Config/script.js |
"use strict"; = "stations_for_extra_planets";
this.description = "populator for extra stations";
Dear oxp developer, it's totally possible to dynamically add stations to the mix. Just follow these instructions and all is well.
_Adding stations to the mix_
-decide which of your stations are coriolis, dodo and ico equivalents.
-create an array of arrays [[],[],[]] holding the rolenames of your stations so that in the first array there are your coriolises, in the second one dodos and in the third one icos.
-add your stations to the mix by calling worldScripts["stations_for_extra_planets"].$addStations(array_of_arrays_of_your_stations) during startUp.
this.$corStations = [];
this.$dodStations = [];
this.$icoStations = [];
this.startUp = function() {
//register stations to have default markets of new cargoes
if (worldScripts.CargoTypeExtension)
//public function for other oxps to add their stations to the oxp during the startUp. newStations-parameter is an array of three arrays [[],[],[]]. One for coriolises, one for dodos and one for icos.
this.$addStations = function(newStations) {
this.$corStations = this.$corStations.concat(newStations[0]);
this.$dodStations = this.$dodStations.concat(newStations[1]);
this.$icoStations = this.$icoStations.concat(newStations[2]);
//sort sets once
this.$runOnce = function() {
//just to make sure no-one touches the critical arrays after the startUp.
delete this.$addStations;
delete this.$runOnce;
//additional planets oxp calls this at the start of the populate.
this.initStationArray = function() {
if (this.$runOnce) this.$runOnce();
//match extra stations' types to main station type.
if (system.techLevel < 11)
this.$stations = this.$corStations.concat();
this.$stations = this.$corStations.concat(this.$dodStations, this.$icoStations);
//public function to set station populator. Call with planet coordinates and radius
this.setStationPopulator = function(coords, radius, index) {
//sanity check of the array
if (this.$stations.length === 0) return;
//choose station
var stationInd = Math.floor(system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(coords[0]) * this.$stations.length);
//check station validator for possible deaths.
if (worldScripts.station_validator && (worldScripts.station_validator.$deaths(this.$stations[stationInd]).length !== 0))
//add station to a random location around the planet
var polar = Math.PI * system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(coords[0]);
var azimuth = 2.0 * Math.PI * system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(coords[1]);
var directionV = Vector3D(Math.sin(polar) * Math.cos(azimuth), Math.sin(polar) * Math.sin(azimuth), Math.cos(polar));
//prevent the same station appearing multiple times in one system
var stationRole = this.$stations.splice(stationInd, 1);
system.setPopulator("sfep_"+ (coords[0] + coords[1]), {
callback: function(pos) {
var addedStation = system.addShips(stationRole, 1, pos, 0)[0];
//orientate station dock to the planet just like main station
var targetVector = coords.subtract(pos ).direction();
var angle = addedStation.heading.angleTo(targetVector);
var cross = addedStation.heading.cross(targetVector).direction();
addedStation.orientation = addedStation.orientation.rotate(cross, -angle);
//add navigation buoy
var addedBuoy = system.addShips("buoy", 1, addedStation.position.add(addedStation.heading.multiply(10E3)),0)[0];
addedBuoy.scanClass = "CLASS_BUOY";
addedBuoy.displayName = addedStation.displayName + " Buoy";
addedBuoy.beaconCode = "N - " + addedBuoy.displayName;
addedBuoy.beaconLabel = addedStation.displayName;
//Cheyd's buoy has some special ai_code in it and needs to be excluded.
if (!addedBuoy.hasRole("DHINavBuoy")) {
location: "COORDINATES",
coordinates: coords.add(directionV.multiply(2 * radius)),
deterministic: true,
priority: 102
Scripts/sfep_market.js |
"use strict"; = "sfep-market"; = "spara";
this.updateLocalCommodityDefinition = function(goodDefinition, station) {
var distance = station.position.distanceTo(system.mainStation);
//scale max price difference with distance
//1000 km -> 0.05, 5000 km -> 0.15
var maxPriceDiff = 0.000000025 * distance + 0.025;
var priceDiff = Math.random() * maxPriceDiff;
//cheaper or more expensive?
var coinToss = Math.round(Math.random());
if (coinToss === 0) var priceMultiplier = 1 - priceDiff;
else var priceMultiplier = 1 + priceDiff;
goodDefinition.price *= priceMultiplier;
//scale quantity with random +/- 100 % scale
var quantityDiff = Math.random();
var coinToss = Math.round(Math.random());
if (coinToss === 0) var quantityMultiplier = 1 - quantityDiff;
else var quantityMultiplier = 1 + quantityDiff;
goodDefinition.quantity = Math.round(quantityMultiplier * goodDefinition.quantity);
return goodDefinition;