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Expansion Reverse Control



from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Your ship's up-down and roll controls will be reversed in the aft view, so you can aim exactly as in the front view. The controls in left and right views are normalized also, you can use yaw keys (',' and '.') well. Inertia is implemented from Oolite v1.87 (in forward view too). Your ship's up-down and roll controls will be reversed in the aft view, so you can aim exactly as in the front view. The controls in left and right views are normalized also, you can use yaw keys (',' and '.') well. Inertia is implemented from Oolite v1.87 (in forward view too).
Identifier oolite.oxp.Norby.ReverseControl oolite.oxp.Norby.ReverseControl
Title Reverse Control Reverse Control
Category Mechanics Mechanics
Author Norby, cag Norby, cag
Version 1.8 1.8
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL n/a
License CC BY-NC-SA 4 CC BY-NC-SA 4
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873253


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Reverse Control OXP

When you install this OXP then your ship's up-down and roll controls will be reversed in the aft view, so you can aim exactly as in the front view.

The controls in left and right views are normalized also, but the centre of the roll seems to be not equal with the centre of your view which looks a bit strange but I can not fix. Moreover if your ship is not stopped then even a stationary target will always go out sideways from your crossharis due to you go forward which looks like sideway movement in the side views, so you must constantly roll and pitch again. Should practice the side aim during movement on the navigation buoy first.

If you are not like the roll in side views then use the yaw controls ("," and "." keys) instead of roll.

You can redefine your keys in , for example the following lines put yaw on horizontal arrows and roll to the comma and dot keys:

	key_roll_left				= ",";
	key_roll_right				= ".";
	key_yaw_left				= 253;		// left arrow
	key_yaw_right				= 252;		// right arrow

Oolite v1.77 or later.

Unzip the file, and then move the folder named ".oxp" into the AddOns directory of your Oolite installation.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 4.0.
If you are re-using any piece of this OXP, please let me know by sending an e-mail to

 2018.07.19. v1.8  Fixed for Oolite 1.86 by cag.
 2018.07.04. v1.7  Inertia is implemented by cag to improve keyboard controls in forward view too.
 2017.10.05. v1.6  Calculations are optimized by cag to reduce the frequency of garbage collection.
 2017.03.19. v1.5  Calculations are improved by cag.
 2015.06.20. v1.4  Controls in left and right view are normalized also.
                   Performance improvements, thanks to Lone Wolf.
 2014.08.02. v1.3  Working well with Sniperlock OXP.
 2014.06.09. v1.2  Fixed a clash with Docking Computer.
 2014.05.16. v1.1  Can turn off Sniperlock OXP temporary until the aft view is active.
 2014.05.16. v1.0  Initial release.


This expansion declares no equipment.


This expansion declares no ships.


This expansion declares no models.


Scripts/reversecontrol.js        = "reversecontrol";      = "Norby, cag";
this.copyright   = "2014 Norbert Nagy";
this.licence     = "CC BY-NC-SA 3.0";
this.description = "Reverse up-down control in the aft view.";

	"use strict";
//customizable properties
this.$ReverseControlOn = true;	//can turn off without uninstall
this.$InertiaOn = true; 		// "

//internal properties, should not touch
this.$AxesWritable = oolite.compareVersion("1.87") <= 0;
this.$ReverseControlFCB = null; //FrameCallBack
this.$revCtrlCfg = {	Name:, 
						Display: 	"Reverse Control", 
						Alive:	  	"$revCtrlCfg",
						Notify:		"$versionCheck",
						Bool: {  	B0: { 	Name: 	"$ReverseControlOn", 
											Def:	true, 
											Desc:	"Toggle reverse ctrls"
									B1: { 	Name: 	"$InertiaOn", 
											Def:	true, 
											Desc:	"Toggle inertia"
									Info:	"Inertia for keyboard only (sticks already have it). Settings are independent; you can set either, both or none. NB: Inertia requires a minimum Oolite version of 1.87"  
this.$versionCheck = function versionCheck() {
	var that = versionCheck;
	var wr = (that.wr = that.wr || worldScripts.reversecontrol);

	var writable = oolite.compareVersion("1.87") <= 0;
	if( wr.$InertiaOn && !writable ) {
		wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.inertiaOn = wr.$InertiaOn = false;
		log(, 'this version of Oolite (' + oolite.version + ') cannot support Inertia (need at least 1.87).  Inertia has been disabled.');

