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RNRL_Stormbrewer OXZ ver 2.9.4 (2.5.2016)
Author: Morgan Orr
Red Neck Rocketscience Laboratories introduces a fast, nimble, heavy-medium class starship with enough cargo space to serve as a light trader. Apparently underground shipyards have acquired plans and have managed to build prototypes but its unlikely that they can match the performance level of the Ayboolgen~Gelnsdottyr drives pushing a Sky Horse hull.
* Oolite 1.80 or higher
Install the OXZ with the OXZ manager.
Jens Ayton // Shader code
Griff // Shader code
I would like to thank Giles Williams, Jens Ayton and the rest of the development team for creating and maintaining Oolite©, and thanks to everyone on the BB for all the great information if you posted anything about texturing, shaders, wings3D, or creating and releasing OXPs then you have helped make this OXP a reality.
Special thanks must be given to Jens Ayton, Staer9, and Griff, the shaders used for this are based on Staer9's shipset shaders.
*Version 2.0.0 updates:
*Changed to OXZ format and updated AIs to js. Combined basic model and XS into 1 OXZ.
*Version 1.9.3 updates:
*Fixed typo in shipdata.plist line 63 ("aft-weapon_type" = "WEAPON_BEAN_LASER"; changed to "aft_weapon_type" = "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER";).
*Version 1.9.2 updates:
*Changed pricing based on Lestradae's math (was 388,000 now 312,000).
*Changed shiplibrary.plist to reflect player version weapon pylons count.
*Removed ryder and trader-alt versions as they are included in XS package.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
~~~I STRONGLY encourage the modification and development of this free software by anyone to meet your needs, I only ask that you give me credit for the original work. Thanks and enjoy.~~~