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Expansion Saleza Aeronautics



from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Adds Bellatrix Cruisers, Rigel Tactical Bombers and Saiph Interceptors to high tech corporate systems. Adds Bellatrix Cruisers, Rigel Tactical Bombers and Saiph Interceptors to high tech corporate systems.
Identifier oolite.oxp.Ramirez.SalezaAeronautics oolite.oxp.Ramirez.SalezaAeronautics
Title Saleza Aeronautics Saleza Aeronautics
Category Ships Ships
Author Ramirez Ramirez
Version 2.3.4 2.3.4
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL n/a
License CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873486


Also read


Oolite OXP

Saleza Aeronautics v2.3.4
Ramirez, October 2010


Three ships from Saleza Aeronautics, an independent design bureau specialising in military assault craft. 


- Fixed a missing semicolon.


- Added a sanity check in the world script for interstellar space and etc.
- Set auto_ai on the ships with standart roles for better fit into scenarios or roles.
- Modified an exhaust and exhaust color.
- Replaced mining laser to military laser for Bellatrix Cruiser.
- Fixed a flasher.


- Rebalanced shld value and added the galaxy numbers to condition rule.
- Fix error of the ship name.


- Update new format of plist.
- Spawning of ship to G4 default value then start Trident Down Mission, other state and galaxies is small value.
- Decrease rigel for player from 0.3 to 0.02 in the shipyard.

v2.3 - small case correction to shipdata, and removed the experimental rigel.js script to avoid creating error logs

v2.2 - updated ship appearance script for compatibility with Oolite v1.74.

v2.1 - small update to replace a deprecated AI function, and a fix to some escort activity.


Saiph Interceptor

The Saiph is an NPC-only fighter-interceptor with a limited shield capacity but good speed and 
manoeuverability.  They are usually found operating alongside GalCop units, though some have 
found their way into the hands of wealthy bounty hunters who use them for hit and run attacks. 


Rigel Tactical Bomber

The Rigel is a medium-sized bomber designed for close support operations against surface 
targets such space stations and planetary defenses.  It has a 40t internal stores capacity 
used for housing missiles, mines and bombs.  Like the Saiph, GalCop is operating Rigels in some
systems alongside the Viper range of defence craft, usually with a pair of Saiphs as escort.  
Ex-service models are occasionally available for purchase at high-tech shipyards and although
expensive, come packed with many features as standard.


Bellatrix Cruiser

The Bellatrix is a heavy cruiser used to patrol the outer reaches of GalCop-controlled space.  
Equipped with a powerful laser armament and a range of stand-off munitions, it also carries a
defensive plasma cannon capable of destroying incoming missiles.
Bellatrix battle groups have been sighted in a number of high-tech Corporate States, countering the threat
of increasing pirate activity in these systems.  

The Saiph is inspired by the Grumman X-29 and Sukhoi Su-47 forward-swept wing aircraft prototypes,
while the Bellatrix is based on the Horten Ho 229 bomber prototype developed for the Luftwaffe in 1944.
The turret on the Bellatrix uses some of the textures and technical bits and pieces from the Behemoth OXP.


This expansion declares no equipment.


Bellatrix Cruiser
Ball Turret
Rigel Tactical Bomber
Rigel Tactical Bomber
Rigel Tactical Bomber
Saiph Interceptor


This expansion declares no models.


Scripts/saleza.js 		= "saleza.js"; 		= "Ramirez";
this.copyright 		= "June 2010";
this.description 	= "World script for Saleza Aeronautics ship appearances";
this.version 		= "1.2";

"use strict";

this.setUpSystem = function()
        // Sanity check
        if (system.isInterstellarSpace || !system.sun || system.sun.isGoingNova || system.sun.hasGoneNova) { return; }

	// search for presence of Trident Down dependencies
	var shld_1, shld_2, shld_3;
	if (missionVariables.trident_down === null) 
		shld_1 = 0.96; shld_2 = 0.92; shld_3 = 0.98;
	else if (missionVariables.trident_down_completed === "TRUE" && galaxyNumber > 5)
		shld_1 = 0.85; shld_2 = 0.80; shld_3 = 0.90;
	else if (missionVariables.trident_down_completed === "TRUE" && galaxyNumber > 3)
		shld_1 = 0.80; shld_2 = 0.75; shld_3 = 0.85;
	else if (missionVariables.trident_down_completed === "TRUE" && galaxyNumber < 3)
		shld_1 = 0.90; shld_2 = 0.86; shld_3 = 0.94;
        else // default for Trident Down mission
		shld_1 = 0.4; shld_2 = 0.2; shld_3 = 0.7;
	this.randomNumber = (Math.random())	
	if (system.government === 7) 
		if (system.techLevel < 10)
			if (randomNumber > shld_1)
				//system.legacy_addSystemShips("rigel", 1, 0.3)
				//system.legacy_addSystemShips("saiph", 2, 0.6)
                                system.addShips("rigel", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
                                system.addShips("saiph", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
		if (system.techLevel > 9)
			if (randomNumber > shld_1)
				//system.legacy_addSystemShips("bellatrix", 1, 0.3)
                                system.addShips("bellatrix", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
	if (system.government === 3 && system.techLevel > 9)
		if (randomNumber > shld_2)
			//system.legacy_addSystemShips("rigel", 1, 0.4)
                        system.addShips("rigel", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
	if (system.government > 4)
		if (randomNumber > shld_3)
			// v1
                        //system.legacy_addSystemShips("saiph", 1, 0.4)
                        // v2
                        //system.addShipsToRoute("saiph", 1, 0.1 + (Math.random() * 0.7), "wp")
                        // v3
                        system.addShips("saiph", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)

this.randomPositionOnRoute = function ()
    var end = system.mainPlanet.position;
    end.z -= 2 * system.mainPlanet.radius;
    return Vector3D.interpolate([0,0,0], end, Math.random()).add(Vector3D.randomDirectionAndLength(20E3));

this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function () 