//world script events

this.startUpComplete = function () {
	var wLC = worldScripts.Lib_Config;
	if( wLC ) {
		let error = wLC._registerSet( this.$revCtrlCfg );
		if( error !== 0 )
			log(, 'startUpComplete, _registerSet returned error = ' + error );

this.shipWillLaunchFromStation = function shipWillLaunchFromStation() {
	var that = shipWillLaunchFromStation;
	var wr = (that.wr = that.wr || worldScripts.reversecontrol);

	if( wr.$InertiaOn ) { // fcb always on to catch axis reversal
		if( !isValidFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControlFCB ) ) {
			wr.$ReverseControlFCB = addFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.bind(wr) );

this.step1Up = function() {

this.shipWillDockWithStation = function(/*station*/) {
	this.$Stop( true );

this.$nearZero = 1e-6;			// some floating point numbers never === 0

this.viewDirectionChanged = function viewDirectionChanged( view ) {
	var that = viewDirectionChanged;
	var wr = (that.wr = that.wr || worldScripts.reversecontrol);
	var transferFn = (that.transferFn = that.transferFn || wr._transferInertia);// fn ref
	var inertiaFn = (that.inertiaFn = that.inertiaFn || wr._inInertialMotion);	// fn ref
	var nearZero = (that.nearZero = that.nearZero || wr.$nearZero);				// static var

	var revCtrlOn = wr.$ReverseControlOn;
	var inertiaOn = wr.$InertiaOn;
	if( inertiaOn ) {
		var ps = player.ship, pitch = ps.pitch, roll = ps.roll;
		var fcbFn = wr.$ReverseControl_FCB;
		var abs_pitch = pitch < 0 ? -pitch : pitch;
		var abs_roll = roll < 0 ? -roll : roll;
		if( abs_pitch > nearZero || abs_roll > nearZero ) { // have inertia to bleed off (doesn't apply to yaw as same in all views)
			let inertiaType = 0, PITCH = 1, ROLL = 2; 		// bitflags for axes			
			if( revCtrlOn ) 								// set pitch/roll in inertiaFn w/ cross axis values
				transferFn( view, ps, fcbFn.prevPitch, fcbFn.prevRoll ); // use fcb's prev values so 1st call to inertiaFn can calc diffs
			if( abs_pitch > nearZero ){						// only save significant pitch
				inertiaType |= PITCH;
				if( !revCtrlOn )							// transfer prevPitch value
					inertiaFn.pitch = fcbFn.prevPitch;
			if( abs_roll > nearZero ){						// only save significant roll
				inertiaType |= ROLL;
				if( !revCtrlOn )							// transfer prevRoll value
					inertiaFn.roll = fcbFn.prevRoll;
			fcbFn.isInertial = inertiaType;					// bleed off inertia before overriding input
			inertiaFn.keyboardInput = false;
		} else {
			transferFn.lastView = view;
			fcbFn.isInertial = 0;							// no inertia
	switch( view ) {
		case "VIEW_AFT":
		case "VIEW_PORT":
		case "VIEW_FORWARD":								// added for inertia
			if( view === 'VIEW_FORWARD' && !inertiaOn ) {
				wr.$Stop( true );
			} else if( (revCtrlOn || inertiaOn) && 
						!isValidFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControlFCB ) ) {
				wr.$ReverseControlFCB = addFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.bind(wr) );
			wr.$Stop( !inertiaOn );

// moved code in from core so this oxp no longer generates any garbage to be collected (speed is comparable)
this._rotate_about_axis = function _rotate_about_axis( quat, vector, angle, result ) {
	var that = _rotate_about_axis;
	var cos = (that.cos = that.cos || Math.cos);
	var sin = (that.sin = that.sin || Math.sin);
	var rotn = (that.rotn = that.rotn || [0, 0, 0, 0]);

	var a = angle / 2;
	var c = cos(a);
	var s = sin(a);
	// rotation quaternion
	rotn[0] = c;
	rotn[1] = vector[0] * s;
	rotn[2] = vector[1] * s;
	rotn[3] = vector[2] * s;
	// multiply quaternions
	result[0] = quat[0] * rotn[0] - quat[1] * rotn[1] - quat[2] * rotn[2] - quat[3] * rotn[3];
	result[1] = quat[0] * rotn[1] + quat[1] * rotn[0] + quat[2] * rotn[3] - quat[3] * rotn[2];
	result[2] = quat[0] * rotn[2] + quat[2] * rotn[0] + quat[3] * rotn[1] - quat[1] * rotn[3];
	result[3] = quat[0] * rotn[3] + quat[3] * rotn[0] + quat[1] * rotn[2] - quat[2] * rotn[1];

