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Expansion Noshader Z GrOovy Extra ships



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from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description This bundle adds following Z Groovy ships by Dertien the Ooniverse: Viper Raider and the Cobra AC (modelled after the BBC Micro Elite covership), to go along nicely with the default shipset of Oolite v1.80+ and/or for e.g. Computer with lowend graphics hardware. This bundle adds following Z Groovy ships by Dertien the Ooniverse: Viper Raider and the Cobra AC (modelled after the BBC Micro Elite covership), to go along nicely with the default shipset of Oolite v1.80+ and/or for e.g. Computer with lowend graphics hardware.
Identifier oolite.oxp.amah.noshaders_ZGrOovy_extraships oolite.oxp.amah.noshaders_ZGrOovy_extraships
Title Noshader Z GrOovy Extra ships Noshader Z GrOovy Extra ships
Category Retextures Retextures
Author Michael -Amah- Doering Michael -Amah- Doering
Version 1.0.2 1.0.2
Tags ships ships
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL n/a
License CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873379





Z_GrOovy_Viper_Raider.oxp 03-09-13	- updated Z_GrOovy_Cobra AC engines to prevent black engines.
noshaders_v1.0.0			- removed shader entries, converted diffuses and lightmaps to use with no shaders
					- cleaned up and updated shipdata to new roles and ai
					- added "bbcbox shot"-like decals, changed exhaust trails to orange glow
noshaders_v1.0.1			- added condition script for Viper Raider
noshaders_v1.0.2			- bug reported by phkb fixed. Thanks a lot to Norby for info and references


*** Z-GrOovY paintshed (Ze Griff's Ooniversal vinYl paintshed)  presents ***

Z_GrOovy_CobraAC.oxp {1.0} 26-feb-2011

*** Contents ***

Dearest esteemed conoisseur.

We Congratulate you on the acquisition of our finest creation and we welcome you among the ranks of the elite few who have the pleasure of piloting the Cobra Advanced Classic spacecraft. May her retrofashion hull lines fool many competitors and foes in underestimating her excellent performance and vicious bite.

CSEC (Cobra Space Engineering Corporation) - Cobra AC Division.

History and review

An exerpt of the speech given by Daniel "Daddy" Hogarth, ex-navy Commander, current spacecraft test-pilot and Cobra Space Engineering Corporation spokesman for the press conference at the Ooniversal shipshow fair on April 8 3313. North Side fairgrounds, Dodec station Aona System.

"You must know that the Cobra AC and also the Cobra Mk III we know today, are based on the blueprints of the Cobra X-13 prototype that flew for the first time when I was a boy a little less than half a century ago."

"At the time, the design was shelved because it didn't catch on, production costs had to be cut and also simply because the chunky originals were easier to maintain and preferred by the public. However, opinion polls and focus group results changed dramatically the last few years, and with the release of the Neolite collection onto the market recently, the latest sibling in the Cobra family has a visual retro feel to it."

"In foresight of the fashion change, the board of directors at CSEC put a special design team to work to revive these curvy hull lines so prominent of the Dark Wheel era and mold them into a state of the art package our forefathers can be proud of."

"The result is the ship you see here on display, the sleek AC, that I had the pleasure to test fly myself. I can assure you, ladies and gentlemen, that our engineers did not cut corners. It is a combination of robust CSEC tradition and state of the art technology and , and although it shares the same lineage than the popular Cobra Mk-III the comparison ends there."

"It has a wider but thinner body making it "very hard to hit in a Jousting run" as my good pal TGHC would say. This will without a doubt please the more fortunate bounty hunters and privateers among you that have the necessary credits to consider this beauty. It exceeds, although by not much all the specs of its trade-version brother exept for the size of the cargo hold and its yaw ratio and it is no coincidence that Galnav's special branch; the elite "Rider squadron" already flies a militarized version of the AC."

As A final word I wish to say this: She is everything that she looks and more. Review the spec sheet in the folder for more details and availability. Don't forget to check out the holovid in the cinema room.

*** specifics ***

- New Cobra variant available from systems with tech level 11 and up.
- New textures and new 3D model. 
- Orange Glow color for the engines. (works only with full shaders on)

*** Debugging ? ***

Found something I can fix ? leave me a message on the Oolite BB, and I'll see what I can do.

*** Glitches ***

- When applying half shaders, the engine nacelles are white. I don't know what is causing this, but you can remedy it by playing the game with no shader support or full shader support. 
If you need to play the game with simple shader support the problem can be solved by deleting the AC_Engines_Normal.png file from the textures folder. 

*** Credits ***
A big thank you to:

- Giles Williams and contributors for Oolite.
- Griff for his shaders (engine glow) and his constrictor engine nacelles that I shamelessly stole from him, and a few minor parts for textures.
- All the other enthusiasts on the forum.

*** Dependables/Requirements ***

This oxp is standalone.
Has been tested and works out of the box with Oolite 1.74.2 and onwards.

*** Installation ***

For People playing Oolite with full and no shader support:

Drag and drop this into your AddOns folder of Oolite.

For people who have set their Oolite gameplay settings on simple shaders, drag and drop the oxp into your AddOns folder AND delete or rename the file "AC_Engines_Normal.png" in the texture folder.

*** Legal bollox ***

This oxp is free to use, distribute, edit or alter as you see fit without my permission. It can not be used in any commercial product and cannot be sold. It is free software and should only cost you download time. I am not in any way liable if your break your Oolite installation using this oxp. Use at your own risk. I have successfully tested it and it works 4 me. Should you publish this mod or a altered version hereof for use in another project please have the courtesy to send me a mail at with details.



*** Z-GrOovY paintshed - Showing you new ways on how to be seen ***


Griff's NoShader extra Cobra AC.

An oxp for Oolite that adds the Cobra AC ship to the no shadered Ooniverse. The Cobra AC was modelled by Dertein to remind of
the ship on the boxshot of the BBC Micro edition of Elite.
Z_Groovy/Dertien's fantastic models and textures for some extra ships.

In this OXP, only the textures were modified so they render well on GPU's that do not support OpenGL shading language.
The clever procedure how to convert was developed by Captain SOLO.

Tested with Oolite 1.80. No dependencies. 

After unzipping, move the folder, "NoShaders_z_groovy_cobra_ac_v1.0.0.oxp" to the AddOns Folder of your Oolite installation. 

Credits or rather still "Standing on shoulders of giants":
* Z_Groovy/Dertien (check out his bbs and hpc ships), see Readme.old for original readme.

* Captain Solo, who invented a clever way to convert them for computers with shaderless GPUs and helped me 
  extensively to explain how it was done for his noshader shipset (now default ships for 1.80)

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0.

Michael "Amah" Doering



This expansion declares no equipment. This may be related to warnings.


Cobra AC
Viper Raider
Viper Raider
Viper Raider
Cobra AC
Cobra AC
Cobra AC
Cobra AC
Cobra AC
Cobra AC
Cobra AC
Cobra AC
Cobra AC


This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.


Scripts/zg_viperraiderconditions.js      = "amah"; 
this.copyright   = "2014 Amah"; 
this.licence = "CC-BY-SA 3.0";
this.version     = "1.0.0"; = "NoShaders condition script";

"use strict";
this.allowOfferShip = function(shipKey)
  var cond = false;
    if (system.techlevel < 6)
	  cond = true;
  return cond;

this.allowSpawnShip = function(shipkey) 
  var cond = false;
  if (system.government < 1 && system.economy >5)
	  cond = true;
	return cond;