Scripts/shipcomparison.js |
"use strict"; = "ShipComparison"; = "phkb";
this.copyright = "2017 phkb";
this.description = "Routines for selecting ships and displaying details of them side-by-side.";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
this._lastChoice = "";
this._shipList = [];
this._selectedList = [];
this._direction = 1;
this._itemColor = "yellowColor";
this._menuColor = "orangeColor";
this._exitColor = "yellowColor";
this._disabledColor = "darkGrayColor";
this._hideListBasic = ["GalCop Viper", "GalCop Viper Interceptor"];
this._hideListAll = ["Constrictor"];
this._shipConfig = false;
this._resetData = false;
this._clearShips = false;
this._trueValues = ["yes", "1", 1, "true", true];
// configuration settings for use in Lib_Config
this._compConfig = {, Alias:"Ship Comparison", Display:"Config", Alive:"_compConfig", Notify:"$onChange",
B0:{Name:"_resetData", Def:false, Desc:"Reset stored values"},
B1:{Name:"_clearShips", Def:false, Desc:"Clears ship selections"},
Info:"0 - Resets all stored equipment space and ship mass values.\n1 - Clears all the currently selected ships"}
// set with this._override[data key] = "New ship name";
this._override = {};
// this is a holding array for equipment space data for ships, if ShipConfig is installed
this._equipSpace = [];
// element 1: extra cargo
// element 2: weapon facings
this._extraData = {
this.$onChange = function() {
if (this._resetData === true) {
this._equipSpace = [];
this._resetData = false;
player.consoleMessage("Stored ship values cleared");
if (this._clearShips === true) {
this._selectedList = [];
this._clearShips = false;
player.consoleMessage("Selected ships cleared");
this.startUpComplete = function() {
// register our settings, if Lib_Config is present
if (worldScripts.Lib_Config) worldScripts.Lib_Config._registerSet(this._compConfig);
if (worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core && worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core.$getEquipmentSpaceFromShipKey) this._shipConfig = true
// set up the interface screen, if required
// load any equipment space calculations that have been done previously
if (missionVariables.ShipComparison_EquipSpace) {
this._equipSpace = JSON.parse(missionVariables.ShipComparison_EquipSpace);
if (missionVariables.ShipComparison_Reset) delete missionVariables.ShipComparison_Reset;
this.playerWillSaveGame = function() {
if (this._equipSpace.length > 0) {
// if we've gone to the trouble of calculating equipment space, we'll retrieve the results so that we keep the speed of lookup values
missionVariables.ShipComparison_EquipSpace = JSON.stringify(this._equipSpace);
} else {
delete missionVariables.ShipComparison_EquipSpace;
this.shipDockedWithStation = function(station) {
// set up interface screen
// initialise the interface screen in the station
this.$initInterface = function(station) {
title:"Ship comparisons",
category:"Ship Systems",
summary:"Displays side-by-side details of selected ships.",
this.$openComparison = function() {
function compare(a,b) {
return >;
this._lastChoice = "";
this.$showComparison = function() {
var text = "";
var colShip = 10;
var colDesc = 10;
var curChoices = {};
var sc = null;
var keyList = [];
var shipArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedList.length; i++) {
if (this._selectedList[i] != "") {
var shipDef = Ship.shipDataForKey(this._selectedList[i]);
colShip = Math.floor(22 / shipArray.length);
var textList = ["Ship type", "", "Price", "Max speed", "Max thrust", "Injector speed", "Pitch/Roll/Yaw",
"Weapon positions", "Missile pylons", "Cargo capacity", "Energy banks", "Energy recharge rate", "Hyperspace capable"];
var outList = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
// select ships to be in comparison (up to 4)
text = "Select up to 3 ships to compare:\n";
if (this._shipConfig) {
textList.push("Equipment space");
sc = worldScripts.ShipConfiguration_Core;
// if this HUD doesn't have big gui enabled, take out the blank line normally under the ship type so there's room for the extra fields
if (player.ship.hudAllowsBigGui === false) {
textList.splice(1, 1);
outList.splice(1, 1);
} else {
text += "\n";
for (var ol = 0; ol < textList.length; ol++) {
outList[ol] = this.$padTextRight(textList[ol] + (textList[ol] != "" ? ":" : ""), colDesc);
for (var i = 0; i < shipArray.length; i++) {
var shipDef = shipArray[i];
var shipName =;
if (this._override[this._selectedList[i]]) shipName = this._override[this._selectedList[i]];
switch (textList[ol]) {
case "Ship type":
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(shipName, colShip);
case "Price":