this._transferInertia = function _transferInertia( view, ps, pitch, roll ) {
	var that = _transferInertia;
	var wr = (that.wr = that.wr || worldScripts.reversecontrol);
	var inertiaFn = (that.inertiaFn = that.inertiaFn || wr._inInertialMotion);	// fn ref
	var nearZero = (that.nearZero = that.nearZero || wr.$nearZero);				// static var
	var lastView = (that.lastView = that.lastView || 'VIEW_FORWARD');	// store viewDirection to know where changed from

	var rpRatio = wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.rpRatio;
	var abs_pitch = pitch < 0 ? -pitch : pitch;
	var abs_roll = roll < 0 ? -roll : roll;

	var newPitch, newRoll;
	switch( lastView ) {
		case "VIEW_FORWARD":
			switch( view ) {
				case "VIEW_AFT":
					newPitch = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch : 0;
					newRoll =  abs_roll > nearZero  ? -roll  : 0;
				case "VIEW_PORT":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? roll / rpRatio   : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch * rpRatio : 0;
				case "VIEW_STARBOARD":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? -roll / rpRatio : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? pitch * rpRatio : 0;
				default:	// needed in case hit F5 <d'Oh>
		case "VIEW_AFT":
			switch( view ) {
				case "VIEW_FORWARD":
					newPitch = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch : 0;
					newRoll =  abs_roll > nearZero  ? -roll  : 0;
				case "VIEW_PORT":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? -roll / rpRatio : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? pitch * rpRatio : 0;
				case "VIEW_STARBOARD":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? roll / rpRatio   : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch * rpRatio : 0;
		case "VIEW_PORT":
			switch( view ) {
				case "VIEW_FORWARD":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? -roll /rpRatio  : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? pitch * rpRatio : 0;
				case "VIEW_AFT":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? roll / rpRatio   : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch * rpRatio : 0;
				case "VIEW_STARBOARD":
					newPitch = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch : 0;
					newRoll =  abs_roll > nearZero  ? -roll  : 0;
			switch( view ) {
				case "VIEW_FORWARD":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? roll / rpRatio   : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch * rpRatio : 0;
				case "VIEW_AFT":
					newPitch = abs_roll > nearZero ? -roll / rpRatio : 0;
					newRoll = abs_pitch > nearZero ? pitch * rpRatio : 0;
				case "VIEW_PORT":
					newPitch = abs_pitch > nearZero ? -pitch : 0;
					newRoll =  abs_roll > nearZero  ? -roll  : 0;
	inertiaFn.pitch = ps.pitch = newPitch;	// save inertia values
	inertiaFn.roll = ps.roll = newRoll;
	that.lastView = view;

this._inInertialMotion = function _inInertialMotion( delta, ps, view, isInertial, pitch, roll, yaw ) {
	/* core game differs in how it handles input from joystick/gamepad vs keyboard
	  - when you reverse an axis, say pitch down from an up pitch, the stick handlers reverse from the
		current value through zero and beyond to the opposite maxPitch.  When using the keyboard, a reverse
		immediately sets the rate to zero and proceeds to the maxPitch.  This has the unfortunate consequence
		of cancelling any inertia.  This function attempts to detect when a keyboard is being used and
		simulate the inertial effects that one sees when using a stick.  Stick users should not be
		impacted in any way (hopefully) :)
	var that = _inInertialMotion;
	var wr = (that.wr = that.wr || worldScripts.reversecontrol);
	var nearZero = (that.nearZero = that.nearZero || wr.$nearZero);
	var maxPitch = that.maxPitch = that.maxPitch === undefined ? player.ship.maxPitch : that.maxPitch;	// ship values that may chang
	var maxRoll = that.maxRoll = that.maxRoll === undefined ? player.ship.maxRoll : that.maxRoll;		//  - updated 1/sec in fcb
	var maxYaw = that.maxYaw = that.maxYaw === undefined ? player.ship.maxYaw : that.maxYaw;
	var keyboardInput = that.keyboardInput = that.keyboardInput === undefined ? 0 : that.keyboardInput;
/*	for keyboard: 									(src: PlayerEntityControls.m)
	  [self increase_flight_roll:isCtrlDown ? flightArrowKeyPrecisionFactor*roll_dampner*roll_delta : delta_t*roll_delta];
	  if (!rolling) ... [self decrease_flight_roll:roll_dampner];
	where #define ROLL_DAMPING_FACTOR		1.0f 	(src: PlayerEntity.h)
		  roll_delta = 2.0f * max_flight_roll; 		(src: PlayerEntity.m)
		  roll_dampner = ROLL_DAMPING_FACTOR * delta_t;
	- same goes for pitch & yaw
	- so change in axis is scaled to full +- range (thus 0 to full motion is thus 0.5 sec for all axes)
	- thus, max change frame to frame, maxDelta, is:  delta * 2 * max<axis>
	function adjustKeyInput( axis, prev, curr, abs_curr, max, flag ) {		
		if( prev !== 0 ) {									// prev is set == 0 when it becomes insignificant
			var finished = false;
			let abs_prev = prev < 0 ? -prev : prev;
			if( abs_curr > nearZero ) {
				let diff = abs_prev - abs_curr;
				let abs_diff = diff < 0 ? -diff : diff;
				let maxDelta = delta * 2 * max + nearZero;
				if( curr * prev < 0							// change direction 
						||	(abs_diff > maxDelta &&			//   or keyboard input (core setting to zero!)
							 maxDelta + nearZero >= abs_curr) ) {
					keyboardInput = that.keyboardInput |= flag;
					let newValue = abs_curr > maxDelta ? maxDelta : abs_curr; // use core's value except on change of view
					curr = that[axis] = ps[axis] = prev + newValue * (prev > 0 ? -1 : 1);
					finished = curr * prev < 0;				// exit when inertia has been bled off, ie. cross zero
				} else {									// input agrees w/ inertial direction
					finished = true;
			} else if( curr === 0 ) {						// zero => no input or both axis keys pressed, so dampen
				keyboardInput = that.keyboardInput |= flag;
				curr = that[axis] = ps[axis] = prev + delta * (prev > 0 ? -1 : 1);
				finished = abs_prev < delta;
			if( finished )	{					
				prev = that[axis] = 0;
				keyboardInput = that.keyboardInput &= ~flag;

