Back to Index | Page generated: Jan 7, 2025, 2:02:47 AM |
Identifier | escortdeck-gecko |
Name | Gecko Escort |
Expansion | Escort Deck |
accuracy | 5 |
ai_type | EscortDeck_AI.plist |
auto_ai | 0 |
auto_weapons | no |
beacon | E |
bounty | 0 |
counts_as_kill | no |
energy_recharge_rate | 4.0 |
forward_weapon_type | WEAPON_BEAM_LASER |
fuel | 0 |
has_ecm | 1 |
has_escape_pod | 0 |
has_fuel_injection | 0 |
has_scoop | 0 |
has_shield_booster | 0 |
has_shield_enhancer | 0 |
hyperspace_motor | no |
laser_color | 0.0 0.5 0.0 |
like_ship | oolite_template_gecko |
materials | {Hull={diffuse_map=oolite_gecko_diffuse.png;specular_color=(0.2,0.2,0.2);shininess=5;emission_map={name=oolite_gecko_diffuse.png;extract_channel=a;};emission_modulate_color=(0.9926,0.9686,0.7325,1.0);};Gun={diffuse_map=oolite_gecko_subents.png;specular_color=(0.6,0.5,0.5);shininess=7;};} |
max_cargo | 0 |
max_flight_pitch | 1.5 |
max_flight_speed | 300 |
max_missiles | 1 |
missiles | 0 |
model | oolite_gecko.dat |
name | Gecko Escort |
pilot | oolite-hunter |
roles | escortdeck-gecko player |
script_info | {buydesc=Extend your escort fleet with this small and agile ship, useful if your ship isn't large enough to hold heavy escorts. Equipped with ECM and a Beam laser.;ccl_missionShip=true;} |
unpiloted | no |
view_position_aft | 0.0 8.0 -22.5 |
view_position_forward | 0.0 3.0 17.4 |
view_position_port | -12.0 1.5 0.0 |
view_position_starboard | 12.0 1.5 0.0 |
weapon_facings | 1 |
weapon_position_aft | 0.0 5.54957 -12.1558 |
weapon_position_forward | 0.0 -2.49055 25.6416 |
weapon_position_port | -13.75 -2.0625 -1.875 |
weapon_position_starboard | 13.75 -2.0625 -1.875 |