Back to Index | Page generated: Jan 7, 2025, 2:02:47 AM |
Identifier | rmb-frag-missile |
Name | Fragmentation Missile |
Expansion | Missiles and Bombs |
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ai_type | rmb-fragmissileAI.plist |
exhaust | (0.0 0.0 -4.0 0.5 0.5 4.0) |
like_ship | ecm-proof-missile |
max_energy | 10 |
max_flight_pitch | 7 |
max_flight_roll | 8 |
max_flight_speed | 600 |
model | redpivot.dat |
name | Fragmentation Missile |
roles | EQ_RMB_FRAG_MISSILE missile(0.2) |
script | rmb-frag-script.js |
smooth | yes |
weapon_energy | 5000 |