Path |
Scripts/target-system-plugins_conditions.js |
"use strict"; = "TargetSystemPlugins_Conditions"; = "Nicholas Menchise";
this.copyright = "(C) 2019 Nicholas Menchise";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
// This condition script includes the instructions for disallowing the
// removal option for TSP equipment if the Sell Equipment expansion
// by Commander McLane is not installed.
this.allowAwardEquipment = function(eqKey, ship, context) {
if (!worldScripts["sell_equipment"]) return false;
return true;
Scripts/target-system-plugins_fs.js |
"use strict"; = "TargetSystemPlugins_FilterSort"; = "Nicholas Menchise";
this.copyright = "(C) 2019 Nicholas Menchise";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
// This world script includes the instructions for filtering entities within
// scanner range and sorting them into groups for the equipment.
// Total targets within scanner range
this.$targetsTotal = [];
// Hostile targets within scanner range
this.$targetsHostile = [];
// Outlaw targets within scanner range
this.$targetsOutlaw = [];
// Neutral targets within scanner range
this.$targetsNeutral = [];
// State targets within scanner range
this.$targetsState = [];
// Cargo targets within scanner range
this.$targetsCargo = [];
// Rock targets within scanner range
this.$targetsRock = [];
// Other targets within scanner range
this.$targetsOther = [];
// Memory bank of Entities for the TMI MFD.
this.$targetsMemoryData = [];
// Target category symbol strings. There should be a symbol for each Entity.
this.$targetsMemorySigns = [];
// Memory bank index positions of valid Entities within player ship scanner range, sorted by distance.
this.$targetsMemoryInRange = [];
// Sets the array of total targets within scanner range.
// This function is called by _updateTallies function in world script TargetSystemPlugins_ShortRangeSnapshot.
// The predicate for the filteredEntities method of System class excludes
// RRS autopilot screens for better compatibility with the Rescue Stations expansion.
this._getTargetsTotal = function() {
this.$targetsTotal = system.filteredEntities(
function(e) {
if (
e.isShip && !e.isCloaked && e.displayName !== "Wreckage" && e.dataKey !== "rrs_autopilot_screen"
) return e;
player.ship, player.ship.scannerRange
// Sets the arrays of targets in seven categories.
// This function is called by _updateTallies function in world script TargetSystemPlugins_ShortRangeSnapshot.
this._getTargetsSorted = function() {
// Hostile mode
this.$targetsHostile = this._getTargetsFiltered(
function(e) {
if (e.hasHostileTarget && === player.ship) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Outlaw mode
this.$targetsOutlaw = this._getTargetsFiltered(
function(e) {
if (e.scanClass === "CLASS_THARGOID" || e.scanClass === "CLASS_NEUTRAL" && e.bounty !== 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Neutral mode, includes additional parameters for better compatibility with the Escort Contracts expansion
this.$targetsNeutral = this._getTargetsFiltered(
function(e) {
if (e.beaconLabel === "Escort Mother" || e.scanClass === "CLASS_NEUTRAL" && e.bounty === 0) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// State mode
this.$targetsState = this._getTargetsFiltered(
function(e) {
if (e.scanClass === "CLASS_POLICE" || e.scanClass === "CLASS_MILITARY") {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Cargo mode, includes additional parameters for better compatibility with the Ore Processor expansion
this.$targetsCargo = this._getTargetsFiltered(
function(e) {
if (e.scanClass === "CLASS_CARGO" && e.displayName !== "Splinter") {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Rock mode, includes additional parameters for better compatibility with Ore Processor and Escort Contracts expansions
this.$targetsRock = this._getTargetsFiltered(
function(e) {
if (e.displayName === "Splinter" || e.scanClass === "CLASS_ROCK" && e.beaconLabel !== "Escort Mother") {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Other mode
this.$targetsOther = this._getTargetsFiltered(
function(e) {
if (
e.scanClass !== "CLASS_THARGOID" && e.scanClass !== "CLASS_NEUTRAL" && e.scanClass !== "CLASS_POLICE" &&
e.scanClass !== "CLASS_MILITARY" && e.scanClass !== "CLASS_CARGO" && e.scanClass !== "CLASS_ROCK"
) {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Returns an array of Entities that matches a target category.
// This function is called by _getTargetsSorted function.
// filterThisWay argument is a function with one argument variable and one condition that returns a boolean.
// The condition includes the filter parameters. It should return true within the if statement and false within the else statement.
this._getTargetsFiltered = function(filterThisWay) {
var giveTheseTargets = [];
for (var n = 0; n < this.$targetsTotal.length; n++) {
var tryThisOne = filterThisWay(this.$targetsTotal[n]);
if (tryThisOne) var x = giveTheseTargets.push(this.$targetsTotal[n]);
return giveTheseTargets;
// Returns the number of Entities in a target category that matches a parameter.
// This function is called by _updateTallies function in world script TargetSystemPlugins_ShortRangeSnapshot.
// This should only be called on the condition that there are any targets in the relevant category.
// whichTally argument is a string that specifies the targets to be counted.
// There are three valid strings for this argument:
// "thargoid" for Thargoid ships
// "escape" for escape capsules
// "splinter" for rock splinters.
// Returns a negative integer if the string is invalid or the array to be searched is empty.
this._getTally = function(whichTally) {
var tallyResult = -1;
var checkList = [];
// Determines the target array to be searched.
if (whichTally === "thargoid") checkList = this.$targetsOutlaw;
if (whichTally === "escape") checkList = this.$targetsCargo;
if (whichTally === "splinter") checkList = this.$targetsRock;
if (checkList.length < 1) return tallyResult;
tallyResult = 0;
// Determines the filter function to be applied to the target array.
var countThese = function(){};
if (whichTally === "thargoid")
countThese = function(e) {
if (e.scanClass === "CLASS_THARGOID") {
return true;
else {
return false;
if (whichTally === "escape")
countThese = function(e) {
if (e.hasRole("escape-capsule")) {
return true;
else {
return false;
if (whichTally === "splinter")
countThese = function(e) {
if (e.displayName === "Splinter") {
return true;
else {
return false;
// Searches the target array and increments the tally when the correct entries are found.
for (var n = 0; n < checkList.length; n++) {
var tryThisOne = countThese(checkList[n]);
if (tryThisOne) tallyResult++;
return tallyResult;
// Tests an Entity to determine if it goes into the target memory bank and does so if it passes.
