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Expansion Moons



from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description This OXP simulates (pseudo)dynamic moon configurations. This OXP simulates (pseudo)dynamic moon configurations.
Identifier oolite.oxp.stranger.Moons oolite.oxp.stranger.Moons
Title Moons Moons
Category Ambience Ambience
Author stranger stranger
Version 1.1.1 1.1.1
Tags moons, system moons, system
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
  • oolite.oxp.stranger.PlanetarySystems:1.5.0
  • oolite.oxp.stranger.PlanetarySystems:1.5.0
  • Optional Expansions
    Conflict Expansions
    Information URL n/a
    Download URL n/a
    License CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
    File Size n/a
    Upload date 1610873262


    Also read

    ReadMe & License.txt

    Moons OXP by Stranger
    This OXP is released under the Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 3.0 license.
    You are free to use and distribute this OXP on non-commercial basis. 
    Rebundling of this OXP within another distribution is permitted as long as it is unchanged.
    Any mods/derivatives of this OXP must be distributed under another names.
    The license information (either as this file or merged into a larger one) must be included in the OXP.
    Features and dependencies
    This OXP simulates dynamic moon configurations.
    Two moon sets implemented: 2 main planet moons (Terran moons) and 2 moons of gas giant (Jovian moons). Positions of Terran moons are calculated to simulate circular orbits (the Third Kepler's law used, but constant of gravity is not matched exactly with real value to simplify code). Positions of Jovian moons are randomly orientated vectors (Oolite is not planetarium software and I have no ambitions to simulate orbital mechanics in details!).
    Due to large moons you need Planetary Systems OXP to use this OXP.
    Planetary Systems also provides additional option - displays Moon Data Sheet if you are docked with moon surface port. See Planetary Systems readme file for more details.
    Using Moons OXP with Additional Planets SR may generate logical collision as a result of conflicting mechanisms of moon seeding.
    To provide easy updates all moon textures repacked as separate texture pack.
    Moons.oxp - core package.
    Moons Texture Pack.oxp - Textures.
    Download and unzip core package Moons and texture pack Moons Texture Pack.
    Place all unzipped packages inside the Oolite/AddOns folder.
    Read notifications on my personal page to update packages individually.
    A piece of code from Additional planets SR base 0.6 (authors: Spara, Redspear) and Orbits (author: Ebi) is used to calculate orbits of main planet moons.
    See more detailed moon texture credits in Texture Pack Readme document.
    Version history:
    09,02,2019 - Version 1.1.1	Converted to OXZ.
    31.12.2018 - Version 1.1	Calculation of main planet density added.
    				manifest.plist added to main package and texture pack.
    17.06.2018 - Version 1.0	Fixed error with declaration of random component of moon orbit radii.
    				Moon sizes readjusted.
    				Terran moons orbital periods redefined to more real values.
    				Code refactoring to provide more easy reading and to get crucial info for Moon Data Sheet page in Planetary Systems OXP.
    09.05.2018 - Version 0.9	Code edited to satisfy OXP Standards recommendations.
    25.10.2017 - Version 0.8	Code improvement - kill delay timer after jovian moons seeding.
    24.05.2017 - Version 0.7	Refined problem with Jovian moons display on ASC (resetting seeding timer delay to 0.2 s).
    17.07.2016 - Version 0.6	Every moon class divided onto 10 sublasses to provide better variability (40 variants of moons now).
    				All texture files repacked as separate texture pack.
    17.01.2016 - Version 0.5	Pseudorandom orbit radii for Jovian moons implemented.
    				Jovian moons attributed to largest gas giant in planet database, not to largest gas giant in system!
    12.01.2016 - Version 0.4	Pseudorandom orbit radii for Terran moons implemented.
    28.06.2014 - Version 0.3	Moon seeding generator uses different seed. As a result moon configurations in systems changed.
    16.05.2014 - Version 0.2	Jovian moons textures selection improved to 4 variants.
    04.30.2014 - Version 0.1	Initial release.


