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Expansion Thargorn Threat



  1. License not specified
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from Expansion Manager's OXP list from Expansion Manifest
Description Adds 3 powerfull thargoid ships to the game. A Terrorizer Frigate, the Thargorn Battleship and the Thorgorn Cruiser Adds 3 powerfull thargoid ships to the game. A Terrorizer Frigate, the Thargorn Battleship and the Thorgorn Cruiser
Identifier oolite.oxp.ArexackHeretic.ThargornThreat oolite.oxp.ArexackHeretic.ThargornThreat
Title Thargorn Threat Thargorn Threat
Category Ships Ships
Author Arexack Heretic Arexack Heretic
Version 1.5.2 1.5.2
Tags Terrorizer Frigate, Thargorn Battleship, Thorgorn Cruiser Terrorizer Frigate, Thargorn Battleship, Thorgorn Cruiser
Required Oolite Version
Maximum Oolite Version
Required Expansions
Optional Expansions
Conflict Expansions
Information URL n/a
Download URL n/a
File Size n/a
Upload date 1610873296


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== Thargoid Witchspace Supremacy ==

Released: 15 april 2012
By: Arexack_Heretic
Updates by: Eric Walch

-Oolite version 1.75 and up

-Behemoth.oxp version 2.1 and up


This is an experiment to even out the odds of witchspace-skirmishes, to present a little more challenge in WS when the Behemoth.OXP. For every behemoth in witchspace two thargoids appear.
A small difficulty with scanForThargoid/scanForNonThargoid leads to thargoid-on-thargid aggression, hopefully this can be resolved soon. For now I am using multiple copies of the thargoid warship, instead of thargoid(%) to affect frequencies of appearance.

Legal stuff:
Created under Creative Commons License, as expansion on Oolite, created by Giles Williams (Aegidian).
Look the relevant stuff up at
In short however; anyone is welcome to expand to or use parts of this OXP as long as credit is given where due, and as long as not in any commercial enterprise. 


This OXP adds a little more credibility to the thargoid-menace and a reason for the 
Behemoths to receive continued funding from Gal-coop. 
It seems that the Thargoid fleet is encroaching ever more into Gal-Coop space.
Up until now only scout and raider-class warships have been a common sight for spacefarers, 
but with the Thargoid core-fleet approaching, more varying ship designs have been spotted by the Navy.
Behemoths are being grouped into task-forces to face the oncoming onslaught.
One saving grace for humanity (and friendly alien-kind) is that these groups of thargoids seem more prone to in-fighting, 
thargoid specialists argue this is possibly due to royal-pretenders arising among the larger populations.

-Thargoid Frigate: A small warship, often flies escort to larger ships.
-Thargoid Invader: Similar configuration to a warship, carries a single small plasmafork.
-Thargoid Cruiser: Larger than a warship, has multiple lasers. weakness: destroy the superstructures first.
-Thargoid Battleship: Extremely dangerous, same frame, but considerably more powerful than the cruiser. Besides the standard thargoid-lasers touts five plasmaforks. Can survive an energybomb and potentially destroy a Behemoth in a 1vs1 fight.

It may be advisable to run away from thargoids again, if you are just starting out.
Even with a powerful ship, you should be careful when attacked by two battleships.
Have fun bug-smashing!


15 april 2012
- Added code for compatibility with interstellarTweaks.oxp
- lowered the change of a thargoid encounter in interstellar space.

30 march 2012
- Prevent timer from firing in the wrong system when the player makes a rapid succession of jumps.
- Removed 2 ship scripts that are no longer needed for current Oolite.

February 2011
- Raised minimum Oolite to 1.74.
- Fixed a wrong thargon launch position. Was behind the ship but should be below the ship.
- Used the group feature to make thargoid-thargoid attacks less likely.
- Converted some of the XML plists to ascii.

15 june 2010
- Added the shader from freaky thargoid to the ships.

28 june 2009
- Found an outdated AI command that probably will stop working in oolite 1.74. (Has been in the code for a long time and copied from an old escortAI.plist)

26 june 2009:
- Added a like_ship reference to the original thargoids. This way it will use the shaders from the Freaky Thargoid.oxp when that oxp is installed.

12 june 2009:
-is no longer checking for ships with role behemoth in witchspace, but for all heavy police ships. This way the thargoids are better prepared for future changes with other police battle ships added in witchspace. Checks currently only for Gal-Coop (=police), not for military ships.
-removed a bug by which it sometimes could try to add 0 targoid battleships.
-fixed one "thargoid-mothership" role that missed for one ship in the last update.

