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Expansion Executive SpaceWays



from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Adds Delta/Gemini Escorts, Starseeker/Trident Executive Shuttles and Strelka Cruise Liners for the Trident Down Mission pack. Adds Delta/Gemini Escorts, Starseeker/Trident Executive Shuttles and Strelka Cruise Liners for the Trident Down Mission pack.
Identifier oolite.oxp.Ramirez.ExecutiveSpaceWays oolite.oxp.Ramirez.ExecutiveSpaceWays
Title Executive SpaceWays Executive SpaceWays
Category Ships Ships
Author Ramirez Ramirez
Version 2.4.4 2.4.4
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
  • oolite.oxp.Ramirez.TridentDown:2.5.2
  • oolite.oxp.Ramirez.TridentDown:2.5.2
  • Conflict Expansions
    Information URL n/a
    Download URL n/a
    License CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
    File Size n/a
    Upload date 1610873480


    Also read


    Oolite OXP
    Executive SpaceWays v2.4.4
    Ramirez, 2012
    This OXP consists of a collection of ships from the commercial transport company, Executive SpaceWays.  All ships are available for purchase at high-tech shipyards. 
    - Fixed a missing semicolon.
    - Added a sanity check in the world script for interstellar space and etc.
    - Set auto_ai on the ships with standart roles for better fit into scenarios or roles.
    - Rebalanced roles to decrease value for escort and shuttle.
    - Fixed a flasher.
    - Rebalanced shld value and added the galaxy numbers to condition rule.
    - Update new format of plist.
    - Spawning of ship to G4 default value then start Trident Down Mission, other state and galaxies is small value.
    - Decrease chance for purchase at high-tech shipyards to 10 times.
    v2.4, January 2012:
    - Minor fix to syntax error in descriptions.plist that prevent liner comms messages from working properly
    v2.3, June 2010:
    - Converted ship appearance script into javascript for compatibility with Oolite v1.74
    v2.2, December 2007:
    - Minor fix to roles to ensure compatibility with Oolite v1.70
    v2.1, November 2006:
    - Added the StarSeeker Personal Shuttle
    - Updated sales brochure
    The StarSeeker's design is derived from the Gemini Escort but also takes some inspiration from the Yakovlev Yak-58 six-seater general-purpose aircraft.
    v2.0, October 2006:
    - Delta and Strelka ships added
    - External views for player ships
    - Minor tweaks to scripts and ship stats
    - Detailed ship info included in separate pdf file
    The Trident, Gemini and Delta are all my original designs.  The Strelka however is based on the Tu-2000 orbital launch vehicle prototype developed by the Tupolev design bureau during the 1980s. 


    This expansion declares no equipment.


    Delta Long-Range Escort
    Delta Long-Range Escort
    Gemini Escort
    Gemini Escort
    StarSeeker Personal Shuttle
    StarSeeker Personal Shuttle
    Strelka Cruiseliner
    Strelka Cruiseliner
    Trident Executive Shuttle
    Trident Executive Shuttle


    This expansion declares no models.


    Scripts/executivespaceways.js 		= "executivespaceways.js"; 		= "Ramirez";
    this.copyright 		= "June 2010";
    this.description 	= "World script for Executive SpaceWays flight schedule";
    this.version 		= "1.4";
    "use strict";
    this.setUpSystem = function()
            // Sanity check
            if (system.isInterstellarSpace || !system.sun || system.sun.isGoingNova || system.sun.hasGoneNova) { return; }
    	// search for presence of Trident Down dependencies
    	var shld_1, shld_2;
    	if (missionVariables.trident_down === null)
                    shld_1 = 0.96; shld_2 = 0.99;
    	else if (missionVariables.trident_down_completed === "TRUE" && galaxyNumber > 5)
                    shld_1 = 0.85; shld_2 = 0.93;
    	else if (missionVariables.trident_down_completed === "TRUE" && galaxyNumber > 3)
                    shld_1 = 0.80; shld_2 = 0.90;
    	else if (missionVariables.trident_down_completed === "TRUE" && galaxyNumber < 3)
                    shld_1 = 0.90; shld_2 = 0.95;
            else // default for Trident Down mission
    		shld_1 = 0.25; shld_2 = 0.75;
    	this.randomNumber = (Math.random())
    	if (system.countShipsWithRole("trident") == 0) 
    		if (system.government > 4) 
    			if (system.techLevel > 6 && randomNumber > shld_1) 
    				// v1
                                    //system.legacy_addSystemShips("trident", 1, 0.4)
                                    // v2
                                    //system.addShipsToRoute("trident", 1, 0.1 + (Math.random() * 0.7), "wp")
                                    // v3
                                    system.addShips("trident", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
    			if (system.techLevel > 9 && randomNumber > shld_1) 
    				//system.legacy_addSystemShips("trident", 1, 0.4)
    				//system.legacy_addSystemShips("strelka", 1, 0.8)
                                    system.addShips("trident", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
                                    system.addShips("strelka", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
    		if (system.government < 5) 
    			if (randomNumber > shld_2)
    				//system.legacy_addSystemShips("trident", 1, 0.5)
                                    system.addShips("trident", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)
    this.randomPositionOnRoute = function ()
        var end = system.mainPlanet.position;
        end.z -= 2 * system.mainPlanet.radius;
        return Vector3D.interpolate([0,0,0], end, Math.random()).add(Vector3D.randomDirectionAndLength(20E3));
    this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function() 
    this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function() 