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Expansion Scanner Alerting Enhancement



from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Pre-emptive identification and alerting of new ships on the scanner. Pre-emptive identification and alerting of new ships on the scanner.
Identifier oolite.oxp.jh145.ScannerAlertingEnhancement oolite.oxp.jh145.ScannerAlertingEnhancement
Title Scanner Alerting Enhancement Scanner Alerting Enhancement
Category Equipment Equipment
Author jh145 jh145
Version 1.1 1.1
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL
License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873521


Also read


Name Visible Cost [deci-credits] Tech-Level
Scanner Alerting Enhancement yes 7500 8+


This expansion declares no ships.


This expansion declares no models.


Scripts/jh145_04_sae.js        = 'jh145_04_sae';      = 'jh145';
this.copyright   = '(C) 2015 jh145';
this.licence     = 'CC-NC-BY-SA 4.0';
this.description = 'Pre-emptive identification and alerting of new ships on the scanner.';

'use strict';

this.activated = function() {   // respond to the 'n' key

this.mode = function() {   // respond to the 'b' key

Scripts/jh145_04_world.js        = 'jh145_04_world';      = 'jh145';
this.copyright   = '(C) 2015 jh145';
this.licence     = 'CC-NC-BY-SA 4.0';
this.description = 'Pre-emptive identification and alerting of new ships on the scanner.';

'use strict';

/* ========================================================================
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * Equipment capabilities: which alert types to offer and which
 * scan classes to monitor.
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * ========================================================================

this._capabilities = [
  [ 'alerts',
    [ 'scan+con',  ['scanner','console'] ],
    [ 'scanner',   ['scanner']           ],
    [ 'console',   ['console']           ],
    [ 'none',      []                    ]
  [ 'ships',
    [ 'civilian',     ['CLASS_NEUTRAL']                                 ],
    [ 'military',     ['CLASS_MILITARY']                                ],
    [ 'police',       ['CLASS_POLICE']                                  ],
    [ 'civ+mil+pol',  ['CLASS_NEUTRAL','CLASS_MILITARY','CLASS_POLICE'] ]
  [ 'extras',
    [ 'escape pods',      ['escpods']             ],
    [ 'dockable rocks',   ['rockdocks']           ],
    [ 'pods+docks',       ['escpods','rockdocks'] ],
    [ 'none',             []                      ]

/* ========================================================================
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * Equipment "API"
 * + worldScript functions:
 *   | _SAE_nextSubmenu()       : 'n' key
 *   | _SAE_nextSubmenuItem()   : 'b' key
 *   | _SAE_updateDisplay()     : on timer
 *   | _SAE_rememberOne(target) : on targeting
 *   | _SAE_forgetAll()         : on jumping, docking or equipment failure
 * + worldScript data:
 *   | _SAE_config : capability choices
 * + Ship state induced by this equipment:
 *   | _jh145_04_haveTargeted  : boolean
 *   | _jh145_04_originalSDC   : original lollipop colours (set iff flashing)
 *   | _jh145_04_haveConLogged : boolean
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * ========================================================================

this._SAE_config = {};    // populated by this.startUp()

this._SAE_nextSubmenu = function() {
  this._capabilities = this._capabilities.slice(1).concat([this._capabilities[0]]);
  var cap = this._capabilities[0];
  player.consoleMessage( '['+cap[0]+':'+cap[1][0]+']', 2 );

this._SAE_nextSubmenuItem = function() {
  var cap = this._capabilities[0];
  this._capabilities[0] = [cap[0]].concat(cap.slice(2)).concat([cap[1]]);
  cap = this._capabilities[0];
  player.consoleMessage( '['+cap[0]+':'+cap[1][0]+']', 2 );
  this._SAE_config[cap[0]] = cap[1][1];

this._SAE_updateDisplay = function() {
  if (!this._isWorking() || player.ship.docked) return;

  var alertScanClasses = this._SAE_config.ships;
  var alertMayFlash    = (this._SAE_config.alerts.indexOf('scanner') >= 0);
  var alertMayLog      = (this._SAE_config.alerts.indexOf('console') >= 0);
  var extras           = this._SAE_config.extras;

  var ships = player.ship.checkScanner(false);
  for (var i=0; i<ships.length; i++) {
    var ship      = ships[i];
    var alertable = (
      ship._jh145_04_haveTargeted!==true && (
        || (extras.indexOf('escpods')>=0 && ship.primaryRole=='escape-capsule')
        || (extras.indexOf('rockdocks')>=0 && ship.scanClass=='CLASS_ROCK' && ship instanceof Station)

    // update lollipops
    var isFlashing = (ship._jh145_04_originalSDC!==undefined);
    var shouldFlash = (alertable && alertMayFlash);
    if (!isFlashing && shouldFlash) {
      ship._jh145_04_originalSDC = [
        ship.scannerDisplayColor1,        ship.displayColor2,
        ship.scannerHostileDisplayColor1, ship.displayColor2,
      var effectiveSDC = this._actualDisplayedColours(ship);
    } else if (isFlashing && !shouldFlash) {
      delete ship._jh145_04_originalSDC;

