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Expansion Station Ads



  1. Information URL mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager string length at character position 0


from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Enhance busy system stations by decorating them with dock and front ads. Over 400 selected ads from YAH oxp and thread included. Compatible with the default and Griff's normalmapped system stations. Enhance busy system stations by decorating them with dock and front ads. Over 400 selected ads from YAH oxp and thread included. Compatible with the default and Griff's normalmapped system stations.
Identifier oolite.oxp.spara.station_ads oolite.oxp.spara.station_ads
Title Station Ads Station Ads
Category Ambiance Ambiance
Author spara spara
Version 1.1 1.1
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL n/a
License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873246


Also read


Station Ads OXP ver 1.1 (24.2.2018)

Author: spara

This oxp adds changing dock and front ads to the default and Griff's normalmapped system stations. Over 400 ads included.

OXP has an api for adding even more ads to the mix.

* Simply call worldScripts["station_ads"]._setVertAd('filename_of_your_vertical_ad') or worldScripts["station_ads"]._setHorzAd('filename_of_your_horizontal_ad') in startUp and that's it. Ads need to be in 2x1 ratio or 1x2 ratio. Included ads are in 256x128 and 128x256 resolution, if you want to be consistent with the resolution.


* Models, textures and custom shaders are borrowed from Your Ad Here! oxp. The front ad frame model, shader and texture is from Griff's ConStore. Dock ad frame model is a modified asteroid bilboard model by Ahruman. Dock ad texture is from YAH buoy bilboard. The screen model is a modified Griff's model from ConStore.
* All ads are selected and cropped from Your Ad Here! oxp and Your Ad Here! forum thread. Ads are made by different Oolite players.


This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit


This expansion declares no equipment. This may be related to warnings.




This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.


"use strict";        = "station_ads";      = "spara";
this.description = "Pooling ad service";

this.$vertAdPool = [];
this.$horzAdPool = [];

//public function for adding vertical ad to pool. the parameter is the filename of the ad.
this._setVertAd = function(ad) {

//public function for adding horizontal ad to pool. the parameter is the filename of the ad.
this._setHorzAd = function(ad) {

this.startUp = function() {
  //add vertical ads to pools
  for (var i = 1; i <= 73; i++) {
    this.$vertAdPool.push("station_ads_vert_" + i + ".png");
  //add horizontal ads to pools
  for (var i = 1; i <= 379; i++) {
    this.$horzAdPool.push("station_ads_horz_" + i + ".png");

this.startUpComplete = function() {
  //shuffle the pools
  this.$vertAdPool = this._shuffle(this.$vertAdPool);
  this.$horzAdPool = this._shuffle(this.$horzAdPool);
	//Pools are divided to two parts to prevent the same ad to be seen in a quick succession. Pools are split into two parts and a primary part is randomly selected. When the active part is emptied, then the secondary part is used. When that is emptied too, pool is initialized and we draw from the primary part again.
	this.$vertPrimary = Math.round(Math.random());

	this.$horzPrimary = Math.round(Math.random());

this._shuffle = function(pool) {
  var shuffled = new Array();
  var poolSize = pool.length;
  for (var i = poolSize; i > 0; i--) {
    shuffled.push(pool.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * i), 1)[0]);
  return shuffled;

//init the pool and divide it into two parts.
this._initVertPool = function() {
	var vertPoolSize = this.$vertAdPool.length;
  this.$vertPool = [this.$vertAdPool.slice(0, Math.floor(vertPoolSize / 2)), this.$vertAdPool.slice(Math.ceil(vertPoolSize / 2), vertPoolSize - 1)];

//init the pool and divide it into two parts.
this._initHorzPool = function() {
	var horzPoolSize = this.$horzAdPool.length;
  this.$horzPool = [this.$horzAdPool.slice(0, Math.floor(horzPoolSize / 2)), this.$horzAdPool.slice(Math.ceil(horzPoolSize / 2), horzPoolSize - 1)];	

//public function that returns a random vertical ad filename from the pool
this._getVerticalAd = function() {
	//is the active part empty?
	if (this.$vertPool[this.$vertPrimary].length === 0) {
		//switch the active part
		this.$vertPrimary = (this.$vertPrimary + 1) % 2;
		//is the active part still empty
		if (this.$vertPool[this.$vertPrimary].length === 0) {
			//init pool
	//select an ad randomly from the active part
	var adNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.$vertPool[this.$vertPrimary].length);
	//return and remove the selected ad from the pool
	return this.$vertPool[this.$vertPrimary].splice(adNum, 1)[0];

//public function that returns a random horizontal ad filename from the pool
this._getHorizontalAd = function() {
	if (this.$horzPool[this.$horzPrimary].length === 0) {
		this.$horzPrimary = (this.$horzPrimary + 1) % 2;
		if (this.$horzPool[this.$horzPrimary].length === 0) {
	var adNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * this.$horzPool[this.$horzPrimary].length);
	return this.$horzPool[this.$horzPrimary].splice(adNum, 1)[0];
"use strict";        = "station_ads_station_script";      = "spara";
this.description = "Changes and configures the ads shown at system stations.";