	var PITCH = 1, ROLL = 2, YAW = 4, 						// bitflags for axes
		prevPitch, abs_pitch, prevRoll, abs_roll, prevYaw, abs_yaw;
	abs_pitch = pitch < 0 ? -pitch : pitch;
	abs_roll = roll < 0 ? -roll : roll;
	abs_yaw = yaw < 0 ? -yaw : yaw;
	prevPitch = that.pitch === undefined ? 0 : that.pitch;	// load saved values from previous frame
	prevRoll = that.roll === undefined ? 0 : that.roll;
	prevYaw = that.yaw === undefined ? 0 : that.yaw;
	that.pitch = abs_pitch > nearZero ? pitch : 0;			// only save significant pitch
	that.roll = abs_roll > nearZero ? roll : 0;
	that.yaw = abs_yaw > nearZero ? yaw : 0;
	adjustKeyInput( 'pitch', prevPitch, pitch, abs_pitch, maxPitch, PITCH );
	adjustKeyInput( 'roll', prevRoll, roll, abs_roll, maxRoll, ROLL );
	adjustKeyInput( 'yaw', prevYaw, yaw, abs_yaw, maxYaw, YAW );
	if( !keyboardInput || (prevPitch === 0 && prevRoll === 0 && prevYaw === 0) ) {
		keyboardInput = that.keyboardInput = 0;
		that.pitch = that.roll = that.yaw = 0;
		return false;
	return keyboardInput;

/*		(function() {	// IIFE for neither
var wr = worldScripts.reversecontrol;
wr.$Stop( true );
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.revCtrlOn = wr.$ReverseControlOn = false;
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.inertiaOn = wr.$InertiaOn = false;
log('ReverseControlOn = ' + wr.$ReverseControlOn + ', InertiaOn = ' + wr.$InertiaOn + 
	', FCB ' + (isValidFrameCallback(wr.$ReverseControlFCB) ? 'is running' : 'not registered') );
})() //*/

/*		(function() {	// IIFE for ReverseControl only
var wr = worldScripts.reversecontrol;
wr.$Stop( true );
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.revCtrlOn = wr.$ReverseControlOn = true;
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.inertiaOn = wr.$InertiaOn = false;
if( player.ship.viewDirection !== 'VIEW_FORWARD' )
	wr.$ReverseControlFCB = addFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.bind(wr) );
log('ReverseControlOn = ' + wr.$ReverseControlOn + ', InertiaOn = ' + wr.$InertiaOn +
	', FCB ' + (isValidFrameCallback(wr.$ReverseControlFCB) ? 'is running' : 'not registered') );
})() //*/

/*		(function() {	// IIFE for Inertia only
var wr = worldScripts.reversecontrol;
wr.$Stop( true );
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.revCtrlOn = wr.$ReverseControlOn = false;
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.inertiaOn = wr.$InertiaOn = true;
if( wr.$InertiaOn )
	wr.$ReverseControlFCB = addFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.bind(wr) );
log('ReverseControlOn = ' + wr.$ReverseControlOn + ', InertiaOn = ' + wr.$InertiaOn +
	', FCB ' + (isValidFrameCallback(wr.$ReverseControlFCB) ? 'is running' : 'not registered') );
})() //*/