// This function is called by shipTargetAcquired event handler in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
// testThis argument is the Entity to be tested.
this._tmiBankThisOrNot = function(testThis) {
// Checks if the Entity is already in the memory bank to avoid duplication.
var matchFound = this._tmiCheckForMatch(testThis, this.$targetsMemoryData);
// Clears invalid entries and keeps the memory bank array length to 8 or less.
if (!matchFound && this.$targetsMemoryData.length == 8) var removeD = this.$targetsMemoryData.shift();
if (!matchFound && this.$targetsMemorySigns.length == 8) var removeS = this.$targetsMemorySigns.shift();
if (!matchFound) {
// Adds target information to the end of the arrays.
var x = this.$targetsMemoryData.push(testThis);
var srsWorking = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")]._statusCheck();
var signOfThis = "";
if (srsWorking) signOfThis = this._tmiSignThis(testThis);
if (!srsWorking) signOfThis = expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_missed]"); // symbol for unknown
x = this.$targetsMemorySigns.push(signOfThis);
else {
// Transfers the target information from its current position in the arrays to the end of the arrays.
var whereIsThis = this.$targetsMemoryData.indexOf(testThis);
var transferD = this.$targetsMemoryData[whereIsThis];
var transferS = this.$targetsMemorySigns[whereIsThis];
removeD = this.$targetsMemoryData.splice(whereIsThis, 1);
removeS = this.$targetsMemorySigns.splice(whereIsThis, 1);
var y = this.$targetsMemoryData.push(transferD);
y = this.$targetsMemorySigns.push(transferS);
// Tests the target memory bank for invalid entries and removes them, if so.
// This function is called by _tmiBankThisOrNot function.
this._tmiCleanUp = function() {
for (var n = 0; n < this.$targetsMemoryData.length; n++) {
if (!this.$targetsMemoryData[n].isInSpace) {
var removeD = this.$targetsMemoryData.splice(n, 1);
var removeS = this.$targetsMemorySigns.splice(n, 1);
} else {}
// Sets an array of index positions of $targetsMemoryData entries within the player ship's scanner range, sorted
// by distance from the player ship. The array is assigned to $targetsMemoryInRange.
// Also moves targets in memory to the front of their arrays if they're out of scanner range, which puts them first
// in line for removal by _tmiBankThisOrNot function when trimming the length.
// This function is called by _timedUpdate function in world script TargetSystemPlugins_TargetMemoryInterface.
// It is also called by shipTargetAcquired event handler in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
// It is also called by activated event handler in equipment script TargetSystemPlugins_TargetBankingModule.
this._tmiGroupInRange = function() {
// Gets the index positions of targets within scanner range and their distances from player ship.
var youScanThem = [];
var youMeasureThem = [];
var youAreHere = player.ship.position;
var outThere = player.ship.scannerRange;
for (var n = 0; n < this.$targetsMemoryData.length; n++) {
var checkThisOne = this.$targetsMemoryData[n];
if (!checkThisOne.isInSpace || checkThisOne.isCloaked) {
else if (youAreHere.distanceTo(checkThisOne) < outThere) {
var foundThisOne = youAreHere.distanceTo(checkThisOne);
var x = youScanThem.push(n);
x = youMeasureThem.push(foundThisOne);
else {
// Transfers the target information from its current position in the arrays to the start of the arrays.
var transferD = this.$targetsMemoryData[n];
var transferS = this.$targetsMemorySigns[n];
var removeD = this.$targetsMemoryData.splice(n, 1);
var removeS = this.$targetsMemorySigns.splice(n, 1);
x = this.$targetsMemoryData.unshift(transferD);
x = this.$targetsMemorySigns.unshift(transferS);
// Sorts the entries by distance from player ship.
var youSortThem = [];
var howMany = youScanThem.length;
for (var n = 0; n < howMany; n++) {
var closestRange = outThere;
var closestOne = -1;
for (var p = 0; p < youMeasureThem.length; p++) {
if (youMeasureThem[p] < closestRange) closestRange = youMeasureThem[p];
if (youMeasureThem[p] == closestRange) closestOne = p;
var y = youSortThem.push(youScanThem[closestOne]);
var removeN = youScanThem.splice(closestOne, 1);
var removeM = youMeasureThem.splice(closestOne, 1);
this.$targetsMemoryInRange = youSortThem;
// Initialises the TMI arrays.
// This function is called by startUp, shipWillDockWithStation, shipWillEnterWitchspace, equipmentDamaged and
// equipmentRemoved event handlers in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
this._tmiReset = function() {
this.$targetsMemoryData = [];
this.$targetsMemorySigns = [];
this.$targetsMemoryInRange = [];
// Tests the Entities in the target memory bank to determine if their TMI category symbols are current and changes
// them, if necessary.
// This function is called by _timedUpdate function in world script TargetSystemPlugins_TargetMemoryInterface.
// This should only be called if the SRS equipment is functional.
this._tmiSignUpdate = function() {
var signRecorded = ""; // stores the TMI category symbol that's in the memory bank
var signScanned = ""; // stores the TMI category symbol that's in the latest snapshot, if target is found
for (var n = 0; n < this.$targetsMemorySigns.length; n++) {
signRecorded = this.$targetsMemorySigns[n];
if (!this.$targetsMemoryData[n].isInSpace || this.$targetsMemoryData[n].isCloaked) {
signScanned = expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_missed]");
else {
signScanned = this._tmiSignThis(this.$targetsMemoryData[n]);
if (signRecorded !== signScanned) this.$targetsMemorySigns[n] = signScanned;
// Tests an Entity to determine its target category and returns its TMI symbol string.