if (shipDef._oo_shipyard) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(formatCredits(parseInt(shipDef._oo_shipyard.price), false, true), colShip);
} else {
log(, "!!ERROR: _oo_shipyard property not set for ship " + shipName + ", key " + keyList[i]);
case "Max speed":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight((parseFloat(shipDef["max_flight_speed"]) / 1000).toFixed(3) + " LS", colShip);
case "Max thrust":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight((parseFloat(shipDef["thrust"]) / 1000).toFixed(3) + " LS", colShip);
case "Injector speed":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var inj = 7;
if (0 >= oolite.compareVersion("1.81") && shipDef["injector_speed_factor"] != undefined) inj = parseFloat(shipDef["injector_speed_factor"]);
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(((parseFloat(shipDef["max_flight_speed"]) * inj) / 1000).toFixed(3) + " LS", colShip);
case "Pitch/Roll/Yaw":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0 || this._hideListBasic.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var yaw = parseFloat(shipDef["max_flight_pitch"]);
if (shipDef["max_flight_yaw"] != undefined) yaw = parseFloat(shipDef["max_flight_yaw"]);
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(parseFloat(shipDef["max_flight_pitch"]).toFixed(1)
+ "/" + parseFloat(shipDef["max_flight_roll"]).toFixed(1)
+ "/" + yaw.toFixed(1), colShip);
case "Weapon positions":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var facings = shipDef["weapon_facings"];
if (shipDef._oo_shipyard && shipDef._oo_shipyard.weapon_facings != undefined) facings = shipDef._oo_shipyard.weapon_facings;
if (this._extraData[shipName] != null) facings = this._extraData[shipName][1].toString();
var wpn = "Forward";
if (facings === "15") {
wpn = "All";
} else {
if (" 3 7 11 ".indexOf(" " + facings + " ") >= 0) wpn += ", Aft";
if (" 5 7 13 ".indexOf(" " + facings + " ") >= 0) wpn += ", Port";
if (" 9 11 13 ".indexOf(" " + facings + " ") >= 0) wpn += ", Starboard";
if (facings === "0") wpn = "None";
if (facings === "N/A") wpn = "N/A";
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(wpn, colShip);
case "Missile pylons":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var miss = 0;
if (shipDef["max_missiles"] != undefined) {
miss = parseInt(shipDef["max_missiles"]);
} else {
miss = parseInt(shipDef["missiles"]);
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(miss, colShip);
case "Cargo capacity":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var cargo = 0;
if (shipDef["max_cargo"] != undefined) cargo = parseInt(shipDef["max_cargo"]);
var exp = "";
if (shipDef["extra_cargo"] != undefined) {
exp = shipDef["extra_cargo"];
if (exp === "") {
if (shipDef._oo_shipyard) {
if ((shipDef._oo_shipyard.standard_equipment.extras && shipDef._oo_shipyard.standard_equipment.extras.indexOf("EQ_CARGO_BAY") >= 0) ||
(shipDef._oo_shipyard.optional_equipment && shipDef._oo_shipyard.optional_equipment.indexOf("EQ_CARGO_BAY") >=0)) exp = 15;
if (this._extraData[shipName] != null) exp = this._extraData[shipName][0].toString();
if (exp === undefined || exp === "0") exp = "";
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(cargo.toString() + (exp != "" ? " (+" + exp + ")" : ""), colShip);
case "Energy banks":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0 || this._hideListBasic.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var en = 200;
if (shipDef["max_energy"] != undefined) en = parseInt(shipDef["max_energy"]);
if (Math.floor(en / 64) === 0) en = 64;
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(Math.floor(en / 64), colShip);
case "Energy recharge rate":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var rech = 1;
if (shipDef["energy_recharge_rate"] != undefined) rech = parseFloat(shipDef["energy_recharge_rate"]);
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(rech.toFixed(1), colShip);
case "Hyperspace capable":
var hyper = "Yes";
if (shipDef["hyperspace_motor"] != undefined && (shipDef["hyperspace_motor"] === "no" || shipDef["hyperspace_motor"] === "false" || shipDef["hyperspace_motor"] === "0")) hyper = "No";
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(hyper, colShip);
case "Equipment space":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var found = false;
// check to see if we have already analysed this ship type
for (var j = 0; j < this._equipSpace.length; j++) {
if (this._equipSpace[j].shipType == shipName) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this._equipSpace[j].equipSpace + (this._equipSpace[j].cargoSpace != "N/A" && this._equipSpace[j].cargoSpace != 0 ? " (+" + this._equipSpace[j].cargoSpace + ")" : ""), colShip);