/*		(function() {	// IIFE for both
var wr = worldScripts.reversecontrol;
wr.$Stop( true );
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.revCtrlOn = wr.$ReverseControlOn = true;
wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.inertiaOn = wr.$InertiaOn = true;
if( wr.$InertiaOn )
	wr.$ReverseControlFCB = addFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.bind(wr) );
log('ReverseControlOn = ' + wr.$ReverseControlOn + ', InertiaOn = ' + wr.$InertiaOn +
	', FCB ' + (isValidFrameCallback(wr.$ReverseControlFCB) ? 'is running' : 'not registered') );
})() //*/

// 		console.script.wr = worldScripts.reversecontrol;
// = player.ship;
//		wr.$ReverseControlOn = true;
//		wr.$ReverseControlOn = false;
//		wr.$InertiaOn = true;
//		wr.$InertiaOn = false;
//		wr.$ReverseControlFCB
//		:time wr.$ReverseControl_FCB( 0.02 )
//		log('ReverseControlOn = ' + wr.$ReverseControlOn + ', InertiaOn = ' + wr.$InertiaOn );

/*		(function() {	// IIFE for debug console
var wr = worldScripts.reversecontrol;
wr.$Stop( true );
if( wr.$InertiaOn || player.ship.viewDirection !== 'VIEW_FORWARD' )
	wr.$ReverseControlFCB = addFrameCallback( wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.bind(wr) );
log('ReverseControlOn = ' + wr.$ReverseControlOn + ', InertiaOn = ' + wr.$InertiaOn +
	', FCB ' + (isValidFrameCallback(wr.$ReverseControlFCB) ? 'is running' : 'not registered') );
})() //*/

//ReverseControl methods
this.$ReverseControl_FCB = function ReverseControl_FCB( delta ) { //FrameCallBack
	var that = ReverseControl_FCB;
	var wr = (that.wr = that.wr || worldScripts.reversecontrol);
	var _rotate_about_axis = (that._rotate_about_axis = that._rotate_about_axis || wr._rotate_about_axis);	// fn ref
	var _inInertialMotion = (that._inInertialMotion = that._inInertialMotion || wr._inInertialMotion);		//  "
	var nearZero = (that.nearZero = that.nearZero || wr.$nearZero);				// static var
	var revCtrlOn = (that.revCtrlOn = that.revCtrlOn || wr.$ReverseControlOn);	// static var's (can change in stn but new fcb created)
	var inertiaOn = (that.inertiaOn = that.inertiaOn || wr.$InertiaOn);			//  "
	var orient = (that.orient = that.orient || []);	// working quaternion
	var step1 = (that.step1 = that.step1 || []);	// working vector
	var step2 = (that.step2 = that.step2 || []);	//	"
	var prevVR = (that.prevVR = that.prevVR || []);	// vectorRight from previous frame
	var prevVF = (that.prevVF = that.prevVF || []);	// vectorForward "
	var prevVU = (that.prevVU = that.prevVU || []);	// vectorUp      "
	var prevPitch = that.prevPitch = that.prevPitch === undefined ? 0 : that.prevPitch;	// pitch from previous frame
	var prevRoll = that.prevRoll = that.prevRoll === undefined ? 0 : that.prevRoll;		// roll "
	var prevYaw = that.prevYaw = that.prevYaw === undefined ? 0 : that.prevYaw;			// yaw  "
	var isInertial = that.isInertial = that.isInertial === undefined ? 0 : that.isInertial;	// flag for input override
	var sumDelta = that.sumDelta = that.sumDelta === undefined ? null : that.sumDelta;			// counter for per second updates (null as used as flag for 1st time)
	var lastView = that.lastView = that.lastView === lastView ? 'VIEW_FORWARD' : that.lastView;// to separate view chg's from reversals
	var axesWritable = that.axesWritable = that.axesWritable === undefined ? wr.$AxesWritable : that.axesWritable;	
	// - flag for compatible version (axis writability only supported starting in 1.87)
	var rpRatio = (that.rpRatio = that.rpRatio || 2);	// relative difference in angular speed of roll vs pitch
	// - makes motion consistent (closed loophole where you could pitch faster than maxPitch by switching view to port/starboard and rolling)