// This function is called by _tmiBankThisOrNot and _tmiSignUpdate functions.
// This should only be called if the SRS equipment is functional.
// whatsThat argument is the Entity to be tested.
this._tmiSignThis = function(whatsThat) {
var signNotFound = expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_missed]"); // symbol for unknown
// Compares the Entity to the Entities in seven arrays until match found or searched all
var matchFound = false;
var checkThese = [
this.$targetsHostile, this.$targetsOutlaw,
this.$targetsNeutral, this.$targetsState,
this.$targetsCargo, this.$targetsRock,
var signWithThis = [
expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_mode0]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_mode1]"),
expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_mode2]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_mode3]"),
expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_mode4]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_mode5]"),
for (var n = 0; n < checkThese.length; n++) {
matchFound = this._tmiCheckForMatch(whatsThat, checkThese[n]);
if (matchFound) return signWithThis[n];
return signNotFound;
// Returns a boolean that indicates if an Entity matches an entry in an array of Entities.
// This function is called by _tmiBankThisOrNot and _tmiSignThis functions.
// checkThis argument is the Entity to be tested.
// againstThis argument is the array of Entities.
this._tmiCheckForMatch = function(checkThis, againstThis) {
for (var n = 0; n < againstThis.length; n++) {
if (checkThis === againstThis[n]) return true;
return false;
Scripts/target-system-plugins_sh.js |
"use strict"; = "TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers"; = "Nicholas Menchise";
this.copyright = "(C) 2019 Nicholas Menchise";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
// This world script includes the miscellaneous instructions that are shared
// by the equipment. For example, the code that updates the MFDs. It also
// includes the event handlers.
// Whether or not the TBM primeable equipment is processing an activate event. Prevents TMI MFD overload when true.
this.$tbmActive = false;
// Stores the ready status of the TBM primeable equipment.
this.$tbmReady = false;
// Stores the current target mode of the TBM primeable equipment.
this.$tbmTargetMode = 7; // set to Total mode by default, because it's always displayed on SRS MFD when equipment is activated.
// Calls the function that updates the cascade alert every quarter of a second.
this.$cascadeUpdate = new Timer(this, function() { this._cascadeWeaponAlert(); }, 0, 0.25);
// Stores the SoundSource for the cascade weapon alert. Property set by cascadeWeaponDetected event handler.
this.$cascadeUpdateSound = new SoundSource;
// Whether or not the cascade alert danger text is on the MFD during an alert. It's intended to flash with each timer interval.
this.$cascadeDangerText = true;
// Stores an array of cascade weapon Entities detected by player ship.
this.$cascadeDangerObject = [];
// Sets MFD text, if MFDs are available.
// This function is called by _statusUpdate and _setMfdString functions in world script TargetSystemPlugins_ShortRangeSnapshot.
// It is also called by the same functions in world script TargetSystemPlugins_TargetMemoryInterface. It is also called by some
// event handlers below. It is also called by _cascadeWeaponMfd function below.
// mfdKey argument stores the string that determines where the text will be displayed.
// mfdString argument stores the text to be displayed. It can also set the MFD to blank if the value is null.
this._setMfd = function(mfdKey, mfdString) {
if (player.ship.multiFunctionDisplays > 0) player.ship.setMultiFunctionText(mfdKey, mfdString);
// Takes over all functioning TSP MFDs to display an alert when a cascade weapon is within the player ship scanner range.
// This function is called by $cascadeUpdate timer.
this._cascadeWeaponAlert = function() {
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
// Stops the SRS and TMI timers, if they are running.
if (tspSRS.$readyUpdate.isRunning) tspSRS.$readyUpdate.stop();
if (tspTMI.$readyUpdate.isRunning) tspTMI.$readyUpdate.stop();
// Checks if cascade weapon is still within scanner range and acts accordingly.
var srsWorking = tspSRS._statusCheck();
var tmiWorking = tspTMI._statusCheck();
var youAreHere = player.ship.position;
var outThere = player.ship.scannerRange;
if (this.$cascadeDangerObject.length < 1) {
// Stops the cascade timer and restarts the MFDs, if the equipment is functional.
this.$cascadeDangerText = true;
if (srsWorking) tspSRS._statusUpdate(true, 3);
if (tmiWorking) tspTMI._statusUpdate(true, 3);
else if (!this.$cascadeDangerObject[0].isValid || youAreHere.distanceTo(this.$cascadeDangerObject[0]) > outThere) {
// Removes the cascade weapon entry from the array.
var removeCascade = this.$cascadeDangerObject.shift();
else {
// Calls the function that sets the string for the MFDs and updates them, if TSP MFDs are available.
if (srsWorking || tmiWorking) this._cascadeWeaponMfd(srsWorking, tmiWorking, youAreHere);
// Sets the string for cascade weapon alert, passes the update to the MFDs of functional TSP equipment and plays warning sound.
// This function is called by _cascadeWeaponAlert function.
// sayThisSRS argument is a boolean that indicates whether or not the SRS is functioning.
// sayThisTMI argument is a boolean that indicates whether or not the TMI is functioning.
