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Expansion Darkside Moonshine Distillery



  1. Unknown key 'upload_date' at!manifest.plist


from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description The Darkside Moonshine Distilleries are only found in a few systems in each chart, often clustered in poor agricultural regions. They offer a special commodity Witchfire Whiskey. The Darkside Moonshine Distilleries are only found in a few systems in each chart, often clustered in poor agricultural regions. They offer a special commodity Witchfire Whiskey.
Identifier oolite.oxp.stormrider.Darkside_Moonshine_Distillery oolite.oxp.stormrider.Darkside_Moonshine_Distillery
Title Darkside Moonshine Distillery Darkside Moonshine Distillery
Category Dockables Dockables
Author Stormrider Stormrider
Version 0.8 0.8
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL
License CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873318


Also read


This expansion declares no equipment. This may be related to warnings.


Darkside Moonshine Distillery
Darkside Moonshine Saloon
Witchfire Asp
Whiskey Runner
Witchfire Dock
Witchfire Habitat Ring


This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.


"use strict";      = "Morgan Orr"; 
this.copyright   = "� 2011-2016 Morgan Orr."; 
this.licence 	 = "CC-BY-SA 4.0";
this.version     = "0.8";
 /*			~~~I STRONGLY encourage the modification and development of this free software by anyone to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original work. Thanks and enjoy.~~~*/			= "dmd_trade";
this.description	= "Finds distance to dmd production systems so dmd_trademarket can apply a price multiple based on distance.";
// this script is really a modification of phkb's smugglers code
//I STRONGLY encourage the modification and development of this free software by all to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original work. Thanks and enjoy!
this.$witchlogging = false;
this.$sysId = -1;
this.$priceMultiple = 0;
this.$witchfireLoaded = false;
this.$witchspaceDestination = -1;

this.startUp = function() {

	this.$sysId = system.ID;

this.$sysDistance = function() {
	//production centers
	var sys = [];

		if(galaxyNumber == 0) {
		var sys = 223;		
		if(galaxyNumber == 1) {
		var sys = 135;		
		if(galaxyNumber == 2) {
		var sys = 210;		
		if(galaxyNumber == 3) {
		var sys = 96;	
		if(galaxyNumber == 4) {
		var sys = 44;		
		if(galaxyNumber == 5) {
		var sys = 242;	
		if(galaxyNumber == 6) {
		var sys = 27;
		if(galaxyNumber == 7) {
		var sys = 134;	
	var sysInfo = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber,sys);
	var way =;
   	if (way) {
    	this.$priceMultiple = way.route.length * 0.025;
	} else {
      	this.$priceMultiple = 99 * 0.025; // if the system is unreachable, then prices will be really high
	if(this.$witchlogging) log(,"  waylong = "+way.route.length);
	if(this.$witchlogging) log(,":  system = " +this.$sysId+ " Galsys = "+sysInfo+" sys = "+sys);
	if(this.$witchlogging) log(,":  $priceMultiple 1 = " +this.$priceMultiple);
	return this.$priceMultiple;
this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = function(cause, destination) {
    this.$witchfireDestination = destination;
this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function() {
	this.$witchfireLoaded = false;
this.shipExitedWitchspace = function() {
	this.$sysId = system.ID;
this.$witchfireData = function() {
	this.$witchfireLoaded = true;

"use strict";      = "Morgan Orr"; 
this.copyright   = "� 2011-2016 Morgan Orr."; 
this.licence 	 = "CC-BY-SA 4.0";
this.version     = "0.8";
 /*			~~~I STRONGLY encourage the modification and development of this free software by anyone to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original work. Thanks and enjoy.~~~*/        = "dmd_trademarket";
this.description = "Applies witchfire_whiskey data to GalCop and DMD stations.";
// this script is really a modification of phkb's smugglers code
//I STRONGLY encourage the modification and development of this free software by all to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original work. Thanks and enjoy!
this.$witchlogging = false;

this.$quanMulti = function () {
	var multi = [];
	if (Math.random > 0.85) {
		var multi = 96;
	} else {
		var multi = 24
	return multi;

this.updateGeneralCommodityDefinition = function(goodDefinition, station, systemID) {