    // update console log
    var hasLogged = (ship._jh145_04_haveConLogged===true);
    var shouldLog = (alertable && alertMayLog);
    if (!hasLogged && shouldLog) {
      player.consoleMessage('+ '+ship.shipClassName);
      ship._jh145_04_haveConLogged = true;

this._SAE_rememberOne = function(target) {
  if (!this._isWorking()) return;
  target._jh145_04_haveTargeted = true;

this._SAE_forgetAll = function() {
  for (var i=0; i<system.allShips.length; i++) {
    var target = system.allShips[i];
    if (target._jh145_04_haveTargeted)  delete target._jh145_04_haveTargeted;
    if (target._jh145_04_haveConLogged) delete target._jh145_04_haveConLogged;
    if (target._jh145_04_originalSDC)   delete target._jh145_04_originalSDC;

/* ========================================================================
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * "Internal" functions, most of which are devoted to faffing around with
 * lollipop colour schemes.
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * ========================================================================

this._wasWorking = false;

this._isWorking = function() {
  var isWorking = (player.ship.equipmentStatus('EQ_SCANNER_ALERTING_ENHANCEMENT')=='EQUIPMENT_OK');
  if (this._wasWorking && !isWorking) this._SAE_forgetAll();
  this._wasWorking = isWorking;
  return isWorking;

this._actualDisplayedColours = function(target) {
  var sdc1  = target.scannerDisplayColor1;
  var sdc2  = target.scannerDisplayColor2;
  var shdc1 = target.scannerHostileDisplayColor1;
  var shdc2 = target.scannerHostileDisplayColor2;
  var cols  = this._defaultDisplayedColours(target.scanClass);
  var userDefinedSDC = true;

  if (!sdc1 && !sdc2) { sdc1 = cols[0]; sdc2 = cols[1]; userDefinedSDC = false; }
  else if (!sdc1)     { sdc1 = sdc2; }
  else if (!sdc2)     { sdc2 = sdc1; }

  if (!shdc1 && !shdc2) { shdc1 = userDefinedSDC ? sdc1 : cols[2];
                          shdc2 = userDefinedSDC ? sdc2 : cols[3]; }
  else if (!shdc1) { shdc1 = shdc2; }
  else if (!shdc2) { shdc2 = shdc1; }

  return [ sdc1, sdc2, shdc1, shdc2 ];

this._defaultDisplayedColours = function(scanClass) {
  var c_cargo    = [ 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0 ];  // grey
  var c_hostile  = [ 1.0, .25, 0.0, 1.0 ];  // red/orange
  var c_neutral  = [ 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ];  // yellow
  var c_friendly = [ 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ];  // green
  var c_missile  = [ 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];  // cyan
  var c_police1  = [ 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];  // purpley-blue
  var c_police2  = [ 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, 1.0 ];  // purpley-red
  switch (scanClass) {
    case 'CLASS_ROCK':
    case 'CLASS_CARGO':
      return [c_cargo,c_cargo,c_cargo,c_cargo];
    case 'CLASS_THARGOID':
      return [c_friendly,c_hostile,c_friendly,c_hostile];
    case 'CLASS_MISSILE':
      return [c_missile,c_missile,c_missile,c_missile];
    case 'CLASS_STATION':
      return [c_friendly,c_friendly,c_friendly,c_friendly];
    case 'CLASS_BUOY':
      return [c_neutral,c_friendly,c_neutral,c_friendly];
    case 'CLASS_POLICE':
    case 'CLASS_MILITARY':
      return [c_police1,c_police1,c_police1,c_police2];  // yes, 1112
    case 'CLASS_MINE':
      return [c_hostile,c_neutral,c_hostile,c_neutral];
  return [c_neutral,c_neutral,c_hostile,c_hostile];

this._writeSDC = function(target,colours) {
  var _v = function(x) { return x===undefined ? null : x; }
  target.scannerDisplayColor1        = _v(colours[0]);
  target.scannerDisplayColor2        = _v(colours[1]);
  target.scannerHostileDisplayColor1 = _v(colours[2]);
  target.scannerHostileDisplayColor2 = _v(colours[3]);

/* ========================================================================
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * Methods called by the core game.  Keep at end of script.
 * ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
 * ========================================================================

this.startUp = function() {
  this._timer = new Timer(this,this._SAE_updateDisplay,0,1.202056903);
  // 1.202... is just today's favourite number a little bigger than 1.
  for (var i=0; i<this._capabilities.length; i++) {
    var cap = this._capabilities[i];
    this._SAE_config[cap[0]] = cap[1][1];

this.shipTargetAcquired = this._SAE_rememberOne;

this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = this.shipDockedWithStation = this._SAE_forgetAll;