this.shipSpawned = function() {
		//in G1 this yields a number from range 1.17 - 315 mean being 72.6 and median 51.8
		var closeSystems =;
		var profitFactor = 0;//measures the amount of potential traders
		for (var i = 0; i < closeSystems.length; i++) {
			var otherSystem = closeSystems[i];
			//economies on different ends of the scale mean more potential traders
			var prosperFactor = 1 + Math.abs( - otherSystem.economy);
			//unstability means danger and fewer potential traders
			var dangerFactor = 1 + Math.min(, otherSystem.government);
			profitFactor += prosperFactor * dangerFactor;
		profitFactor *= (1 + / 6;//emphasize safe govs
	switch (ship.dataKey) {
        case "griff_tetrahedron_mainhull_diamonds":
        case "griff_octahedron_mainhull_diamonds":
		case "griff_coriolis_mainhull":
		case "coriolis-station":
            this.$stationType = "coriolis";
            this.$maxFrontAds = 1;//the number of front ads configured in shipdata
            this.$frontScreenId = 3;//the first front ad screen in shipdata
            this.$dockScreenId = 1;//the first dock ad screen in shipdata
            this.$dockAds = 1;//the number of dock ads
			//dock subent of the station
            if (ship.dataKey === "griff_coriolis_mainhull") {
                this.$dockSubent = 0;
            else if (ship.dataKey.indexOf("diamonds") !== -1) {
                this.$dockSubent = 3;
            else this.$dockSubent = 2;
			//configure the number of front ads based on profitFactor
			if (profitFactor < 50) this.$frontAds = 0;
			else this.$frontAds = 1;
		case "griff_dodo_mainhull":
		case "dodecahedron-station":
			this.$stationType = "dodo";
			this.$maxFrontAds = 4;
			this.$frontScreenId = 5;
			this.$dockScreenId = 1;
			this.$dockAds = 2;
      if (ship.dataKey === "griff_dodo_mainhull") {
        this.$dockSubent = 0;
      else this.$dockSubent = 1;
			//good combinations: 0, 2 and 4 ads.
			if (profitFactor < 50) this.$frontAds = 0;
			else if (profitFactor < 150) this.$frontAds = 2;
			else this.$frontAds = 4;
		case "griff_ico_mainhull":
		case "icosahedron-station":
			this.$stationType = "ico";
			this.$maxFrontAds = 12;
			this.$frontScreenId = 5;
			this.$dockScreenId = 1;
			this.$dockAds = 2;
      if (ship.dataKey === "griff_ico_mainhull") {
        this.$dockSubent = 0;
      else this.$dockSubent = 1;
			//good combinations 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 ads.
			//currently only up to 8 used
			if (profitFactor < 50) this.$frontAds = 0;
			else if (profitFactor < 100) this.$frontAds = 2;
			else if (profitFactor < 150) this.$frontAds = 4;
			else if (profitFactor < 200) this.$frontAds = 6;
			else this.$frontAds = 8;
			//in case another oxp has like_shipped overridden core stations...

	//remove excess screens
	var lastSubent = ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities.length - 1;
	for (var i = 0; i < this.$maxFrontAds - this.$frontAds; i++) {
		ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities[lastSubent - 2 * i].remove();
		ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities[lastSubent - 2 * i - 1].remove();

	//add some rare random malfunctions to the front ads
	this.$brokenScreens = new Array();
	for (var i = 0; i < this.$frontAds; i++) {
		if (Math.random() < 0.01) {
			this.$brokenScreens.push(this.$frontScreenId + 2 * i);
			var prob = Math.random();
			if (prob < 0.33) {
				var error = "station_ads_error_0.png";
				ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities[this.$frontScreenId + 2 * i].setMaterials({"yah_griff_no_shader_screen.png": {diffuse_map: error}});
			else if (prob < 0.66){
				var error = "station_ads_error_1.png";
				ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities[this.$frontScreenId + 2 * i].setMaterials({"yah_griff_no_shader_screen.png": {diffuse_map: error, emission_map: error}});
			else {
				var error = "station_ads_dock_frame.png";
				ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities[this.$frontScreenId + 2 * i].setMaterials({"yah_griff_no_shader_screen.png": {diffuse_map: error}});

	//make sure that the ad pool is up and running
	if (worldScripts["station_ads"]) {
		this.$ws = worldScripts["station_ads"];

		//init dock ads and rotate one every 11/6 seconds
		if (this.$dockAds > 0) {
			for (var i = 0; i < this.$dockAds; i++) {
			if (this.$dockAds === 1) {
				this.$dockAdTimer = new Timer(this, this._changeDockAd, 0, 11);
			else {
				this.$dockAdTimer = new Timer(this, this._changeDockAd, 0, 6);

		//init front ads and rotate one every 10/5 seconds.
		if (this.$frontAds > 0) {
			for (var i = 0; i < this.$frontAds; i++) {
			if (this.$frontAds === 1) {
				this.$frontAdTimer = new Timer(this, this._changeFrontAd, 0, 10);
			else {
				this.$frontAdTimer = new Timer(this, this._changeFrontAd, 0, 5);

this._changeDockAd = function() {
	//make sure the the station is still there to prevent timer errors
	if (ship) {
		if (this.$stationType === "ico") {
			var newAd = this.$ws._getVerticalAd();
		else {
			var newAd = this.$ws._getHorizontalAd();
		ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities[this.$dockScreenId].setMaterials({"yah_griff_no_shader_screen.png": {diffuse_map: newAd, emission_map: newAd}});
		this.$dockScreenId = this.$dockScreenId + 2;
		if (this.$dockScreenId > this.$dockAds * 2) {
			this.$dockScreenId = 1;
	else delete this.$dockAdTimer;

this._changeFrontAd = function() {
	//make sure the the station is still there to prevent timer errors
	if (ship) {
		if (this.$brokenScreens.indexOf(this.$frontScreenId) === -1) {
			var newAd = this.$ws._getHorizontalAd();
			ship.subEntities[this.$dockSubent].subEntities[this.$frontScreenId].setMaterials({"yah_griff_no_shader_screen.png": {diffuse_map: newAd, emission_map: newAd}});
		this.$frontScreenId = this.$frontScreenId + 2;
		if (this.$frontScreenId > this.$dockAds * 2 - 1 + this.$frontAds * 2) {
			this.$frontScreenId = this.$dockAds * 2 + 1;
	else delete this.$frontAdTimer;