// youAreHere argument is the vector position of the player ship.
this._cascadeWeaponMfd = function(sayThisSRS, sayThisTMI, youAreHere) {
// Sets the string for the danger text lines and switches the boolean for the next update.
var dangerLines = "";
if (this.$cascadeDangerText) {
dangerLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_cascade_danger_text]");
this.$cascadeDangerText = false;
else {
this.$cascadeDangerText = true;
// Gets the distance between the player ship and the weapon in kilometres.
var rawDistance = youAreHere.distanceTo(this.$cascadeDangerObject[0]);
rawDistance /= 1000;
var fineDistance = "" + rawDistance;
fineDistance = fineDistance.substring(0, 4);
// Sets the string for the MFD update.
var sayThis1 = dangerLines + "\n" + "\n" + "\n";
var sayThis2 = expandDescription("[tsplugins_cascade_word1]") + "\n" + "\n";
var sayThis3 = expandDescription("[tsplugins_cascade_word2]") + "\n" + "\n";
var sayThis4 = " " + fineDistance + "km" + "\n" + "\n";
var sayThis5 = dangerLines;
var sayThisMfd = sayThis1 + sayThis2 + sayThis3 + sayThis4 + sayThis5;
// Assigns the string to the functional TSP MFDs and plays the warning sound.
if (sayThisSRS) this._setMfd(worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")].$mfdKey, sayThisMfd);
if (sayThisTMI) this._setMfd(worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")].$mfdKey, sayThisMfd);
// Event handlers. See Oolite Javascript Reference pages on Elite Wiki for more details.
this.startUp = function() {
// Puts equipment keys in the global array of the sell_equipment world script, if available.
// The sell_equipment world script is found in the Sell Equipment expansion pack by Commander McLane.
if (worldScripts["sell_equipment"])
var x = worldScripts["sell_equipment"].equipment_key.push(
expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]"),
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
// Checks if the equipment is on the player ship and sets the availability status
if (
player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]")) === "EQUIPMENT_OK" ||
player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]")) === "EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED"
) tspSRS.$onShip = true;
if (
player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]")) === "EQUIPMENT_OK" ||
player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]")) === "EQUIPMENT_DAMAGED"
) tspTMI.$onShip = true;
// Stops the timers that update the MFDs.
if (tspSRS.$readyUpdate.isRunning) tspSRS.$readyUpdate.stop();
if (tspTMI.$readyUpdate.isRunning) tspTMI.$readyUpdate.stop();
if (this.$cascadeUpdate.isRunning) this.$cascadeUpdate.stop();
// Initialises the TMI memory bank arrays.
this.shipWillDockWithStation = function(station) {
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
// Deactivates the equipment and informs the player on the equipment MFDs, if functional.
var srsWorking = tspSRS._statusCheck();
var tmiWorking = tspTMI._statusCheck();
if (srsWorking) {
tspSRS.$ready = false;
this._setMfd(tspSRS.$mfdKey, expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_srs] [tsplugins_mfd_status_off]"));
else {
if (tmiWorking) {
tspTMI.$ready = false;
this._setMfd(tspTMI.$mfdKey, expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_tmi] [tsplugins_mfd_status_off]"));
else {
this.$tbmReady = false;
this.$tbmTargetMode = 7;
this.shipLaunchedFromStation = function(station) {
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
// Activates the equipment and informs the player on the equipment MFDs, if functional.
var srsWorking = tspSRS._statusCheck();
var tmiWorking = tspTMI._statusCheck();
if (srsWorking) tspSRS._statusUpdate(true, 3);
if (tmiWorking) tspTMI._statusUpdate(true, 3);
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]")) === "EQUIPMENT_OK") this.$tbmReady = true;
this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = function(cause, destination) {
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
// Deactivates the equipment temporarily and informs the player on the equipment MFDs, if functional.
var srsWorking = tspSRS._statusCheck();
var tmiWorking = tspTMI._statusCheck();
if (srsWorking) tspSRS._statusUpdate(false, 3);
if (tmiWorking) {
tspTMI._statusUpdate(false, 3);
else {
this.$tbmReady = false;
this.shipExitedWitchspace = function() {
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
// Restores the equipment and informs the player on the equipment MFDs, if functional.
var srsWorking = tspSRS._statusCheck();
var tmiWorking = tspTMI._statusCheck();
if (srsWorking) tspSRS._statusUpdate(true, 3);
if (tmiWorking) tspTMI._statusUpdate(true, 3);
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]")) === "EQUIPMENT_OK") this.$tbmReady = true;
this.equipmentAdded = function(equipmentKey) {
// Sets the availability status to true for added equipment.
if (equipmentKey === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]")) worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")].$onShip = true;
if (equipmentKey === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]")) worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")].$onShip = true;
if (equipmentKey === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]")) this.$tbmReady = true; // just in case it's added in-flight
this.equipmentDamaged = function(equipment) {
// Informs the player that the equipment is damaged on the equipment MFDs.
if (equipment === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]") || equipment === "EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET")
var srsWillFail = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")]._statusCheck();
if (equipment === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]") || equipment === "EQ_TARGET_MEMORY") {
var tmiWillFail = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")]._statusCheck();
else {
if (equipment === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]")) this.$tbmReady = false;
this.equipmentRemoved = function(equipmentKey) {
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
// Sets the availability status to false and switches off MFDs for removed equipment.
if (equipmentKey === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]")) {
tspSRS.$onShip = false;
this._setMfd(tspSRS.$mfdKey, null);
else {
if (equipmentKey === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]")) {
tspTMI.$onShip = false;
this._setMfd(tspTMI.$mfdKey, null);
else {
if (equipmentKey === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]")) this.$tbmReady = false; // just in case it's removed in-flight
this.equipmentRepaired = function(equipment) {
// This code is for in-flight repairs only, which is possible with some expansion packs.
