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Expansion Telescope v2 Extender+Gravity Scanner



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from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Extends the range of Telescope and scan even farther with Gravity Scanner. Depends on Telescope version 2 Extends the range of Telescope and scan even farther with Gravity Scanner. Depends on Telescope version 2
Identifier oolite.oxp.Norby.cag.Telescope_Extender oolite.oxp.Norby.cag.Telescope_Extender
Title Telescope v2 Extender+Gravity Scanner Telescope v2 Extender+Gravity Scanner
Category Equipment Equipment
Author Norby, cag Norby, cag
Version 2.1 2.1
Tags uber uber
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
  • oolite.oxp.Norby.cag.Telescope:2.1
  • oolite.oxp.Norby.cag.Telescope:2.1
  • Optional Expansions
    Conflict Expansions
  • oolite.oxp.Norby.Telescope:0
  • oolite.oxp.Norby.Telescope_Extender:0
  • oolite.oxp.Norby.Telescope:0
  • oolite.oxp.Norby.Telescope_Extender:0
  • Information URL n/a
    Download URL
    License CC BY-NC-SA 4 CC BY-NC-SA 4
    File Size n/a
    Upload date 1645497035


    Telescope Extender_2.0 readme.txt

    Telescope Extender and Gravity Scanner
    Forum topic:
    Extends the range of Telescope over the normal scanner range and scan even farther with Gravity Scanner.
    Depends on Telescope OXP, separated to keep the simple Telescope low in balance changing scale.
    Telescope Extender Equipment
    You must buy this equipment separatedly to confirm you want step over the rules of the standard game.
    Will increase the detection range based on the size of the target so you can lock it when the core game set it to isVisible and show at least a dot in the sky.
    For example you can see:
    -Adder at 32 km,
    -Viper and escort ships around 50 km (2x scanner range),
    -Anaconda, Boa, Cobra MkIII and Python about 100 km (4x scanner range),
    -Rock Hermit in almost 500 km (if not visible from the Main Station then fly around),
    -Coriolis Station at 1000 km (right from the witchpoint).
     Cost: 500.0 Cr.
     Techlevel: 5
    Gravity Scanner Equipment
    If the mass of your ship more than 130t (Cobra MkIII and above) and there are a station within 5km then you can extend the detection range of Telescope using a mass detector scaled by third power of distance:
    the mass of the target in kg must be larger than d2*d2*d2/100 where d2 = distance*2 in km.
    Detection of the player ships and the Hard versions in HardShips OXP:
    		t	km	Hard t	km
    Adder   	11	52	23	66
    Moray    	40	79	81	100
    Cobra Mk I	47	84	94	106
    Fer-de-Lance	51	86	102	108
    Asp     	59	90	118	114
    Cobra Mk III	186	132	371	167
    Boa     	192	134	385	169
    Phyton  	222	141	445	177
    Anaconda	430	175	1289	253
    Beacons detected in the whole system and Rock Hermits usually also (from 900km).
    A station need to be near due to the largest parts of the gravity scanner system fitted into the stations which broadcasts some important data and need a large mass (at least 10.000t, the station itself) nearby as a reference to refine the results.
    Mobile bases can scan anywhere.
    Need 4 minutes from undock or hyperjump to reach the maximal detection range when your ship is on move.
    The detection progress 4 times faster when your ship is stopped so need at least 60 seconds to fulfil.
    The mass is scaled with the elapsed time: an Anaconda detected at half time as half mass (215t) which mean 140km and need another minute to detect it from the maximal 175km.
    When the gravity detection is done then remain at maximum until docking or jumping due to the computer need to calculate the new areas coming from travel only and not the whole sphere.
    Gravity scanner works only when you turn off your weapons with underscore ("_") button, else visible targets displayed only.
    You can define a more comfortable key in the Oolite/ file.
    Featuring auto-relock which contiunually change your target to the most centered target, so the box will jumping during you turn your ship to help browse the many targets. The ident ("r") button can lock the same target only in this mode, can not step to the second centered target.
    Gravity scan consume 8 energy points (visual scan use 2 only).
    You can hear the sound of the Gravity Scanner when scanning which is remind to the energy usage also.
    Orange and Brown lollipops and lightballs marks the detected targets out of the visible range.
    Brown if the ship is under 130t mass which means small ships, usually escorts - avoid Oranges and target single Browns until your ship is not very strong.