found = true;
// if we haven't we will need to execute a query against ShipConfig
if (found === false) {
var es = sc.$getEquipmentSpaceFromShipKey(this._selectedList[i]);
var ms = 0;
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(es.equipSpace + (es.cargoSpace != "N/A" && es.cargoSpace != 0 ? " (+" + es.cargoSpace + ")" : ""), colShip);
// store the result so we don't have to run this process again (but only if there was a definite value, not N/A)
if (es.equipSpace != "N/A") this._equipSpace.push({shipType:shipName, equipSpace:es.equipSpace, cargoSpace:es.cargoSpace, shipMass:(es.hasOwnProperty("mass") ? es.mass : "N/A")});
case "Mass":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
} else {
var found = false;
var idx = -1;
// check to see if we have already analysed this ship type
for (var j = 0; j < this._equipSpace.length; j++) {
if (this._equipSpace[j].shipType === shipName) {
idx = j;
if (this._equipSpace[j].hasOwnProperty("mass") && this._equipSpace[j].mass != "N/A") {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this._equipSpace[j].mass.toFixed(0), colShip);
found = true;
// if we haven't we will need to execute a query against ShipConfig
if (found === false) {
var es = sc.$getEquipmentSpaceFromShipKey(this._selectedList[i]);
if (es.hasOwnProperty("mass") && es.mass != "N/A") {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(es.mass.toFixed(0), colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("N/A", colShip);
// store the result so we don't have to run this process again (but only if there was a definite value, not N/A)
if (es.equipSpace != "N/A" || idx === -1) {
this._equipSpace.push({shipType:shipName, equipSpace:es.equipSpace, cargoSpace:es.cargoSpace, shipMass:(es.hasOwnProperty("mass") ? es.mass : "N/A")});
} else {
this._equipSpace[idx].mass = es.mass;
for (var i = 0; i < outList.length; i++) {
text += outList[i] + "\n";
if (this._selectedList.length === 0) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
curChoices["01_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change first ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
} else {
curChoices["01_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change first ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedList.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this._shipList.length; j++) {
if (this._shipList[j].key === this._selectedList[i]) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
if (j < this._shipList.length - 1) {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[j + 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
if (j > 0) {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[j - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
if (this._selectedList.length === 1) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
} else {
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
if (this._selectedList.length === 2) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["05_DIRECTION"] = {text:(this._direction === 1 ? "Change scroll direction to ascending" : "Change scroll direction to descending"), color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["06_EQUIPMENT"] = {text:"View standard equipment availability", color:this._itemColor};
curChoices["99_EXIT"] = {text:"Return", color:this._itemColor};
var def = "99_EXIT";
var opts = {
screenID: "oolite-ship-compare-map",
title: "Ship Comparison",
allowInterrupt: true,
overlay: {name:"compare-balance.png", height:546},
choices: curChoices,
initialChoicesKey: (this._lastChoice ? this._lastChoice : def),
message: text
mission.runScreen(opts, this.$screenHandler, this);
this.$showComparisonEquipment = function() {
var text = "";
var colShip = 10;
var colDesc = 10;
var curChoices = {};
var sc = null;
var keyList = [];
var shipArray = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedList.length; i++) {
if (this._selectedList[i] != "") {
var shipDef = Ship.shipDataForKey(this._selectedList[i]);
colShip = Math.floor(22 / shipArray.length);
var textList = ["Ship type", "", "Techlevel", "Forward weapon type", "ECM", "Fuel scoops", "Passenger berths", "Energy unit", "Naval energy unit",
"Docking computer", "Shield booster", "Military shield enhancement", "Galactic hyperdrive", "Scanner targeting enhancement", "Multi-targeting system"];
var outList = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
// select ships to be in comparison (up to 4)
text = "Select up to 3 ships to compare:\n";
if (this._shipConfig) {
// if this HUD doesn't have big gui enabled, take out the blank line normally under the ship type so there's room for the extra fields