    This expansion declares no equipment.


    This expansion declares no ships.


    This expansion declares no models.


    // Standard attributes 
    "use strict";           = "SpawnMoons";         = "Stranger"; 
    this.copyright      = "This script is hereby placed in the public domain."; 
    this.version        = "1.1"; 
    this.description    = "Spawn moons around planets";
    // Configuration
    this.$planetRadius = 6400;
    this.$planetDensity = 5.525;
    this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function()
        //Terran moons
        this.$orbitPeriod_SeleneBase = 4 * 24 * 60;    //  4 days 00 hours 00 mins
        this.$distance_SeleneShift = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(143);
        this.$distance_LunaShift = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(147);
        this.$offsetMoon = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(151);
        this.$selectMoon_Terran = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(159);
        this.$targetFlag_Terran = 0;
        //Jovian moons
        this.$orbitMoon_Inner = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(227);
        this.$orbitMoon_Outer = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(235);
        this.$targetFlag_Jovian = 0;
        this.$targetPlanet_Jovian = -1;
        this.$seedingDelay = new Timer(this, this.$seedMoon_Jovian, 0.20);    // delay to set planet orbits
    this.$seedMoon_Terran = function()
        if (system.isInterstellarSpace) return;
        if (this.$targetFlag_Terran > 0) return;  // moons already exist - prevents multiple seeding
        // calculate main planet density
        var w = worldScripts.AstroLibrary;
    	var info =;
        if (
            var sunRadius = system.sun.radius;
        var sunTemperature = w.$astroLib_sunTemperature(sunRadius);
        var sunLuminosity = w.$astroLib_sunLuminosity(sunTemperature,sunRadius);
        var mainOrbitVector = new Vector3D(system.sun.position.subtract(system.mainPlanet.position));
        var ouScale = mainOrbitVector.magnitude();
        var mainPlanetRadius = system.mainPlanet.radius;
        var mainPlanetInsolation = sunLuminosity * Math.pow((50000000/ouScale),2);
        var mainPlanetTemperature = w.$astroLib_equilibriumTemperature(mainPlanetInsolation);
        var mainPlanetDensity = w.$astroLib_planetDensity(mainPlanetRadius, mainPlanetTemperature);
        // set moon orbit
        var localTime = clock.minutes;
        var distance;
        var polar = Math.acos(1.4 * this.$offsetMoon - 0.7);
        var azimuth;
        var directionV;
        if (this.$selectMoon_Terran < 0.25) return;
        if (this.$selectMoon_Terran > 0.5)
            distance = system.mainPlanet.radius * (16 + 8 * this.$distance_SeleneShift);
            this.$orbitRadius_Selene = distance / system.mainPlanet.radius;
            this.$orbitPeriod_Selene = this.$orbitPeriod_SeleneBase * Math.pow((this.$orbitRadius_Selene/16),1.5) * Math.pow((this.$planetDensity/mainPlanetDensity),0.5);
            var phaseSelene = 2.0 * Math.PI * (localTime % this.$orbitPeriod_Selene) / this.$orbitPeriod_Selene;
            azimuth = 2.0 * Math.PI * this.$offsetMoon + phaseSelene;
            directionV = Vector3D(Math.sin(polar) * Math.cos(azimuth), Math.sin(polar) * Math.sin(azimuth), Math.cos(polar));
            var tagSelene = Math.floor(this.$selectMoon_Terran * 10);
            var addedMoon_Selene = system.addMoon("omoon_Selene" + tagSelene);
            addedMoon_Selene.position = system.mainPlanet.position.toCoordinateSystem("pwm").add(directionV.multiply(distance)).fromCoordinateSystem("pwm");
        if (this.$selectMoon_Terran < 0.75)
            distance = system.mainPlanet.radius * (5 + 2.5 * this.$distance_LunaShift);