21 november 2008:
-added a javascript for adding ships.
-added a delayed counter for behemoths because the Javacript version of the behemoths.oxp added it ships after thargorn threat did the count.
-lowered the total thargoid count a bit, but the script now explicitly adds a few of the stronger ships when it detects a behemoth.
-the script also detects galactic navy ships in witchspace.
-removed the expandable [d100_number] bounty as this led to extreme low bounties.
-added a "thargoid-mothership" role to the thargoids. This role was added with oolite 1.71 to differentiate between the robot fighters and the mothers.

6 oktober 2007:
-fixed thargoid internecine warfare.
-fixed escorts being set to escortAI by default, now is set to thargoid-escortAI in launch_actions.
-fiddled with thargoid cargo: thargoid-transport, -10% maneuvering, speed, etc. carries thargoid cargo.
-copied thargoid-cargo model and shipdata from wrex-cargo.oxp. added death_actions spawning cargo to transport.
-altered script to create more massive battles.
-experiment with variable bounties using expandable [d100_number].

22 august 2006
- initial release.


This expansion declares no equipment. This may be related to warnings.


Alien cargo
Thargoid Robot Fighter
Thargoid Warship
Thargoid Invader
Thargoid Invader
Thargoid Warship
Thargoid Warship
Thargoid Thargorn Battleship
Thargoid Superstructure
Thargoid component
Thargoid Thorgon Cruiser
Terroriser Frigate
Thargoid Transport
Thargoid Plasma Fork


This expansion declares no models. This may be related to warnings.


Scripts/ThargornWitchspaceBattle.js        = "Thargorn_Witchspace_Battle";      = "Arexack Heretic (ported and improved into JS by Eric Walch)";
this.copyright   = "� 2008 Creative Commons: attribution, non-commercial, sharealike."; 
this.description = "This script adds thargoids in interstellar space"; 
this.version     = "1.5.2"; 
"use strict";

this.startUp = function ()
   this.interstellarTweaksInstalled = (worldScripts["IST_masterScript"] != undefined);

this.shipExitedWitchspace = function ()
	if (system.isInterstellarSpace)
        if (this.thargoidTimer && this.thargoidTimer.isRunning){this.thargoidTimer.stop();}// we had a timer running from a previous jump.

        // Added by UK_Eliter to work with interstellarTweaks.oxp.
		if (this.interstellarTweaksInstalled && worldScripts.IST_masterScript.modifyThreatOXP) 

this.normalAddBugs = function ()
    if (Math.random() > 0.66 && system.countEntitiesWithScanClass("CLASS_THARGOID") == 0)
        this.thargoidGroup = system.addGroup("thargoid", Math.ceil(Math.random()*3), [0, -2500, 10000], 1000); = "Thargorn Threat";
        //log(, "Adding "+this.thargoidGroup.count+" thargoids to the system");
    this.thargoidTimer = new Timer(this, this.addThargoids, 10+Math.random()*50);

this.modifiedAddBugs = function ()
   var chance = (Math.ceil(Math.random() * 7) );
   switch (chance)
      case 1: this.normalAddBugs(); break;
      case 2: this.thargoidTimer = new Timer(this, this.addThargoids, 15+Math.random()*200); break;
      default: break;

this.addThargoids = function ()
	if (!system.isInterstellarSpace) return; // player could have jumed again.

	var police = system.entitiesWithScanClass("CLASS_POLICE");  // build array of only police, no military.
	// do heavy ships (Like "behemoth")
	function heavyShips(entity) {return entity.mass > 50E6}; 
	var heavyCount = police.filter(heavyShips).length; 
	// do medium + heavy ships (Like "navy-frigate")
	function mediumShips(entity) {return entity.mass > 5E6}; 
	var mediumCount = police.filter(mediumShips).length; 

	if (heavyCount > 0) this.addToGroup(system.addShips("thargoid", heavyCount, [0, 2500, 10000], 5000));
	if (Math.random() > 0.33)
		if (mediumCount > 0) this.addToGroup(system.addShips("thargoid-thargorn", mediumCount, [0, -2500, 10000], 5000));
		if (heavyCount > 0) this.addToGroup(system.addShips("thargoid-thorgon", heavyCount, [0, 15000, 5000], 5000));
	// log(,"Detected "+heavyCount+" heavy police ships and "+ (mediumCount - heavyCount) +" medium police ships in witchspace")

this.addToGroup = function (ships)
    if (!ships) return;
    if (!this.thargoidGroup) this.thargoidGroup = new ShipGroup("Thargorn Threat");
    for (var i = 0; i < ships.length; i++)
        ships[i].group = this.thargoidGroup;

	Mass Galactic Navy frigate: 5,678,923
	Mass Behemoth type 1: 61,461,096
	Mass Behemoth type 2: 71,639,472