	var dt = worldScripts.dmd_trade;
	if (dt) {

		if (station && === "Darkside Moonshine Distillery") {
			goodDefinition.quantity = Math.round(Math.random() * this.$quanMulti());
		} else {
			goodDefinition.quantity = 0;
			if (dt.$witchfireLoaded == false && parseInt((clock.seconds % 1) * 10000) != 0) {
			if(this.$witchlogging) log(,": quantity"+goodDefinition.quantity+" mulit = "+this.$quanMulti());
			if (dt.$witchfireLoaded == true) {
				var priceMulti = 2620 * dt.$priceMultiple;
				goodDefinition.price = 2620 + priceMulti;
				var sysId = systemID;
				if(this.$witchlogging) log(,": system"+sysId);
				if (sysId == -1) {
					// get the players witchspace destination
					if (dt.$witchspaceDestination != -1) {
						sysId = dt.$witchspaceDestination;
						if(this.$witchlogging) log(,": destination"+dt.$witchfireDestination);
					} else {
						// work out the next system from the players route
						var p = player.ship;
						var target = p.targetSystem;
						var myRoute = System.infoForSystem(global.galaxyNumber, dt.$sysId).routeToSystem(System.infoForSystem(global.galaxyNumber, target), p.routeMode);
						sysId = myRoute.route[1];
						if(this.$witchlogging) log(,": sysId :"+sysId);
						p = null;
						myRoute = null;
	return goodDefinition;	

"use strict";      = "Morgan Orr"; 
this.copyright   = "� 2011-2016 Morgan Orr."; 
this.licence 	 = "CC-BY-SA 4.0";
this.version     = "0.8";
 /*			~~~I STRONGLY encourage the modification and development of this free software by anyone to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original work. Thanks and enjoy.~~~*/
//I STRONGLY encourage the modification and development of this free software by all to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original work. Thanks and enjoy!           = "witchfire-populator";
this.description    = "Witchfire Whiskey bases";

this.systemWillPopulate = function() {

  	if(system.isInterstellarSpace || system.government === !5 || system.sun.hasGoneNova || system.sun.isGoingNova || system.countShipsWithRole("darkside-moonshine-distillery") > 0 || system.countShipsWithRole("darkside-moonshine-saloon") > 0 )
	{ return; }

	this.addedCount = 0;

	galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 59 ||
	galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 142 ||
	galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 173 ||
	galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 213 ||
	galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 223 ||
	galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 238 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 0 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 30 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 47 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 64 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 110 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 135 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 137 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 190 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 213 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 217 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 225 ||
	galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 254 ||
	galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 36 ||
	galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 40 ||
	galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 99 ||
	galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 184 ||
	galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 210 ||
	galaxyNumber == 3 && system.ID == 96 ||
	galaxyNumber == 3 && system.ID == 240 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 31 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 37 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 44 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 63 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 95 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 127 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 134 ||
	galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 198 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 12 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 32 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 47 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 56 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 129 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 160 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 167 ||
	galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 242 ||
	galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 27 ||
	galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 137 ||
	galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 139 ||
	galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 153 ||
	galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 228 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 11 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 62 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 134 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 166 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 170 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 185 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 186 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 196 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 240 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 242 ||
	galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 253
			location: "TRIANGLE",
			locationSeed: 21541,
			deterministic: true,
			callback: function(pos)
				var DMD = system.addShips("darkside-moonshine-distillery",1,pos,0);

				//system.addShips("witchfire-beacon", 1, DMD.position.add(DMD.heading.multiply(10E3)), 1);
	if(system.economy < 4 && system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber() > (0.32 * system.government)) {
		galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 59 ||
		galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 142 ||
		galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 173 ||
		galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 213 ||
		galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 223 ||
		galaxyNumber == 0 && system.ID == 238 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 0 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 30 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 47 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 64 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 110 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 135 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 137 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 190 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 213 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 217 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 225 ||
		galaxyNumber == 1 && system.ID == 254 ||
		galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 36 ||
		galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 40 ||
		galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 99 ||
		galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 184 ||
		galaxyNumber == 2 && system.ID == 210 ||
		galaxyNumber == 3 && system.ID == 96 ||
		galaxyNumber == 3 && system.ID == 240 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 31 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 37 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 44 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 63 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 95 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 127 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 134 ||
		galaxyNumber == 4 && system.ID == 198 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 12 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 32 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 47 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 56 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 129 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 160 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 167 ||
		galaxyNumber == 5 && system.ID == 242 ||
		galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 27 ||
		galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 137 ||
		galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 139 ||
		galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 153 ||
		galaxyNumber == 6 && system.ID == 228 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 11 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 62 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 134 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 166 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 170 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 185 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 186 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 196 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 240 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 242 ||
		galaxyNumber == 7 && system.ID == 253
		{ return; }

		this.addedCount = 0;
			location: "TRIANGLE",
			locationSeed: 27641,
			deterministic: true,
			callback: function(pos)
				var DMS = system.addShips("darkside-moonshine-saloon",1,pos,0);

				//system.addShips("witchfire-beacon", 1, DMD.position.add(DMD.heading.multiply(10E3)), 1);