	function copy_vector( a, b ) { 							// a -> b
		b[0] = a[0];
		b[1] = a[1];
		b[2] = a[2];
	function copy_quaternion( a, b ) {						// a -> b
		b[0] = a[0];
		b[1] = a[1];
		b[2] = a[2];
		b[3] = a[3];
	function checkReversal( axis, prev, curr, abs_curr, flag ) {
		let abs_prev = prev < 0 ? -prev : prev;
		if( abs_prev < nearZero ) return;
		if( prev * curr < 0 || curr === 0 ) { 				// different signs or zero => no input or both axis keys pressed
			_inInertialMotion[axis] = prev;					// save inertia values
			_inInertialMotion.keyboardInput &= ~flag;		// reset flag (determined in _inInertialMotion)
			isInertial = that.isInertial |= flag;			// set flag for axis
    var PITCH = 1, ROLL = 2, YAW = 4, 		// bitflags for axes
		angle, ps = player.ship;
    if( ps && ps.isValid && !ps.docked && (revCtrlOn || inertiaOn) && ps.AI != "dockingAI.plist" ) {
		var origPitch, pitch, abs_pitch, origRoll, roll, abs_roll, yaw, abs_yaw,
			view = ps.viewDirection;
		origPitch = pitch = ps.pitch;
		origRoll = roll = ps.roll;
		yaw = ps.yaw;
		if( sumDelta === null ) { 			// 1st time thru, ie. 1st frame in this view
			that.sumDelta = 1;				// force update of max values
			copy_vector( ps.vectorForward, prevVF )
			copy_vector( ps.vectorRight, prevVR )
			copy_vector( ps.vectorUp, prevVU )
			prevPitch = pitch;
			prevRoll = roll;
			prevYaw = yaw;
		if( sumDelta >= 1 ) {				// limit refreshing values to 1/second
			that.sumDelta = 0;				//  - are periodically updated to detect change from equipment, battle damage or oxp's
			let maxRoll = ps.maxRoll;
			let maxPitch = ps.maxPitch;
			rpRatio = that.rpRatio = maxRoll / maxPitch;
			_inInertialMotion.maxRoll = maxRoll;
			_inInertialMotion.maxPitch = maxPitch;
			_inInertialMotion.maxYaw = ps.maxYaw;
		that.sumDelta += delta;
		abs_pitch = pitch < 0 ? -pitch : pitch;
		abs_roll = roll < 0 ? -roll : roll;
		abs_yaw = yaw < 0 ? -yaw : yaw;
		if( inertiaOn && axesWritable ) {
			if( view === that.lastView ) {	// must separate view chgs & reversals else they could cancel each other
				checkReversal( 'pitch', prevPitch, pitch, abs_pitch, PITCH );
				checkReversal( 'roll', prevRoll, roll, abs_roll, ROLL );
				checkReversal( 'yaw', prevYaw, yaw, abs_yaw, YAW );
			that.lastView = view;
		if( isInertial !== 0 && axesWritable ) {  	// delay correcting until inertia bleeds off
			let result = _inInertialMotion( delta, ps, view, isInertial, pitch, roll, yaw );
			if( result === false ) {
				isInertial = that.isInertial = 0;	// ending inertial phase
			} else {
				if( result & PITCH ) {
					pitch = _inInertialMotion.pitch;
					abs_pitch = pitch < 0 ? -pitch : pitch;
				if( result & ROLL ) {
					roll = _inInertialMotion.roll;
					abs_roll = roll < 0 ? -roll : roll;
				if( result & YAW ) {
					yaw = _inInertialMotion.yaw;
					abs_yaw = yaw < 0 ? -yaw : yaw;
		if( abs_pitch > nearZero || abs_roll > nearZero || (isInertial & YAW && abs_yaw > nearZero) ) {
			// yaw treated only on reversal, as it doesn't change from one view to another
			copy_quaternion( ps.orientation, orient );
			let setOrientation = false, 
				lastQuat = orient;		// each view alternates step1, step2, so _rotate_about_axis always gets diff quats
			switch( view ) {
				case "VIEW_FORWARD": 	// aligns w/ input, so only concerned w/ inertia				
					if( abs_pitch > nearZero && isInertial & PITCH ) {
						angle = -pitch * delta;
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVR, angle, lastQuat = step1);
						setOrientation = true;
					if( abs_roll > nearZero && isInertial & ROLL) {
						angle = -roll * delta;
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVF, angle, lastQuat = step2);
						setOrientation = true;
				case "VIEW_AFT":
					if( abs_pitch > nearZero && (revCtrlOn || isInertial & PITCH) ) {
						angle = pitch * delta * (revCtrlOn ? 1 : -1);
						angle *= revCtrlOn ? 2 : 1;		// 2 * incl's correcting for cmd that got us here
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVR, angle, lastQuat = step1);
						setOrientation = true;
					if( abs_roll > nearZero && (revCtrlOn || isInertial & ROLL) ) {
						angle = roll * delta * (revCtrlOn ? 1 : -1);
						angle *= revCtrlOn ? 2 : 1;		// 2 * incl's correcting for cmd that got us here
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVF, angle, lastQuat = step2);
						setOrientation = true;
				case "VIEW_PORT":
					// important to alternate prevVR, prevVF,...; doing prevVR, prevVF, prevVF, prevVR as before