// Informs the player if the equipment is restored on the equipment MFDs.
if (equipment === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]") || equipment === "EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET") {
var srsWillWork = false;
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
if (!player.ship.docked) srsWillWork = tspSRS._statusCheck();
if (srsWillWork) tspSRS._statusUpdate(true, 3);
else {
if (equipment === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]") || equipment === "EQ_TARGET_MEMORY") {
var tmiWillWork = false;
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
if (!player.ship.docked) tmiWillWork = tspTMI._statusCheck();
if (tmiWillWork) tspTMI._statusUpdate(true, 3);
else {
if (equipment === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]") && !player.ship.docked) this.$tbmReady = true;
this.playerChangedPrimedEquipment = function(equipmentKey) {
// Sets TBM to Total mode, because it's a reliable way to indicate that the TBM can access the SRS MFD.
if (equipmentKey === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]")) {
this.$tbmTargetMode = 7;
this.cascadeWeaponDetected = function(weapon) {
// Initiates cascade weapon alert.
var putThatHere = this.$cascadeDangerObject.push(weapon);
this.$cascadeUpdateSound.sound = "warning.ogg";
if (!this.$cascadeUpdate.isRunning) this.$cascadeUpdate.start();
this.shipTargetAcquired = function(target) {
// Passes new target to the TMI, if functional.
// Wormholes are not passed to the TMI because the Target System Memory Expansion ignores them.
// The functions to update the TMI MFD are called by the TBM when it's active, hence the condition at the end,
// which prevents excessive updates to the MFD.
var tspTMI = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")];
var tspFS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_fs]")];
var tmiWorking = tspTMI._statusCheck();
if (tmiWorking && !target.isWormhole) tspFS._tmiBankThisOrNot(target);
if (tmiWorking && !this.$tbmActive) {
else {
Scripts/target-system-plugins_srs.js |
"use strict"; = "TargetSystemPlugins_ShortRangeSnapshot"; = "Nicholas Menchise";
this.copyright = "(C) 2019 Nicholas Menchise";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
// This world script includes the instructions for the SRS MFD strings and checking the equipment status.
// Whether or not the equipment is on the player ship
this.$onShip = false;
// Whether or not the equipment is functioning
this.$ready = false;
// Whether or not MFD updates should be suspended to prevent tip strings from changing every second
this.$mfdSuspend = false;
// Calls the function that updates the equipment MFD every second, if the equipment is functioning
this.$readyUpdate = new Timer(this, function() { this._timedUpdate(); }, 0, 1);
// Stores the MFD key for the equipment
this.$mfdKey = "tsplugins_srs";
// Stores the equipment's target tallies from the last timed update
// This is stored as a global variable so that the target mode selection can be updated independently on the MFD.
// The tallies should be stored in the following order:
// Hostile, Outlaw, Neutral, State, Cargo, Rock, Other, Total, Thargoids, Escape Capsules, Splinters.
this.$tallies = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
// Checks the status of the equipment and its dependencies. Returns a boolean.
// This function is called by _timedUpdate function. It is also called by _statusCheck function in equipment
// script TargetSystemPlugins_TargetBankingModule. It is also called by event handlers in world script
// TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers. It is also called by _cascadeWeaponAlert function in world script
// TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
// A negative status (false) will trigger a function call that results in a status update.
// An integer is calculated and passed in the same function call to provide more specific
// information in the status update.
this._statusCheck = function() {
var dependsValue = 0;
var dependsResult = false;
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_srs]")) === "EQUIPMENT_OK") dependsValue = 2;
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET") === "EQUIPMENT_OK") dependsValue++;
if (dependsValue == 3) dependsResult = true;
if (this.$ready && dependsValue < 3) this._statusUpdate(false, dependsValue);
return dependsResult;
// Updates the status of the equipment and informs the player when it's activated, disabled or damaged.
// This function is called by _statusCheck function. It is also called by event handlers in the world
// script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
// isWorking argument stores a boolean that indicates if the equipment is enabled.
// whatHappened argument stores an integer that indicates the cause of the status change.
// A value of 3 means that the equipment is fine, but something else may be stopping it, e.g. witchspace tunnel.
// A value of 2 means that the dependency check has failed.
// A value less than 2 means that the equipment is damaged.
this._statusUpdate = function(isWorking, whatHappened) {
// Changes the ready status and stops the timer, if necessary. Stops the function if equipment is off the ship.
if (this.$ready !== isWorking) this.$ready = isWorking;
if (!isWorking && this.$readyUpdate.isRunning) this.$readyUpdate.stop();
if (!this.$onShip) return;
// Sets the string for the status update to the MFD.
var theseLines = ""; // stores the MFD update string.
if (isWorking) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_ready_srs]");
if (!isWorking && whatHappened == 3) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_srs][tsplugins_mfd_status_witchspace]");
if (!isWorking && whatHappened == 2) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_disabled1_srs]");
if (!isWorking && whatHappened < 2) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_broken_srs]");
// Calls the MFD setting function.
worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_sh]")]._setMfd(this.$mfdKey, theseLines);
// Resumes the timer that calls regular updates to the MFD, if the equipment has become functional.
// The two second delay ensures that the player can see the status update when the equipment is activated.
if (isWorking && !this.$readyUpdate.isRunning) {
this.$readyUpdate.nextTime = clock.absoluteSeconds + 2;
this.$mfdSuspend = false; // fixed a bug where the MFD could get stuck on startup instead of displaying tip
else {
// Updates the equipment MFD at regular intervals, if the equipment is functional.
// This function is called by $readyUpdate timer.
this._timedUpdate = function() {
var isWorking = this._statusCheck();
if (!isWorking) return;
if (this.$tallies[7] > 0) this.$mfdSuspend = false;
if (!this.$mfdSuspend) this._setMfdString();
// Calculates and sets the integers in the tallies array.
