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Expansion Risky Business



  1. Required Expansions mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager at character position 0071 (DIGIT ZERO vs LATIN SMALL LETTER N)
  2. Unresolved dependency reference to oolite.oxp.cim.risk-based-economy:0
  3. No version in dependency reference to oolite.oxp.phkb.MarketScriptInterface:null
  4. No version in dependency reference to oolite.oxp.cim.risk-based-economy:null
  5. Conflict Expansions mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager at character position 0067 (DIGIT ZERO vs LATIN SMALL LETTER N)


from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Adjusts cargo prices in high-risk systems (Anarchies/Feudal/Multi-Governments) to increase rewards for travelling to them. Adjusts cargo prices in high-risk systems (Anarchies/Feudal/Multi-Governments) to increase rewards for travelling to them.
Identifier oolite.oxp.phkb.RiskyBusiness oolite.oxp.phkb.RiskyBusiness
Title Risky Business Risky Business
Category Mechanics Mechanics
Author phkb phkb
Version 0.2 0.2
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
  • oolite.oxp.phkb.MarketScriptInterface:0
  • oolite.oxp.phkb.MarketScriptInterface:
  • Optional Expansions
    Conflict Expansions
  • oolite.oxp.cim.risk-based-economy:0
  • oolite.oxp.cim.risk-based-economy:
  • Information URL n/a
    Download URL n/a
    License CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0 CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0
    File Size n/a
    Upload date 1697073264


    Also read


    This expansion declares no equipment. This may be related to warnings.


    This expansion declares no ships. This may be related to warnings.


    This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.