    The mass usually can not tell about a ship is pirate or not, coloured identification need visual contact.
    If you see a lighter ball then there are two or more ship in the same place.
    The smallest orange and brown ball means the target is farther than 150km, these get dark orange and dark brown lollipops.
    Gravity Scanner can not determine the orientation. If the target is not visible then the view position of the visual model will be fixed from the top.
    No passive gravity sensors so AutoScan will happen only if a new target arrive into the visible range.
    When you undock or arrive to a new system then telescope scan performed automatically but if you want to scan the final frontier then you must turn off your weapons.
    Beware: aliens sometimes can detect the signal of the Gravity Scan, so if your ship is not strong then do not use often and pay out the full repair if damaged.
     Cost: 10000.0 Cr.
     Techlevel: 5
    Secondary Gravity Scanner Equipment
    Cut in half the time when can get the full detection range and works as a single scanner if the primary one is damaged.
    Can fit into ships over 400t mass only (Anaconda and heavy OXP ships).
     Cost: 20000.0 Cr.
     Techlevel: 5
    Small Dish Equipment
    Detect ships from one third farther (for example an Asp at 120km) but can fit into ships over 130t mass only (from Cobra MkIII) due to the size.
    Need Gravity Scanner, it is a piece of metal alone.
    Fast CPUs can draw 200 targets without relevant FPS drop, slow systems draw it also but with drop (tested on Intel Atom netbook). In this case turn on Gravity targets if needed only and turn off when reached Telescope range.
    This is not a primable equipment (there are no buttons on the pure alloy) and a passive extension so will not increase the energy usage of the scan.
     Cost: 5000.0 Cr.
     Techlevel: 5
    Large Dish Equipment
    Detect ships from double range (an Asp at 180km) but can fit into ships over 400t mass only (Anaconda and over) due to the size.
    Small Dish will not increase this range further so you can refund it when you buy a Large Dish.
    Ships over 1000t (Hard Anaconda and big OXP ships) can use the hull mass to refine the gravity signals to reach 4 times range than without Large Dish.
    Will show the nearest 200 targets only to save CPU and avoid serious FPS drops in systems with many ships.
     Cost: 10000.0 Cr.
     Techlevel: 5
    Cheap Repairs
    You can buy small fixes for an 1/10 cost of the new equipment instead of the normal 1/2 price but the following drawbacks will be applied:
    Telescope: get back the lightballs but will not fix the virtual model display, auto steering and sniper ring.
    Gravity Scanner: the cheap spare parts can interfere with the hyperdrive and often cause misjumps.
    Small and Large Dish: use less durable alloys and can break during hyperjump.
    After cheap fix you can buy full repair which cost the difference between cheap and normal repair: 2/5 of the full price.
    You can refund the fully repaired equipments only.
    Oolite v1.77 or later. No shaders needed.
    Unzip the file, and then move the folder named ".oxp" into the AddOns directory of your Oolite installation.
    This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 4.0.
    If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to
    ScanSound source:
     2018.04.29. v1.1  Fixed equipment dependencies - cag
     2014.07.06. v1.0  Range extender equipments are separated from Telescope OXP.


    Name Visible Cost [deci-credits] Tech-Level
    Gravity Scanner yes 100000 5+
    Secondary Gravity Scanner yes 200000 5+
    Finish Repair: 2nd Gravity Scanner yes 80000 5+
    Refund 2nd Gravity Scanner yes 0 5+
    Repair: 2nd Gravity Scanner with second-hand parts yes 20000 5+
    Finish Repair: Gravity Scanner yes 40000 5+
    Refund Gravity Scanner yes 0 5+
    Repair: Gravity Scanner with second-hand parts yes 10000 5+
    Large Dish yes 100000 5+
    Finish Repair: Large Dish yes 40000 1+
    Refund Large Dish yes 0 5+
    Repair: Large Dish with wasted alloys yes 10000 1+
    Small Dish yes 50000 5+
    Finish Repair: Small Dish yes 20000 1+
    Refund Small Dish yes 0 5+
    Repair: Small Dish with wasted alloys yes 5000 1+
    Telescope Extender yes 5000 5+
    Repair: Telescope Extender yes 2500 5+
    Refund Telescope Extender yes 0 5+


    This expansion declares no ships. This may be related to warnings.


    This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.


    This expansion declares no scripts.