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Page generated: Jan 7, 2025, 2:02:46 AM |
Expansion Noshader Z GrOovy Variety Packs
from Expansion Manager's OXP list |
from Expansion Manifest |
Description |
This bundle adds following ships from Dertien's Z Groovy Variety Packs the Ooniverse: his 27 retextured Cobra Mk3s, 15 Cobra Mk1s, 9 Sidewinders and a YellOo Cab Moray Starboat, to go along nicely with the default shipset of Oolite v1.80+ and/or for e.g. Computer with lowend graphics hardware. |
This bundle adds following ships from Dertien's Z Groovy Variety Packs the Ooniverse: his 27 retextured Cobra Mk3s, 15 Cobra Mk1s, 9 Sidewinders and a YellOo Cab Moray Starboat, to go along nicely with the default shipset of Oolite v1.80+ and/or for e.g. Computer with lowend graphics hardware. |
Identifier |
oolite.oxp.amah.noshaders_ZGrOovy_varietypacks |
oolite.oxp.amah.noshaders_ZGrOovy_varietypacks |
Title |
Noshader Z GrOovy Variety Packs |
Noshader Z GrOovy Variety Packs |
Category |
Retextures |
Retextures |
Author |
Michael -Amah- Doering |
Michael -Amah- Doering |
Version |
1.1.1 |
1.1.1 |
Tags |
ships |
ships |
Required Oolite Version |
Maximum Oolite Version |
Required Expansions |
Optional Expansions |
Conflict Expansions |
Information URL | |
n/a |
Download URL | |
n/a |
License |
CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 |
File Size |
n/a |
Upload date |
1610873236 |
Also read
noshaders_v1.0.0 - converted diffuses and lightmaps to use with no shaders
- cleaned up and updated shipdata to new roles and ai (mld)
noshaders_v1.1.0 - fixed old style subentities to make Oolite v1.81+ happy.
- less frequent sidwinders varieties
noshaders_v1.1.1 - roles of sidewinders,fixed bug with cobramk3 (spotted by phkb)
*** Z-GrOovY paintshed (Ze Griff's Ooniversal vinYl paintshed) presents ***
Z_GrOovy_CobraMk1_Variety_Pack.oxp {RELEASE} 23-Jan-2014
*** Contents ***
Since the Cobra Mk 3 variety pack was liked by many people, I decided to remake one for the Cobbie Mk 1 as well. They are not based on the same schemes as the Mk 3 's but look good anyhow.
How about a custom paint job for your favorite Cobra Mk1 Commander? A total number of 15 limited edition Cobra Mk 1's have been decorated using heat resistant vinyls and solar flare proof paint. See your Cobra Mk 1 retailer for details on pricing and options.
- 15 Unique Cobra Mk1's are available. Discover them all and own your favorite.
*** Credits ***
A big thank you to:
- Giles Williams and contributors for Oolite
- Griff for his Triangular ship remakes and his shaders
*** Dependables/Requirements ***
Has been tested and Works with Oolite 1.77.2
WARNING: Requires
- Oolite 1.77.1 or 1.79 tested and works on both.
- Griff_Shipset_Replace_v1.34.oxp
- Griff_Shipset_Resources_v1.2.25.oxp
found here:
*** Installation ***
Drag and drop this into your AddOns folder of Oolite in addition to the required oxp's
*** Legal bollox ***
This oxp is free to use, distribute, edit or alter as you see fit without my permission. It can not be used in any commercial product and cannot be sold. It is free software and should only cost you download time. I am not in any way liable if your break your Oolite installation using this oxp. Use at your own risk. I have successfully tested it and it works 4 me.
*** Z-GrOovY spaceways - Showing you new ways on how to be seen ***
*** Z-GrOovY paintshed (Ze Griff's Ooniversal vinYl paintshed) presents ***
Z_GrOovy_Cobra_Sidewinder_Variety_Pack.oxp {RELEASE} 25-Jan-2014
*** Contents ***
Since the Cobra Mk 3 variety pack was liked by many people, and the Cobbie Mk 1 as well, I decided to release something that has been on my harddrive... for a long time. Again different paintschemes from the Cobbies.