if (player.ship.hudAllowsBigGui === false) {
textList.splice(1, 1);
outList.splice(1, 1);
} else {
text += "\n";
for (var ol = 0; ol < textList.length; ol++) {
outList[ol] = this.$padTextRight(textList[ol] + (textList[ol] != "" ? ":" : ""), colDesc);
for (var i = 0; i < shipArray.length; i++) {
var shipDef = shipArray[i];
var shipName =;
if (this._override[this._selectedList[i]]) shipName = this._override[this._selectedList[i]];
switch (textList[ol]) {
case "Ship type":
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(shipName, colShip);
case "Techlevel":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
if (shipDef._oo_shipyard) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(shipDef._oo_shipyard.techlevel, colShip);
} else {
log(, "!!ERROR: _oo_shipyard property not set for ship " + shipName + ", key " + keyList[i]);
case "Forward weapon type":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$forwardWeaponType(shipDef), colShip);
case "ECM":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_ECM"), colShip);
case "Fuel scoops":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS"), colShip);
case "Passenger berths":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH"), colShip);
case "Energy unit":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_ENERGY_UNIT"), colShip);
case "Naval energy unit":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT"), colShip);
case "Docking computer":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_DOCK_COMP"), colShip);
case "Shield booster":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER"), colShip);
case "Military shield enhancement":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_NAVAL_SHIELD_BOOSTER"), colShip);
case "Galactic hyperdrive":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_GAL_DRIVE"), colShip);
case "Scanner targeting enhancement":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET"), colShip);
case "Multi-targeting system":
if (this._hideListAll.indexOf(shipName) >= 0) {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight("?", colShip);
} else {
outList[ol] += this.$padTextRight(this.$shipDefHasOption(shipDef, "EQ_MULTI_TARGET"), colShip);
for (var i = 0; i < outList.length; i++) {
text += outList[i] + "\n";
if (this._selectedList.length === 0) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
curChoices["01_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change first ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
} else {
curChoices["01_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change first ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this._selectedList.length; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < this._shipList.length; j++) {
if (this._shipList[j].key === this._selectedList[i]) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
if (j < this._shipList.length - 1) {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[j + 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
if (j > 0) {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[j - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
curChoices["0" + (i + 1) + "_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change " + this.$numberWord(i + 1) + " ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
if (this._selectedList.length === 1) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
} else {
curChoices["02_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change second ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", unselectable:true, color:this._disabledColor};
if (this._selectedList.length === 2) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[0].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
} else {
curChoices["03_CHANGE"] = {text:"Change third ship to '" + this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].name + "'", color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["05_DIRECTION"] = {text:(this._direction === 1 ? "Change scroll direction to ascending" : "Change scroll direction to descending"), color:this._menuColor};
curChoices["06_SHIPSTATS"] = {text:"View general ship statistics", color:this._itemColor};
curChoices["99_EXIT"] = {text:"Return", color:this._itemColor};
var def = "99_EXIT";
var opts = {
screenID: "oolite-ship-compare-map",
title: "Ship Comparison",
allowInterrupt: true,
overlay: {name:"compare-balance.png", height:546},
choices: curChoices,
initialChoicesKey: (this._lastChoice ? this._lastChoice : def),
message: text
mission.runScreen(opts, this.$screenHandlerEq, this);
this.$screenHandler = function(choice) {
