission destination:
if (missionVariables.taxistatus === "ON_THE_JOB" && system.ID === missionVariables.taxi_dest)
// Change variable to reflect no longer doing contract:
missionVariables.taxistatus = "NOT_ON_JOB";
// Increase variable to reflect another contract completed:
missionVariables.taxijobstotal += 1;
// Refuel Player ship:
player.ship.fuel = 7.0;
// Check if Player was doing special mission #1:
if (missionVariables.taxi_diff === 3)
// Change variable to reflect special mission #1 complete:
missionVariables.taxi_specmiss_1 = "MISSION_COMPLETE";
// Check if Snoopers OXP is installed and if so insert news story about events of special mission #1:
if (worldScripts.snoopers) worldScripts.snoopers.insertNews({ID:, Agency: 1, Message: expandDescription("[taxi_snoopers_specmiss_1]")});
// Check if Player is current docked at a Taxi Station:
if (player.ship.dockedStation.hasRole("taxi_station"))
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "REVISIT")
// Check if Player is currently doing a contract and if so prompt Player that they need to complete contract:
if (missionVariables.taxistatus === "ON_THE_JOB")
title: "Welcome to the Taxi Galactica Station",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_welcome",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_on_job",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_on_job_choices"
missionVariables.taxistat = "ON_THE_JOB_1";
// Check if Player has completed 5 or more contracts, has not yet completed special mission #1 and has a free passenger berth:
if (missionVariables.taxijobstotal >= 5 && missionVariables.taxi_specmiss_1 !== "MISSION_COMPLETE" && player.ship.passengerCount < player.ship.passengerCapacity)
// Generate name for ambassador for special mission #1 briefing:
missionVariables.taxi_specmis_1_ambassador = randomName() + " " + randomName();
// Generate special mission #1 destination:
missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest = this._generateTaxiDest(20);
missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_name = System.systemNameForID(missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest);
// Get special mission #1 destination government type and assign name to variable:
missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest).government;
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 0) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Anarchy";
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 1) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Feudal";
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 2) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Multi-Governmental";
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 3) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Dictatorship";
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 4) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Communist";
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 5) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Confederacy";
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 6) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Democracy";
if (missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov === 7) missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest_gov_name = "Corporate State";
// Generate time limit for special mission #1:
missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_time = Math.floor(Math.random() * (20 - 10 + 1) + 10);
// Determine special mission #1 destination distance and assign to variable:
missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dist = Math.round(, missionVariables.taxi_specmis1_dest)) * 5) / 5;
// Display special mission #1 briefing screen:
title: "Taxi Galactica Contract Offer",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_intro",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_spec_mis_1_intro",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_spec_mis_1_intro_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "SPEC_MIS_01_1";
// Display welcome screen for Taxi Station and generate new contract destinations:
title: "Welcome to the Taxi Galactica Station",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_mission_intro",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_intro",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_intro_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "REVISIT_1";
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "BOARD")
// Check Player has free passenger berth:
if (player.ship.passengerCount >= player.ship.passengerCapacity)
// If no free passenger berth then cannot display bulletin board:
title: "Taxi Galactica Bulletin Board",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_no_room",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_no_room",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_on_job_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "ON_THE_JOB_1";
// If free passenger berth available then display bulletin board:
title: "Taxi Galactica Bulletin Board",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_bb",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_bulletin_board",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_bulletin_board_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "BOARD_1";
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "JOB1")
// Calculate passenger contract #1 distance and store to variable:
missionVariables.taxi_mission_distance_1 = Math.round(, missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_1)) * 5) / 5;
// Display passenger contract #1 details:
title: "Taxi Galactica Contract Offer",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_job_1",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_job_1",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_job_1_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "JOB1_1";
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "JOB2")
// Calculate passenger contract #2 distance and store to variable:
missionVariables.taxi_mission_distance_2 = Math.round(, missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_2)) * 5) / 5;
// Display passenger contract #2 details:
title: "Taxi Galactica Contract Offer",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_job_2",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_job_2",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_job_2_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "JOB2_1";
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "JOB3")
// Calculate passenger contract #3 distance and store to variable:
missionVariables.taxi_mission_distance_3 = Math.round(, missionVariables.taxi_job_dest_3)) * 5) / 5;
// Display passenger contract #3 details:
title: "Taxi Galactica Contract Offer",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_job_3",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_job_3",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_job_3_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "JOB3_1";
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "ACCEPTED")
// Display contract accepted screen:
title: "Taxi Galactica Contract Accepted",
screenID: "taxi_galactica_accepted",
messageKey: "mission_taxi_accepted",
model: "taxi_adder",
modelPersonality: this._modelPersonality,
choicesKey: "mission_taxi_on_job_choices"
}, choiceEvaluation);
missionVariables.taxistat = "ON_THE_JOB_1";
if (missionVariables.taxistat === "EXPLORE")
// Leave mission screen and return to manifest screen:
this.playerEnteredNewGalaxy = function()
// Check if Player had a passenger contract in progress:
if (missionVariables.taxistatus === "ON_THE_JOB") {
// set a flag we can check the next time we dock
this._newGalaxy = true;