// This function is called by _timedUpdate function.
this._updateTallies = function() {
// Sets the entries for additional tallies to zero to prevent outdated values from showing up.
for (var n = 8; n < this.$tallies.length; n++) this.$tallies[n] = 0;
// Updates the target data within the player ship's scanner range.
var tspFS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_fs]")];
// Sets the tallies for the target modes.
this.$tallies[0] = tspFS.$targetsHostile.length;
this.$tallies[1] = tspFS.$targetsOutlaw.length;
this.$tallies[2] = tspFS.$targetsNeutral.length;
this.$tallies[3] = tspFS.$targetsState.length;
this.$tallies[4] = tspFS.$targetsCargo.length;
this.$tallies[5] = tspFS.$targetsRock.length;
this.$tallies[6] = tspFS.$targetsOther.length;
this.$tallies[7] = tspFS.$targetsTotal.length;
// Sets additional tallies, if applicable.
if (this.$tallies[1] > 0) this.$tallies[8] = tspFS._getTally("thargoid");
if (this.$tallies[4] > 0) this.$tallies[9] = tspFS._getTally("escape");
if (this.$tallies[5] > 0) this.$tallies[10] = tspFS._getTally("splinter");
// Sets the string that will be sent to the equipment MFD and calls the MFD update.
// This function is called by _timedUpdate function. It is also called by event handlers in equipment
// script TargetSystemPlugins_TargetBankingModule. It is also called by playerChangedPrimedEquipment
// event handler in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
this._setMfdString = function() {
var sayThisMfd = "";
var tspSH = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_sh]")];
// Sets the snapshot string when targets are found.
if (this.$tallies[7] > 0) {
// Sets the first line, which includes the title and timestamp. The second line is blank.
var snapshotTime = "";
if (clock.isAdjusting) snapshotTime = "Ad:ju:st";
if (!clock.isAdjusting) snapshotTime = clock.clockStringForTime(clock.adjustedSeconds).substring(8);
var lineOne = expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_srs]");
lineOne += " " + snapshotTime + "\n" + "\n";
// Sets the target mode selection column.
var modeColumn = [];
for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) modeColumn[n] = expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_unselected]");
var tmiWorking = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")]._statusCheck();
if (
tmiWorking && tspSH.$tbmReady && this.$tallies[tspSH.$tbmTargetMode] > 0 &&
player.ship.primedEquipment === expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tbm]")
) modeColumn[tspSH.$tbmTargetMode] = expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_selected]");
// Sets the target tally lines and puts them next to the target mode selection column.
var tallyText = this._getTallyList();
var linesEight = "";
for (var n = 0; n < modeColumn.length; n++) {
linesEight = linesEight + modeColumn[n] + tallyText[n];
if (n < 7) linesEight += "\n";
sayThisMfd = lineOne + linesEight;
else {
// Sets the SRS Tip string when no targets are found.
sayThisMfd = expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_tip_srs]");
this.$mfdSuspend = true;
// Calls the MFD setting function.
tspSH._setMfd(this.$mfdKey, sayThisMfd);
// Returns an array of strings for the target tally text.
// This function is called by _setMfdString function.
this._getTallyList = function() {
var tallyList = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""];
var tallyLabels = [
expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode0]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode1]"),
expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode2]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode3]"),
expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode4]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode5]"),
expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode6]"), expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_mode7]")
// Sets the left column of the tally text. Tallies with no targets are not displayed.
for (var n = 0; n < tallyList.length; n++) {
if (this.$tallies[n] > 0) tallyList[n] = tallyLabels[n] + ": " + this.$tallies[n];
// Appends additional tallies, if applicable.
if (this.$tallies[8] > 0) tallyList[1] += expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_gap]") + this.$tallies[8] + " Thargoid ship";
if (this.$tallies[8] > 1) tallyList[1] += "s";
if (this.$tallies[9] > 0) tallyList[4] += expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_gap]") + this.$tallies[9] + " escape pod";
if (this.$tallies[9] > 1) tallyList[4] += "s";
if (this.$tallies[10] > 0) tallyList[5] += expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_gap]") + this.$tallies[10] + " splinter";
if (this.$tallies[10] > 1) tallyList[5] += "s";
return tallyList;
Scripts/target-system-plugins_tbm.js |
"use strict"; = "TargetSystemPlugins_TargetBankingModule"; = "Nicholas Menchise";
this.copyright = "(C) 2019 Nicholas Menchise";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
// This equipment script includes the instructions for the TBM's "mode" and
// "activated" event handlers and their support functions, e.g. the status check.
// Stores an integer that symbolises the state of the equipment, which enables the HUD
// console messages to provide more specific explanations when the controls are disabled.
// There are four valid integer values. The values are set by _statusCheck function.
// Zero means that a dependency was unavailable on the last two status checks.
// One means that dependencies are available, but the equipment is temporarily disabled by a witchspace tunnel.
// Two means that a dependency was unavailable on the last status check.
// Three means that all equipment is fine, but the controls could still be disabled if there are no targets in SRS.
this.$statusInfo = 0;
// Checks the status of the equipment and its dependencies. Returns a boolean.
// This function is called by the .mode and .activated event handlers.
// An integer is calculated and set to the status info variable. See the variable comments for details.
// The equipment's ready status variable in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers is set to false if a
// dependency is unavailable.
this._statusCheck = function() {
var dependsValue = 0;
var dependsResult = false;
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
var tspSH = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_sh]")];
var srsWorking = tspSRS._statusCheck();
var tmiWorking = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_tmi]")]._statusCheck();
var tbmWorking = tspSH.$tbmReady;
// The condition below refers to the tbmReady variable instead of the equipmentStatus method of PlayerShip object,
// because it applies to situations where the equipment is temporarily disabled. The equipment script does nothing
// if the equipment is damaged, because it's not primeable.
if (tbmWorking) dependsValue = 2;
if (srsWorking && tmiWorking) dependsValue++;
if (dependsValue == 3) dependsResult = true;
if (tbmWorking && dependsValue < 3) tspSH.$tbmReady = false;
// Disables the equipment controls if no targets are in SRS arrays.
// The tbmReady variable is not changed, because it's unnecessary.
if (tspSRS.$tallies[7] < 1) dependsResult = false;
this.$statusInfo = dependsValue;
return dependsResult;
// Informs the player that the equipment is disabled and why. The message is sent to the HUD console.
// This function is called by the .mode and .activated event handlers.
