Back to Index | Page generated: Mar 16, 2025, 7:49:58 PM |
Identifier | hardescape-capsule-player |
Name | Hard Pod |
Expansion | HardShips |
ai_type | oolite-player-AI.plist |
energy_recharge_rate | 6 |
extra_cargo | 2 |
forward_weapon_type | WEAPON_PULSE_LASER |
has_ecm | true |
has_escape_pod | 0 |
has_fuel_injection | 1 |
hyperspace_motor | no |
like_ship | escape-capsule |
max_energy | 64 |
max_flight_speed | 200 |
name | Hard Pod |
roles | player |
script | hardescape-capsule-player.js |
script_info | {buydesc=After an uninsured punch out you spent your last credits to buy and fit some armour and must-have things into your Escape Pod. Now you must find a way to earn credits and get a real ship (with insurance). There are no Hyperdrive in the Pod and can fit only a few equipments.;cargoext=2;hardarmour=5;recharge=2;} |
subentities | ({type=flasher;size=2;color=redColor;phase=0.0;position=(0.0,4.42,-1.54);},{type=flasher;size=2;color=redColor;phase=0.0;position=(3.83,-2.21,-1.54);},{type=flasher;size=2;color=redColor;phase=0.0;position=(-3.83,-2.21,-1.54);}) |
thrust | 3 |
view_position_forward | 0.0 3.0 0.0 |
weapon_facings | 1 |