Config/script.js |
"use strict"; = "ERH_Corrections"; = "phkb";
this.copyright = "2024 phkb";
this.license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
// in some circumstances, when using the old version of Pirate Coves, an extra rock hermit
// can become a pirate cove. To me this doesn't make sense, as the roles would seem to make this
// impossible. But it appears to be happening to others, if not me.
// These routines will apply a small correction to those ERH stations that end up being pirate coves.
// Because they will have all subentities defined, we just add the missing property to the ship
// which VimanaX HUD can pick up and so display the correct ship image.
this.systemWillPopulate = function() {
this._onceOnly = true;
this.systemWillRepopulate = function() {
if (this._onceOnly == true) {
this._onceOnly = false;
var rhn = system.shipsWithRole("extrarockhermit")
for (var i = 0; i < rhn.length; i++) {
if (rhn[i] != "ExtraRockHermit_Spawn") {
// found one
rhn[i]._rhStyle = 5; // default - has everything
Scripts/erh_spawn.js |
"use strict"; = "ExtraRockHermit_Spawn"; = "phkb";
this.description = "Looks after setup of extra rock hermits";
this.copyright = "2024 phkb";
this.license = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
this._debug = true;
this.shipSpawned = function() {
if (this._debug) log(, "extra rock hermit spawning in " + + " for role " + this.ship.primaryRole);
var num = system.sun["_erh_" + this.ship.primaryRole]; //system.countShipsWithRole(this.ship.primaryRole);
if (!num) num = 0;
// pick from our available rock textures
var textures = ["griff_erh_rock1", "griff_erh_rock2", "griff_erh_rock3", "griff_erh_rock4"];
var seed = (system.ID + this.ship.primaryRole.length) * 2;
var rocktype = (parseInt(system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(seed) * 4) + num) % 4;
var diff = textures[rocktype] + ".png";
var norm = textures[rocktype] + "_normal.png";
var spec = textures[rocktype] + "_specular.png";
if (this._debug) log(, "using " + diff + " for rock texture (" + num + " rh's in system)");
// set the materials for the rh
specular_color:[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0]}
var subents = this.ship.subEntities;
var tl = system.techLevel;
// make it possible for other rock hermits to have other styles by having a completely random roll for chaotic and pirate roles
if (this.ship.primaryRole == "rockhermit-chaotic") tl = (tl + parseInt(system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(77) * 15)) % 15;
if (this.ship.primaryRole == "rockhermit-pirate") tl = (tl + parseInt(system.scrambledPseudoRandomNumber(88) * 15)) % 15;
var style = (parseInt((tl + 1) / 6) + num) % 6;
this.ship._rhStyle = style;
if (this._debug) log(, "setting style to " + style);
var eds = worldScripts.ExternalDockSystem;
var rem = [];
switch (style) {
// style 0 - no extras
case 0: rem = [2,3,4,5,6]; break;
// style 1 - main building only
case 1: rem = [5,6]; break;
// style 2 - external dock only
case 2: rem = [2,3,4,5]; break;
// style 3 - main building and external dock
case 3: rem = [5]; break;
// style 4 - main building plus back section
case 4: rem = [6]; break;
// style 5 - main building plus back section plus external dock - don't remove anything
case 5: rem = []; break;
var i = rem.length;
while (i--) {
// if we've got a landing pad and eds is installed, set up the external dock
if (eds && rem.indexOf(6) == -1) {
} else {
num += 1;
system.sun["_erh_" + this.ship.primaryRole] = num;
// get rid of the flashers on the external dock
this.$removeExternalDockFlashers = function() {
var fa = this.ship.flashers;
var last = fa.length;
while (last--) {
if (last == 10) break;
// registers our external docks with the eds
this.$registerExternalDocks = function () {
// set up the timer to let the player know about the docks
this._timer = new Timer(this, this.$externalDockNotification, 2, 2);
var eds = worldScripts.ExternalDockSystem;
eds.$addExternalDock({station:this.ship, position:[-550, 0, 22], scale:0.5, preDockCallback:this.$preDockSetup.bind(this)});
this.$preDockSetup = function(station) {
// docking at the external port will still get you transferred inside
this.$externalDockNotification = function $externalDockNotification() {
if (this._externalDockNotification == false) {
if (this.ship.position.distanceTo(player.ship) < player.ship.scannerRange * 0.85) {
this.ship.commsMessage(expandDescription("[erh_external_dock]"), player.ship);
this._externalDockNotification = true;
} else {