How about a custom paint job for your favorite Sidewinder Commander? A total number of 7 limited edition Sidewinders have been decorated using heat resistant vinyls and solar flare proof paint. See your Shipdealer for details on pricing and options.
- 7 Unique Sidewinders are available. Discover them all and own your favorite.
*** Credits ***
A big thank you to:
- Giles Williams and contributors for Oolite
- Griff for his Triangular ship remakes and his shaders
*** Dependables/Requirements ***
Has been tested and Works with Oolite 1.77.2
WARNING: Requires
- Oolite 1.77.1 or 1.79 tested and works on both.
- Griff_Shipset_Replace_v1.34.oxp
- Griff_Shipset_Resources_v1.2.25.oxp
found here:
*** Installation ***
Drag and drop this into your AddOns folder of Oolite in addition to the required oxp's
*** Legal bollox ***
This oxp is free to use, distribute, edit or alter as you see fit without my permission. It can not be used in any commercial product and cannot be sold. It is free software and should only cost you download time. I am not in any way liable if your break your Oolite installation using this oxp. Use at your own risk. I have successfully tested it and it works 4 me.
*** Z-GrOovY spaceways - Showing you new ways on how to be seen ***
*** Z-GrOovY paintshed (Ze Griff's Ooniversal vinYl paintshed) presents ***
Z_GrOovy_Griffs_CobraMk3_Variety_Pack.oxp {UPDATED} 25-Jan-2014
*** Contents ***
How about a custom paint job for your favorite Cobra Mk3 Commander? A total number of 27 limited edition Cobra Mk 3's have been decorated using heat resistant vinyls and solar flare proof paint. See your Cobra Mk 3 retailer for details on pricing and options.
- 27 Unique Cobra Mk3's are available. Discover them all and own your favorite.
*** Credits ***
A big thank you to:
- Giles Williams and contributors for Oolite
- Griff for his Triangular ship remakes and his shaders
- Smivs for helping me out with streamlining the code
Upate 27 December 2013.
- Diziet Sma for making a patch that will work with Griff_Shipset_Resources_v1.2.25.oxp and Griff_Shipset_Replace_v1.34.oxp.
His patch is now included in the pack, and will no longer require an extra patch.
Update 25 January 2014
- Updated the Pack to work with Oolite Trunk (1.79 at the moment) and 1.77.1. Sometimes the "black decal square" would show up with Oolite Trunk. This has now been corrected.
*** Dependables/Requirements ***
Has been tested and Works with Oolite 1.74.2
WARNING: Requires "griff_shipset_all_in_1.oxp" which can be found here:
*** Installation ***
Drag and drop this into your AddOns folder of Oolite in addition to the required oxp's
*** Legal bollox ***
This oxp is free to use, distribute, edit or alter as you see fit without my permission. It can not be used in any commercial product and cannot be sold. It is free software and should only cost you download time. I am not in any way liable if your break your Oolite installation using this oxp. Use at your own risk. I have successfully tested it and it works 4 me.
*** Z-GrOovY paintshed - We've got your hull covered ! de facto ! ***
Z-GrOovY paintshed (Ze Griff's Ooniversal vinYl paintshed) presents
Z_GrOovy_YellOo_Cab_Variety_Pack.oxp {UPDATED} 27-Jan-2011
*** Contents ***
YellOo cab taxi services fly the utility vehicle of choice; the Moray starboat. Reliable, cheap to run and almost maintance free...
This is a Griff's replacement model and texture pack for Smiv's YellOo cab oxp. I have meticulously duplicated smivs shipdata.plist file. So gameplay wise all the data is the same exept for the Model and the texture.
