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Page generated: Jan 7, 2025, 2:02:46 AM |
Expansion Z-GrOovY Small System Stations
from Expansion Manager's OXP list |
from Expansion Manifest |
Description |
Adds the Octahedron Outpost and the Tetrahedron Depot to selected systems. |
Adds the Octahedron Outpost and the Tetrahedron Depot to selected systems. |
Identifier |
oolite.oxp.dertien.Z_GrOovY_SmallSystemStations |
oolite.oxp.dertien.Z_GrOovY_SmallSystemStations |
Title |
Z-GrOovY Small System Stations |
Z-GrOovY Small System Stations |
Category |
Dockables |
Dockables |
Author |
dertien, Griff, another_commander, phkb |
dertien, Griff, another_commander, phkb |
Version |
1.10 |
1.10 |
Tags |
Required Oolite Version |
Maximum Oolite Version |
Required Expansions |
Optional Expansions |
Conflict Expansions |
Information URL | |
n/a |
Download URL | |
n/a |
License |
CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
File Size |
n/a |
Upload date |
1708757147 |
Also read
*** Z-GrOovY paintshed (Ze Griff's Ooniversal vinYl paintshed) presents ***
Z_GrOovy_SML-Systemstations_1.0.oxp {CREATED} 17-Mar-2012 (Small Medium Large systemstations)
*** Contents ***
This addon is based on Griff's excellent griff_coriolis_normalmapped_alt_v2.0.oxp (now the Griff Station Bundle oxz). It will add new Tetrahedron and Octahedron stations to systems according to production quota with the same ruleset as Z grOovy System stations V1.
In short it means:
- GBP 7000 and above (Standard Griff Coriolis Station - example system: Lave)
- GBP 6999 - 4032 (Octahedron Outposts - example system: Reorte)
- GBP below 4032 (Tetrahedron Depots - example system Riedquat)
Since I worked with Griff's textures, I aligned them to the new stations as good as I could, and they don't look too shabby in my opinion.
*** Credits ***
A big thank you to:
- Giles Williams and contributors for Oolite
- Griff for his new Coriolis station
*** Dependables/Requirements ***
Has been tested and Works with Oolite 1.76
WARNING: griff_coriolis_normalmapped_alt_v2.0.oxp (now the Griff Station Bundle oxz) is required since it borrows textures to this oxp. You can download this from within the download manager. It is also set as a required OXP for this one, and will be downloaded automatically.
*** Notes ***
Looks at its best with shaders set to full of course, but will look good also with half and no shader support (at least on my GPU. I have an NVIDIA GT 630 M)
*** Installation ***
Drag and drop the OXP into your AddOns folder of Oolite in addition to the required oxp's
*** Legal bollox ***
This oxp is free to use, distribute, edit or alter as you see fit without my permission. It can not be used in any commercial product and cannot be sold. It is free software and should only cost you download time. I am not in any way liable if your break your Oolite installation using this oxp. Use at your own risk. I have successfully tested it and it works 4 me.
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
*** Z-GrOovY spaceways - Showing you new ways on how to be seen ***
Version 1.1: Updated for OXZ packaging, added condition script, Griff Station Bundle made a requirement, which eliminated the need for much of the shipdata config, and for including exact copies of all the shader code.
Version 1.2: Corrected invalid shipdata-overrides.plist file for Mac users.
Version 1.3: Made compatible with the latest version of Griff's station bundle.
Version 1.4: Corrected errors in shipdata-overrides.plist.
Version 1.5: Corrected some shader texture reference errors.
Version 1.6: Updated with specular map and normal maps from Griff and another_commander. Switched to using default Oolite shaders. Removed Griff's station bundle as required.
Version 1.7: Fixed file naming issues for Linux users. Fixed missing dock reference after removal of Griff station bundle.
Version 1.8: Re-applied condition script (which had been turned off for testing) so stations don't appear everywhere.
Version 1.9: Added docking bay flashers.
Version 1.10: Reduced mass of stations so it doesn't take as long to get out of masslock range.
This expansion declares no equipment.
This expansion declares no models.
Path |
Scripts/smlstn_conditions.js |
"use strict"; = "SMLStation_Conditions"; = "phkb";
this.copyright = "2017 phkb";
this.description = "Condition script for ships and equipment.";
this.licence = "CC BY-NC-SA 3.0";
this.allowSpawnShip = function(shipKey) {
if (shipKey === "griff_tetrahedron_mainhull_diamonds" && < 4032) return true;
if (shipKey === "griff_octahedron_mainhull_diamonds" && > 4031 && < 7000) return true;
return false;
} |