// This should only be called after a status check returns a negative value.
this._statusMessage = function() {
var sendThis = expandDescription("[tsplugins_console_tbm_disabled_alert] ");
if (this.$statusInfo == 1) sendThis += expandDescription("[tsplugins_console_tbm_disabled_why1]");
if (this.$statusInfo == 2 || this.$statusInfo == 0) sendThis += expandDescription("[tsplugins_console_tbm_disabled_why2]");
if (this.$statusInfo == 3) sendThis += expandDescription("[tsplugins_console_tbm_disabled_why3]");
// Returns the correct array of Entities for target banking.
// This function is called by .activated event handler.
// targetMode argument is the equipment's current target mode.
this._bankTheseTargets = function(targetMode) {
var theseTargets = [];
var tspFS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_fs]")];
if (targetMode == 0) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsHostile;
if (targetMode == 1) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsOutlaw;
if (targetMode == 2) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsNeutral;
if (targetMode == 3) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsState;
if (targetMode == 4) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsCargo;
if (targetMode == 5) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsRock;
if (targetMode == 6) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsOther;
if (targetMode == 7) theseTargets = tspFS.$targetsTotal;
return theseTargets;
// Event handlers. Specified on Elite wiki page Oolite Javascript Reference: Equipment scripts.
this.mode = function() {
// Checks if the equipment is working.
var tbmWorking = this._statusCheck();
if (tbmWorking) {
// Finds and sets the next valid target mode.
var tspSH = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_sh]")];
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
if (tspSH.$tbmTargetMode > 7) tspSH.$tbmTargetMode = 0;
for (var n = tspSH.$tbmTargetMode; n < 8; n++) {
if (tspSRS.$tallies[n] > 0) break;
// Updates the SRS MFD with the next valid target mode.
else {
// Informs the player that the equipment is not working.
this.activated = function() {
var tspSH = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_sh]")];
var tspSRS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")];
// Checks if the equipment is working.
var tbmWorking = this._statusCheck();
if (!tbmWorking) {
// Informs the player that the equipment is not working.
else if (tspSRS.$tallies[tspSH.$tbmTargetMode] < 1) {
// Informs the player that there are no targets in the selected mode and switches to Total mode.
tspSH.$tbmTargetMode = 7;
else {
// Assigns targets in a valid mode to player ship.
// The maximum number of targets is 8, because that's the limit of the TMI MFD.
// The loop works backwards so that the last new target is the nearest one to the player ship.
// The loop checks if the target is still around in case something happened to it after the last SRS update.
// The loop avoids passing targets already in TMI memory, because doing so would be a waste of cycles.
// The tbmActive state prevents the shipTargetAcquired event handler from updating the TMI MFD.
tspSH.$tbmActive = true;
var tspFS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_fs]")];
var howMany = tspSRS.$tallies[tspSH.$tbmTargetMode];
if (howMany > 8) howMany = 8;
var whichTargets = this._bankTheseTargets(tspSH.$tbmTargetMode);
for (var n = 1; n <= howMany; n++) {
var thisTarget = whichTargets[howMany - n];
var matchFound = tspFS._tmiCheckForMatch(thisTarget, tspFS.$targetsMemoryData);
if (thisTarget.isInSpace && !matchFound) = thisTarget;
// Updates the TMI MFD.
tspSH.$tbmActive = false;
Scripts/target-system-plugins_tmi.js |
"use strict"; = "TargetSystemPlugins_TargetMemoryInterface"; = "Nicholas Menchise";
this.copyright = "(C) 2019 Nicholas Menchise";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0";
// This world script includes the instructions for the TMI MFD strings and checking the equipment status.
// Whether or not the equipment is on the player ship
this.$onShip = false;
// Whether or not the equipment is functioning
this.$ready = false;
// Whether or not MFD updates should be suspended to prevent tip strings from changing every second
this.$mfdSuspend = false;
// Calls the function that updates the equipment MFD at regular intervals, if the equipment is functioning
this.$readyUpdate = new Timer(this, function() { this._timedUpdate(); }, 0, 1);
// Stores the MFD key for the equipment
this.$mfdKey = "tsplugins_tmi";
// Checks the status of the equipment and its dependencies. Returns a boolean.
// This function is called by _timedUpdate function. It is also called by _setMfdString function in
// world script TargetSystemPlugins_ShortRangeSnapshot. It is also called by _statusCheck function
// in equipment script Target SystemPlugins_TargetBankingModule. It is also called by event handlers
// in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers. It is also called by _cascadeWeaponAlert function
// in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
// A negative status (false) will trigger a function call that results in a status update.
// An integer is calculated and passed in the same function call to provide more specific
// information in the status update.
this._statusCheck = function() {
var dependsValue = 0;
var dependsResult = false;
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus(expandDescription("[tsplugins_eqkey_tmi]")) === "EQUIPMENT_OK") dependsValue = 2;
if (player.ship.equipmentStatus("EQ_TARGET_MEMORY") === "EQUIPMENT_OK") dependsValue++;
if (dependsValue == 3) dependsResult = true;
if (this.$ready && dependsValue < 3) this._statusUpdate(false, dependsValue);
return dependsResult;
// Updates the status of the equipment and informs the player when it's activated, disabled or damaged.
// This function is called by _statusCheck function. It is also called by event handlers in the world
// script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
// isWorking argument stores a boolean that indicates if the equipment is enabled.
// whatHappened argument stores an integer that indicates the cause of the status change.
// A value of 3 means that the equipment is fine, but something else may be stopping it, e.g. witchspace tunnel.
// A value of 2 means that the dependency check has failed.
