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Expansion Cobra Mk III-XT



from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description This is the upgraded Cobra Mk III originally known as the Xeceesian Transformation This is the upgraded Cobra Mk III originally known as the Xeceesian Transformation
Identifier oolite.oxp.CaptSolo.Cobra_Mk3-XT oolite.oxp.CaptSolo.Cobra_Mk3-XT
Title Cobra Mk III-XT Cobra Mk III-XT
Category Ships Ships
Author CaptSolo CaptSolo
Version 1.4 1.4
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL n/a
License CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873494


Also read


Ship OXP:  Cobra Mark III-XT

There is still a brisk demand for the Cobra Mark III as evidenced by the growing number of lone wolf traders who think they have what it takes to succeed. What is better than a Cobra Mark III for about the same price? Why a ship that looks just like the old rust bucket, but with modern upgrades to boost all-round performance, including a modest increase in cargo capacity.

1) Improved interior spacial efficiency:
2) Kruger "lightfast" motors replaced with smaller but more powerful dual ProTren engines.
3) Energy plant replaced with superior Xenion unit. 

1) Max energy increased to 320 (five energy banks).
2) Energy recharge rate increased to 4.5.
3) Max flight speed increased to 0.375 LM, thrust increased to 36.
4) Max cargo increased to 40 CT.
5) Weapons & Equipment pylons increased to six

The Black Knaves
Little is known about this secretive clan except that they are a criminal organization. Their base of operations has never been discovered despite the best efforts of GalCop and the Galactic Navy. When they observed the Cobra Mark III-XT leaving the shipyards at Xecees and later at the new shipyard on Ontiat, they coveted them for their own. They hatched a daring plan (they are birds after all) to steal a fair number of these ships. Suffice it to say their plan succeeded only to well, and continues to succeed to this day. Even more disturbing are the reports of vicious and unprovoked attacks on ships upon exiting witchspace. Some experts have surmised from the evidence that candidates can only be allowed into the order if they pass a test of feudal challenge. Their purposes may be shrouded in mystery, but it would seem they will not attack anyone who has not at least achieved the rank of Dangerous.

OXP Minimum Requirements:
Oolite 1.80+
Manual Installation:
After unzipping, move or copy the folder, "Cobra_Mk3-XT1.4.oxz" into your AddOns folder.  Where that resides depends on your Oolite installation.

New original models and textures by the author.
Custom shaders and NPC decals from Griff's normalmapped ships.
Custom player decal.
Black Knave spawn script by another_commander and ship script by Ian Smith.
Black Knave shout outs by the author. 

Play Testers:
The author.

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License version 3.0

Version History:
1.4 - October 2014 - Black Knave custom role reinstated. New original models and textures.
1.3 - February 2014 - Removed Black Knave custom role. New models and textures as detailed above.
1.2 - January 2013 - Changed spawn script, removed NPC Cloaking Device chance.
1.1 - November 2011 - tweaked model, new textures, and custom shaders.
1.0 - August 2011 - changes noted in the readme file.
0.95 - July 2011 


This expansion declares no equipment.


Cobra Mk. III-XT 'Black Knave'
Cobra3-XT Forward Laser
Cobra Mark III-XT
Cobra3-XT Forward Laser
Cobra3-XT Forward Laser


This expansion declares no models.


/*jslint white: true, onevar: true, browser: false, evil: true, undef: true, nomen: true, regexp: true, plusplus: true, bitwise: true, newcap: true, maxerr: 50, indent: 4 */        = "bk";      = "m4r35n357";
this.copyright   = "© 2011 m4r35n357 (Ian Smith), Creative Commons: attribution, non-commercial, sharealike.";
this.description = "Cobra3XT Black Knave ship script"; 
this.version     = "1.0";

// AI extension callbacks
this.$scanForTarget = function () { = player.ship;
// Added by Okti
this.shipDied = function(whom,why)
//	if(whom.isPlayer)
//	{
//	}
this.shipSpawned = function()
//	this.ship.reportAIMessages = true;
	this.attacked = false;
	this.firstMessage = false;
this.Attacked = function()
		this.attacked = true;
this.firstAttack = function()
		this.ggFMTimer = new Timer(this,this.delayMessage,10,0);
		this.firstMessage = true;
this.delayMessage = function()
// Standard attributes           = "Spawn Black Knave";         = "another_commander"; 
this.copyright      = "This script is hereby placed in the public domain."; 
this.version        = "1.01"; 
this.description    = "Script to rarely add a Black Knave piloting Cobra Mark 3-XT on exiting witchspace."; 

// Configuration
this.role1 = "black_knave"; 
this.count1 = 1;

// Black Knave will be spawned at WP only if (random number and player rating) = true

this.shipWillExitWitchspace = function()
	if (Math.random() >= 0.975 && player.score >= 512)   
		system.addShips(this.role1, this.count1, player.ship.position, 10000);