This oxp comes with two textures in the texture folder:
The taxi.png will show up ingame when you install the oxp (the dirty one). Just swap/rename the file taxi_alt.png to taxi.png if you want clean cabs.
I couldn't show both ingame simultaneously since all files depend on on smiv's oxp which features one taxi with one texture.
*** Credits ***
A big thank you to:
- Giles Williams and contributors for Oolite
- Griff for his Triangular ship remakes and his shaders
- Smivs for helping me out with streamlining the code, and his YellOo cab oxp.
*** Dependables/Requirements ***
Has been tested and Works with Oolite 1.74.2
WARNING: Requires: The YellOo cab oxp. (
*** Installation ***
Drag and drop this into your AddOns folder of Oolite in addition to the required oxp.
*** Legal bollox ***
This oxp is free to use, distribute, edit or alter as you see fit without my permission. It can not be used in any commercial product and cannot be sold. It is free software and should only cost you download time. I am not in any way liable if your break your Oolite installation using this oxp. Use at your own risk. I have successfully tested it and it works 4 me.
*** Z-GrOovY paintshed - We've got your hull covered ! de facto ! ***
Based on Instructions by Captain Solo:
(some additional effect map channels used for engine glow)
1) Load "diffuse.png" into GIMP.
2) Decompose to RGB layers. You don't need the greyscale alpha layer.
3) Compose to RGB.
4) Duplicate the background layer so you now have two layers.
5) Change the layer mode of the top layer to overlay.
6) Change the opacity setting to roughly between 70% and 80%.
7) Merge the top layer down. This is your base diffuse texture
8) Load "normal.png" into GIMP
9) Decompose to RGBA
10) Move the alpha channel to the top, select all and copy.
11) Paste the copied greyscale image as a new image. This is your glow map.
12) Now back to the normal map layers, delete the alpha channel.
13) Compose to RGB
14) Under the colors menu select Desaturate, and choose desaturate by Luminosity.
15) Select all and copy. This is your pseudo relief texture.
16) Go back to your diffuse texture and Paste as new layer.
17) Change the layer mode to Grain Merge, and merge it down to the bottom layer.
*a) Load the "effects" texture
*b) decompose to RGB, copy alpha and green channel and insert each as new layer on the diffuse texture,
change layer modes for them to overlay and opacity to 30%
18) Now go to your greyscale glow map from step 11, select all and copy.
*d) back to the decomposed effects texture from *a)
*e) paste as new layer
*f) set layer mode of all layers to Screen
*g) Under the Image menu choose flatten image
*h) select all and copy.
19) Back to your diffuse texture, right click on the image, select Layer, then Mask and Add Layer Mask
20) Set the layer mask to Black.
21) Cntrl V - paste the glow map on top of the layer mask.
22) Anchor the floating layer to the background image.
23) You will see two representations in the layer dialog. Click on the left one.
24) Export as your new shaderless_diffuse texture.
Finally you will need to edit the shipdata.plist file and change the material section to the following:
materials =
"Hull" =
diffuse_map = "shaderless_diffuse.png";
specular_color = ( 0.2, 0.2, 0.2 );
shininess = 5;
emission_map = { name = "shaderless_diffuse.png"; extract_channel = "a"; };
emission_modulate_color = (0.9926, 0.9686, 0.7325);
Good luck.
Griff's NoShader Z GrOovy Vinyl Paintshed designs
An oxp for Oolite that adds different Z GrOovy-textured Cobra Mark Is, IIs and Sidewinders to the no shadered Ooniverse
Z_Groovy/Dertien's alternative fantastic textures for Griff's ship models.
In this OXP, only the textures were modified so they render well on GPU's that do not support OpenGL shading language.
The clever procedure how to convert was developed by Captain SOLO.
Tested with Oolite 1.80. No dependencies.
Credits or rather still "Standing on shoulders of giants":
* Z_Groovy/Dertien (check out his bbs and hpc ships), see Readme.old for original readme.