// A value less than 2 means that the equipment is damaged.
this._statusUpdate = function(isWorking, whatHappened) {
// Changes the ready status and stops the timer, if necessary. Stops the function if equipment is off the ship.
if (this.$ready !== isWorking) this.$ready = isWorking;
if (!isWorking && this.$readyUpdate.isRunning) this.$readyUpdate.stop();
if (!this.$onShip) return;
// Sets the string for the status update to the MFD.
var theseLines = ""; // stores the MFD update string.
if (isWorking) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_ready_tmi]");
if (!isWorking && whatHappened == 3) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_tmi][tsplugins_mfd_status_witchspace]");
if (!isWorking && whatHappened == 2) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_disabled1_tmi]");
if (!isWorking && whatHappened < 2) theseLines = expandDescription("[tsplugins_broken_tmi]");
// Calls the MFD setting function.
worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_sh]")]._setMfd(this.$mfdKey, theseLines);
// Resumes the timer that calls regular updates to the MFD, if the equipment has become functional.
// The two second delay ensures that the player can see the status update when the equipment is activated.
if (isWorking && !this.$readyUpdate.isRunning) {
this.$readyUpdate.nextTime = clock.absoluteSeconds + 2;
this.$mfdSuspend = false; // fixed a bug where the MFD was stuck on startup instead of displaying tip
else {
// Updates the equipment MFD at regular intervals, if the equipment is functional and targets are within scanner range.
// This function is called by $readyUpdate timer.
this._timedUpdate = function() {
var isWorking = this._statusCheck();
if (!isWorking) return;
var tspFS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_fs]")];
if (tspFS.$targetsMemoryInRange.length > 0) this.$mfdSuspend = false;
var srsWorking = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")]._statusCheck();
if (srsWorking) tspFS._tmiSignUpdate();
if (!this.$mfdSuspend) this._setMfdString();
// Sets the string that will be sent to the equipment MFD and calls the MFD update.
// This function is called by _timedUpdate function.
// It is also called by shipTargetAcquired event handler in world script TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers.
// It is also called by .activated event handler in equipment script TargetSystemPlugins_TargetBankingModule.
// This should only be called shortly after _tmiGroupInRange function in world script
// TargetSystemPlugins_FilterSort is called, if not immediately afterwards.
this._setMfdString = function() {
var sayThisMfd = "";
var srsWorking = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_srs]")]._statusCheck();
var tspFS = worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_fs]")];
var targetsIndex = tspFS.$targetsMemoryInRange;
if (targetsIndex.length > 0) {
// Sets the target list string when targets are found.
// Sets the first line, which includes the title and number of targets in memory that are within scanner range.
// The second line is blank.
var lineOne = expandDescription("[tsplugins_title_tmi]") + " " + targetsIndex.length + "\n" + "\n";
// Gets the columns for the remaining lines.
var selectColumn = this._getSelectionColumn(tspFS.$targetsMemoryData, targetsIndex);
var symbolColumn = this._getCategoryColumn(tspFS.$targetsMemorySigns, targetsIndex, srsWorking);
var namesColumn = this._getTargetNamesColumn(tspFS.$targetsMemoryData, targetsIndex);
// Sets up the columns.
var linesEight = "";
for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) {
linesEight = linesEight + selectColumn[n] + symbolColumn[n] + " " + namesColumn[n];
if (n < 7) linesEight += "\n";
sayThisMfd = lineOne + linesEight;
else if (srsWorking) {
// Sets the TMI Guide string when no targets are found. The type of string depends on the SRS status.
sayThisMfd = expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_tip1_tmi]");
this.$mfdSuspend = true;
else {
sayThisMfd = expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_tip2_tmi]");
this.$mfdSuspend = true;
// Calls the MFD setting function.
worldScripts[expandDescription("[tsplugins_script_sh]")]._setMfd(this.$mfdKey, sayThisMfd);
// Returns an array of strings that define the target selection column of the TMI MFD.
// This function is called by _setMfdString function.
// targetsInHistory argument is an array of objects selected with the player ship's targeting system recently.
// targetsInRange argument is an array of index positions of objects in targetsInHistory that are within the
// player ship's scanner range.
this._getSelectionColumn = function(targetsInHistory, targetsInRange) {
var thisColumn = [];
for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) thisColumn[n] = expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_unselected]");
for (var n = 0; n < targetsInRange.length; n++) {
var thisOne = targetsInRange[n];
if (targetsInHistory[thisOne] ===
thisColumn[n] = expandDescription("[tsplugins_mfd_selected]");
return thisColumn;
// Returns an array of strings that define the target category column of the TMI MFD.
// This function is called by _setMfdString function.
// symbolsInHistory argument is an array of target category symbols corresponding to objects selected
// with the player ship's targeting system recently.
// targetsInRange argument is an array of index positions of symbolsInHistory corresponding to objects
// that are within the player ship's scanner range.
// snapshotAvailable argument is a boolean that indicates whether or not the SRS is functioning.
this._getCategoryColumn = function(symbolsInHistory, targetsInRange, snapshotAvailable) {
var thisColumn = [];
for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) thisColumn[n] = expandDescription("[tsplugins_sign_blank]");
for (var n = 0; n < targetsInRange.length; n++) {
if (!snapshotAvailable) break;
var thisOne = targetsInRange[n];
thisColumn[n] = symbolsInHistory[thisOne];
return thisColumn;
// Returns an array of strings that define the target names column of the TMI MFD.
// This function is called by _setMfdString function.
// targetsInHistory argument is an array of objects selected with the player ship's targeting system recently.
// targetsInRange argument is an array of index positions of objects in targetsInHistory that are within the
// player ship's scanner range.
this._getTargetNamesColumn = function(targetsInHistory, targetsInRange) {
var thisColumn = [];
for (var n = 0; n < 8; n++) thisColumn[n] = "";
for (var n = 0; n < targetsInRange.length; n++) {
var thisOne = targetsInRange[n];
var nameThisOne = targetsInHistory[thisOne].displayName;
if (nameThisOne.length > 31) nameThisOne = nameThisOne.substring(0, 29) + "...";
thisColumn[n] = nameThisOne;
return thisColumn;