Back to Index | Page generated: Dec 20, 2024, 7:22:10 AM |
Identifier | cotbs-rock |
Name | Asteroid |
Expansion | Curse of the Black Sunspot |
ai_type | cotbsRockAI.plist |
energy_recharge_rate | 0 |
frangible | yes |
max_energy | 20000 |
max_flight_pitch | 0 |
max_flight_roll | 0 |
max_flight_speed | 0 |
max_flight_yaw | 0 |
missiles | 0 |
model | cotbs-rock.dat |
name | Asteroid |
roles | cotbs-rock |
scan_class | CLASS_ROCK |
script | cotbs-rock.js |
smooth | yes |
subentities | ({type=ball_turret;subentity_key=cotbs-turret;position=-120 -403 620;orientation=1 0 0 0;},{type=ball_turret;subentity_key=cotbs-turret;position=-120 -203 620;orientation=1 0 0 0;},{type=ball_turret;subentity_key=cotbs-turret;position=496 -170 620;orientation=1 0 0 0;},{type=ball_turret;subentity_key=cotbs-turret;position=496 -30 620;orientation=1 0 0 0;},) |
thrust | 10000 |