    "use strict"; = "phkb";
    this.copyright = "2021 phkb";
    this.licence = "CC-BY-SA-NC 4.0"; = "RiskyBusiness_Main";
    this.description = "Adjusts prices according to system danger level - so dangerous systems have more reward for traders";
    this._trueValues = ["yes", "1", 1, "true", true];
    this._riskBasedEconomy = true;
    this._riskyBusiness = true;
    this._logging = false;
    this.$tvols = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]]; // cache variable for risk-based-economy
    this._rbConfig = {, Alias:"Risky Business", Display:"Config", Alive:"_rbConfig",
    		B0:{Name:"_riskBasedEconomy", Def:true, Desc:"Include 'Risk Based Economy'"},
    		B1:{Name:"_riskyBusiness", Def:true, Desc:"Include 'Risky Business'"},
    		B2:{Name:"_logging", Def:false, Desc:"Output info to log"},
    		Info:"0 - Includes logic from 'Risk Based Economy'.\n1 - Includes logic from 'Risky Business'.\n2 - Output extra info to log file."}
    this.startUp = function() {
    	var msi = worldScripts.MarketScriptInterface_Main;
    	msi.$addMarketInterface("system_local", "$updateLocalCommodityDefinition",;
    	if (missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_RBE) this._riskBasedEconomy = (this._trueValues.indexOf(missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_RBE) >= 0 ? true : false);
        if (missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_Risky) this._riskyBusiness = (this._trueValues.indexOf(missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_Risky) >= 0 ? true : false);
        if (missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_Logging) this._logging = (this._trueValues.indexOf(missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_logging) >= 0 ? true : false);
    this.startUpComplete = function () {
        // register our settings, if Lib_Config is present
        if (worldScripts.Lib_Config) {
    this.playerWillSaveGame = function() {
        missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_RBE = this._riskBasedEconomy;
        missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_Risky = this._riskyBusiness;
        missionVariables.RiskyBusiness_Logging = this._logging;
        Other factors to consider:
            system economy - increase or decrease bias
            number of local systems - more neighbours means more traffic, increase or decrease traffic
    this.$updateLocalCommodityDefinition = function (good, station, systemID) {
    	if (station) return good; // shouldn't be necessary
    	if (!worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control || worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control._riskBasedEconomy) good = this.rbe_updateLocalCommodityDefinition(good, station, systemID);
    	if (!worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control || worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control._riskyBusiness) good = this.rb_updateLocalCommodityDefinition(good, station, systemID);
    	return good;
    this.rb_updateLocalCommodityDefinition = function (good, station, systemID) {
    	var info = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, systemID);
    	var sys = info.government; // 0 = anarchy, 7 = corporate
    	// if we're in a system we're not adjusting, just return the good with no change
    	if (sys >= 3) return good;
    	// not all goods will be impacted
    	// we're using sort_order for a seed, so that for any system, the same goods will be adjusted, 
    	// because the sort order shouldn't change and is unique for each good
    	// this adds some predictability to the changes, but also means there is benefit to searching out the best locations
    	if (this.$customPseudoRandomNumber(galaxyNumber, systemID, good.sort_order) > 0.25) return good; // only 25% chance a good will be changed
    	var old_price = good.price;
    	// the random factor will be the same on any given day
    	var bias = ((7 - sys) + 3) / 7 + ((this.$customPseudoRandomNumber(galaxyNumber, systemID, clock.days) * 0.2) - 0.1);
    	var diff = good.price - good.price_average;
    	// apply the bias to the difference
    	// if the price is lower than the average, make it a super-special
    	if (diff < 0) bias = 1 - (bias - 1);
    	// check for an edge case where the applied change would make the price less than 0.
    	// this could happen if the average price is much greater than or less than the normal price
    	if (Math.floor(good.price + (diff * bias)) < 0) return good;
    	// ok, we should be good to go now
    	good.price = Math.floor(good.price + (diff * bias));
    	if (worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control && worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control._logging) log(, "Adjusted " + good.key + " from " + old_price + " to " + good.price + " (avr_price=" + good.price_average + ",bias=" + bias + ",diff=" + diff + ",sys=" + systemID + ")");
    	return good;
    this.$customPseudoRandomNumber = function (galid, sysid, salt) {
    	// because we can't use scrambledPseudoRandomNumber for systems we aren't in
    	var n = (sysid + (galid * 256)) * (salt * 512) + salt;
    	n = (214013 * n + 2531011) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    	n = (214013 * n + 2531011) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    	n = (214013 * n + 2531011) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
    	return n / 4294967296.0 + 0.5;
        Risk-Based Economy
        Adjusts prices according to trade volume - so safer systems have more 'centred' prices, and hub systems have more 'centred' prices.
        Author: cim
        Copyright 2011-2014 cim.
        Licence: CC-BY-SA 3.0
        Version: 2.0
    this.rbe_updateLocalCommodityDefinition = function (good, station, system) {
    	var info = System.infoForSystem(galaxyNumber, system);
    	//	var tvol = worldScripts["oolite-populator"].$repopulatorFrequencyIncoming.traderFreighters; // generally in 0.025 .. 0.1 range with 0.05 being reasonably typical
    	// tvol hasn't actually been generated at this point, though, so
    	// must calculate it separately here
    	if (!this.$tvols[galaxyNumber][system.ID]) {
    		var freighters = 0;
    		var locals = info.systemsInRange();
    		for (var i = 0; i < locals.length; i++) {
    			// standard freighter traffic is mirrored
    			var local = locals[i];
    			// traffic is higher between systems on opposite side of economy
    			var ecomatch = -(info.economy - 3.5) * (local.economy - 3.5);
    			var trdanger = 0;
    			var rate = 0;
    			// if either local or remote end is more dangerous than
    			// Communist, reduce trader frequency
    			if (local.government < 4) {
    				trdanger = (4 - local.government) * 2.5;
    			if (info.government < 4) {
    				trdanger += (4 - info.government) * 2.5;
    			// good economic match: one every 30 minutes if safe
    			if (ecomatch > 0) {
    				rate = 60 / (30 + trdanger);
    			// bad economic match: one every 2 hours if safe
    			else {
    				rate = 60 / (120 + (trdanger * 2));
    			freighters += rate;
    		this.$tvols[galaxyNumber][system.ID] = freighters / 180;
    	var tvol = this.$tvols[galaxyNumber][system.ID];
    	// this has already been counted a bit above, but count it again
    	// because that doesn't allow for how many actually get through
    	var sys = info.government; // 0 = anarchy, 7 = corporate
    	var bias = ((tvol + sys * 0.01) - 0.07) * 10;
    	// approximate range -0.5 ..0.8 
    	bias = bias * (0.75 + Math.random() / 2);
    	if (bias > 0.9) {
    		bias = 0.9;
    	// adjusted range -0.625 .. 1.0
    	// positive means "centre this more"
    	var oldprice = good.price;
    	good.price = Math.floor(good.price + ((good.price_average - good.price) * bias));
    	if (worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control && worldScripts.RiskyBusiness_Control._logging) log(, "Adjusted " + good.key + " from " + oldprice + " to " + good.price + " (bias=" + bias + " => " + tvol + "," + sys + ")");
    	return good;