					// will cause center to be off vertically; but this way, only set ps.orientation once, not 4 times
					if( abs_pitch > nearZero && (revCtrlOn || isInertial & PITCH) ) {		//pitch -> -roll
						angle = (revCtrlOn ? origPitch : -pitch) * delta;
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVR, angle, lastQuat = step1);		// - undo this frame's pitch
						if( revCtrlOn ) {
							angle = -pitch * delta * rpRatio;
							_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVF, angle, lastQuat = step2);	// - apply pitch cmd as roll
						setOrientation = true;
/*	for dampening (no input)  						(src: PlayerEntityControls.m)
		self decrease_flight_roll:roll_dampner]
		roll_dampner = ROLL_DAMPING_FACTOR * delta_t; 
		#define ROLL_DAMPING_FACTOR		1.0f  		(src: PlayerEntity.h)
	- so time to decay to zero varies with each axis
	- as we're swapping axes, an adjustment is needed to correct the decay time
						let abs_prevP = prevPitch < 0 ? -prevPitch : prevPitch;
						if( abs_prevP > abs_pitch && axesWritable ) {	// dampening
							let adjustment = delta - delta / rpRatio; 	// +delta (undo pitch time) - delta/rpRatio (add roll time)
							pitch = ps.pitch = ps.pitch + adjustment * (pitch < 0 ? -1 : 1); // rolling ship, lengthen dampening time
					if( abs_roll > nearZero && (revCtrlOn || isInertial & ROLL) ) {			//roll -> pitch
						if( revCtrlOn ) {
							angle = roll * delta / rpRatio;
							_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVR, angle, lastQuat = step1);	// - apply roll cmd as pitch
						angle = (revCtrlOn ? origRoll : -roll) * delta;
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVF, angle, lastQuat = step2);		// - undo this frame's roll
						setOrientation = true;
						let abs_prevR = prevRoll < 0 ? -prevRoll : prevRoll;
						if( abs_prevR > abs_roll && axesWritable ) { 	// dampening
							let adjustment = delta - delta * rpRatio; 	// +delta (undo roll time) - delta * rpRatio (add pitch time)
							roll = ps.roll = ps.roll + adjustment * (roll < 0 ? -1 : 1); 	// rolling ship, shorten dampening time
				case "VIEW_STARBOARD":
					// important to alternate prevVR, prevVF,...; doing prevVR, prevVF, prevVF, prevVR as before
					// will cause center to be off vertically; but this way, only set ps.orientation once, not 4 times
					if( abs_pitch > nearZero && (revCtrlOn || isInertial & PITCH) ) {		//pitch -> -roll
						angle = (revCtrlOn ? origPitch : -pitch) * delta;
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVR, angle, lastQuat = step1); 		// - undo this frame's pitch
						if( revCtrlOn ) {
							angle = pitch * delta * rpRatio;
							_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVF, angle, lastQuat = step2);	// - apply pitch cmd as roll
						setOrientation = true;
						let abs_prevP = prevPitch < 0 ? -prevPitch : prevPitch;
						if( abs_prevP > abs_pitch && axesWritable ) { 	// dampening
							let adjustment = delta - delta / rpRatio; 	// +delta (undo pitch time) - delta/rpRatio (add roll time)
							pitch = ps.pitch = ps.pitch + adjustment * (pitch < 0 ? -1 : 1); // rolling ship, lengthen dampening time
					if( abs_roll > nearZero && (revCtrlOn || isInertial & ROLL) ) {			//roll -> pitch
						if( revCtrlOn ) {
							angle = -roll * delta / rpRatio;
							_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVR, angle, lastQuat = step1);	// - apply roll cmd as pitch
						angle = (revCtrlOn ? origRoll : -roll) * delta;
						_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVF, angle, lastQuat = step2);		// - undo this frame's roll
						setOrientation = true;
						let abs_prevR = prevRoll < 0 ? -prevRoll : prevRoll;
						if( abs_prevR > abs_roll && axesWritable ) { 	// dampening
							let adjustment = delta - delta * rpRatio; 	// +delta (undo roll time) - delta * rpRatio (add pitch time)
							roll = ps.roll = ps.roll + adjustment * (roll < 0 ? -1 : 1); 	// pitching ship, shorten dampening time
					wr.$Stop( !wr.$InertiaOn );
			if( isInertial & YAW && abs_yaw > nearZero ) {	// put result in orient to keep it simple
				angle = -yaw * delta;
				_rotate_about_axis(lastQuat, prevVU, angle, lastQuat = orient);
				setOrientation = true;
			if( setOrientation ) ps.orientation = lastQuat;
		copy_vector( ps.vectorForward, prevVF )
		copy_vector( ps.vectorRight, prevVR )
		copy_vector( ps.vectorUp, prevVU )
		that.prevPitch = pitch;
		that.prevRoll = roll;
		that.prevYaw = yaw;
    } else {
		wr.$Stop( true );