* Griff for his marvelous ship designs
* Captain Solo, who invented a clever way to convert them for computers with shaderless GPUs and helped me
extensively to explain how it was done for his noshader shipset (now default ships for 1.80)
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0.
Michael "Amah" Doering
This expansion declares no models.
Path |
Scripts/berthControl-conditions.js |
/*jslint white: true, undef: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true */
/*global missionVariables, player*/
"use strict"; = "berthControl-conditions"; = "Nyarlatothep";
this.copyright = "This script is hereby placed in the public domain.";
this.version = "1.2";
/* contexts: npc, purchase, scripted, newShip, (loading), (damage), (portable) */
this.allowAwardEquipment = function(equipment, ship, context)
// OXP hook to allow stations to forbid specific equipment
if (context == "purchase" && player.ship.dockedStation && player.ship.dockedStation.scriptInfo["oolite-barred-equipment"])
if (player.ship.dockedStation.scriptInfo["oolite-barred-equipment"].indexOf(equipment) != -1)
return false;
// fixed berthts?
var fixedBerths = ship.scriptInfo.fixedBerths;
if (context == "purchase" && (fixedBerths === "Yes" || fixedBerths === "Y"))
player.consoleMessage(missionVariables.berthControl_marketMessage, 1.5);
return false;
if (context == "purchase" && equipment == "EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH_REMOVAL")
//var removableBerths = parseInt(missionVariables.berthControl_removableBerths);
if (missionVariables.berthControl_removableBerths === 0)
player.consoleMessage(missionVariables.berthControl_marketMessage, 1.5);
return false;
// otherwise allowed
return true;
Scripts/berthControl.js |
/*jslint white: true, undef: true, eqeqeq: true, bitwise: true, regexp: true, newcap: true, immed: true */
"use strict";
// Standard attributes = "BerthControl"; = "Smivs, Nyarlatothep";
this.copyright = "This script is hereby placed in the public domain.";
this.version = "1.2";
this.description = "Passenger berths management script.";
this.playerBoughtNewShip = function(ship)
// set removable berth count when ship is bought
missionVariables.berthControl_removableBerths = null;
missionVariables.berthControl_marketMessage = null;
var msg = "";
var berths = ship.passengerCapacity; // !
var fixedBerths = ship.scriptInfo.fixedBerths;
// get bool value from string
fixedBerths = (fixedBerths === "Yes" || fixedBerths === "Y");
if (fixedBerths)
msg = "This ship cannot be equipped with standard Passenger Berths.";
var minBerths = parseInt(ship.scriptInfo.minBerths);
// ensure minBerth is a valid integer & it's > 0
if (fixedBerths || (!isNaN(minBerths) && minBerths > 0))
// no berths to start with? no need for minBerths!
if (berths > 0)
// calculate the actual number of permanent berths
if (fixedBerths || minBerths > berths) minBerths = berths;
// compose a nice formatted message...
msg = (minBerths === berths ? "The " + minBerths : minBerths + " of the" ) + " Passenger Berth" + (berths === 1 ? "" : "s");
msg += " that came with the ship cannot be " + (fixedBerths? "modified" : "removed") + " at this shipyard.";
// save the number of removable berths for later
missionVariables.berthControl_removableBerths = berths - minBerths;
if (msg !== "")
player.consoleMessage(msg, 5);
// save a message for later
if (berths > 0 && minBerths > 0)
msg = minBerths + " Passenger Berths cannot be modified at this shipyard."
missionVariables.berthControl_marketMessage = msg;
this.playerBoughtEquipment = function(equipment)
if (missionVariables.berthControl_removableBerths === null)
// no berthControl mission variable? do nothing
if (equipment == "EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH")
missionVariables.berthControl_removableBerths++; // update counter
if (equipment == "EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH_REMOVAL")
missionVariables.berthControl_removableBerths--; // update counter
} |