            this.$orbitRadius_Luna = distance / system.mainPlanet.radius;
            this.$orbitPeriod_Luna = this.$orbitPeriod_SeleneBase * Math.pow((this.$orbitRadius_Luna/16),1.5) * Math.pow((this.$planetDensity/mainPlanetDensity),0.5);
            var phaseLuna = 2.0 * Math.PI * (localTime % this.$orbitPeriod_Luna) / this.$orbitPeriod_Luna;
            azimuth = 2.0 * Math.PI * this.$offsetMoon + phaseLuna;
            directionV = Vector3D(Math.sin(polar) * Math.cos(azimuth), Math.sin(polar) * Math.sin(azimuth), Math.cos(polar));
            var tagLuna = Math.floor(this.$selectMoon_Terran * 10);
            var addedMoon_Luna = system.addMoon("omoon_Luna" + tagLuna);
            addedMoon_Luna.position = system.mainPlanet.position.toCoordinateSystem("pwm").add(directionV.multiply(distance)).fromCoordinateSystem("pwm");
        this.$targetFlag_Terran = 1;    // Terran moons seeded - set flag to prevent multiple seeding
    this.$planetLock_Jovian = function()
        var iplanetRadius = 150000;
        for (let i=0; i<system.planets.length; i++) 
            if(system.planets[i].radius >= iplanetRadius) 
                this.$targetPlanet_Jovian = i;
                iplanetRadius = system.planets[i].radius;
    this.$seedMoon_Jovian = function()
        if (system.isInterstellarSpace) return;
        if (this.$targetFlag_Jovian > 0) return;    // moons already exist - prevents multiple seeding
        if (this.$targetPlanet_Jovian < 0) return;   // no giant planet in system detected
        // seed jovian moons
        var p = this.$targetPlanet_Jovian;
        this.$giantRadius = system.planets[p].radius;
        var selectMoon_Jovian = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(223);
        var paintMoon_Inner = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(231);
        var paintMoon_Outer = system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(239);
            if (selectMoon_Jovian > 0.25)
                var orbitVector_ZeusInner;
                orbitVector_ZeusInner = Vector3D.randomDirection(this.$giantRadius * (5 + 2.5 * this.$orbitMoon_Inner));
                this.$orbitRadius_ZeusInner = orbitVector_ZeusInner.magnitude() / this.$giantRadius;
                var tagZeusInner = Math.floor(selectMoon_Jovian * 10); 
                var addedMoon_ZeusInner = system.addMoon("omoon_ZeusInner" + tagZeusInner);
                addedMoon_ZeusInner.position = system.planets[p].position.add(orbitVector_ZeusInner);
                if (paintMoon_Inner < 0.5)
                    addedMoon_ZeusInner.texture = "omoon_Io.png";
                    addedMoon_ZeusInner.texture = "omoon_Europa.png";
            if (selectMoon_Jovian < 0.75)
                var orbitVector_ZeusOuter;
                orbitVector_ZeusOuter = Vector3D.randomDirection(this.$giantRadius * (10 + 5 * this.$orbitMoon_Outer));
                this.$orbitRadius_ZeusOuter = orbitVector_ZeusOuter.magnitude() / this.$giantRadius;
                var tagZeusOuter = Math.floor(selectMoon_Jovian * 10);
                var addedMoon_ZeusOuter = system.addMoon("omoon_ZeusOuter" + tagZeusOuter);
                addedMoon_ZeusOuter.position = system.planets[p].position.add(orbitVector_ZeusOuter);        
                if (paintMoon_Outer < 0.5)
                    addedMoon_ZeusOuter.texture = "omoon_Ganymede.png";
                    addedMoon_ZeusOuter.texture = "omoon_Callisto.png";
        this.$targetFlag_Jovian = 1;    // moons seeded - set flag to prevent multiple seeding
    this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function()
        delete this.shipWillLaunchFromStation;
    this.shipWillDockWithStation = this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = function()
    this.shipDied = function()  // kill timer after moon seeding
    		delete this.$seedingDelay;