this.$Stop = function Stop( force ) {
	var that = Stop;
	var wr = (that.wr = that.wr || worldScripts.reversecontrol);

	if( force || !wr.$InertiaOn ) {
		var rcFCB = wr.$ReverseControlFCB;
		if( rcFCB && isValidFrameCallback( rcFCB ) ) {
			removeFrameCallback( rcFCB );
			wr.$ReverseControlFCB = null;
		wr.$ReverseControl_FCB.sumDelta = null; // internal flag to reload values

this.$ReverseControl_FCB = function( delta ) { //FrameCallBack, improved by cag
    var ps = player.ship;
    var a, c = null;
    if( ps && ps.isValid && !ps.docked && this.$ReverseControlOn && ps.AI != "dockingAI.plist" ) {
	var prevori = this.$ReverseControlPrevOri;
	if( prevori ) switch ( ps.viewDirection ) {
	    case "VIEW_AFT":
		//reverse up-down
		a = ps.pitch * delta;
		c = prevori.vectorRight();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 2 * a ); // 2 * incl's correcting for pitch cmd that got us here
		//reverse roll
		a = ps.roll * delta;
		c = prevori.vectorForward();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 2 * a ); // 2 * incl's correcting for roll cmd that got us here
	    case "VIEW_PORT":
		//pitch -> roll
		a = ps.pitch * delta;
		c = prevori.vectorRight();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 1 * a ); // - 1st undo this frame's pitch
		c = prevori.vectorForward();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, -1 * a ); // - now apply pitch cmd as roll
		//roll -> -pitch
		a = ps.roll * delta;
		c = prevori.vectorForward();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 1 * a ); // - 1st undo this frame's roll
		c = prevori.vectorRight();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 1 * a ); // - now apply roll cmd as pitch
	    case "VIEW_STARBOARD":
		//pitch -> roll
		a = ps.pitch * delta;
		c = prevori.vectorRight();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 1 * a ); // - 1st undo this frame's pitch
		c = prevori.vectorForward();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 1 * a ); // - now apply pitch cmd as roll
		//roll -> -pitch
		a = ps.roll * delta;
		c = prevori.vectorForward();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 1 * a ); // - 1st undo this frame's roll
		c = prevori.vectorRight();
		ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, -1 * a ); // - now apply roll cmd as pitch
	this.$ReverseControlPrevOri = ps.orientation;
    } else {
	this.$ReverseControlPrevOri = null;

this.$ReverseControl_FCB_old = function( delta ) { //FrameCallBack, old version
	var ps = player.ship;
	if( ps && ps.isValid && !ps.docked && this.$ReverseControlOn && ps.AI != "dockingAI.plist" ) {
		var prevori = this.$ReverseControlPrevOri;
		if( prevori ) switch ( ps.viewDirection ) {
			case "VIEW_AFT":
				//reverse up-down
				//var a = ps.heading.angleTo( prevori.vectorUp() ) - Math.PI / 2; //buggy with sniperlock
				var a = ps.pitch * delta;
				var c = prevori.vectorRight();
				ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 2 * a );
				//reverse roll
				//var a = ps.orientation.vectorRight().angleTo( prevori.vectorUp() ) - Math.PI / 2; //buggy with sniperlock
				var a = ps.roll * delta;
				var c = prevori.vectorForward();
				ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 2 * a );
			case "VIEW_PORT":
				//pitch -> roll
				var a = ps.pitch * delta;
				var c = prevori.vectorForward();
				ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, -2 * a );
				//roll -> -pitch
				var a = ps.roll * delta;
				var c = prevori.vectorRight();
				ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 2 * a );
				//pitch -> -roll
				var a = ps.pitch * delta;
				var c = prevori.vectorForward();
				ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, 2 * a );
				//roll -> pitch
				var a = ps.roll * delta;
				var c = prevori.vectorRight();
				ps.orientation = ps.orientation.rotate( c, -2 * a );
		this.$ReverseControlPrevOri = ps.orientation;
	} else {
		this.$ReverseControlPrevOri = null;
