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Expansion Overdrive



  1. -> 404 Not Found
  2. Information URL mismatch between OXP Manifest and Expansion Manager string length at character position 0


from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description FE Shipyards will re-route part of your Jump circuitry, linking it to your vehicle's velocity-controller. When full speed is set, J-drive will engage in a limited mode, similar in effect to an injector, but silent, fluid, faster, and without the attendant fuel-waste. We call it the O-drive. To disengage it, decelerate to below your normal top speed. FE Shipyards will re-route part of your Jump circuitry, linking it to your vehicle's velocity-controller. When full speed is set, J-drive will engage in a limited mode, similar in effect to an injector, but silent, fluid, faster, and without the attendant fuel-waste. We call it the O-drive. To disengage it, decelerate to below your normal top speed.
Identifier oolite.oxp.Reval.Overdrive oolite.oxp.Reval.Overdrive
Title Overdrive Overdrive
Category Equipment Equipment
Author Reval Reval
Version 1.5 1.5
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL n/a
License CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
File Size n/a
Upload date 1670716196



Name Visible Cost [deci-credits] Tech-Level
Overdrive yes 70000 5+


This expansion declares no ships. This may be related to warnings.


This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.


"use strict" = "Overdrive"; = "Reval";
this.license = "CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0";
this.version = "1.5";
this.description = "FE Shipyards will re-route part of your Jump circuitry, linking it to your vehicle's velocity-controller. When full speed is set, J-drive will engage in a limited mode, similar in effect to an injector, but silent, fluid, faster, and without the attendant fuel-waste. We call it the O-drive. To disengage it, decelerate to below your normal top speed.";

this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function() {
	// start monitor if O-D installed and connected
	this.$ajHasEq = (player.ship.equipmentStatus ("EQ_AUTO_J") === "EQUIPMENT_OK");
	if ((this.$ajConnected) && (this.$ajHasEq)) {
		if(!this.$ajTimer) this.$ajTimer=new Timer(this,this._ajMonitorSpeed.bind(this),0,0.25);
		// note nominal maximum speed
		this.$ajMaxSpeed = player.ship.maxSpeed;
		// if E.T. present, use the Guild's enhanced speed
		if (this.$ajET)
			this.$ajETLast = worldScripts["Elite Trader"].$etLastSpeed;

this.shipWillDockWithStation = function(station) {
	if (this.$ajHasEq) this._ajStopOverdrive();

this.shipDockedWithStation = function(station) {
	// prepare connect/disconnect options Interface
	var ps=player.ship;
	if (ps.equipmentStatus ("EQ_AUTO_J") === "EQUIPMENT_OK") 

this.shipWillEnterWitchspace = function(cause) {
     // stop O-D before entering witchspace
	if (this.$ajHasEq) this._ajStopOverdrive();

this.playerWillSaveGame = function() {
	// save connected status
	if (this.$ajConnected) var con=1; else var con=0;
	missionVariables.ajConnected = con;

this.startUPComplete = function() {
	// load connected status
	if (missionVariables.ajConnected != null) {
		var con=missionVariables.ajConnected;
		this.$ajConnected = (con == 1);

this.startUp = function() {
	// is E.T. present?
	this.$ajET = false;
	if (worldScripts["Elite Trader"]) 
		this.$ajET = true;
	// record etLastSpeed
	this.$ajETLast = player.ship.maxSpeed;
	// O-drive connection switch
	this.$ajConnected = true;
	this.$ajEngaged = false;
	this.$ajMaxed = false;
	this.$ajFactor = 10.0;
	this.$ajMaxSpeed = player.ship.maxSpeed;
	this.$ajHasEq = false;
	// for total reset (connect/disconnect)
	this.$ajNominal = player.ship.maxSpeed;

this.playerBoughtEquipment = function(equipment, paid) {
	var pc = player.consoleMessage;
	var ps = player.ship;
	if (equipment == "EQ_AUTO_J") {
		pc("Re-routing J-circuits for O-drive.",9);
		pc("Overdrive is operative.",9);
		// prepare connect/disconnect options 
		var sta = player.ship.dockedStation;			
		if (ps.equipmentStatus ("EQ_AUTO_J") === "EQUIPMENT_OK") 

this._ajAdjustSpeed = function() {
	if (!this.$ajEngaged)
		if (!this.$ajMaxed) {
			this.$ajMaxed = true;

this._ajMonitorSpeed = function() {
	var pss = player.ship.speed;
	if (this.$ajEngaged) {
		// stop the O-drive if J-Drive engaged
		if (player.ship.torusEngaged) 
		// stop the O-drive if decelerated to marker
		if (pss < this.$ajMaxSpeed)
	} else {
		// start the O-drive
		if ((pss==this.$ajETLast) || (pss==this.$ajMaxSpeed)) {
			player.consoleMessage("O-drive engaged.");

this._ajStopOverdrive = function() {
	if (this.$ajET)
		player.ship.maxSpeed = this.$ajETLast; else
	this.$ajEngaged = false;
	this.$ajMaxed = false;
	player.consoleMessage("O-drive disengaged.");

// create Overdrive connection options  
this._ajPrepOptions = function(station) {
	title: "Your FE Shipyards O-drive connection options",
	category: "Your FE Shipyards",
	summary: "FE Shipyards offers the option to connect or disconnect your Overdrive. This will also act as a 'reset' in case of unexpected behaviour." ,
	callback: this._ajShowOptions.bind(this)

// show Overdrive connection options
this._ajShowOptions = function() {
	var parameters = new Object();
	parameters.title = "Overdrive Connection Options";
	parameters.message = "Connect or disconnect your Overdrive circuits? \n\n";
	parameters.choicesKey = "ajChoice";
	mission.runScreen(parameters, callback);	

	function callback(choice) {
		if (choice === "1_CONNECT") {
			this.$ajConnected = true;
			this.$ajEngaged = false;
			this.$ajMaxed = false;
			if (this.$ajET)
				this.$ajETLast = worldScripts["Elite Trader"].$etLastSpeed; else
				this.$ajMaxSpeed = this.$ajNominal;
			player.commsMessage("Overdrive is connected.");
		} else {
			this.$ajConnected = false;
			this.$ajEngaged = false;
			this.$ajMaxed = false;
			if (this.$ajET)
				this.$ajETLast = worldScripts["Elite Trader"].$etLastSpeed; else
				this.$ajMaxSpeed = this.$ajNominal;
			player.commsMessage("Overdrive is disconnected.");