if (!choice) return;
this._lastChoice = choice;
switch (choice) {
case "01_CHANGE":
case "02_CHANGE":
case "03_CHANGE":
case "06_EQUIPMENT":
this._lastChoice = "06_SHIPSTATS";
case "05_DIRECTION":
if (this._direction === 1) {
this._direction = -1;
} else {
this._direction = 1;
if (choice != "99_EXIT") this.$showComparison();
this.$screenHandlerEq = function(choice) {
if (!choice) return;
this._lastChoice = choice;
switch (choice) {
case "01_CHANGE":
case "02_CHANGE":
case "03_CHANGE":
case "06_SHIPSTATS":
this._lastChoice = "06_EQUIPMENT";
case "05_DIRECTION":
if (this._direction === 1) {
this._direction = -1;
} else {
this._direction = 1;
if (choice != "99_EXIT") this.$showComparisonEquipment();
this.$getNewItem = function(idx) {
var cur = "";
if (this._selectedList.length >= (idx + 1)) {
cur = this._selectedList[idx];
if (cur === "") {
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < this._shipList.length; i++) {
if (this._shipList[i].key === cur) {
if (this._direction === 1) {
if (i === this._shipList.length - 1) {
this._selectedList[idx] = this._shipList[0].key;
} else {
this._selectedList[idx] = this._shipList[i + 1].key;
} else {
if (i === 0) {
this._selectedList[idx] = this._shipList[this._shipList.length - 1].key;
} else {
this._selectedList[idx] = this._shipList[i - 1].key;
this.$buildShipList = function() {
var truevalues = this._trueValues;
var keys = Ship.keysForRole("player");
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
var shp = Ship.shipDataForKey(keys[i]);
// only add records that have a corresponding shipyard entry
if (shp._oo_shipyard) {
if (!shp.script_info || !shp.script_info["sc_ignore"] || truevalues.indexOf(shp.script_info["sc_ignore"]) === -1)
this.$addItemToArray(, keys[i]);
this.$addItemToArray = function(shipName, shipKey) {
var ovr = this._override[shipKey];
if (ovr) shipName = ovr;
for (var i = 0; i < this._shipList.length; i++) {
if (this._shipList[i].name === shipName) return;
this._shipList.push({name:shipName, key:shipKey});
this.$numberWord = function(nbr) {
switch (nbr) {
case 1: return "First";
case 2: return "Second";
case 3: return "Third";
case 4: return "Fourth"; // in case we ever add a fourth column!
// appends space to currentText to the specified length in 'em'
this.$padTextRight = function(currentText, desiredLength, leftSwitch) {
if (currentText === null) currentText = "";
var hairSpace = String.fromCharCode(31);
var ellip = "…";
var currentLength = defaultFont.measureString(currentText);
var hairSpaceLength = defaultFont.measureString(hairSpace);
// calculate number needed to fill remaining length
var padsNeeded = Math.floor((desiredLength - currentLength) / hairSpaceLength);
if (padsNeeded < 1) {
// text is too long for column, so start pulling characters off
var tmp = currentText;
do {
tmp = tmp.substring(0, tmp.length - 2) + ellip;
if (tmp === ellip) break;
} while (defaultFont.measureString(tmp) > desiredLength);
currentLength = defaultFont.measureString(tmp);
padsNeeded = Math.floor((desiredLength - currentLength) / hairSpaceLength);
currentText = tmp;
// quick way of generating a repeated string of that number
if (!leftSwitch || leftSwitch === false) {
return currentText + new Array(padsNeeded).join(hairSpace);
} else {
return new Array(padsNeeded).join(hairSpace) + currentText;
// appends space to currentText to the specified length in 'em'
this.$padTextLeft = function(currentText, desiredLength) {
return this.$padTextRight(currentText, desiredLength, true);
this.$shipDefHasOption = function(def, eqKey) {
var found = "N/A";
if (!def._oo_shipyard) return "Data error";
if (def._oo_shipyard.standard_equipment.extras && def._oo_shipyard.standard_equipment.extras.indexOf(eqKey) >= 0) found = "Standard";
if (found === "N/A" && def._oo_shipyard.optional_equipment && def._oo_shipyard.optional_equipment.indexOf(eqKey) >= 0) found = "Optional";
return found;
this.$forwardWeaponType = function(def) {
var found = "None";
if (!def._oo_shipyard) return "Data error";
if (def._oo_shipyard.standard_equipment.forward_weapon_type && def._oo_shipyard.standard_equipment.forward_weapon_type != "") {
var eq = EquipmentInfo.infoForKey(def._oo_shipyard.standard_equipment.forward_weapon_type);
if (eq) {
found =;
} else {
found = "Unknown";
return found;
this.$cleanUpEquipSpace = function $cleanUpEquipSpace() {
var newData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < this._equipSpace.length; i++) {
var found = false;
for (var j = 0; j < newData.length; j++) {
if (newData[j].shipType == this._equipSpace[i].shipType) {
found = true;
if (found === false) {
this._equipSpace.length = 0;
this._equipSpace = newData;
} |