Scripts/comms-pack-a.js | = "cim";
this.copyright = "� 2011-2014 cim.";
this.licence = "CC-BY-SA 3.0";
this.version = "0.5";
"use strict";
/* World script name. For a new comms pack, change this to a unique name */ = "Comms Pack A";
/* The generic prefix used for this OXP's comms entries in
* descriptions.plist */
this.$commsPrefix = "commsPackA";
/* This function runs at game startup to set up the comms */
this.startUp = function()
/* ensure the priority AI library is started */
if (worldScripts["oolite-libPriorityAI"].startUp)
/* This object defines the communications to be set up. It has
* several layers: the first layer is the communications role for
* the ships; the second layer is the personality of the pilot;
* the third layer is the communications key, and the value is a
* key in descriptions.plist which is expanded to give the
* communications text.
* See notes in descriptions.plist for more
* information. Using descriptions.plist rather than just putting
* literal text strings in makes it much easier to reuse
* components between roles and personalities.
* The roles have standard names defined by the core Oolite AIs
* (and potentially by OXP AIs, but we're not adding any new comms
* for those here).
* The personalities we can name what we like, so they should have
* an OXP-specific prefix, in this case "commsPackA". When a ship
* is added it gets a personality picked randomly from those
* available for its role - several comms packs could be defining
* different personalities.
* The communications keys again have standard names from Oolite
* core - again, custom OXP AIs might define some more, but we
* aren't adding new comms to those here.
* Oolite defines "oolite_surrender" and "oolite_thanksForHelp" as
* generic communications, so these need redefining for every
* role, even those which don't have messages.
var comms = {
/* role: bounty hunters */
hunter: {
/* The _makeComms function saves a bit of typing on
* defining key/value entries like
* "oolite_killedTarget": "[commsPackA_vigilante_killedTarget]",
/* Comms keys/values - see
* for a list of available keys. */
/* personality: motivated by stopping criminals for 'justice' */
commsPackA_vigilante: this._makeComms("vigilante",
/* personality: motivated by being given money.
* Mostly defines the same keys as the vigilante above,
* with a few differences */
commsPackA_mercenary: this._makeComms("mercenary",
/* Traders of various sorts. No specific entries for
* trader-courier, trader-smuggler, trader-opportunist yet.
* Oolite defines "agreeingToDumpCargo" and "makeDistressCall",
* so all trader entries should include them to avoid the
* generic fallbacks. */
trader: {
/* personality: out to get the best profit from the trip */
commsPackA_capitalist: this._makeComms("capitalist",
/* personality: hoping this time will be the big one */
commsPackA_optimist: this._makeComms("optimist",
// pirates and associates
/* Oolite defines 'oolite_makePirateDemand' for pirates */
pirate: {
/* Looter: out to make a profit from "free" cargo */
commsPackA_looter: this._makeComms("looter",
/* Rebel: fighting against an oppressive state */
commsPackA_rebel: this._makeComms("rebel",
// assassins
assassin: {
/* Enforcer: working to protect a criminal organisation */
commsPackA_enforcer: this._makeComms("enforcer",
/* Freelancer: takes on contracts for the money, from
* various sources */
commsPackA_freelancer: this._makeComms("freelancer",
// police ships
police: {
/* Formal by-the-book police */
commsPackA_academy: this._makeComms("academy",
/* Aggressive police looking for a fight */
commsPackA_vicious: this._makeComms("vicious",
// escorts
escort: {
/* Paramilitary-style escorts: hired from
* professional(ish) organisations. */
commsPackA_paramilitary: this._makeComms("paramilitary",
/* Friendly escorts: probably know the crew of the ship
* they're escorting personally. */
commsPackA_friendly: this._makeComms("friendly",
// station<->surface shuttles
shuttle: {
commsPackA_cargoshuttle: this._makeComms("cargoshuttle",
commsPackA_touristshuttle: this._makeComms("touristshuttle",
// stations and rock hermits
station: {
commsPackA_mainstation: this._makeComms("mainstation",
hermit: {
commsPackA_rockhermit: this._makeComms("rockhermit",
// scavengers and miners
scavenger: {
commsPackA_loner: this._makeComms("loner",
commsPackA_cheerful: this._makeComms("cheerful",
// station defence ships
defenseShip: {
commsPackA_defenseship: this._makeComms("defenseship",
/* This loads the communications settings into the library */
/* This function makes a set of descriptions.plist entries, to save a
* little typing. 'specific' is the personality we're writing for, and
* 'entries' is an array of the communications keys (which assumes an
* oolite_ prefix on all of them. */
this._makeComms = function(specific, entries)
var result = {};
for (var i=entries.length-1;i>=0;i--)
var entry = entries[i];
result["oolite_"+entry] = "["+this.$commsPrefix+"_"+specific+"_"+entry+"]";
return result;
} |